Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 169 Evolution of Trust

There has always been a big problem with trade in the empire.

That is, there is no truly unified currency. Although the auxiliary army will die, the empire will pay salaries, but even if the auxiliary armies come from the same planet, the salaries cannot be unified into one currency.

Whether it is the 30th millennium or the 40th millennium, the Empire does not have a network. It is a paradise of chaos. Tzeentch and Slaanesh can use this thing to turn the Empire into a super trash can.

For example, during the ancient Terra period, the world was connected to the Internet, and it was still in a peaceful state.

But in this case, currency problems arise one after another, and there are countries that do not accept even the most popular currencies.

It was just a small planet.

The Empire in the 30th millennium had more than a million worlds. After the return of the Primarch, this number increased sharply. Later, half of the Primarch rebelled, and the Empire finally only had about a million worlds left, and every war continued. This number is pulled back and forth.

In the ten thousand years on the original timeline where Light Desire did not exist, the only unified currency of the empire was the people of the empire.

Whether it is cans, Astra Militarum or other combat units, they are all gold coins in the hands of the Emperor. By consuming these gold coins, the Empire "purchases" the worlds of other civilizations or takes back the worlds it has lost.

The empire's currencies are all kinds of weird. Dozens or hundreds of currencies can be circulated in a hive world. The number of currency types in the entire empire can exceed the number of cans in the empire.

The most credible among them is the Throne Coin, which may be appropriately called the Toilet Coin.

Toilet coins are used in cesspits, what an appropriate metaphor.

But there are also many criticisms of toilet coins within the human empire, because the empire has already racked its brains to calculate the various materials needed by the expeditionary legion. Do you expect them to issue an appropriate amount of currency based on the empire's population and labor force?

Many people privately refused to use throne coins for transactions. In 30,000 AD, humans were like 30,000 BC, and almost all trade was barter.

The financial department of the empire has a lot of confusion in its mind every day, and it needs to be clear about this confusion. Doesn’t this make it difficult for honest people?

The words "unified currency" undoubtedly moved the Emperor's heart. He had done such a thing in Ancient Terra.

After becoming the Lord of Humanity, he also wanted to follow his own example and establish a unified currency unit, but found that there was no way.

This is like cooking a few pots of rice on a wood-fired stove and managing to keep the heat right, but using the most primitive method to cook millions of pots of rice still requires consistent taste, paying attention to details such as adding firewood and adding fire.

The only way to make them taste consistent is to burn them all.

“How are you going to get a unified currency?”

The Emperor was not as tall as Rath in his real state, which made him look up at him instead.

"You don't have to worry about this. Anyway, I can absolutely guarantee that this is the hard currency of the galaxy, and I will try to circulate it within individual legions.

It will probably be fully released when all the Primarchs return. "

Guang Yu explained.

The emperor brought up an issue that concerned him more.

"By the way, next time you show your true posture, can you remind me that it's really..."

scary! It's really scary!

Of course Rasta had no feelings for herself.

However, outsiders will be frightened by the appearance of the God of Light and Desire.

The more powerful the being, the more serious the fear of this posture.

He is the end of chaos who slaughters the gods. Although he is usually very wicked, his existence is a denial of the gods.

Every time he suddenly showed his true posture in front of the emperor, the emperor would feel "heartbeat" and feel like he was going to have a heart attack.


Guangyu thought for a while, then he transformed back into the form of a human boy and began to take something out of his pocket.

The Emperor just watched him flip through the world-destroying weapons.

Finally, Rasta pulled out two things from his pocket that caught the Emperor's attention.

One is the Divine Light Rod, and the other is the Evolution Truster.

After Guang Yu hesitated for a while, he made up his mind.

"Use the divine light stick on numbers 1, 3, and 5, use another one on numbers 2, 4, and 6, and change directly on Sunday."

Then He unfolded the Evolved Truster and raised it high. The next moment, dim light flooded the whole body, and He unfolded his true posture.

Emperor: "..."

Damn it! Why do tears flow out of the corners of my mouth unconsciously!

The Emperor, who completely ignored "I really want to use a transformer to transform", just wanted to transport the other person to space outside the Court of Dawn, and then returned to the form of a human boy.

"Where's Alpharius?"

The Emperor did not sense his son in the stars of reality and in the Court of Dawn.

"Still in the subspace, it will come out soon."

Rasta is looking at Alpharius' timeline.

He suddenly asked the Emperor: "Do you care whether Alpharius falls in love?"

"The Milky Way is not flat, the love between children is long..." The emperor frowned, obviously wanting to refuse.

In fact, he is just too controlling and doesn't know how to teach children.

Love is not prohibited within the empire, and the Custodes and Sisters of Silence, those closest to the Emperor, can discuss marriage.

"He will fall in love with a Rogue Trader, who is a very capable woman, and will hang around the Court of Dawn. She can basically be regarded as the nearby security captain.

One of the lessons I taught Alpharius was to help the rogue trader expel the unsettling elements of the world around him, and contact between them was inevitable. "

After Guang Yu said this, the fluctuations of the subspace engine broke through the barriers of reality, attracting the attention of the two galactic subspace amphibious evil gods.

The three battleships of the Heath family and Merton's Crab Roe and Killer Crab battleships sailed out of the subspace almost at the same time.

Just because the Heaths have three battleships doesn't mean they are stronger than the Meltons.

Battleships never win with numbers. Otherwise, if the two Rogue Traders have ten times the number of battleships, can they compete with the Emperor's Dream?

The moment after the Hitz family's main ship, the Kikusuki, fully entered reality, it deployed its protective shield, and simultaneously cooperated with the two frigates to launch an attack on the Killer Crab.

From a distance, it looks thin, long and bright, but when you look closer, you realize how powerful the long-range strike beam is, just like this, hitting the Killer Crab.

The two battleships, under Serinla's order, began to approach the Merton family's battleship.

At this moment, beside Serinella, Alpharius turned his head and looked in a certain direction across the spacecraft.

Thinking that the original body had some special observation ability and could see unknown situations, Selinla quickly asked him if there was an enemy attack.

"No, not an enemy. The Empire should not have its enemies."

There was always a special connection between the Primarch and the Lord of Mankind, which made Alpharius understand that there was another god here besides Lust.

"What do you mean..." Serinla didn't dare to think about that.

But Alpharius helped her confirm her thoughts.

"Yes! That's right, my father, the Emperor, Lord of Mankind, is here, in the stars, watching us."

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