Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 261 Lord of Matter

Dying stars, the afterglow can no longer warm the starry sky.

The increasingly dim light was unable to penetrate the haze of Nostramo.

This mineral world, which is difficult to see the light both inside and outside the hive, is running as usual.

In several hives of Nostramo, a new sect called the "Material Providers" has arisen for twenty-six years.

In this world, it is not uncommon for various cults to exist.

The common people of Nostramo live on the borderline where they are extremely exploited by the capitalists and even find it difficult to survive.

Everyone is a part in the hive. There is no life here, only a huge and ever-changing number that provides all kinds of labor for the upper echelons of the hive and the people at the top to enjoy life.

In an overwhelming world, there must be something to relieve stress.

As a result, various cults and criminal incidents have emerged one after another, and human nature has been distorted to the extreme. You can't expect the street lamp pendants of Nostramo to come up with any pacifier plans or distribute any spiritual food to the civilians.

The high-end church of Nostramo will appear secretly in the lower and upper nests, and its members are all nobles or wealth masters.

And those who are not worthy of the weather will all hide in the most filthy and terrible bottom nest.

The teachings of the Church of Material Providers are quite contradictory because, to put it simply, they are complex to explain.

The bishops of this church are material providers, capable of producing food, clean water, and even medical supplies.

Yes, these things are provided in the hive city where sunshine and fresh air are luxuries.

Were it not for the ongoing suppression by Nostramo's ruling class, the Church of Providers of Materiality would have ruled the planet.

But their suppression did not dare to go too far.

Because each of the material providers had strange protection, none of the Nostramo nobles who attacked the material providers died easily.

In the most serious cases, one hour the substance provider is wanted, and the next hour the whole family is sleeping peacefully together.

This fear of unwarranted death terrifies everyone in Nostramo, and acquiesces to the existence of the Church of Material Provider.

Imagine that you are born in a world where there is not much to eat, and there is a church that does not require you to do anything and is willing to give you free food. Do you have a good impression of this church?

No? To put it another way, I now have a job where I work one hour a day, get four times the overtime pay, four days off a month, and five thousand insurance and one fund after tax.

In this way the material provider church continues to expand.

Not everyone is qualified to join this church. The archbishop will put a dark-colored multi-striped melon in front of the person waiting to join. If the multi-striped melon does not change color, then the other person can join the church. Otherwise, he will be kicked out of the church. Even killed.

The dream of many people in Nostramo is to join the Church of the Material Provider and obtain food that is said to be delicious and filling.

Unfortunately, the requirements for membership are strict, and there are not many places released every year.

Archbishop Azhay's job today is to send some melons, grains, sausages and vegetables to the new believers who have joined the church.

Before he became the being he is now, admired by hundreds of millions of people, he was an underfed man who was on the verge of collapse and ready to commit suicide.

The place where he worked only provided food for him, completely ignoring his several-year-old daughter. The factory even banned outside food.

On the day he decided to end his life, he encountered a being who claimed to be the evil god.

The other endowed him with the power of a material provider but forbade them from worshiping Him.

He seems to be full of hatred for the world of Nostramo.

Azhay spent a year establishing the Church of Material Providers and uniting all material providers who had been gifted by the evil god.

They followed the will of the evil god and did not reveal his existence.

But among the material providers, they call Him the Lord of matter, the Lord of all things.

Azay has always adhered to his duty and has not lost his true nature. More than once, he has seen material providers lose their abilities due to various reasons. Their actions made the Lord of Materials feel dissatisfied, so they were The Lord abandoned it.

Azhay is an out-and-out fanatical believer. He does not want to lose the ability to create matter, so he is more religious than anyone else.

This allowed him to always see the assassins suddenly die on their own when facing successive pursuits from the upper nest.

Azhay intends to train his daughter to be a saint of the church, and with the help of the power of the Lord of Matter, his daughter will live a good life.

But what troubled him was that his daughter was quite rebellious. She had no intention of dedicating herself to the Lord and liked to mess with all kinds of chicks.

It was a real misfortune for the family that the Archbishop's daughter did not become a material provider.

While Azai was thinking this, the driver who was driving him stopped shaking the driving gear.

A driving gear is a means of driving a carriage using human power.

By turning a gear handle on the driver's position, the vehicle can travel at a non-fast and constant speed.

Everything in Nostramo is expensive, but human resources are worthless. This is why this product of multiple levers came into being.

Azayi lifted the curtain and was about to ask what happened.

He saw a figure that he had not seen for twenty-six years.

The coachman did not recognize the guy with a child. When he was about to scold the guy in front of the carriage for having the audacity to intercept the Archbishop's carriage, the Archbishop jumped out and knelt on the ground.

"Praise you! Great Lord of Matter, the light that illuminates the world, the guide of my life..."

The driver was frightened by Azai's prayer and climbed down from the carriage, kneeling on the ground, trembling and unable to say a word.

"The family you are going to is not qualified to get these foods."

Rastra stopped Azai's behavior.

Material providers are still mortals after all, and sometimes it is really difficult to distinguish between hypocrites and hypocrites.

"According to your oracle."

Archbishop Azai was too ashamed to mention the daughter who was saved. He once wanted her to serve the Lord of Matter.

"Turn around and go to the bottom nest. I have something to do there."

Rastra jumped into the carriage with Angron, who had not yet begun to develop the characteristics of the original body.

The driver and Azai looked at each other...

The driver was driven away by Azai, and he became a driver himself, shaking the wheel and driving the carriage for the Lord of Matter.

Angron sat obediently next to Rastra.

The logo of this carriage is extremely eye-catching in all the nests of Nostramo.

Often people kneel around the carriage, hoping to see Archbishop Azai.

Today, they got what they wanted and met Archbishop Azai.

Because Archbishop Azai was driving with a fanatical joy.

And in the carriage, there were two figures vaguely visible.

It didn't matter who knelt first.

Rast and Angron were knelt by countless people and began to head to the uninhabited land of the bottom nest.

Angron saw a crater in the distance, a crater that had entered a dormant period in the bottom nest.

At this time, Rast also began to remove the dim light protection on the amniotic capsule outside the crater.

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