Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 194 Families with Four Surnames

Xia Lan, this is a name that is not common in the empire.

She comes from a family of Navigators and is currently responsible for the development progress of Ad Melon.

In the golden age of mankind, psykers were not as popular as later generations, but were highly respected as the chosen ones.

They wield extraordinary power and are what everyone aspires to be.

Until the fall of the Golden Age, psykers were bombs that would eventually explode.

Various regulations regarding psykers began to be established.

The Empire cannot lose psykers, because the Empire must expedition, must attack!

Blindly defending will only make Chaos wait for the opportunity to push back to the high ground.

So some special psychics were cultivated.

Such as the Astropath, the telephone operator responsible for communication across the interstellar sea.

Another example is the pilot who is responsible for guiding the battleship so that it can find the correct destination in the subspace.

Their genes were customized by the empire to be the most stable and least likely to become demon carriers.

Each navigator family has become a noble of the empire because of its own contribution.

The empire's territory was too large, and each family's self-management was different.

Xia Lan's family will rate members based on their psychic stability.

Only those navigators who reach the standard level will be sent to important places such as various large trading caravans and Astartes battleships to bring more glory to the family.

And Xia Lan... is not very qualified, so many of the family's dirty work has been delegated to her, such as taking exiled prisoners from various planets to Edmelon. She is both the navigator and the barbaric planet. Interim managers.

The reason why she is not qualified is that her psychic perception often has problems and is disturbed by the chaos of the warp.

She often sees scenes from the past.

This also led to her receiving a special blessing, that is, the whispers of demons did not dare to approach her in the subspace.

Think of it, a Navigator sailing through the Warp with only images of Light slaying gods in his head.

Demons are attracted to her powerful psychic abilities at first sight.

At second glance, you will feel that this spiritual power is really tempting.

On the third glance, it was the cognitive shielding’s turn to be triggered and I found myself being fished for law enforcement.

The fourth eye will burn into chaos.

The empire didn't know about Shallan's exploits, but the demons were frightened by it.

Shouldn't this kind of fanatical believer be taken into the demon army by the lust of light? Why are you following the small battleships of the Human Empire around?

Xia Lan's job is to transport exiles from nearby planets and use them as consumables.

She had watched Light Desire slaughter the gods, and in the process, she met Tia. She discovered the fact that Tia was indirectly contacted by the Lord of Chaos but was not contaminated.

This shocked Xia Lan, so she took special care of this guy.

Xia Lan firmly believed that she would get the attention of the great Lord God because of her.

On a recent return trip to another planet to receive the Rats, she once again saw the Great God in the Warp.

This time, the other party claimed that he was the Emperor of Glory!

Xia Lan really didn't associate the other party with the Emperor's Glory.

The main reason is that the image gap between the two is too big.

She gave up thinking about this problem. She once had to hide the fact that she was a fanatical follower of the other party, but now, she no longer needed to hide it.

She worships the Emperor's radiance, and no one in the Empire can blame her.

After Rasta arrived, he did not deliberately conceal his existence.

For Xia Lan, it was like a sun suddenly appeared next to her! It was hard for her not to find out.

After tossing and turning all night, she chose to see Him this morning!

That's why this scene happened now.

Tia looked at the food on the plate and began to think about a question.

Is that 44,444 square meters of land real?

The land area of ​​Holy Terra is not equal to the building area of ​​Holy Terra, because the nests are always stacked. The entire land of Terra is theoretically many times the surface area of ​​Terra except Antarctica.

The 44,444 square meters of land in Rasta was given by Malcador on his own initiative.

He wanted to tie the evil god to the Empire's warship. He approved such a large piece of land just to give Emperor Glory a small hive or palace of his own on Terra.

This can be regarded as Malcador's risk investment - if the evil god is summoned and the other party suddenly gets the idea to transform Terra's ecological environment, it will be a huge profit.

Speaking of which, Rasta had never seen his land. He always felt that it was an unfinished building thrown to him by the unscrupulous developer Malcador.

After swallowing the last bit of food in her mouth, Tia knelt down obediently.

In response, Guang Yu said: I still like you last night...

No, that's not called being unruly last night. Is it okay if you like that look?

The evil god asked everyone to get up while he was debating whether he should like the way the other person looked last night.

Then He crossed the threshold.

"follow me."

Tia followed behind with her dinner plate in hand. She hadn't finished eating yet.

"You also come with me."

After calling Xia Lan, the evil god had gathered the pharmacist and navigator of the Ninth Legion.

His other incarnations are also looking for other essential units.

Of course, Tia cannot directly join the Ninth Legion as a pharmacist.

Arriving at Xia Lan's office, Guang Yu jumped onto the table with a little jump.

"Have you thought about it?"

Guang Yu turned his head and looked at the imperial scholar who finally discovered his identity.

"Just give me four square meters!"

All Tia could think about was the 44,444 square kilometers of land.

Regardless of whether Rasta was a god or not, she felt that he was shining now.

"Drag him out to be a digger!"

The oil and salt were not allowed to enter, and the stubborn thing made the evil god point to the door on the spot.


Tia fell to her knees: "I'm talking about four square meters of planet Baal!"

Imperial scholars can bend and stretch.

"Very good. Starting the day after tomorrow, you will join the IX Legion's squad and get a cabin there. You will temporarily serve as their pharmacist until you teach an Astartes to become a qualified pharmacist."

Guangyu didn't give the other party a chance to refute.

The reason why He didn't transfer the battleships directly over was to give those cans some rest time.

Tia would follow one of his incarnations, serving as an apothecary in various IX Legion squads.

Eventually, she would settle in Baal.

"Will the angels of the Ninth Legion descend on our planet?"

Xia Lan didn't really drag Tia away. The other party slept with the evil god, and their relationship was much closer than her and Tia.

"When the time comes, you leave with me and ask your family to send a new navigator to take charge of this place. In addition, contact your family and ask him to prepare a group of navigators for me. Let's call it the Emperor's Glory Recruitment."

Rasta is also planning to kidnap Xia Lan, the navigator.

Xia Lan received the order and asked for permission to retreat. She needed the Astropath to convey the news.

There is no one in the Navigator family who does not know the Emperor's Glory.

These are the most sensitive psykers in the Warp, able to sense the changes in the Chaos Storm.

Of course, you can also recognize the majestic figure standing in the chaos.

No one would dare to impersonate the Emperor's Glory, just as no one would be stupid enough to impersonate the Four Gods of Chaos.

On the contrary, the emperor was often impersonated by the four gods.

Xia Lan quickly sent a message to the family.

Her family is all Asian, but they don't have the same surname.

In the golden age, four Asians with surnames cooperated, formed a fleet, and headed for the stars.

Eventually they settled on a planet and survived the Dark Ages.

Later, in order to survive, their descendants banded together to form a family with multiple surnames, and were discovered by the Emperor hundreds of years ago.

Because of their stable psychic abilities, they became one of the many Navigator families in the Empire after undergoing slight further genetic modification.

On the other side of the Astropath, the clan leaders of the four surnames attach great importance to this recruitment.

He began to recruit suitable navigators from his family who were of the right age.

Providing offspring for the empire is what the Navigator family has to do.

"An order from the Empire, the Emperor's Glory requires us to provide enough navigators to support the Holy Crusade."

The clan leader is already old. When he was young, he accompanied one battleship after another, experienced chaos, and reached the sea of ​​​​stars.

"Which legion is it?"

A young man raised his hand.

The faces here are almost all black-haired.

That's why Rasta chose them.

This navigator family basically has no playboys or members who can degenerate into heretics.

The cans of the Ninth Legion will like these black-haired navigators.

"The Ninth Legion!"

When the patriarch said this, he also had some psychological barriers.

To be honest, the fact that the Ninth Legion eats mortal navigators is not a secret among various navigator families.

But that was a long time ago.

The Ninth Legion made the unemployed navigators present who had no experience in the world and had only heard the scary words "if you continue to act nonsense when you grow up, I will send you to the Ninth Legion" all shrank their heads like quails.

"I go!"

A thin navigator with a hint of boyish white hair and a shallow scar on his cheek, standing in the third row among these people and not looking particularly impressive, stood up and took the lead.

"May I have your name?"

The patriarch looked at the young man.

"Yun Dingqi, clan leader."

"Are you the child who wants to undergo the sacred transformation surgery of the Astartes?"


"I hope you can bring glory to the family."

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