Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 241 Lonely Ghost

"What it is?"

Unaware of this, Angron became curious.

"That is a mysterious weapon that can kill King Terra."

Raste didn't explain to Angron what social death was.

"What's in his browser history?"

"It seems that more search records are about how to get back together with my ex-wife and so on..."

Since the browser record is for the Noble Phantasm of the King of Terra, Angron is not surprised.

He is more concerned about whether the opponent is difficult.

"If the King of Terra sends someone, who will he send first?"

"Your brother!"

Rasta said this, pretending to be sad.

"My brother?! Isn't that your son? How could he come to deal with us?"

Angron was confused after receiving the Kakarot script.

“Terra is cruel, especially the King of Terra’s family. Siblings kill each other, and father and son turn against each other. This is common practice.

Your brother was raised by King Terra as his own child, so he..."

Rasta complained about the imperial ethics drama in the original timeline.

"Can I beat him?"

Angron's originally relaxed mood became a little heavy.

"It's not possible, because he will transform, and then it won't be possible for you to call him brother."

Rasta was right, because if he transformed, Angron would have to call his sister.

"So, you will definitely protect me, right?"

Guang Yu made a very outrageous request to Angron, who had just met less than twenty-one hours ago.

Angron wanted to refuse very much. He was naive now, but not stupid. Even if he didn't use his brain, he could understand what his father was.

The King of Terra is so powerful that he is definitely no different from his father who can challenge King of Terra.

And in less than a day, he had already discovered various special abilities of Light Desire.

Even Angron's own power came from the other party.

"Okay, I'll protect you."

The good boy Angron understood all this and still acted with his old father.

"Great, you've grown up!"

Rasta praised Angron.

Then He acted normally: “Now that you have grown up, it is time to learn to support your family.

As the saying goes, we rely on the mountains to feed the mountains and the water to feed the water. We must have a serious business to ensure the food, clothing, housing and transportation of our father and son. "

"So, we want to open up farmland and plant crops? And... raise some small fish?"

Angron looked at this extremely barren mountainous area and felt that the hope of success was slim.

Rasta looked at him with suspicion and disgust.

"Are you stupid? What can be grown in this place?"

"Then let's..."

"Such a nice place, of course it's a roadblock?"


What about the serious business we promised? Angron was dumbfounded.

He couldn't directly refute his father's wrong idea, so he tried to persuade him from the side.

"There are no wild animals or birds in this place. How could someone come to our door to rob us?"

"If someone doesn't come over, wouldn't it be the same if we came to rob them? Are you ambitious?

If you just wait and wait, you will starve to death. You must take the initiative and do door-to-door sales! "

In just a few words, Guang Yu completely exposed his priesthood.

Angron was silent for a long time after hearing this. He... he seemed to recognize the thief as his father? !

"I want to become the evil god of the Pirate King! The whole star sea is waiting for me to steal people, money and food!"

Rasta, who has killed countless people and bought goods in Chaos, has a lot to say in this regard.

"Wait a minute, did you just say you were an evil god?"

"Oh, you heard wrong."

Putting away the dragon egg drawing paper, Rasta began to observe the timeline.

The people he wants to rob are actually Angron's future brothers and sisters.

He sped up the Great Crusade, and Angron climbed out of the training chamber an unknown amount of time earlier.

Angron's brothers and sisters weren't even born yet.

In the original timeline, the return of the first Primarch, the Wolf Shepherd, took place decades later before the new Primarch returned.

Raste's original idea was to let Angron live here for a while, and then take him to the arena when the fate of the original timeline comes, and then let Angron save the most precious person in his original timeline. .

But Rasta soon realized his mistake.

He shouldn't let the people Angron cherishes suffer like that. There is no doubt that the arena is a hell.

Do as much as you can, this was Rasta's original intention, but now, his mentality has slowly changed.

He bowed his head.

The entire stone table looks like a mirror.

In the mirror that only He could see, there was a figure with messy gray-pink hair, eyes full of tangled threads, a grin that reached almost to the ears, a pale complexion that didn't look like life, a short stature, thin clothes, and an extremely scary smile. The older child held out his hand.

Rasta looked at the four fingers extended by the scary child and then retracted one.

"I see."

He responded to the scary child.

The scary child with gray-pink hair gave a countdown and then disappeared from the sight of lust again.

"Who are you talking to?"

Raste's soliloquy made Angron couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, just a lonely ghost."

Angron was sensible enough not to ask further questions, but instead packed up the tableware and took it back to the stone house.

When he left, the messy threads flashed in Raste's eyes.


After muttering unconsciously, He shook his head and stood up, approaching Angron.

The power to soothe the soul and the characteristics that made his humanity clear again made him finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Angron put down the dishes and turned back to look at his father.

"Are you..."

"Let's go, it's time to rob civilian girls. I'm going to rob you of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight mothers-in-law, so that they can give you eighty or ninety wives in the future."

"...Be more serious."


Dividing line---

Planet, Bonize.

The future god of knowledge and wisdom, the Grand Inquisitor of the Dawn Court, Osiris is emerging from the warp.

Nothing in Chaos can prevent him from traveling through the subspace, not even the Lord of Chaos.

Of course he cannot defeat the four main gods of chaos, but he has absolute protection.

No entity of Chaos could ignore the pale shadow upon him.

Osiris, with his false power, came for Huestis.

The scum demon's betrayal of his regular customers finally attracted the attention of the Lord of Chaos.

It does not dare to return to the subspace, otherwise it will completely lose any hope. Now it relies on the bones of Abates to hold on.

Osiris is here to get temporary workers.

The entire time and space of Ponize was in chaos, and Tzeentch caused nine suns of different time periods to appear in the sky of this planet at the same time.

The Pawnee aliens had long been turned into ashes by this terrible heat.

Huestis lay on the dry ground, miserable.

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