Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 244 Disappearing Things

"That bee...in the water, so pitiful...

I just... I just wanted to save it, so I got stung..."

"Why do they say that such corporal punishment and hand spanking don't hurt, but it really hurts me..."

"Should I not hit those rapeseed flowers with a stick? I always feel like they are crying..."

"The neighbor's kittens are starving to death...can they survive by eating only pig intestines..."

"My family can't afford to pay, I can't fight back..."

"The ribs seem to be broken, but... they seem to be able to grow back on their own... I can't climb to the top bunk..."

"I just want to cook breakfast for you... Do I want to eat this big pot of noodles?"

"Tomatoes are too unpalatable, and eggplants are as unpalatable as fat meat..."

"I don't eat lard, and I don't want beef for my beef noodles..."

"So...so you had no food when you were a child, should I do the same..."

"It's great. When I grow up, my life will be even worse than when you were a child..."

"The outside world is so scary. If there is no communication, there will be no pain..."

"I don't feel the meaning of life, and I can't actively accomplish things like keeping myself alive..."

"That beggar, it's too cold, he seems very pitiful, I still have thirty-six yuan...

He's here again, still in the same position, don't look at me, I have no money anymore, I only had one meal today..."

"The bus driver called my name...Why can that person get up there confidently, but when I follow her, she still yells at me and calls me a hooligan..."

"That Malinois is so thin, its ribs are so clear, it actually eats apple cores... It doesn't seem to be picky about food, it's so obedient... It's raining, is there no one to shelter it from the rain? I have leftover canned fish. …it’s sold…it’s…turned into food…

It obviously...it obviously trusted me so much, but I failed it..."

"Why are people who are desperately trying to stay alive suffering... Why do I feel pain just looking at it... Why should I have such empathy... Can I suffer for them? No, I can't, I don’t want to communicate with others…”

"The scrambled eggs with tomatoes are so delicious. There are also eggplants, which are delicious just stir-fried. If you add lard...it's really good..."

"It turns out that my pain nerves are different from others...my pain sensation is several times stronger..."

"Is it Muyang Quan who just said that bullying should be punished by law..."

"It's getting cold and raining, and my head that was hit with a blunt object when I was bullied started to hurt again..."

"How many times have I smashed my head..."

"The skin of the donkey carrying stones is soreed. Can I buy medicine for it? It doesn't seem possible. If it dies of illness, I have to compensate the owner. I have no money..."

"I had a dream last night that I finally got some rest, but this morning, I woke up..."

"I forgot something again..."

"I hope that every kind and enthusiastic life can be treated kindly..."

"They called me the Holy Mother..."

"I have nightmares again, the endless sea, endless ashes floating, who left me behind again..."




"It's great. I've gradually become numb to the pain. Even when I cut my hair, I won't feel the pain where the hair roots are connected to the scalp."

"So... just honestly saying that my vocal cords are broken is just a misfortune and creating negative energy..."

"It turns out...as long as you are not the most miserable person in the world, you can't scream in pain..."

"I don't have anyone I want to love..."

"Grandma passed away... I'm so damned... Why did I earn enough money to buy enough meat and fruit in the first month after her death? Why, why..."

"Binchotan is so pitiful...she is so strong..."

"Conjunctivitis, I can't open my eyes, there are so many inflammations in the body..."

"I dreamed about my grandmother, baking potatoes, in that old house..."

"The walnut tree is dead...eaten by insects, burned by fire...is it crying?"

"I seem to have forgotten my original intention, why I did this..."

"I will no longer crave sympathy from others. Once you don't accept all their opinions, you will be despised to the extreme..."


"My phone's water camera broke. I didn't scan the QR code. You didn't claim the face-to-face red envelope I sent, so it's out of date. It will take 24 hours to return it..."

Why did you drag me to the street and find dozens of people to scold me..."

"It's really cold in winter, and the pavilion in the park is covered with frost... The Chinese New Year will be here in seven days..."

"The old lady who picked up the bottle is so pitiful... She refused the boss's offer of cold noodles... I'll take one bite, pay the bill and leave..."

"My phone was stolen..."

"Sold this game account, I have food again today... I was cheated... I told my situation, and they wanted to defraud me of online loans..."

"Copper smelting **, I really hope you **... Suyuan is so pitiful, I want to go to South Korea... I want to kill that beast..."

"Why are there so many painful stories... why are there so many ugliness..."

"At the end of 2017..."


"In 2021, I found some abandoned kittens downstairs in a rental house..."

"My stomach hurts. Could it be like this after eating too much cold rice? It seems like there is blood in the stool..."

"Can cats eat starch sausage and braised pork?"

"The neighbor's sticky mouse board has stuck to the bird. Be careful and it won't lose its feathers..."

"Who loves me? Wait, this is a video of me feeding a cat..."

"Yeah, why do poor people feed cats..."


"Did I go too far with the customer service when I refunded the money? Otherwise, I would add a little more to the postage deduction..."

"Someone leaked my address and the landlord was harassed..."

"Conjunctivitis, unable to open eyes..."

"They said they were like this just because they were bullied online. They were so fragile. But I just replied as a human being and it was really painful. As a legitimate client, 'Online violence is nothing more than that.' They also came and insulted me crazily... …

They think I can withstand an online violence, they don’t accept a word of rebuttal from me, and they think I am unforgivable and have too much malice towards them..."

"I want to be a bad person...I want to retaliate on the Internet..."

"It's so cold...I can finally rest and fulfill my only dream in this life..."

The lonely and anguished soul loses consciousness.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

In a dark swamp.

Among the dead woods, a dilapidated pavilion is connected by a wooden road, leading to an unknown distance.

A pale little hand held the rotten duckweed and crawled out of the water.

It has messy gray-pink hair, its teeth are sharp, and its eyes are full of threads.

It was so weak that it huddled in the pavilion, it had no memory, and it was attacked by the cold wind and loneliness.

It has no emotions or consciousness.

It just murmured.


I don't know how much time passed, but a group of people broke into the place.

They said: "There is an evil earthbound spirit here, an evil spirit. As long as it is purified, we can become heroes."

It seemed to understand something, and it was not prepared to resist.

Until a girl who was admired by all the stars said.

"No, capture it. Although its resentment is not particularly strong, it can be used as a ghost.

I will use it as a weapon to kill those who are against us..."

It was weak and suddenly became powerful.

After four days and four nights, it killed all the outsiders.

In the following year, countless outsiders yelled and killed it, saying it was so evil and dirty.

Those human beings who clamor for the bonds of friendship, for their families, or for the world behind them are really disgusting.

Corpses gradually filled the swamp.

One day, it finally got out of the swamp that imprisoned it.

It still has no emotions, only the resentment of destruction drives it.

It is an evil spirit.

The whole world began to rally to fight against the most evil and damn weird thing in the dead swamp with gray and pink hair.

The world is destroyed...

It wanders toward the stars.

The star dies, becomes selfish, and no longer gives light and heat to all living beings.

It destroyed the entire universe, turned it into ashes, and put it in a bottle...

It is not a god, it is just an evil spirit powerful enough to destroy everything...

The evil spirit begins its journey.

There is more and more ashes in the bottle.

Until one day, it heard the call.

The Evil Dead discovered a world that was very similar, but not.

It continued to murmur "pain" and then approached a different galaxy.

The evil spirit planned to destroy the universe, but its consciousness suddenly became active.

"They should be tortured..."

Its thoughts entered the universe, to the spiritual realm of the Milky Way, that place called Chaos.

That thought began to ravage the weak thing that dared to call itself a god, making it sick.

Its thoughts swallowed up the unborn Chaos God and began to kill other Chaos Gods.

The universe began to fight back in fear, making feeble resistance and resurrecting the so-called Lord God of Chaos.

It does not intend to laugh at the powerlessness of the universe; it has experienced this too many times.

When it feels bored and wants to throw this universe into a bottle and burn it to ashes.

Amid the chaos, a pod caught its attention.

High above the pod, on the pale throne, the ferocious monster raised its head tiredly, looked at it, and called out its name when it was alive.

Dim light.

Therefore, from it falls the thought of chaos.

Lights up...

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