Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 219 Night Attack on the Emperor

After handing over all the things needed for Horus's godhood ceremony to the other party.

Rasta was ready to leave.

Horus refused to let him go. Firstly, it had been too long since he had seen him, and secondly, there was something he needed to ask clearly.

"Now, am I the third member of the Garden Baby Army?"

"No, you're fourth!"

Raste's answer was beyond the expectations of the Wolf Goddess.

Horus's face darkened. Someone was the first to get there?

She first looked at Loken, who refused to take the blame and shook his head repeatedly.

"Is it Luojia?"

Horus decided to go back and give Luojia a good training.

Rasta spread her hands to show that she guessed wrong.


"I recruited her to bring down the morale of the legion?"

"Haven't you already ruined the spirit of the legion? Does she have the power you have to succeed?"

"It seems right...that's right! You slandered me!"

"How dare I...so, who is the third one?"

"You don't know a little guy named Makabaka. The Emperor and I unanimously approved him to join the Garden Baby Legion.

Although he ranks third, you rank fourth. Four is my sacred number, so you are the core figure of the Garden Baby Army! "

Lust began to deceive the original body again.

"Then what title does my core character have?"

Horus needed concrete evidence.

"Then... how about giving you the title of Saint of the Garden Baby Corps? When you go out to speak out, you look so majestic! How unattainable!"

Just open your mouth and come.


Loken and Horus went through a brainstorming session: "The Primarch who doesn't want to be a Saint of the Evil God's Baby Legion is not the Emperor's filial daughter?"

Wait a minute, are you sure this sounds majestic and unattainable?

"Okay, I have a tight schedule today, so I'll leave first."

The sofa under Guang Lu's butt suddenly burst into flames and turned into a door of ashes, swallowing him up.

Horus began to consider whether to accept this title.

This represents the management position of the Garden Baby Army, and it is impossible for Xiaodian to hand it over.

If in the future one by one the Primarchs and others chosen by Light Desire join in, she, Horus, will be able to overwhelm them with her identity.

Loken touched the brand new twig in his hand, willing to try out the feel.

But the most filial network administrator definitely couldn't say it directly. She had to change her words.

"You should continue to build the house, don't let the master live up to his expectations."

Horus raised his hand to signal: "No! I have another idea!"

The Wolf Goddess will eventually appear in this world. Although she has developed a certain degree of adaptability following the lust of light, she feels that she still needs to practice again.

So, she finally confirmed the option that had been dangling in front of her for a long time.

[Do you want to invite the Primarch Luojia to go online? 】

The Internet cafe of Guangyu is very responsible and gives a small reminder to the Wolf Shepherd Goddess who is the temporary owner of the Internet cafe.


At the same time, the Emperor's Dream.

Fairy Ibrahimovic has been recognized by quite a few people because of her status as Guangyu's granddaughter.

No one would call her alien, and she even succeeded in serving as Luojia's affairs officer.

Her strong physical fitness means that even if she is not as good as the Primarch, her overall quality is higher than that of the average Astartes.

Luo Jia has been practicing her practical skills during this period.

He trained with the Custodes during the day and with the Fairy Eevee at night - even though there was no difference between day and night in the Emperor's Dream.

Luojia, who had been trained by Guang Yu, the physical education teacher, was already strong enough.

Primarchs who can fight can basically defeat the Imperial Army.

The same goes for Konstatin, the commander of the Forbidden Army.

At first, Luojia would be knocked down by the Imperial Guards' skills - but they could not be fatally injured.

As the various knowledge and memories in the divine substance brought by the gods' spines he absorbed poured in, Luojia began to learn to fight back successfully.

He also finally learned that although Constantine was the master of the Forbidden Army, the most powerful Forbidden Army was the God's Chosen Forbidden Army of Lust. The pink paint on his body had turned his dazzling gold power armor into some kind of Subspace matter.

The force of this Imperial Guard has surpassed all other Imperial Guards.

Constantine once fought against the Pink Imperial Army and was defeated by the opponent in four moves.

He even suspected that the Pink Forbidden Army was holding back. The reason why it took four moves to defeat him was to correspond to the Holy Number of Light and Desire.

This made Constantine a little depressed.

The Lord of Mankind had predicted in advance that Light wanted to attack the Emperor at night, so he summoned the Imperial Guard to cover for him.

Originally, this task should have been given to Constantine, because his status was high enough and he could make Guangyu less angry after his attempted crime.

But Constantine refuses to do anything and is the master of the pink imperial army. Is it true?

So Constantine organized a draw.

The Pink Forbidden Army was the first to draw. After he finished drawing, everyone did not move and had no intention of continuing to draw lots.

Constantine patted him on the shoulder.

"Good brother! You are worthy of being my subordinate. Well, the drawing is over and it's decided that it's you!"

You are such a highly motivated person who won’t let you go.

The day and night of the Emperor's Dream correspond to the sacred Terran time.

That night, Rasta tiptoed to the emperor's bedroom, carrying a small oil drum and a small brush, and began to paint carefully.

Those pink paints slowly seeped into the skin, hair, bones and blood of the pink imperial army through the golden armor.

The emperor couldn't hold back, and stood up after admiring the Sixth Evil God's blessing and transformation ceremony.

The Pink Forbidden Army chose to suppress laughter due to the itching and the pain of the genetic modification surgery.

After that night, the Pink Custodian's spiritual power increased greatly. Even the Sisters of Silence who accompanied the Emperor's Dream on the voyage were unable to suppress his special spiritual power.

The Warp has recognized him as one of the Chaos beings.

Almost all beings whose psychic powers are powerful enough to a certain standard can use psychic powers to change their body shape.

Magnus, for example, can use psychic powers to make himself as tall as some medium-sized Titans, but how long this state can be maintained is another question.

The Emperor tested the true capabilities of the Pink Custodes. The Pink Custodes mobilized all their psychic powers, reaching a height of ten meters and charging towards the Lord of Mankind.

The emperor didn't talk about martial ethics and promised to fight in close combat, but ended up having a psychic showdown.

The pink Custodes who were shot away were unscathed. From that moment on, the Emperor always wanted to trick Guangxi into painting all the Custodes pink.

What does it matter if the color is not too serious? It's enough if you have serious strength. A pink guy walks out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Doesn't the contrast make him feel more oppressive?

"Your strength has not been fully explored yet."

The discussion between Constantine and Lorgar came to an end, and he spoke highly of the newly returned Emperor's son.

"Thank you for your advice."

Luojia's humility and courtesy are the secret to making him popular among the Imperial Guards.

After bidding farewell to Constantine, he returned to his cabin.

Fairy Eevee wiped his sweat.

At this time, Luojia's eyes flashed, and a line of Gothic language unfolded in front of his eyes.

[Guangyuhei Internet Cafe has special offer today, free Internet access! 】

Luojia quickly asked Fairy Ibrahimovic to sit on the bedside, and then he lay down himself.

With his beloved wife's knees on his pillow, Luo Jia sank into the black stockings and started logging in at the same time.

When he opened his eyes again, he could no longer smell Fairy Eevee's body fragrance.

Horus worshiped Light Desire very much, so she also wanted to learn how Light Desire worked for God.

She handed the bricklayer's knife and the long ashlar stone to Luo Jia.

"What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and build a wall!"

Luojia recognized this as Ms. Musashi from Team Rocket.

Even though Lorcan wasn't wearing a Catgirl costume, he recognized Lorcan Meow.

However, he recognized something else.

He spoke a little unconfidently.

"elder brother?!"

The Wolf Goddess was immediately stunned and began to wonder where she had exposed her secret.

Loken knew the reason, but she didn't dare to say it.

"No! You got the wrong person! I'm not! The gender is wrong, I am Musashi from Team Rocket!

The regent boss of the lusty Internet cafe, the saint of the Garden Baby Corps! "

Horus suddenly became serious. She didn't believe that her disguise was so bad.

Luojia had no choice but to reach out and pull up the street sign next to Horus.

"Primarch of the Sixteenth Legion" was written crookedly on it, and the arrow on the street sign pointed to Horus.

Seeing that Horus was unwilling to call him brother, Luojia had no choice but to change his title.


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