Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 179 German Orthopedics

"Yes, what is in front of you is me, the Emperor's Glory, this one, the Lord of Humanity, and what we have dedicated ourselves to in obscurity..."

When Guang Yu was about to introduce the three giants of the human empire to Xiao Dou Ya, Ma Xiang, whose ambition was clearly visible, coughed.

Are you kidding me? It’s equally terrifying and mysterious for aliens. It is said that the true appearance of the Imperial Regent with eight hands, nine heads, seven legs and six tails is like this. Malcador still wants to be shameless?

The two unicorns were wondering why they had no impression of this important character in the empire, but their lust was stopped by Malcador.

Malcador hugged the Emperor's arm and then showed his face.

"Actually, I am the sister of the Lord of Humanity."

The two unicorns suddenly understood! No wonder it doesn't look so powerful.

Think about it, the evil god’s sister, could she be an ordinary person? He must be an evil god too!

Shocked, there are actually three evil gods in the human empire. Can't you just push the Milky Way? Can those four mahjong players in the subspace, who have such a low impact on reality, be better than the three of you playing landlords?

The two unicorns experienced another misery in their hearts.

As bean sprouts, they only have one god and their future is difficult.

The human empire is expanding wildly, and behind it are three evil gods!

No, the Lord of the Dragons seems to be related to the Salamander, so there are only four evil gods in the human empire!

That’s not right. The God of Art seems to be the one supported by the Glory of the Empire. There are five gods in the Empire!

No! The one pretending to be Slaanesh seems to be a god in the mouth of the Laughing God...

And which one in the galaxy is not an old silver coin? Not all of them are exposed, there are also some that are hidden!

How many gods are there in the human empire? Is this Galaxy War still playable?

Sana Ke finally understood why her brave and fearless Laughing God was captured from the Webway and thrown to the weird Long Table Continent.

"That table, what is it?"

Sana Ke still asked curiously.

"My dining table."

As he spoke, Guangyu stretched out his hand, the door of ashes opened, his palm fell on the long table, and he grabbed a god's corpse.

At this time, the entire long table was extremely quiet, and even the infinite fear of communicating with the Laughing God was quiet.

Raste withdrew his hand and split the divine corpse into two parts, but handed them both to the Emperor.

"The big one is yours, and the small one is... your sister's."

Then He told the old horse: "Avoid people while eating!"

Although Malcador is not a Primarch, he has tens of thousands of years of immortality. His psychic powers may not be as high as those of individual Primarchs in total, but they are extremely stable and can be completely controlled.

He has lived for so long, so he must have some means to absorb these divine corpses, but I don't know if there are any side effects like the original body.

There were four people present, whether it was the Emperor, Malcador or the two horns, they were all horrified.

You can't tell what it is through the "live broadcast", but when you hold it in front of you, the characteristics of the immortal gods and the fluctuations of subspace divine matter are clearly visible!

You don’t even need to know what it is, because it will tell you itself that it was once a god. This is the pollution of chaos, which is unreasonable!

The Emperor took the divine corpse into some kind of separate space of his own.

He also knew that Light Desire had destroyed Chaos, but he didn't expect that the other party would fill a long table with Chaos Gods.

The two horned men began to worry about their own laughing god.

This is really an evil god! It's completely unimaginable.

"Just give me this much?"

The emperor thought for a while, but was still shameless and wanted something furry.

"You two can ask for it from me after you finish eating. Anyway, my absorption has reached the upper limit. I'm just afraid that you won't be able to eat it. It's not that you don't want it from me."

Rasta, who can no longer absorb the power brought by the gods' spines and convert it into various substances to supplement the cans with food, weapons, armor and even body parts, does not care about these useless kitchen waste.

The corpse of the lesser god could no longer provide him with any nutrition.

Calculations were already floating in Malcador's mind, and he was using his spiritual power to calculate how many corpses of gods he could eat.

He mastered a temporary god-ascension ritual that allowed him to temporarily possess the status of a god but not a real god, not even a secondary god.

He wanted to use this method to sacrifice the corpse of the god to himself, so that he could absorb the corpse of the god with the fastest digestion speed.

Rasta read his thoughts - Alas, the Horseman could actually avoid the side effects of the original body absorbing the spine?

"Can I have some?"

Sana Ke suddenly raised her hand.

Her brother Dujiao immediately pressed her hand down. Are you kidding me? You want something like this from the evil god and you don't want to live? !

"Okay, but you have to listen to me now. Look at your mess. No matter what, I think it doesn't suit my aesthetics. Clean it up!"

"Ah? Are you here?"

"...You go outside and someone will take you to the bathroom."

Raste was troubled by Hua Douya's harsh words.

At the same time, He took out another soul stone, put the previous unicorn in it, then threw it to Sana Ke, and restored Sana Ke to her original body shape.

In this way, Sanake, whose brother passed by, warmly invited Macado.

"Um... do you want to come together? I can't rub my back."

She actually wanted to ask Makha for some advice on how to get along with her brother.

After all, in her eyes, Ma Xiang and the Emperor were now brothers and sisters.

"No, no!"

Malcador didn't want the other party to find out that he was hiding a bolt gun.

Sana Ke went out and was greeted by the Assassin's disciples.

Suddenly, she realized something!

The Eldar are generally taller than humans, with most individuals being two meters tall.

The combat unit is basically a little taller than the armored Astartes, about two meters and three meters.

The Ada Eldar, who are relatively tall and over-developed, can even reach a height of three meters.

Sana Ke's height is two meters four.

So when she regained her shape, she finally realized that the seemingly tall evil god was actually not as tall as she thought...

"Seems a little cute?"

She muttered to herself and followed the assassin's disciple into the bathroom.

The assassin's disciple looked outside the door, then closed the bathroom door.

As a fellow alien with fierce competition, she has long wanted to know the body structure of the Unicorn, the strongest assassin in the Eldar Tribe!

Today, she was going to find out!

The bathroom screamed as Sanake was assaulted on the chest!

The Assassin's Disciple is as cute and cute as ever.

"There are no special modifications here, nor here. Why are there no weapons here? I don't believe it. There are no weapons in the hair..."

I don't know how much time passed, but I finally walked out of the bathroom and washed my white and tender bean sprouts, which were all covered in camouflage, as if they were escaping from the clutches of the disciple of lust.

The Assassin's Disciple felt very aggrieved - he just wanted to see how powerful his peers in the industry were.

It's not that Sanake didn't struggle, but she couldn't resist.

In order to make the disciples really feel that they are not bad, Guangyu did not hesitate to give blessings so that they could benchmark against the Primarch with the highest combat power.

Is it possible that Sanako, a cute new unicorn, can beat the Primarch?

Sanake seemed to be a different person when she returned to the private room, but her face was red.

The hateful followers of the evil god actually did evil things to themselves!

"Okay, it's your turn to perform!"

Guang Yu pulled the silk thread in his hand and lifted Sana Ke, who didn't look like a bean sprout at all.

"Ah? Are you planning to act..."

Only then did Sana Ke understand that the Evil God was not prepared to let the Laughing God dominate this scene.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm playing the role as I am. I'm very grateful to you for not giving up your guest fee!"

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