Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 217 Desire to eat up

In the temple of the Lord of Lights.

The long table that had been used to celebrate the birthdays of the forty-four disciples was full.

Rasta, who was in the main seat, was restless.

"Do you have any sense of contract? You agreed to leave many things to us, but what happened? You took care of everything yourself!

Now that you have a problem, you just disappeared without telling us. Do you know how worried we are? "

The taciturn Assassin disciple was so angry that he opened his mouth to accuse.

But looking back at the timeline, it can be seen that she has been looking forward to Rasta's return, and she even thought that he would be afraid of facing her disciples when he came back.

She was afraid that the other disciples would speak harshly to the Lord, so she kept practicing her current lines in front of the mirror.

After the Assassin disciple spoke, the other disciples realized that they had put a certain amount of pressure on the Lord, leaving Him at a loss as to what to do.

Rasta is really hard to explain, let alone answer.

So, He chose...

"It's no use being a child! Give me an answer!"

Duoan said that it was useless, and while saying that it was useless, he reached out and took Guangyu into his arms.

She and Osiris sat on the two seats closest to the main seat, one on the left and the other on the right.

She began to torture him, rubbed Guangyu's little face fiercely, and then asked him "Do you want to tell me?"

"It's my turn! It's my turn!"

Rasta was passed around like this, and even the disciples of Lucifer's Black Guard couldn't hold back this time.

It was only after one loss that the disciples discovered how strong their dependence on the Lord had become.

The female disciples wanted to eat Him so they wouldn’t have to worry about losing Him.

The little evil god form of Light Desire climbed onto the table and put his hands on his hips.

"I'm just entering the developmental stage. My strength is getting stronger and it's hard to control. Plus, I'm a little bit mentally rebellious. Do you want to blame me?"

After the adaptation period, Wu Xidisi began to use forceful words again.

"Oh? You mean, you've grown again?"

The disciples of Sister Silence no longer feel sleepy after hearing this.

"Ah, yes! That's right! Wait..."

Just when Rasta was feeling happy that the other party admitted her excuse, she suddenly noticed that she licked her lips.

"Please let me check for you tonight to see if you are developing normally."

The anklet swayed and made a crisp metal collision sound. Doan, the ruler of the Court of Dawn, had already thought about what to have for dinner.

"You can't just leave without saying a word!"

The Assassin disciple blamed herself the most. She was the Lord's personal guard. When Rasta disappeared from the Court of Dawn, she could do nothing to stop her. Although the other disciples did not blame her, she herself felt doubly tormented.

The tomboy Lucifer Black Guard disciple even said bluntly: "You have always refused to answer our questions directly, so well, please leave us a child. This way, after you leave without saying a word, we can still have a child." The meaning of living!”

From the time they followed the desire for light, the forty-four disciples had regarded Him as the entire meaning of their lives.

Losing their Lord was something the disciples could not accept.

"You are my children! I don't want to have children! Who should I give birth to?!"

Light Desire is very resistant to bringing a child into this world. He doesn't want a life he created to suffer even a fraction of the hardships he endured.

Even if his descendants possess his power, as long as they inherit his damn empathy, they will easily suffer like him.

Even though the disciple of Lucifer's Black Guard had gender cognitive disorder, she couldn't care less, she gritted her teeth.

"Although I consider myself to be your male disciple, I have a female body and I am willing to give birth to an heir for you!"

Not only the Lucifer Black Guard disciples, but also the other female disciples are interested and are just waiting for the Lord to call his name.

"Wait a minute, how many years have it been since I left Chaos and was born in the Milky Way?

According to the age of the evil god, I am still a child! I don't want to have children! "

Guangyu didn't want to mention the sufferings of his previous life anymore. He was afraid of awakening his dazzling self again, so he changed his explanation.

Finally, Osiris stood up and stopped the farce.

"The Lord is already troubled enough by many things. We are His disciples and we should not add extra burdens to Him! Everyone should perform their duties and it will be just as good as in the past.

This is the greatest devotion to the Lord, do you understand? "

The chief disciple came out to be the villain, and he said cruel words that Rasta did not want to say.

Telling the disciples to leave themselves alone would seriously harm them.

The temple once again fell into an awkward atmosphere with nothing to say.

"At least let us know what we can do for you?"

The words came from Hein, who was visibly uneasy.

“In the near future, the Court of Dawn will become the supreme tribunal independent of the empire.

You will be my Holy Judgment Army, and you will be very busy at that time.

Your current responsibility is to build this world into a world that is ten times and a hundred times more perfect than Holy Terra.

This is one of my requests for you. My other request is that I hope you can...

Being able to be my carefree child during this time. "

After Rasta said these words, he returned from the small evil god form to the form of a young man with black hair and black eyes.

Rasta was confused in his heart, and his emotions also affected his disciples. The evil god's spiritual filter often had different effects depending on his state.

"As long as we do this, will you promise not to leave us?"

The Black Guard disciples of Lucifer speak out.

"Soon, I will always be by your side forever and never be separated!"

Light desire made a promise.

The disciples were relieved when they finally felt at ease.

After a family meeting, the forty-four disciples returned to their positions and began to mobilize the operation of the Court of Dawn.

The Assassin disciples followed the Lord closely, fearing that He would leave him as his personal bodyguard again.

Guang Yu took out a star map and looked at a certain star system on the star map, but still couldn't make up his mind.

He had always known where Angron was, but he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to let him bear the fate he had given him.

The Lord of Lights always wants perfection, but he doesn't want others to get hurt.

When the star in the Court of Dawn turned to the other side, Rasta was ready to go back to his oversized bed to sleep.

The Assassin's Disciples followed closely behind.

Opening the door, the Lord of Lights sensed a dangerous aura.

He tried to retreat, but the Assassin's disciples hugged him from behind and refused to let him go.

"Lord, haven't you grown up? What are you afraid of?"

There was only one speaker in the room, a Disciple of the Sisters of Silence.

However, there are many sisters beside her.

This time, even Lucifer's Black Guard disciples came.

Doan even took off his anklet.

"Great Lord, we haven't had dinner yet, and you don't want your lovely children to go to bed hungry."

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