Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 208 Son of Glory

"They are worried about you, but I have told them that you are in good condition now." Aisha walked out of the Ash Gate, sat in her seat, and said to Chaos End. She did not wait for Rasta to ask, but took the initiative to tell him, which was very considerate. "What are your plans next?" Guangyu suddenly felt that it was not easy to arrange Aisha. "Are you not going to keep keeping me as a concubine? Of course I will return to the space station. In addition, the authority of the Ash Gate should be returned to you." Aisha was quite satisfied with the current situation. She even felt that she had the right to eat at the table. But this right is useless now. Digesting the power of a god, even after complete digestion, requires a long adaptation process. Horus and Lorgar's absorption efficiency is pitifully low. Fulgrim also took a shortcut by relying on the secondary god essence. It is already very good that Aisha can digest it at one time. "No need to return it to me. You can come here anytime with the Ash Gate as long as you can digest it." After Rasta said this, the dark blue in his eyes faded and turned back to black. The caring doctor Aisha became nervous about this abnormality.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, my power is getting stronger and stronger, and the stored power of Tzeentch can no longer affect me."

As Light Desire said, he stretched out his hand.

A protoplanetary disk began to condense in the palm of his hand.

This gaseous celestial body is like a dandelion fluff ball, but the internal changes are particularly drastic.

The stellar wind blows out from the inside of the protoplanetary disk.

The protoplanetary disk is actually the prototype of a star.

Rast once used a protoplanetary disk to create a star god.

That star god has been in the space station, acting as a gatekeeper, responsible for the security of the space station.

The last time Trazyn went there, if Light Desire hadn't hinted, the star god gatekeeper would have directly attacked the ribs.

The protoplanetary disk in Light Desire's hand gradually took shape, and eventually radiated light and heat from the inside out.

Star gods are essentially celestial beings, and most star gods need a sufficiently strong physical shell to carry themselves.

Rast naturally has a better way to solve this problem.

Finally, this star became a soulless body of a star god in the hands of Light Desire. Considering some factors, He gave this body of a star god maternal characteristics.

"For me?"

Aisha was pleasantly surprised by this gift.

She was the goddess of life, and this body of a star god was originally made for her by Rast, so she could use it directly as an incarnation.

"No way, you are too weak."

Light Desire's evaluation was very hurtful.

A complete body of a star god was enough to make Aisha fearless in the galaxy. Even the four gods could not directly threaten the incarnation of physical rules in the subspace.

Aisha successfully possessed this body of a star god.

There was no face, and the body was filled with colorful starlight, but it had amazing curves.

Aisha finally realized the terrifyingness of the star god.

Both of her bodies were much stronger than her original heyday.

"How should I thank you?"

Aisha and her incarnation of the star god looked at Rast at the same time, making a tempting sound in unison.

Before being attacked from both sides, Light Desire opened the Ash Gate and escaped.

Aisha and her avatar laughed at the same time, as if they had succeeded in their prank. Then she opened the Ash Gate and returned to her Garden of Life.

Rast's spiritual evil god filter worked again, and the gatekeeper created by him, the big foodie La who only knew how to eat stars, stopped eating.

"Welcome home, owner!"

This star god who saved millions of years of detours saluted and continued to lie down and mess up.

He was not interested in anything else except eating. The Creator's mission was to protect the space station, and he was paid a star every ten thousand years.

La calculated that it would take him tens of thousands of years to eat a star, and he couldn't finish it! He couldn't finish it at all!

When Rast created him, he customized La's taste so that he would not like to devour flesh and souls, so he had no interest in going out.

At the same time, the temporarily disappeared Light Desire avatars began to return one after another in various parts of the galaxy.

The Second Legion Fleet, the main ship.

The door of the Glorious Chamber opened again, and the magenta cans were very nervous.

They were really afraid that the master would be like that again.

Rast walked out, and He still had no expression on his face.

The two legions of the Janin aliens had planned to attack them immediately, but these aliens searched for the 4444 star system on the star map for a long time and could not find it.

This also led to the fact that these aliens have been unable to attack the Empire's fleet.

They thought that by destroying some planets, they could burn out a quarantine zone, so that foreign enemies would need to spend a lot of time and energy on logistics replenishment, because this was the difficulty they had experienced when they conquered the entire star zone and established a dynasty.

But they never thought that the Empire was even more ruthless and directly destroyed all the celestial bodies of the entire star, leaving no slag.

Rast, who caused this series of destruction, came to Morn, the kneeling commander of the Second Legion.

Some Astartes Legions also had their own temporary legion commanders before the return of the original body. They were strong and had excellent command and combat capabilities, far superior to ordinary Astartes.

Behind Morn were four captains of the Grand Company. They had jumped from other warships to guard here because they were worried about the safety of the quartermaster.

Morn and all the cans were very nervous. They were afraid that the Emperor's Glory would continue to lose control.

In front of the power that could destroy the star system at any moment, everything seemed to be indistinguishable and equally fragile.

An empire needs land, not an empty starry sky.

Rasta came to Moen and raised his hand.

His action gave the cans a bad association.


Imperial Glory slapped Moen on the forehead.

"Do your job well, why are you here? Listen to me talk in my sleep? And you four, want to rebel?"

After this slap, Moen burst out laughing, and the atmosphere on the entire main ship became lively.

The cans began to inform their brothers on other battleships of the good news.

"If you do what you did before, we will go crazy."

Many Dalian companies of legions have figures who are like big sisters.

The Fourth Company of the Second Legion has such a mascot.

She was born on Mars and is a technical priest. She is responsible for providing various technical support to the entire Fourth Company, as well as accepting various STCs for the Mars Mechanicum, and at the same time making statistics on the list of weapons that the Forge World can provide to the Second Legion.

She can even perform transformation surgery directly on the battleship of the Second Legion.

When the Second Legion stops on a certain planet to collect tithes, it will accept a certain number of teenagers from the Governor.

The Tech-Priests will then perform Astartes transformation surgeries directly on the battleship for these teenagers.

In other words, there were quite a few young men in the Second Legion who had every part of their bodies carefully inspected by her.

The cans of the Second Legion call her Oil Sister Monoan.

Mennuoan turned out to be a mechanical transformation madman, and modified himself so that more than half of his body tissues were mechanical structures.

After Guangyu arrived, she had someone perform an operation on her and turned her back into a human.

For no other reason, the Lord of Lights actually hates the appearance of the oil guy. In addition, his chief disciple Osiris and Monoan came out of a Mechanicus training academy.

At that time, Monoan had radical ideas and was scolded by Osiris's brother.

Monoan, who joined the Second Legion when she matured, considers this place her family.

In her eyes, Guang Lu is the patriarch of the family.

As for the Emperor, he is the master of mankind. Although the family is loyal to him, there is a gap between him and the family that cannot be ignored.

The cans usually don't alert Monoan, but even Monoan was called here, which shows that they have begun to seek medical treatment in a hurry.

"I just haven't been feeling well these days."

Rasta explained casually.

Monoan thought thoughtfully, took out his notes, and wrote down a damn record like "The Emperor's Glory menstrual cycle is very long, once every twenty-six years."

"...Tear it up and burn it!"

Guangyu can see what Monoan wrote just by reading the information.

“Then you must explain what happened to you instead of hiding it from us here.

There is no one more important than you in this family. "

Mennuoan said as he picked up the piece of paper.

Guang Yu was very dissatisfied and told part of the situation, but hid a lot

"You should have already guessed what I am. When I showed my true form in the subspace, you probably determined it. When I destroyed this star system, I had a further understanding.

I am a god, a very young god. I have now entered the growth stage, so my strength is a little stronger and difficult to control. I am afraid of hurting you, so I hid and adapted for a while.

Now, I'm done adjusting, that's it. "

The explanation of light desire was understood by the cans.

It's not like the Empire doesn't worship gods. Even though the Emperor keeps shouting that the Empire has no gods, he is not a god either.

But how do you explain the God of All Machines from the Mars Mechanicus? This is the Church recognized by the Lord of Mankind Himself.

The cans are thinking from one angle.

Rasta had other ideas.

The gods of the empire must appear, so he is trying to get the empire to reverse its atheism in order to accept the arrival of the gods of the empire in advance.

Menoan and the three company commanders got the answer and returned to their battleship.

Rasta glanced at Moen and couldn't help but made another big bid.

"Is it your boy who asked her to come?"

Moen smiled sheepishly.

"Go and do your thing. I want to see the destruction of this alien dynasty."

Rasta has no intention of letting go of Zhan Ning's alien appearance.

After Moen received the order, he immediately took action.

He informed the extended family in the most morale-boosting way possible.

"The master is fine! To celebrate His return to us, sons of glory, you should know what to do!"

"We will cleanse this sector that is an abomination to Him, in the name of the Sons of Glory!"

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