Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 147 Normal performance


A day passed outside.

Luo Jia in the space-time realm has lived in Phoenix City for more than half a year.

After the dean persuaded him to come out of the gloom that day, he charged him a high consulting fee, not counting all the fruits in his hand, and signed an installment payment contract.

It can be seen that the Grand Inquisitor of the Dawn Court has gone further and further on the road of playing the role of the god of deception.

In order to pay off debts, support himself and the Pokémon he tamed, Luojia wears many hats.

He's been a waiter in a restaurant, a gardener in an orchard, a food delivery boy, a street cleaner, a Phoenix Necron Guard temporary worker and the fairy Eevee next door.

There was no way around it, the female fairy Ibrahimovic, who only comes out in ten, was still 3.8 meters tall, and was still deeply in love with Luojia. It was difficult for Luojia to control her.

At least he didn't write something stupid like "Fairy Eevee tastes really good" in his diary.

Next door to Luojia, the fairy Ibrahimovic lost her demon form and turned into an intelligent life in the form of a human.

"Great God, thank you for the sweet love you have given me!"

According to the judgment of the Human Empire, this person disguised as Fairy Eevee should be considered an alien.

But the other party is much more human than the Eldar.

She is one of Trazin's collections, the last of a certain kind of intelligent life that was frozen on a planet long ago.

Genetic modification made her nearly as tall as her original body.

After the wild Trazin clone's wealth was picked up by Light Desire, who was trying to survive in the starry wilderness, the alien became Rasta's wealth.

In the original timeline, Guilliman was the first person to get behind the aliens.

Rasta tried to make sure he wasn't the first to eat the xenos, to see if that would change anything.

The four main gods of chaos are aggregation of extreme emotions, and love is the most complex and pure emotion that humans have. He will see if he can change from here.

Love is a common element in fairy tales.

Rasta must find someone who can fall in love with Luojia, and the Phoenix Princess will definitely not be able to do it, so he can only look through Trazin's inventory.

This alien that has been frozen for tens of thousands of years is a few billion years older than Luojia, which is not a big problem. After all, the original body is generally considered an adult in one year.

Lorgar looked foolish because Rasta had suppressed his knowledge, wisdom, and primarch's abilities.

This kind of suppression will greatly enhance Luojia's various original attributes after the fairy tale ends.

"His father is the number one tyrant in the galaxy. There may not be any good results between you two, but you can be a devil under my hands for the time being.

When I get the chance, I will transform you into a human. "

The alien, who was kneeling and taller than Rasta, nodded with a "hmm", then left and ran to find Luojia.

"If you find an alien to be the emperor's daughter-in-law, will the empire..." Osiris walked out of the shadows and asked hesitantly.

"Half of the plan to steal power has failed, and has become an overshoot of another plan. In my plan, the empire will have far greater strength and territorial scope than it currently has.

Among aliens, there are light chasers after all, and I will give these civilizations some territory.

These alien civilizations will become vassal states and subsidiary civilizations of the empire. "

Rasta has already felt how difficult it is for his own incarnation to create matter, and many plans must be advanced.

After saying this, He lowered his head and frowned, muttering a word in his heart.

That word is called the King of Creation.

He seemed to see the pod-shaped pale throne at the top of his own realm of chaos, the scene of the dazzling light erupting and overwhelming everything.

"The Emperor...may not agree to this plan..."

Osiris was still worried.

"It doesn't matter. He only cares about this galaxy. Those aliens won't be in this galaxy by then. Okay, it's time to finish the glass slipper cup."

After Rasta finished saying this, he stood up.

The Crystal Slipper Cup competition has been going on for half a year, and now Luojia has reached the semi-finals.

Fulgrim and Horus roared around him all day long, asking him when he would participate in the competition. If he didn't participate, Horus's shoes would be called Lu Bu in the shoes!

Half an hour later, the competition venue.

The auditorium was full, and the tall giant fairy Eevee was swaying and cheering for her husband.

Luojia was full of confidence.

"Father, I will not let you down, I will become stronger little by little..."

Little did he know that Matthew was backstage, eating a feast including stir-fried pork with garlic and twice-cooked pork.

The environment in Cornis is very good. With the technology of the Necrons, it is not too simple to create an ecological park.

The reason why they were not created before was because the Necrons did not need to eat. Now that Rasta requested it, they could easily make one.

Just when the referee was calling Luo Jia's opponent to come on stage.

"The semi-final opponent you are looking for will not come!"

The voice of the Wolf Goddess rang out in the venue.

"Who? Who's talking?"

The referee started acting according to the script. Unfortunately, it was a Necron and couldn't really express many vivid feelings, but Trazin could. That guy's emotional module was quite advanced and complex.

"Since you asked sincerely!"

"Then I will show mercy..."

"Please be merciful and give me my father back!"

Before Team Rocket finished speaking, they were interrupted by Luo Jia to cast a spell.

Rasta, Ms. Musashi, and Lokennya fell from the sky above the venue and landed in frustration.

In order to prepare for this appearance, the Wolf Goddess and her good network administrator were forced by Rasta to rehearse several times, but Luojia interrupted them before they even finished speaking.

Especially Loken, he was very confused as to whether he wanted Meow or not.

"It's them! Referee, they are the Rockets, and they are the ones who captured my father!"

Luo Jia tried to use the laws of Phoenix City to punish Team Rocket.

"Wait a minute! We are here to participate in a competition. If you want anything, we'll talk about it after the competition!"

"You are all wanted, how can you participate in the competition? You are not the semi-finalist."

"No, no, no, being wanted does not mean that we are not qualified to participate. We, the Rockets, are all over the world and competing for space. Isn't it reasonable to compete for qualifications?

Since that contestant was defeated by us, it means that he is not as strong as us, and it is only right for us to participate in the competition!

Player Luojia, you have to know that there is no such thing as fairness in the world. Many things must be fought for by one's own strength. Outside the realm of time and space, this is the real truth! "

Throwing out the inequality, Rasta had already taken out a bag of Poké Balls.

"Okay! Team Rocket, let me see, after half a year of growing up, how far am I from you?"

Luojia accepted this unfair challenge.

He is no longer the innocent child. The various encounters in the fairy tale have made him grow a lot, but his heart has not been polluted, and he has only grown tenaciously.

"Okay! As expected of the legendary Pokémon Hero, let me do it..."

Kojiro took out a Poke Ball.

"Wait! You are not allowed to throw blank elf balls at me directly!" Luojia, who was about to be left with mental trauma, reminded.

"Don't worry, we wouldn't do such a thing."

The evil master spread his hands with a sincere expression.

"These words coming from your mouth are really not convincing at all! I can't even imagine how despicable you are..."

Luo Jia is outspoken.

"If you keep saying that, I'm going to kidnap your girlfriend!" Rasta looked at Fairy Ibrahimovic.

"...You are such a good person!"

"That's right! Let me start the game."

Rasta took out a ball from the bag and threw it towards Luojia.

"The decision is yours! Go ahead! Frag grenade!"

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