In the fortieth millennium, the Empire recorded this.

"Lorgar, the far-sighted Primarch of the Word Bearers, was never deceived by any lies, never corrupted by any interests.

Especially when facing the conspiracy of the Lord of Chaos, he was extremely cautious. He said that this was all due to the careful guidance given to him by his godfather. "

Luo Jia probably said this through gritted teeth.

At least he's not in a good mood right now.

This Gardevoir used to take very good care of him, giving him the most love and care second only to Matthew.

As a result, he is now in the enemy camp, using illegal tactics such as throwing Poké Balls to subdue him.

"I protest!" After all, Luojia, who had grown up, avoided the elf ball and was indignant.

He said: "Didn't you agree that you can't directly use the elf ball to conquer the trainer?"

"What does it mean to be direct? It's called direct if I use the Poke Ball to conquer you, but this is my Pokémon using the skill that I have worked hard to train - throwing the Poke Ball to fight against you.

Don't you want to respect Gardevoir's hard work? "

Rasta looked angrier than he was.

Mr. Kojiro, who has a loud voice and a fierce momentum, seems to have more sense than Luojia.

Luojia looked at the referee, then at Rasta, and repeated several actions in this way. The silly boy finally learned another thing.

It turns out that the referee can also be a member of the contestants, they are in the same team!

The education from light desire made Luojia unforgettable.

"Come back, Gardevoir."

Luojia had a bottom line, and he didn't want to let the little guy who had just evolved from La Lulas get into trouble.

Luojia was ready to lose, but wasn't.

Rasta also took back his Gardevoir.

"Go! Charmander! My strongest partner yet!"

Luo Jia finally took out the guy at the bottom of the box.

This little fire dragon was tamed by him when he was collecting wild vegetables outside Phoenix City. It was extremely fierce.

Look at the blazing flames on its tail, look at its violent temper, look at its size that is far more majestic than other Charmanders, and look at its orange-red skin!

This is simply a super powerful Pokémon, okay?

Luo Jia felt that victory was already in sight!

The next moment, he was dumbfounded.

Rasta also took out a Poké Ball.

"Go ahead, you've decided it's you! Charmander!"

The elf ball flew high into the air, and then, an overly huge stream of light poured out of it.

Then a huge shadow was cast.

A fire-breathing Cerberus tank named Charmander rushed out excitedly and landed on the competition stage, which was resisted by the Necron's superior technology.

The God's Chosen Tank, its machine soul was so happy that it was so eager to take action that it didn't even notice the enemy Charmander, which was less than one-tenth of the height of its tracks.

It was ready to spit out flames for at least a hundred meters.

"Where is the enemy?"


Dividing line---

Holy Terra.

After the Emperor launched the Great Crusade, which swept the entire galaxy and silenced the children of all alien civilizations, this place became a place of logistical support.

Holy Terra is no better than other planets.

There is drought, water shortage, food poverty and serious pollution.

But the hometown complex makes many people reluctant to leave here, even the emperor.

If there was no hope for humanity, this old otaku could squat on this planet until the sun explodes, and then become the sun in subspace.

Rasta looked at the world that had changed beyond recognition, and could not find the appearance in his memory.

Even the tectonic plates of each continent have moved during the war.

He originally had a proposal, which was to get some water in a basin in Eurasia and store it as an important water source for Holy Terra.

He can fully fund this project and turn the land of abundance into a land of abundance of water.

In this case……

Will there be any dry bones here getting up and cursing?

"Friend, are you going to drown me?"

Walking through this land, you can't find the old days.

He did not cover up his tracks. He was walking outside the city where the Terra Palace was located. He was alone on the vast land.

The powerful psychic Malcador discovered His existence immediately.

Malcador, who was alone in his empty room, had always been the Emperor's solid backing. He knew what attitude to use to deal with this Emperor's ally.

"Your uncle is here, go and greet him. Perhaps, he will teach you something."

Malcador was still busy dealing with government affairs. Behind him, half of the original body, more than three meters tall and dressed in the Assassin's Court, silently bowed and retreated.

Alpharius in this timeline received more attention and teachings.

The Emperor, Malcador, and Lust engaged in an educational competition.

Malcador thought that the Emperor was teaching the Primarch of the Luna Wolves, and Lust of Light was teaching the Primarch of the Word Bearers, so he wanted to make Alpharius good enough, at least not inferior to the other sons of the Emperor.

But in fact, the autistic big golden guy didn't know how to take care of family education at all, he just poured the knowledge the Warmaster needed into the original body.

Before Rasta entered the city, he was greeted by Alpharius.

This prevents Him from being regarded as an external attacker by the guarding forces of Holy Terra.

The Twentieth Legion does not attack a planet on a large scale like other Astartes.

Rasta spent the least time with them.

These guys take great pleasure in dressing up as other Legions and carrying out the Emperor's secret missions.

Alpharius himself is also a maniac about disguise. Twelve years ago, Rasta had met Alpharius on the Luna Wolf's fifth company battleship. At that time, he was performing Malcador's mission.

Rasta recognized him, but didn't point it out. This guy had been traveling with Master Guangyu for a long time and thought he hadn't been recognized.

It wasn't until he returned that the small note on his back was torn off by Machado.

This is how Alpharius was laughed at by Malcador.

"Do you think you can fool a...god?"

At that moment, Alpharius' pride was so shattered that he couldn't even pick it up.

But the time spent following Rasta was quite happy.

"Makado still looks like an old man who is about to run out of energy?"

Rasta asked Alpharius about his impression of his teacher.

"Yes, it seems you haven't seen him yet."

Alpharius carefully led the way, and the passage order given to him by Malcador allowed him to travel unimpeded throughout the Terra Palace.

On the contrary, he could not go to the places where important officials of the empire held meetings.

The Emperor intentionally or unintentionally excluded the Primarchs from the true system of power and did not want these sons to participate in it.

"You have some misunderstanding about my power."

Light Desire did not intend to explain anything to this original body that had little contact with him.

The other party was regarded by Malcador as an outstanding work, so he had no intention of getting involved.

After arriving at an inconspicuous office, the busy Chief Grand Master of the Assassin's Court, the Imperial Regent, and the Eternal One behind the Emperor stood up tremblingly, holding a cane in both hands to greet the commander of the Garden Baby Legion.

"Your acting skills are good, if only I didn't know who you really are."

Rasta looked at this pillar of the empire who had taken care of the emperor for too long. His true appearance was that of a young man, but his heart was indeed as vicissitudes of life as his current appearance.

"I won an Oscar for Best Actress, and you know, I'm very knowledgeable about makeup and changing the appearance of the body.

Come, here's the table to greet you. "

Malcador pointed to a white table. He was as careful as his hair and had already thought of the preparations he should make when meeting Guang Lu.

"I'm here to get a few people."


"Fabius Bayer, and several cans who swore allegiance to him."

"What are you going to do?"

"Kill them."

The voice of light desire is so calm...

Can't be refused!

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