Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 202 Dark Blood

No one knows that in the subspace, Salish is playing hide-and-seek father-son game with her pseudo-father who is about to recognize him.

Salish, who thought that four or forty-four times would end it all, received four hundred and forty-four or even four hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and forty-four times and the pursuit has not stopped.

Chaotic time and space are chaotic, possessing the dazzling light desire, which can control time at will.

Only a minute had passed by the other Chaos Gods, and Shalish had been hunted by Chaos Ending more than a million times.

Only after the dazzling light was extinguished and the dim light came on did the ruined Lord of Joy realize that the lust for light had stopped attacking Him.

The reason why Shalishi chose to call Guangyu her father in a hurry just now.

It's because He is a God with unsatisfied desires. He has received the sight of lust without killing, so he follows his own nature and greedily wants to go further and get more.

The result also corresponds to His priesthood. After greed, there is pain and sin.

After Guangyu stopped attacking, Shalish immediately began to rub around his calf like a dog.

Before the long tongue touched his feet, the terrifying thing that had regained its emotions kicked the guy under its feet and left here.

The dim light of light desire incarnation is not as powerful as the dazzling light, not to mention that it is still in a weak state.

Shalish did not die this time, and his fragments began to coalesce together again, and came to the place where the lust of light had previously stayed, greedily breathing in the breath of chaos brought by the re-emergence of the feelings of lust for light.

"Father, we are all the ugly monsters you think, so all our actions are ugly, twisted, dirty and depraved, and indulgence is our nature. I am waiting for the day you admit it..."

After absorbing that bit of chaos, the God of Joy began to convulse...


Dividing line---

Ed Mellon.

After the carnival, the cans began to become nervous.

Because Ochishur discovered something unusual about the quartermaster.

For a long time, their most beloved doctor was in a state of absent-mindedness.

After Ochishur reminded him, the cans gathered around him one after another.

Until Rasta blinked.

The cans felt as if they had finally won a breath-holding contest and had three lungs working again.

The uneasy Unses deceived himself with an excuse.

"It's early morning now, so it's time for you to go online again, right?"

After asking this question, all cans expect the other party to give them a satisfactory answer.

But Guangyu fell silent. Today was the day of the contract and the time to say goodbye to them.

Light Desire stood up, and every movement caused the Blood Angels' hearts to stop and then start beating again.

His dim blood flows in their bodies, and every move he makes will make them feel some kind of power.

"Keep them out of here."

Rasta spoke his order coldly.

No can is willing to move. They have already guessed something. After really taking Tia and Xia Lan far away and coming back, they may face the situation they least want to see.

Guangyu twisted his body angrily, and the burning moth-like feather coat was completely torn. Linfen had no place to rely on and immediately fell down.

He reached out to catch his own powder and put it into his mouth like a beggar who found scraps of food.

One of the cans began to collapse, fall to their knees, and cry.

It's not because his quartermaster is a pale monster more than ten meters tall.

It was because of His act of eating His own body tissue.

The weakness behind His true posture is clearer than anything else in the eyes of the cans carrying His incarnation's blood.

"Don't cry!"

The embarrassed god turned around and ordered the cans.

He grabbed Ochishur and looked at him angrily.

Ochishur felt like his bones were being crushed, as if the fear of death really enveloped the can.

"You said you would obey all my orders, mortal! You have disobeyed me!"

The roaring pale monster accused Ochsul.

Ochishur, a canned person who was destined to die in the original timeline, had his gene-seed passed down, and eventually created the Weeper Chapter.

The stubborn can lowered his head and responded to this order with silence. He was determined not to do that.

The anger of the terrible thing rose very high, and it increased its power, much, much more.

Ochishur spurted out a mouthful of blood, his secondary heart was broken, his hands and feet were severed, and his finely crafted power armor was like a broken biscuit.

Don’t go! Even if you die! Ochishur endured the pain.

"I'm begging you."

The Horrible Thing's tone softened into one of begging.

Ochishur raised his head and looked at Him.

The glory of this majestic empire can no longer suppress the dazzling light within itself. If it takes a little longer, a vast starry sky with Ed Mellon as the center will disappear forever in the Milky Way.

Ochishur nodded with difficulty and agreed.

He fell to the ground like a dead mass of rotten flesh.

The two cans were as lost as walking zombies, driving Xia Lan and Tia, who didn't know all this, far away, and even further away.

No matter what these two mortals who didn't know what happened asked, they didn't answer and ran back as fast as they could.

When the two cans won the war, they knew how powerful their quartermaster was.

Xia Lan told them that the great Emperor's radiance could easily tear apart any celestial body, and it only took a single glance to kill the most powerful false god in Chaos.

But no matter how hard he tried and how trembling his hands were, he still couldn't crush Ochishur to death.

After the two cans came back, they quietly came to their original positions.

The incarnation of Rasta in the Ninth Legion's new camp also began to take action.

The bodies of the terrifying things in front of these cans have been shattered, and the dazzling light inside seems to be coming out.

That is another divine form of Him.

This Lord of Lights is just one of His four divine forms.

It is also the one with the weakest power.

"You and I, the Desire of Light, the End of Chaos, the outsider in the galaxy, the terrifying thing on the Pale Throne, the father of the gods of the empire, make a contract at this moment!"

Guangyu announced to the cans unilaterally.

Every can has this voice in mind.

"I use my dazzling blood to give you a glorious appearance, repair your genetic defects, give you no longer blood thirst, and immortal life.

You promise me that you will never feed on mortal flesh again..."

After the painful Sixth Evil God finished saying this, he was stunned for a long time, and he forgot what he wanted to say.

He raised his claw-like hand and laid it on his forehead.

"You will serve as the second emperor, the imperial army of your genetic father, and guard him forever, so that the empire that rules all the worlds in this galaxy will always stand in the light..."

The confused Rasta revealed part of his plan and revealed that he was destined to create an unchangeable future.

His thinking became more and more confusing, and he forgot what he wanted to say.

Fortunately, all the cans were kneeling.

"We accept your contract! Father of the Gods!"

The next moment, billions of light streams surged out of the monster that was more than ten meters tall, illuminating the night sky.

These light streams were only dulled for a moment, and then they began to look for symbiotic hosts.

This is the blood of the dazzling light that Lust gave these cans.

Destruction is always easy, but creation is countless times more difficult than destruction.

The Ninth Legion, which has adapted to the dim blood, is the only can that can withstand the dazzling blood.

As streams of light flowed into their bodies, their curses were fading away.

The final direction of the contract was also known to them.

One of the rewards of the contract is that Sanguinius breaks his fate and will not die in the great changes in the future.

The price was that the Imperial God and the Second Emperor would never meet, which also included the Second Emperor's Custodes and his four-winged Archons.

When the light flows into each can body one by one, and shapes them into more powerful and perfect.

They had seen the quartermaster for the last time.

"Live up to it..."

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