Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 166 Like a human like a god

Emperor's Glory and the Emperor are two different people? !

Serinella once again recalled the scene she had perceived not long ago.

The terror, darkness, chaos, and the subspace filled with whispers were suddenly illuminated by a pale light. The light even shone into her heart, reigning over the chaos with the attitude of a supreme being.

That's God! Real God!

The other party is the Emperor's Glory, the owner of the Li Ting he is about to go to.

Are you qualified to make a deal with such an existence?

While Serena was in shock, another thought came to her mind.

The Emperor's Glory and the Emperor are equal. If the Emperor's Glory is so powerful, wouldn't the Emperor be equally powerful or even stronger?

The empire turned out to be taken care of by two gods.

The priesthood of one is the glory of the Emperor.

Another priesthood is called "I am not".

The Emperor must be the god I am not, and any denial will provide him with endless power!

Serinella's thoughts became more and more outrageous, until she asked a question in horror.

"This should be a secret from the empire. We know about this. Doesn't it matter?"

She is afraid of being silenced! And it’s not safe to silence anyone wherever you go.

"Don't worry, if it can't be said, He won't let me come out. I even suspect that as long as He doesn't want me to speak, my mouth will be sewn shut by invisible forces underneath."

The most powerful being in Alpharius' knowledge has subtly changed from the Emperor to the Lust of Light.

"Dear Primarch, are you here? Is this what He meant?"

Serena was very nervous.

Because ultimately, she is just a mortal! Real mortal body.

Everything she owns is nothing in front of those beings!

She was like a speck of dust in the radiance of a star, even more humble. How could she deserve the attention of such great beings?

"Yes, the great Lust of Light, also known as the Lord of Lights. Although the Emperor claims that the Empire has no gods, but..."

Alpharius got a headache here, and he really couldn't explain this.

Look, the Emperor is standing on the podium, next to an Unsidisi applying pink paint to his Custodes.

Under the stage, next to a bunch of Primarchs and Astartes, a bunch of Avatars of Light were passing out melon seeds, drinks, and Happy Water potato chips.

The Emperor cleared his throat and said, "I am not a god."

Many incarnations of light desire immediately took the lead in applauding, and the audience burst into applause.

The Emperor forcibly ignored him and said again, "The Empire has no gods."

The Third Legion directly covered their ears - I won't listen! I don't listen!

Other legions are silently thinking about intelligence, body, art, and labor in their hearts.

The Emperor did not expect a response and simply stepped down.

After finishing painting the Forbidden Army, Guang Yu went up to grab the microphone, extremely arrogant.

"I am God! I am the most evil and terrifying sixth evil god! I want to eat children! Tremble in my shadow!"

A group of Primarchs and Astartes actors in the audience pretended to be trembling with fear: Wow! How scary!

The emperor watched alone from a distance, and in the end he was so aggrieved that he leaned against the old horse and cried bitterly.

Serinella is a very sensible person. She does not intend to speculate on the affairs between gods, nor does she intend to explore the grudges between the Emperor and the Emperor's Glory.

"I understand, I understand! We all understand! May I ask what instructions the great Emperor Glory has?"

Alpharis suddenly felt that this girl was more pleasing to his eyes.

"He can reverse the past and explore the future. You are still in the subspace, and what you want to do and the thoughts in your heart have already fallen into His eyes.

He has given you a chance, so you can see me, and the Rogue Trader family with other intentions will have no possibility of atonement.

Do you know what I mean? "

The Twin Primarchs have made it very clear.

Serinella immediately ordered.

"After the battleship leaves the subspace, immediately attack the Melton family! We are incompatible with the Melton family!"

No one refuted Serinella's words.

Because these members of the Heath family had just been betrayed by the Melton family, everyone was simmering with anger. Now that they had an honest opportunity to take revenge, it was not too late to be happy.


Dividing line---

Emperor's Dream.

The Lord of Mankind felt that his depression was getting worse.

The Emperor's Glory, the evil lord, the godless Siddisi, openly manifested his holiness in the warp, completely ignoring his feelings of Yigubigu.

Not to mention countless warships sailing in subspace, countless in chaotic time and space.

Even beings with powerful spiritual energy or sufficient personality in the real universe can feel the paleness that illuminates everything.

It doesn't matter if Sidisi is a saint, but all the hats are turned upside down to the emperor.

Except for the four gods who knew the truth and a few beings like Trazin, almost everyone thought that Old Man Huang was so strong that he could cover the sky with one hand.

It’s really an angry emperor. He has been wearing human skin for tens of thousands of years, so how can he become a god? You just have to take it off, right?

This makes me go to the Broken World, how can I act like being choked by an orc warlord, and then let the Primarch I recognize perform a scene of saving my father?

At this moment, the Ash Gate opens.

A ray of light stepped forward and threw a pack of original fragrant melon seeds onto Old Man Huang's table.

The Lord of Mankind has no intention of eating melon seeds.

"I won't eat this."

"Who told you to eat it? Peel it for me! Hurry up!"

Rasta was arrogant and bossy.


The emperor was dissatisfied. He had to peel melon seeds for the wicked god for nothing!

"Your human empire, at 7:42 pm Terra time and 12:44 midnight in the Court of Dawn, dispatched a fleet of the Rogue Trader family to prepare to declare war on our Court of Dawn! They will burn, kill and loot!

Peel me the melon seeds quickly. This is a necessary item for war reparations! "

Guang Yu was well-founded and piled melon seeds on the table as he spoke.

Old Man Huang felt that he was really human at this moment, and he felt that his blood pressure was high.

"Is there someone? Attacking your lust in the chaotic realm of reality? Are you crazy? Are you desperate for your life?"

What Ralast did in Chaos not long ago was not clear to others, but he knew it clearly. This guy fished up Slaanesh and made it into Salish sauce to vent his anger before leaving Chaos.

He had just killed the Lord Slaanesh again, and then a wise man emerged from within his own empire and wanted to challenge the Sixth Evil God in his little broken ship?

The emperor peeled melon seeds quite quickly, but it was very painful for him.

Because Unsidisi manifested himself to countless battleships in the subspace, everyone firmly believed that he was God, and now a massive amount of faith power poured into the human body.

Huang Pizi thought that maybe he could use the evil spirit filter of Light Desire to suppress one or two.

So, he asked for closure.

"Well, look, do I look like a human being or do I look like a god?"

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