Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 233 The Father of the Spirit Tribe

It's a gorgeous show, a feast for the arts in Slaanesh's opinion.

Salish doesn't care whether the beans are boiled or the bean sprouts are burned, as long as the bean sprouts are killing each other, she likes it very much.

He will never give up on all the pain in this galaxy and subspace, as long as it is not what he considers the domestic violence caused by lust and lust.

The Prince of Joy observed the young bean sprout in the chaos.

The power shown by Zana Ke has surpassed all the unicorns in the past, and she can even be regarded as the original body's combat power!

"The original body and the beings that can rival the original body are completely different concepts, and you are the chosen one for the lost dog. It's such a pity, otherwise I could have turned you into my demon princess~"

Salish was tired of watching.

He is not Khorne and likes to enjoy the battle all the time.

There was no pleasure in killing others in Sana Ke's killing. She exercised restraint to the extreme, doing everything just to achieve her goal.

He reaches out.

At the same time, within the purple soul storm in the extradimensional city Ayaxi, souls were controlled by Slaanesh.

The number of souls that can be called storms in such huge ancient saint creations as super-dimensional cities has exceeded hundreds of millions.

Black bean sprouts have always relied on sucking souls to maintain their immortality, so that the population can be guaranteed. Today, the population has dropped sharply and may even return to zero.

The existence of the soul storm made Ark Bean Sprout feel the fear of being targeted by natural enemies.

But there is their laughing god in the Bietan Arkworld, standing with them!

This is the biggest source of courage for Ark Bean Sprouts.

On the soul storm, giant faces appeared, each one sixty-six kilometers high.

The giant faces opened their mouths, ready to scream curses at the sprouts and break the webway to unleash Slaanesh's daemon hordes.

And there are frightened soul faces superimposed infinitely on the soul storm, biting the black bean sprouts around crazily.

Every time a black bean sprout dies, the face tentacles of Soul Storm will grow stronger.

Finally, the tentacles grew enough to surround the horn.

Sana Ke didn't panic, she knew it was Shalishi, the bean sprout, who was taking action against her.

But the one who eats children is in Bietan. She was also connected in her mind just now and saw the cute but extremely sinister god.

When she thought of this, Sana Ke's tail couldn't help but wag.

Salish was still smiling because she saw that Dujiao's reaction was too slow to an extent that was completely negligible for other bean sprouts.

But the tentacles of His soul face grabbed this flaw, and He wanted to...

etc! Why? Do flower bean sprouts grow tails?

Sanake's tail easily smashed the incoming soul face tentacles.

From the time she started hunting black bean sprouts until now, she has not officially used the power of the gods given to her by Rasta.

Prince Happy seemed to have thought of something. He took a careful look at the tail, and then glanced at the bean sprouts attacking Aiyaxi.

Finally, His eyes fell on the four ark worlds.

Four seats, that’s okay. I won’t play anymore. I’m going home to eat.

Shalish was ready to run away, but a dazzling light still broke through the webway and chased her away.

Slaanesh's screams suddenly echoed throughout the webway, leaving all the bean sprouts confused.

In Bietane, Rasta used the dazzling light and felt a little uncomfortable.

Now, He must use the dim light to kill Slaanesh in all his incarnations and meet him head-on. However, He cannot reveal his existence. He is creating momentum for the Laughing God.

He can only choose to shine brightly.

Aisha quickly turned the painful and somewhat out-of-control light desire into her arms and comforted him to sleep.

She opened the Ashes Door and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, she reminded the bean sprout cake.

"He has done everything for you, it's time to go out and receive this moment of glory that belongs to you."

Yes, Rasta is trying to find a way to make the Laughing God the absolute support of the Eldar.

As long as the Laughing God's performance is good enough, the Ada Spirit Tribe's faith will become more fanatical, and the more faith they have, the stronger the bean sprout cake will be.

After all, Xilaile is not a bean sprout god with a particularly bad personality.

He didn't understand why Rasta had to do this, and he felt unworthy of this glorious emperor.

While Bean Sprout Cake was thinking, Aisha had already left Bietan with Rasta.

And the Laughing God also wants to go out and receive the achievement of "defeating Slaanesh".

Only the injured world of Rainbow Four Ponytail was achieved.

"Ah? Alas! I haven't gone back yet!"

Moen, who was originally worried about his quartermaster, was now worried about himself.

"I'll take you back via the internet later. It'll be quick."

The Laughing God did not ignore the Primarch-level Legion Commander trained by the Quartermaster.

After Bean Sprout Gao comforted Moen, he walked out of Bietan Ark World while thinking about something.

Slaanesh's escape was clearly felt by all the bean sprouts.

These bean sprouts didn't understand what was going on.

According to the Harlequin Troupe's script, even Nusgreen, the new god of art, has just become the main god and cannot compare with Salish in terms of strength. He only has the status of the main god.

Even if she relies on the barrier of reality, Shalish's power extending into the real universe will be suppressed by the God of Art, but it is impossible for the God of Art's attack to reach Chaos and injure and scare away the Prince of Joy.

Only the troupe leader and Sana Ke, the one-actor, understood what was going on, but they would not speak out about it on their own initiative.

The black bean sprouts no longer had any worries because of Slaanesh's departure. They were ready to fight back. They didn't expect victory. These space pirates just wanted to bite more Ark Eldar to death before they died.

Just when the Archon and the conspiracy groups had this idea at the same time, a figure walked out from the sky above the super-dimensional city.

He stood above all the bean sprouts.

The original Laughing God could correspond to the more powerful ones among the secondary gods. This was already the T2 level combat power in the real universe.

T1, of course, was the level of the Chaos God. It goes without saying who T0 was.

When the Laughing God received the successive gifts from Rast, his strength rose to another level, and he was already at the level of an extremely powerful secondary god in the chaos.

The Chaos God was very powerful, but the influence exerted on reality through the barrier of reality had been weakened.

No matter how weak the current Laughing God's power was, it could still be a little stronger than the authority that Sallys transmitted to reality.

He appeared at the most critical moment, and his psychic power made him look like the builder of the building blocks of the super-dimensional city.

The dark Eldar felt suffocated because they clearly realized that Douya Gao was powerful, far beyond the level in their records.

"Father of the Eldar, the last savior, the god who still favors Ada Yuhui, you defeated that stinky bitch?!"

A Phoenix Lord who dared not call out Slaanesh's name sought answers from Douya Gao in praise.

The God of Laughter only needed a nod to gain endless worship, which was also what Rastim agreed.

But Xilaile felt that he shouldn't do this.

He shook his head and spoke.

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