Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 227: Turning against guests

Of course, Aisha couldn't eat up her lust in front of four bean sprouts.

The power she holds is life, especially the lives of the bean sprouts.

Rasta had already won all her favor and even came to save Douya's life, which simply teased Elsa to the point where she couldn't help herself.

Her favorite Lord once resurrected an entire planet without any scruples, but now it was difficult for him to resurrect just two bean sprouts and he had to ask her for help, which made her feel that he had entered a certain period of weakness.

This greatly stimulated Elsa's motherly nature, making her, a doctor, eager to bring the patient Guang Lu back to the garden.

good! good! According to! Gu!

"Your power is still unbalanced. Your original power has nothing to do with creation and life. If you force yourself to pay tens of millions of times to obtain these powers and use them without restraint, it is inevitable to suffer backlash."

After pressing Rasta against the wall and inspecting it, Elsa advised him to stop temporarily and not to pay like this again.

Rasta does not have any authority to create anything. He just swallowed the Chaos Gods and used their conceptual abilities to piece together an ability that looked similar but had nothing to do with creation.

He has been using this power to maintain the status quo.

"This is the only way I can go, and I have to be steadfast."

After giving a concise and concise explanation, Rasta casually threw two fragments of the gods' bones as small as soybeans to the two Phoenix Lords.

When the Phoenix Lord didn't know what to do, Elsa let them eat it.

Then Rasteben prepared to open the Ashes Door to let Elsa leave.

"You gave me permission to enter the Ashes Gate. Of course I didn't leave on my own because I didn't want to. Do you hate me? Do you want me to leave quickly? And this is the world of the Eldar Tribe, and it is also my home. You are the one guest!"

Through sophistry, Elsa managed to capture the light that was no higher than her waist.

"It's up to you." Rasta understood her little intention and simply let it go.

The two stupid bean sprouts were hurriedly kneeling down to worship their gods.

Rasta then asked them a question.

"One of you has a brother and the other has a sister. If you die like this, what will they do?"

"Everyone will raise them up. We, the Eldar of Bietan, have always..."

Little Douya's silly sister Douya talks about the customs and habits of her own world.

Guangyu interrupted her and put the image of little bean sprouts sitting in a rocking chair into her mind.

"Do you want her to spend her childhood happily like this, or do you want her to be like this in the future?"

After the rocking chair scene ended, Rasta showed the gloomy future where Little Douya's personality had completely changed in the future timeline.

The Eldar are a long-lived race, but their fertility rate is very low. Their population depends entirely on longevity.

Once attrition occurs due to war, the population will drop significantly, and it may not be able to be replenished even if it takes thousands of years, because there will be fewer bean sprouts that can give birth to children.

Bean sprouts' childhood is much longer than that of humans. Because their perceptions are sharper than humans, they are more susceptible to psychological trauma.

The two Phoenix Lords swallowed the bones of the gods at the same time. This tonic for the gods made their souls stronger and their bodies also strengthened a little.

After all, the strongest Phoenix Lord is only as good as the normal Primarch in the original timeline before running away after just a few moves. If he can survive, he is only as good as Constantine, the Lord of the Imperial Guard.

Absorbing the fragments of the gods' bones can completely make up for the loss of their souls, and even make them stronger.

It was just the side effects that made them roll around on the ground in a bit of embarrassment, and there was nothing they could do about it.

The two silly bean sprouts looked exactly like me...

No, it should be said that the Phoenix Lord, who was using his original body, was rolling on the ground in pain and shrinking his neck in fear.

They did not dare to answer that they also wanted to return to their little bean sprouts, which was not allowed by the so-called noble sacrificial qualities of the Ada Eldar, but they could not refuse.

The light desire that can see through people's hearts through huge growth is regarded as their default.

Just when the Phoenix Lord finally overcame the side effects, sweating profusely and pleasantly surprised to find that his power had become stronger, Rasta opened the door of ashes and walked in with two little bean sprouts and Aisha.

His incarnation is also recovering worthy souls from other Phoenix Lords in the Arkworld. He does not save all bean sprouts.

Letting those who deserve to be saved get a good enough ending, that is, good deeds will be rewarded, is the key to maintaining His dim light. He will protect those who pursue the light.

Elsa started working overtime again, recreating the bodies of Douyao one by one, and then watched Rasta stuff the soul into them.

The Eldar goddess of life does not hate such work, it is a kind of enjoyment for her.

Having Guangyu by her side can give a positive life a bright future, which makes her so satisfied.

When Rasta's different incarnations took away different Bean Sprouts, most of the Phoenix Lords in the Ark Alliance already knew about the existence of the Lord of Lights and his relationship with the Goddess of Life.

Although he was struggling with why the God of the Empire was like the god of his own race, the Phoenix Lord and the lost Bean Sprout had a win-win situation, so they did not continue to struggle with this.

Finally, Rasta returned to the sculpture garden.

His playfulness grew, and the silly bean sprouts and Aisha behind him were invisible to him.

The mental connection still existed, and all the bean sprouts saw the three riders of the ultimate war horse being approached by a human boy who could not make them angry.

Little Douya got off her horse, as if these rocking chairs were not restraining her at all.

Next to them, Moen and the Laughing God thought they could get down. They were relieved. They tried to leave the rocking chair, but failed.

Even, because of the departure of Xiao Dou Ya, the rocking chair released the child protection restrictions and began to rock wildly!

Little Douya completely ignored the misery and infinite madness of Moen and Douya Cake in the background, but came to Guangyu and asked for his sister.

"So what if I promised you? Do I have to fulfill my promise?"

Luang Lu began to scare the children again.

Little Douya looked at the evil god who changed his face, bit his lip immediately, and was about to cry.

"What's the point of crying? Sue your parents! Come on, I'll give your parents to you, and you can sue them!"

He directly picked up the little bean sprouts and stuffed them to the invisible stupid bean sprouts next to him.

Dudouya broke his invisibility and hugged his sister tightly.

Rasta's appearance as a villain is to express one thing to Doudouya - no one will care about her being bullied even if you are not around.

"elder sister……"

"I will never leave you again."

After a touching reunion between the sisters, Rasta stepped forward, put down Laughing God and Morn, and started talking nonsense to Laughing God.

"Thanks to your ritual, the Phoenix Lord was finally able to obtain a carrier, and at the same time, the dedicated Eldar could return."

The speed of the rocking chair was dozens of times that of Moen. The Laughing God, who was almost shaking his head, responded with "uh uh" twice, and at the same time quickly moved away from the lust for light.

It’s so wicked!

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