Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 214 Hand over lust for light

Zhan Ning's alien warships are turning into burning scrap metal one by one.

They are not fearless beings, and some of them are already praying to the Dark Saint.

The four imperial warships that came to fry fish at lower ranks intended to seize the main ship of the enemy fleet, so the light spear platform deliberately avoided those Zhanning alien warships that seemed to have slightly different armor styles.

This Zhanning alien fleet is not even a member of the four ace legions of this alien dynasty, which makes the angels of the empire seem to be bullying the artillery in six-god suits.

The thick armor of the imperial warship turned the enemy's attack into a tickle. The extremely itchy machine soul of the Swim Dome was filled with anger and sailed faster and faster.

Four pairs of twenty-one were killed in counterattack, and Zhan Ning's aliens were stunned by their own anger.

How could their battleships, which were invincible in the inter-sector civil war, be this kind of waste?

In their opinion, the imperial warship must have blocked their attack with that strange shield. In terms of the strength of the armor, they must be powerful.

So there was an alien idiot called Zhan Ning, who drove a battleship and directly hit the Starfire Destroyer.

The moment the collision angles of the two warships hit each other, the two warships felt different vibrations.

Then, the Starfire destroyer directly physically drove away Zhanning's alien bird battleship on the spot.

It is unknown how many Zhanning aliens were directly exposed to space and were killed on the spot by the unsurvivable space environment because they did not have the protection of the Empire's power armor.

Some Zhanning aliens even try to reproduce themselves and live another life in order to evolve a body suitable for the space environment. Unfortunately, this dream is too taken for granted.

The bodies of Zhanning's aliens who died twice in a row were mercilessly smashed into pieces by the sailing battleships.

Only then did he realize his true level. The aliens Zhan Ning, who was so good at it, were already riding a tiger.

The battleships approached and began to bombard each other from the sides of the ships.

This time, Zhan Ning's aliens finally achieved something.

After confirming that the enemy warship had launched an attack and the reloading time was sufficient, the imperial warship began to open the ejection bay launch port.

The drop pod is used to allow Astartes to parachute directly from extraterrestrial to the surface of the planet.

The ejection cabin is used to eject onto enemy warships and smash the armor to perform physical jumps.

The advantage of this approach is that the environment inside the enemy ship becomes unstable directly through multiple wounds on the battleship.

Cans with power armor that can adapt to the space environment will have an absolute advantage and start killing them.

Except for a few alien empires, there are few alien civilizations that can cope with the empire's gang-hopping tactics. The proficiency of domineering by forcefully occupying the right time, place, and people can be said to be almost maxed out.

The tenth-level newbie in Novice Village, who had never encountered such a situation, was stunned by the Empire's continuous attacks.

The moment Mal came out of the ejection bay, he raised his bolter and gave an intimate greeting to the incoming Zhanning aliens.

More and more cans came out of the ejection bay.

"For the Emperor!"

"I am the glorious warrior of the empire! The alien shall die!"

"The Emperor's radiance protects me!"

A group of cans shouting various slogans rushed into the pile of aliens and killed them indiscriminately.

Zhanning, who had never developed a protective armor, was immediately dumbfounded by the alien.

Aren't they here to vent their anger?

The Zhanning alien began to perform multiple cabin processing on the battleship to prevent more cabins from becoming the enemy's home ground connected to space.

Alien commander Zhan Ning woke up from a dream.

"They also have gods! They also worship gods! Their gods..."

Their gods are more powerful than ours. This demoralizing statement was not uttered by the frightened commander.

He forced himself not to be so afraid. Fear is contagious through pheromones.


Some cans swung their weapons harder after seeing the corruption, filth and all kinds of filth inside Zhanning's alien battleship.

No wonder the Emperor's Glory was so angry and demanded that they kill this alien dynasty as soon as possible.

A magenta can even found three Jenning aliens and a pot of aliens in one cabin, and the three Jenning aliens were very raw, but the pot of aliens was cooked.

They can even kill their own people, let alone other civilizations.

Marr soon received a request for peace.

Among the technology obtained by Zhanning's aliens is an Eldar language translator.

"We need to talk!"

The language translator was an outdated version, and Marr was shocked by the overlapping of Janine's alien language with the harsh High Gothic.

Because the mother tongue spoken by the other party is actually the Eldar language with an older pronunciation!

He caught a living Zhanning alien and looked at it carefully for a long time to confirm that it was indeed not a variant of the Dark Eldar. It was right for him to have this suspicion. What if the ancient race, which is tens of millions of years old, degenerated and evolved? The Zhanning Alien is, after all, a humanoid alien.

If the bean sprouts knew what Marr was thinking at this moment, they, who pride themselves on being noble, would be so angry that they would explode no matter which Eldar branch they were and curse the barbarians of Terra.

Because from the perspective of the Eldar, the physical gap between the Zhanning aliens and them is as huge as the physical gap between humans and stinky rats.

As the overlord civilization that once ruled the galaxy, the Eldar will certainly not be underestimated by the empire. In the two thousand years since the Emperor led mankind back to the stars and began the Great Crusade, minor frictions between the human empire and the Eldar have never stopped.

The Dark Eldar often prey on Imperial civilians through the Webway for food and to drain their souls.

Zhan Ning's alien warship was being ripped open one after another by cans. As long as it was not an important warship, it was basically dismantled to pieces, because the scrap metal had no capture value.

After the gang-hopping ended, the imperial warships no longer carried out heavy fire strikes to prevent harm to the battle brothers in the enemy ships. They instead activated defensive artillery groups to intercept artillery fire that might threaten their own safety.

Marr was killing efficiently while trying to get something out of the enemy commander.

"What do you want to talk about?"

The communication loop in the battleship remained basically intact, transmitting Marr's words to the alien commander Zhanning.

"We can cede this star system..."

"Idiot! Our occupation of this star system has become a foregone conclusion, and your resistance is weak to us!

I am willing to give you, this ugly alien, a chance to say his last words, not just to listen to you talking in your sleep! "

As Mal said, he punched a Zhanning alien that was being reborn inside his body and completely destroyed it.

The glowing bird traps of the Astartes began to make every Zhanning alien become frightened and lose their ability to resist.

"We have the Dark Saint behind us. Even if you defeat us, you can't take away this star system, because the Dark Saint is more powerful than you imagine!"

"No, our empire is beyond your imagination, idiot! Our team, compared to the empire behind us, is like the difference between an ocean and a glass of water!"

Marr was not afraid that the other party would know the details of the empire.

The entire galaxy is being pushed forward by the empire. Even the alien empire knows that mankind is engaged in great expansion. An alien dynasty that has been emasculated to the extreme is nothing more than the ghost of civilization under the iron heel of the empire.

The alien Zhanning did not want to believe Mal's statement, because in that case, the invincible dynasty in its mind would become a big garbage dump.

Mal said: "Alien, the dark saint you are talking about is not the Dark Eldar, is it? Those stinky rats hiding in the webway dare to call themselves saints?

No wonder your technology looks a bit familiar even though it is backward. It turns out to be the obsolete model of the Eldar. "

Marr did not rush to report this information because it was not necessary.

He believed that the great Emperor Guanghui knew everything and had discovered this problem long ago.

The reason why He didn't tell Zhan Ning that the Dark Eldar was behind Zhan Ning's alien appearance meant that there was no need to tell him.

Or maybe he thinks it doesn't matter whether there are Dark Eldar in this war or not.


He has already made a plan for the Dark Eldar, and the Second Legion only needs to obey orders and move forward according to His instructions.

"I only have so much authority! I can only give up this one star system!"

Alien commander Zhan Ning is going crazy. The other party actually knows the details of the dark saints served by his dynasty.

It felt that this war had to stop first.

Therefore, it said: "I can contact the four ace legions, and the ace legions will contact the ruler of our dynasty.

Perhaps it will give you a price that will satisfy you. "

Peace talks? Marr didn't need peace talks at all, he just wanted more information in the other party's words.

He mocked: "Then should we show some sincerity?"

Sincerity? Who dares to ask for sincerity from you? Alien commander Zhan Ning heard Mal's strange mood and didn't dare to speak out.

He felt that he had given the other party a huge step up.

"You just need to give us insignificant roles as hostages, like quartermaster or something?"

In its view, quartermasters, people who always enrich their own pockets, are the most hated by the Legion, and it is impossible for Marr to refuse its proposal.

Sure enough, all the canned offensive stopped for a moment, which made the alien commander Zhanning chuckle.

Because it made the right choice!

It's just that the offensive of the cans was paused, not because of reconciliation, but because of the endless rage welling up in their hearts.

"What did you say?!"

I thought I would have 1,000 monthly tickets this month that could be drawn in the lottery next month, but unfortunately, I missed it a little bit (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻

Let’s talk about the update issue.

Some readers may feel that the author has not updated enough.

In fact, the number of words in a single chapter has increased, and the total volume still meets the previous requirement of four chapters and 8,000 words a day.

I owed four chapters before, but I missed writing 500 chapters yesterday...

Then consider it as owing 10,000 words.

The ten thousand will be paid back next Wednesday.


There is another chapter, maybe early in the morning.

The music is like this

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