
This is a planet where high technology and wilderness coexist, a world full of the atmosphere of Khorne.

Humanity arrived on this planet during the Golden Age, but had to cut off its legs to survive due to the turmoil of the Dark Age.

Without the iron man who can liberate the labor force and the intelligent assistant who can handle various trivial tasks, human beings suddenly become helpless.

After the chaos, Nusria immediately became a world of repressive rule.

Ruthless rulers, nobles who care little about human life, and hungry commoners or slaves.

The wine and meat in the wealthy family are stinky, and the bones on the road are frozen to death, all of which are praising the world.

Nuthria's nobles were disgusted enough to burn a mountain that could be converted into mountain farmland without giving their slaves a chance to eat.

As long as slaves don't have enough to eat, they won't have the strength to resist them. Slaves can only run for food every day and cannot acquire knowledge, let alone fight against the ruling class who possess various high-tech weapons.

As long as the nobles held all the land and food in their hands, they could enslave huge numbers of servants forever.

Even in the eyes of these nobles and rulers, they and ordinary civilians are two different species.

The worst among them would call themselves Celestial Dragons.

These nobles carried out inhumane oppression and enslavement of ordinary people in Nusria. The method they used to relieve the pressure of civilian life was to build large-scale gladiatorial arenas.

Use the loss of blood and life to relax the nerves of every Nusrian.

They encouraged slavery, so children from ordinary families were often abducted by slave traders in various ways.

Whether the organs are removed or thrown into the arena, for the Nusrian people, the lost child means that it has no future and has become a consumable.

The world has always been under Khorne's nose.

Just like Mortarion's alien world has always been under Nurgle's attention.

In the original timeline, they controlled humans or aliens in the two worlds, controlled the life trajectories of the two original bodies, and made themselves 100% sure to win over these two demon princes.

But now, they can't do it.

A dim light guarded the primarch's cultivation chamber.

This dim light is in the chaos, and they are helpless, not to mention that it is separated by the barrier of reality.

Nurgle accepted this reality easily, taking things as they came.

Khorne is not good, even if he can't draw Sanguinius, why is there no guarantee?

He looked hysterically all day long and barked at the thorny plateau of Nusria.

"Shut up! Get out!"

The Gate of Ashes opened on the barren mountains of the Thorny Plateau, and Rasta, who had been baptized by Elsa's maternal brilliance countless times, walked out.

The roar of Khorne was heard when he went out, which put him in a bad mood.

The Lord of Skulls sat on the brass throne, ceasing to rage.

"Come! Beat me to death! Lust! Come! You have only now begun to think that my power is valuable!"

Of course, Khorne felt that his authority had been stolen. He was not angry but happy, because this showed that Light Desire faced the value of his power!

"You're annoying like a pussy!"

Raste scolded Khorne on the spot.


In the chaos, on the mountain of skulls, the paraplegic sociopath lunatic lowers his head.

Light Desire is the object of his respect and even worship. With Khorne's pride, he can agree to the plan of the other three gods. This shows how much Khorne attaches importance to Rasta.

But now, Khorne's idol says he's a pussy.

The God of Courage suddenly shut himself up and withdrew his attention from Nusria.

There was no way, Guang Yu kept insulting Him and refused to fight Him.

After spraying Khorne away, Rasta looked at the desolate mountainous area and suddenly became very sad.

Even after experiencing countless sufferings and losses, being tortured to such an extent, and even being nailed with the Butcher's Nails, Angron could do one thing - give everything for his most cherished brothers and sisters. !

The thorn plateau and mountains of Nusria are truly a barren land.

There is nothing edible here, not even ordinary grass roots.

There are only thorns here, large tracts of poisonous thorns!

There is a creature in ancient Terra called a camel, which can chew cactus and camel thorns.

But there are not even cactus and camel thorns here. The nutritional content of these two plants is much higher than those of these highly poisonous thorns.

When Angron rebelled against the slave masters of Nusria for his brothers and sisters in the gladiatorial arena, he was forced to bring his rebel army to the land of his birth.

There is no food and lack of water.

Angron didn't hesitate. He ate like crazy every day, devouring these thorns, then ignoring all his pain, resisting the madness brought by the Butcher's Nail, with the vision of a bright future for all his brothers and sisters.

He cut his own arm and used his blood as food to satisfy the hunger of the family members he brought out from the arena!

In the entire thorn plateau, there are only a few plants that are similar to nettles but are much worse in toxicity, taste and nutrition than nettles, which can make Angron less painful when eating.

It's a pity that he spared no effort to protect his brothers and sisters, tried hard to open his arms, and allowed all the hardships to happen, but in the end he kept nothing.

The other Primarchs may have been wrong to betray the Emperor, but what he did to the Emperor was absolutely justified!

He never betrayed because he was never loyal to the Emperor, he simply went from being a slave of Nusria to being a slave to the Emperor.

He was just a slave who used all means to resist the Emperor and his damn fate.

All his madness and suffering could have ended when he met the Emperor, but the Emperor cast a catalyst, turning Angron into a slave to fate driven by anger and hatred.

The reason why Rasta often choreographs the Emperor is because of this.

He was restraining his anger the last time he took out the gourd and called the Emperor's name in Cornis.

If he weren't afraid of beating the Emperor to death, he would really want to vent his anger on Angron's behalf.

I have to say something if I can't hit you, otherwise Rasta will really be unable to swallow this tone of voice.

After walking through this thorny land, Raste felt as peaceful as possible.

Not long after he moved forward, he saw a dozen airships.

That's Black Bean Sprout's airship.

The Ark Eldar coalition led by the Laughing God has not yet reached Commorragh.

And these airships come from Comoros.

Black Bean Sprouts are prohibited from using psychic powers, so they do not have special Eldar units like Prophets.

But they can also predict the future, and there are many ways to do so.

One of them is soul divination, which uses the soul as power to seek changes in the future.

The construction scale of Comoros is equivalent to several or even a dozen Aias - the interior of this extra-dimensional city may change at any time.

A medium-sized conspiracy in Comoros, which controls approximately 880,000 square kilometers of Comoros.

This cabal used soul divination to predict their future, and they were killed by the Primarch Angron, the son of the Emperor who betrayed him.

The entire conspiracy was destroyed until nothing was left in front of the walking natural disaster, the Ascension Primarch.

They are extremely afraid of their own predictions.

After becoming a demon, Angron was able to overturn Eldar Titans with his bare hands and even tear apart these war machines, grab the bean sprouts inside and trample them alive.

Carrying an Eldar Titan and throwing it at other Titans is even more self-taught.

This terrifying future enemy frightened the conspiracy group.

In the end, they spent a lot of souls to divine Angron's location in the real universe, and sent a large number of black bean sprouts to find the original body.

Because the cabal's divination only showed that Angron was in Nusria but did not know the specific location.

These black bean sprouts are scattered throughout the planet and searched for.

Among them, a dozen black bean sprouts found the right direction and came to the Thorny Plateau.

"Angron, wake up."

As Rasta walked, he held out his hand.

He began to bless the original body in the cultivation chamber and lifted the protection of the dim light.

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