Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 264 Purifying the World

Rastra did not leave Nostramo, he just left the Underhive where Curze was.

"The cult in this world..."

Angron could feel from a distance the various chaotic beliefs that filled the hive.

"They don't know what they believe in, but most of the foolish beliefs in the world point to a blue-haired god named Tzeentch.

When intelligent life reaches a certain number, if its will is condensed into one, it can form a projection in the subspace.

Over the long years of the human empire, all beliefs have been directed to King Terra.

Not wanting to take on this faith, he transferred it to the Emperor's Truth, trying to repay the other person with the same evil he had done.

Unfortunately, chaos is not short of twisted truth...

That's too far.

It's time for Nostramo to clean up. This world is so dirty that it makes me irritated. "

Raste did not have the patience to wait for Curze to grow up and slowly purify the world.

One of the reasons why Curze was driven crazy in the original timeline is that the darkness he came into contact with never came gradually, but directly threw all the darkness on his back, weighing him down and crushing him.

Raste planned to cleanse the entire dark body of Nostramo first, leaving the details of morality and humanity to Coze himself.

How to describe it? It was probably peeling a potato with pits. Rasta had already peeled it, but there were still wormholes and eyes. Curze was the one responsible for clearing away the wormholes and eyes.

Angron asked about a more serious topic.

"You are so powerful, why do you care about us?"

As the death of all, light desire is grounded in the higher dimensions above the heavens.

Is it a shortcoming that He could not achieve anything in his creative power? of course not.

Because at that level, even looking at the so-called supreme heavens is like looking down at ants.

The span of life between them is indescribable. The gap is wider than the Emperor is to a grain of dust on Mars.

Who would fight for a grain of dust, even less than a quarter of a milligram, in the face of the possibility of owning an entire universe and subspace?

good! Go for it! Go for it!

For this speck of dust, half of the Astartes Legion and more than half of the Primarch were sent - this was probably the sacrifice Rasta made after she chose to be born.

"I once disappeared, but the memory remains. I don't know if I am still alive, Angron.

All I know is that I want to do that.

The object of my game is the final me created by all the suffering I have suffered. The evil spirit hates all living beings and things and even hates nothingness and the meaning of existence itself.

Three-dimensional beings cannot understand this meaning.

You just need to understand that this is the only thing I can do now. If I give up, my idea will be extinguished, and the evil spirit will start adding new embers to the endless bottle again. "

When Rasta said this, he looked towards the subspace.

In the chaos, the pod space lingers, and the pale throne, made by His own hands after beseeching the evil spirits, stands there.

The quality of this throne has long surpassed that of the universe.

That is the only thing that can accommodate the full power of light desire, and it is also the basis of the King of Creation's plan.

The evil spirit filter allows Angron to understand all the information in Rasta's words, and also allows Angron to understand that his father's consciousness is gradually becoming confused.

This galaxy is such a cesspool. The last thoughts of evil spirits are like embers. It is extremely difficult to purely light up here.

Because of the arrival of Light Desire, everything in the galaxy has changed, and there are differences from the original timeline.

Such was the case with Nostramo.

The Nostramo dignitaries in the original timeline had already failed at some point in the past because a butterfly fell on the balance of their game with their opponents.

What is now informing the eleven hive cities of Nostramo, large and small, is the so-called Round Table Conference.

Many years ago, these people who originally lived in the upper nest united in rebellion and overthrew the original people at the top. Then they formed a round table conference and became eleven forces, dividing the nest they deserved according to their strength.

Their family members are born to be capitalists who exploit millions of hive civilians.

At the same time, they are vigilant, fearing that the current residents of the hive will repeat their operations in the past, so the laws on hives in various hives in Nostramo are now quite strict.

As long as you don't rebel, the top of the tower will basically not care about things that don't touch the bottom line of the nest.

This also causes the upper nest to look as smoky as the bottom nest, with demons and ghosts running rampant.

The chaos in the bottom nest is caused by gangs, cults, lack of food and water, and a cruel environment, making it a place where people are neither human nor ghosts.

The reason for going to the nest is because of the chaotic teachings of several secret high-end sects, which makes this place look like a villa for the four main gods of chaos.

Conspiracy and conspiracy are commonplace here, and there is no end to indulgence. It is normal for dozens of bodies to be lingering in a house and one or two to die after one night. Violence and various drugs similar to drugs are even more abused.

The bottom nest is like a gathering place for Chaos believers, and the upper nest is simply a place where the four god demons in human skin enjoy their retirement life.

"There is a sect called Fishing in Dichao. The god they believe in is the so-called knowledge harvester.

That was a daemon of Tzeentch, not even an archdemon.

This demon came to the real universe through the projection of a psyker a long time ago.

Tzeentch's demons come in all shapes and sizes, and they come from all kinds of people, because such changes suit his taste.

The Knowledge Harvester is a demon that is very capable of playing the role of a human being. Angron, I'm looking for you to kill it.

This is the task I give you this time. "

After Rasta finished saying this, he closed his eyes.

The life of the entire hive began to be denied existence in His will.

When it comes to saving people and creating lives, He can modestly say that He has raised half an empire.

But when it comes to destruction, sorry, this is instinct.

After Rasta opened his eyes again, the owners of 99% of the wealth in Nostramo had left this world forever.

Angron took a deep breath and prepared for his first battle with the subspace demon.

The father and son have arrived at the upper nest.

Very few of the powerful people here are dead, and they are in the midst of an unprecedented chaos.

Among the only four survivors, two are ignorant of worldly affairs, and one is indeed pure and kind by nature.

As for the last one, of course it's Tzeentch's promising harvester of demonic knowledge.

This demon was obviously expected to become a great demon, but unfortunately, it is gone now.

It knew exactly what the situation at hand meant.

Ordinary monsters and weird subspace rules cannot affect reality so accurately, because it is really difficult to grasp the intensity across the barriers of reality.

The Knowledge Gainer immediately unfolded his blue-feathered wings, drew a Nine Queens on his chest, revealed his true form, and faced the original body who wanted to kill him.

It knows it can't escape,

The subspace has been blocked, and it is useless if it is not blocked. The subspace is the home of the Chaos God, not the devil.

It must die this time, rather than die and be banished back to the warp.

Angron soared into the sky, flying above the dome of the upper nest like an eagle hunting.

The Knowledge Harvester jumped to his feet and charged towards the primarch with a roar.

This picture attracted the attention of passers-by. Just when the onlookers thought there would be an unprecedented battle, the knowledge harvester had already turned into pieces and fell.

Now Angron can even tear apart a great demon with his hands, let alone a Tzeentch demon who may become a great demon?

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