Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 237 Fighting Nation

Angron's birth knowledge is not that great, but he has some common sense information, such as who his father is.

Angron looked at the young father with black hair and black eyes, and he had a question.

Rasta reluctantly transformed into the form of a white-haired young man before he could ask this question.

Now, Angron didn't feel so inconsistent.

If the handsome young man who looked to be in his teens just now was his father, how many years would his mother have to be sentenced to?

"come here."

The tall young man Guangyu stretched out his hand, motioning for him to come closer.

When Angron came to Him, Guangyu stretched out his hand and touched his head.

It was also at this moment that Angron's eyes widened and he raised his head suddenly, looking at the "father" in front of him with disbelief.

His subspace essence has not been tortured until it disappears completely. He can feel the existence of pain, and naturally also knows a small part of the memory of Light Desire and what he is enduring.

"Why can't I see your other memories?"

Angron spoke his mind directly.

"Children, don't look blindly!"

Rasta gave him a little Bidou, who was as loving as a father as a mountain, patted his head, and led him deep into the mountains.


Angron heard something, and when he looked back, he found that it was a pile of strange mechanical creations burning blazingly, and the wail of the painful engine could be heard far away.

Raste finally found a place with a clear view and stopped. Then he rolled up his sleeves and started working.

Angron was sitting on the stone next to him, looking at the white-haired... little father like a curious baby.

Rasta easily dismantled the huge rocks on the mountain and used them to build houses.

His movements were not fast, completely inconsistent with the speed a god should have.

"I'm hungry."

Angron said suddenly.

"Just wait a moment."

After Light Desire built half of the wall, he lit a fire in the groove carved out of the stone, and waved to Angron.

The little guy ran over.

"Do you want to eat this?"

Rasta took out Loken's favorite sweet potato.


Angron nodded repeatedly, his appetite telling him that this was very delicious food.

Rasta threw the sweet potatoes into the fire.

"Look at the fire, understand. Don't let it burn. Just eat it when it's cooked."

After teaching Angron how to make the simplest cooked food, Rasta threw the sweet potatoes lying on the floor to him.

His father continued to work as a construction worker, and Angron could only watch the fire.

He secretly glanced at Rasta who was busy, then put a raw sweet potato without mud into his mouth and started chewing it.

Rasta didn't care about him, since the primarch's stomach was naturally powerful.

It was not until nightfall that Guang Yu completed the construction of the stone house.

Then He filled the large pit He had dug with water.

Angron pulled out the only two roasted sweet potatoes from the fire, tore off the outer skin of the sweet potatoes and threw them into his mouth. Then he came to Rasta holding the cooked sweet potatoes that were not very hot for him. Hold it high.

"Have a meal!"

"I don't like eating this stuff. It makes me fart if I eat too much."

Luang Yu rejected Angron's kindness.

Angron was blessed with lust for light, and his innate knowledge was gradually being discovered.

He can probably understand what it means for a father to be reluctant to give all the good food to his children.

He was prepared to be moved.

Until Rasta made a stone table and sat down, and placed three dishes and one soup on the table.

Angron looked at his father in disbelief. On the first day they met, he was abused?

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Serve the rice, you are still growing and you can only afford that much? Isn't that what you eat before and after a meal?"

Guangyu picked up a chopstick and picked up some sauce to cook with vegetable moss.

Angron came to his chair. He suddenly grew to four years old and was not very tall. He stood on the chair and served the rice by himself. Then he tried several times and learned to use chopsticks.

Angron's eating style is worthy of the name of swallowing the world.

Lust just refilled three pots of rice, and kept replenishing the sauce, braised vegetables with moss, steamed braised pork with dried plums, stewed chicken soup with large yellow mushrooms, and stir-fried cabbage with bacon.

Angron, who had finally eaten, sat on the chair and felt that all this was unreal.

However, the crispness of the pickled vegetables and greens, the sweet, sour and rich variety of pickled vegetables, the deliciousness of the soup and the deliciousness of the stir-fried cabbage with bacon made him realize that this was indeed a reality.

Rasta reached over and wiped his mouth with a towel.

Angron enjoyed this moment.

Then, the Heavenly Father picked him up by the back of his collar and threw him into the quarry that had turned into a fish pond.

Angron was not surprised by this; he could survive underwater.

Rasta put some fish fry in the small fish pond and began to build furniture for the stone house.

When the sky was filled with stars, Rasta came to call Angron, who was chasing fish in the fish pond and almost exhausted the fry.

He is indeed like a child now, and enjoys simple pleasures endlessly.

Taking out new clothes and letting Angron put them on, Rasta threw an apple to him.

The father and son returned to the stone house, and Rasta lay on his bed, worried.

Angron was on the small bed on the other side, looking at his father's frown in the distance, trying to solve his problems.

"Have you encountered any problems? Maybe I can give you some advice."



"Can you teach me how to take care of children?"

Raste's eyes were extremely sincere.


Angron looked at the father of the white-haired young man and felt that he was still the childish black-haired boy.

Although Rasta had taken care of children, or cans and disciples.

But they are all people who have experienced a period of life, and their drawing paper already has specific colors. Rasta wiped off the gray ones and painted on the fresh ones, and it was considered as taking care of children.

But Angron is just a blank sheet of paper.

Because caring leads to chaos, Rasta didn't know how to take care of Angron for a while.

"How about you tell me about my life experience."

Angron's suggestion also contained his own curiosity.

"Okay, but listen, don't be disappointed."

Guangyu sighed.

When Angron heard this, it seemed that his life was not as beautiful as he was now.

Rasta's eyes were fixed on the food ceiling.

"You, called Angronrat, come from a planet called Terra, and the Terrans are a legendary fighting nation!

I am your father, Rastraite, an ordinary low-level Terran warrior. The Terran people call useless low-level warriors like me Quartermaster. "

Guang Lu's heavy tone made Angron understand one thing. His father had suffered too much shame on the planet called Terra!

Rasta continued to talk nonsense seriously.

"We Terrans are divided into lower-level warriors, intermediate warriors, upper-level warriors, top-level junior warriors, top-level intermediate warriors, top-level advanced warriors, top-level pinnacle warriors, top-level..."

Angron, who was stunned by a bunch of tops, sat up with a puzzled look on his face.

Who the hell got so many tops? !

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