Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 155 Canned Visiting Relatives

"Although Terra's current environment is very difficult, my child Mira has always believed that the future will be good, right? Your Majesty."

Thule tentatively wanted to get some answers from Rasta.

When Malcador used his spiritual power to inform him, he gave him some hints to let him know what was in front of him.

Rasta didn't know how to reply to this old nobleman for a while.

Ancient Terra was like a paradise than the current Terra environment, and the current Terra was more like a paradise than the Terra in the timeline when the Emperor sat on the Golden Throne ten thousand years later.

In the 40th Millennium, every square meter of Terra's land was worth more than every palace on the Empire's million planets.

The entire Terran ecosystem has been completely extinct, and it has been transformed into the largest hive in the galaxy, home to two hundred trillion humans.

The entire Terra became almost incompatible with the planet called Earth - except for the towering Himalayas.

The reason why the world's highest peak can be preserved is because underneath it is a huge underground laboratory, where the Primarchs were created.

All the water sources in Terra have been evaporated by the heat generated by the huge population. Everyone can only wait for the transport ship to deliver the intercepted ice and snow comet to Terra, and then get their share after melting.

In this barren land, the pilgrims can only rely on faith to survive.

The largest hive in the galaxy, Throne Star, Holy Terra, is the oxygen mask that keeps the human empire from dying suddenly, accompanied by all the pain and torture of dying.

Lust doesn't want to make promises to others. If he makes a promise but cannot keep it, it will make him feel very guilty.

But after sending their daughter away, Abraham's parents prayed to Him with the most humble eyes.

Every old noble has some kind of obsession with Guterra. They long for the real home world, not the current corpse.

Yes, in a sense, Terra is the corpse of the earth. The difference between the 30th millennium and the 40th millennium is just whether the decay is complete enough.

"Lord Machado told me that you are probably one of the few who have also seen the great existence of Gu Terra.

You can even rival the Emperor! Please forgive me for not bowing down to you. I have pledged all my loyalty to the Emperor! "

Thule stretched out his hands. Those dry and thin hands did not look like they belonged to a nobleman. His body was hollowed out by a family genetic disease.

The words "even comparable to the emperor" were used by Malcador to stimulate the old nobles, and also to praise Rasta.

If you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are, Machado has been in charge of logistics for so many years, and it's really frustrating.

Rasta had no idea how much the imperial prime minister liked him because his participation in the war as a material provider on the front line reduced the pressure on the empire's logistics.

Isn’t it good that the workload has been reduced by half?

Therefore, Malcador's current idea is to use the old nobles to squeeze out some oil and water for the Sixth Evil God.

"I can't compare to the Emperor! I can't compare to Malcador!"

He came to visit the family members of the Demonic Army of Light, and by the way, he got rid of the Sixth Evil God Fabius and instantly fell into a trap.

The old silver coin of Malcador is much deeper than the Imperial City.

Moreover, the regent has a huge appetite and wants to ask for a Gutera directly from Usidisi.

Just when the old noble Tule was about to lower his head in disappointment, the doorbell rang again.

Thule steeled himself and said something.

"Not with us."

After Alpharius explained this, he went to open the door.

After opening the door, the three-meter-tall original body stared at Fabius and Dante behind him with cold eyes.

Fabius's heart skipped a beat.

He was also an Asterta, but he was less than 2.1 meters without armor. Looking at Alpharius, who was 3 meters tall, he had to raise his neck.

"I knocked on the wrong door..."

He sensed something was wrong and wanted to leave.

However, he is not known for his combat prowess.

Even when Fabius grew up, he had to pay a ransom to save his life when he saw Trazin the Endless.

What's more, when Trazin saw Guang Yu, he even had to hand over the color rights of his clone and his own body to save his life?

Alpharius grabbed Dante and Fabius one by one, and then threw them to the ground.

Although Alpharius is stretched out compared to other Primarchs, he is still a Primarch, so don't take it too easy against a few Astartes recruits.

Neither Dante, who felt guilty, nor Fabius, who had a strong desire to survive, resisted.

They did not recognize that the person in front of them was the original body, and only thought that the other party was an unarmoured Custodian.

There is still a gap between the Custodes and the Primarch.

Even the most powerful Lord of the Imperial Guard would be defeated in a short period of time if he fought in close combat with a less powerful Primarch.

In each timeline in Rasta's eyes, Alpharius could assassinate the Lord of the Custodes in dozens of ways and escape unscathed.

This half of the original body, which is not good at frontal combat, can still be invincible even if it confronts Constantine, the Lord of the Imperial Army.

Therefore, Fabius also has some small thoughts.

He had come into contact with the Forbidden Army and had lost some of the mystery surrounding the distance. He felt that he could also take advantage of Alpharius.

He raised his head and observed the Abrahams and his wife. At the same time, he looked at Desire carefully.

In his opinion, this young man with black hair and black eyes, who was completely inconsistent with Terra's style, might also be a mysterious old Terran noble.

Are there any established nobles who can mobilize the Imperial Army?

Fabius's contact level was not high, and he didn't know what the situation was.

But there is no one in Holy Terra who does not worship the Emperor.

Therefore, he felt that he had grasped the bargaining chip for survival. He would defeat these people with justice, and his eloquence was as good as his pharmacist talent!

His psychological game is a joke in the eyes of the Sixth Evil God.

Fabius spoke under pressure.

"My lords, ancient nobles, loyal supporters of the Emperor.

I have come to show you how you can serve the Emperor without becoming an Astartes.

That will be your lifelong glory. "

This rhetoric did not impress the Tooles.

The reason is simple. They are willing to lower their profile towards Rasta because this person is the one whom Malcador calls equal to the Emperor.

And Fabius, not only an unimportant member of the emerging aristocracy, was also particularly unpleasant.

Thule is not one of those people who gets dumber as he gets older.

"Then, tell me, Lord Astartes, why are you coming to my house when you are not in the recruit camp right now? I didn't invite you! Besides, why do you give us honor? Our family's struggle depends on your words. Can you veto it? "

The coldness in the words did not discourage Fabius, he scratched his neck and argued.

"I have mastered a method that can get rid of the blight. I only need a little help from you. This will be a great achievement! The Emperor will remember your names!"

These words made the Thule couple slightly moved, because solving the blight has been the long-standing pursuit of every veteran noble. That means that their children will not die from genetic defects, but will die gloriously on the battlefield. superior.

The difference between the two is important.

While Fabius was waiting for Thule to consider and reply.

Rasta opened a portal of ash and connected to Igorns.

"Why don't you let your eldest son also come and hear how this beast asked for your lovely little daughter and then did something worse than a pig or a dog!"

On the other side of the Ashes Gate, Abraham, who had been waiting for a day to tidy up his appearance, was reminded by his master that even though it was a family visit day, he also heard these words.

His smile became cold and ruthless, and behind him, there were other purple cans whose moods also changed.

The Tuler couple looked at the pale door and stood up excitedly. They had not seen their son for too long.

Even though he was wearing power armor and was tall, they could still make out that figure.

Alpharius looked at this method of crossing the star sea, and for the first time he had a little understanding of this uncle.

Fabius stared at the dense purple cans on the other side of the Ashes Gate, stunned.

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