Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 270 It’s so loud

Coates has a different view on reimbursement invoices.

He looked at Erao beside him.

"You said before that you wanted to be an archbishop and a material provider? Also, are you a good person?"

"Yeah, what's wrong? Ah, 伱..." Erao was not a fool, and he quickly thought of what Cozi wanted to do.

Realizing that the God of Death she was about to surrender to was trying to block the Lord of Matter's bug, she immediately started to tremble with fear.

Rebellion is rebellious, but she is loyal to the Lord of matter.

The more she comes into contact with the lower nest and other people in the lower nest, the more she understands that everything she has is hard-earned. Although it is really annoying for her old father to be both a father and a mother, it does not mean that she is not a material provider sect. Believer.

Nostramo is a world after all, and there are war machines. Although they are not as good as knights and titans, they are not something that mere mortals can resist by taking some parts from an old machine tool and making 2K era weapons.

Nostramo's magnates had deployed that kind of war machine to suppress uprisings in other hives.

The moment the war spread to the material provider sect of the medium-sized hive, the entire war machine instantly disintegrated into the atomic state, including people and machines, and the energy released turned into a beam of light, tearing apart half of the lower hive as a battlefield.

Half of a medium-sized hive city is equivalent to half of Europe in Ancient Terra.

Most Titans cannot handle such an energy level.

And Nostramo, the psyker who became the provider of matter, has seen the true posture of the Lord of Matter in the subspace.

In Nostramo's hymn to the Lord of matter, there is a description of Him being greater than all the worlds put together.

Koz didn't care about this. He took out the light sand and stuffed it into Er'ao's hand. The contact between his palms made the Archbishop of Death feel a little itchy.

She was immediately shocked: As expected of the God of Death, he could actually twist my orientation!

In this life, Coze did not eat the wild animals that littered Nostramo's nest. He did not look like a sinister person with a face painted in gray like in his previous life.

The Primarchs were all created by the Emperor using human genes and the essence of subspace sub-gods. Except for a few Primarchs, most of the Emperor's sons grew up in a relatively normal environment and were not ugly.

Just like Guilliman, he was originally a ferocious berserker, but he was taught by his adoptive parents to become a primarch who was good at business and had unknown combat power.

Regardless of whether it is a Primarch that is stronger than him or a Primarch that is similar to him, if he encounters a fight, various factors will come to him immediately, which will make his defeat not too miserable. At first glance, it may even seem like a back-and-forth.

After Kurtz finished filling Er'ao with light sand, he raised his head.

Four pieces of paper suddenly fell down.

Not knowing that he was tricking the Lord of Evil, the novice Primarch, who had just understood the Law of Evil, excitedly unfolded the note.

"A fine of four light sands?! The four cards add up to a fine of sixteen light sands?!"

But fortunately, no points were penalized - this is what Koz thought.

Er'ao put his hands on his hips and said, "What do you think? I'll just say that your approach will not be recognized by the Lord of Matter."

"When did you say that?"

Curze didn't care about her, he even wanted to go back to Huangsha.

"I, I, I... when I want to say..."

As the Archbishop of the God of Death, Erao hid the light sand between his chests in advance, making it impossible for the other party to do anything, and then stammered and explained unclearly.

"You are my archbishop, why do you favor Him?"

Kurtz knew he was wrong, but he didn't know where the idea came from and wanted to continue watching Erao stutter for a while.

At this moment, because of the smell of blood, many pairs of fluorescent eyes lit up around him.

These are the wild animals of Nostramody's nest.

Living in such a world, any life must choose to be omnivorous, even to an absurd degree.

Some wild animals have fluorescent eyes because they reflect light, while others are caused by eating industrial waste.

"Dog-toothed deer!"

Erao looked at the ugly animals in the distance and hid behind Curze in fear.

"Wouldn't the Lord of Matter protect you? Why are you afraid of this thing?"

"I've seen them eat people alive..."


Curze had no choice but to kick up the warhead on the ground.

The metal bullets that had been used by the camp animals to shoot him had been severely deformed, but that did not prevent them from still being used for hunting.

Curze in the original timeline would unleash his wild nature, like a beast half-fighting with these prey, or use homemade sharp weapons to cut open the vital points of these bottom-nesting omnivores.

But now, he wanted to stay away from this damn stench.

After estimating that the force should not melt the projectiles, Cozz began to throw these metal beads.

As the dog-toothed deer and other predators fell, the remaining beasts fled in panic.

Coz was a little irritable and turned back.

"What's wrong?"

"These beasts are eyeing the corpses here and will not leave. Let's take away the two survivors, otherwise our efforts will be in vain."


Dividing line---

Planet, Rainmonstein.

The Emperor's Dream has just arrived in this world.

The two Primarchs had begun their mission once more with their legions.

The whole of Cornis had begun to unify and become the home planet of the Word Bearers Legion, from which the Astartes would be drawn.

After arranging Luojia's affairs, the emperor also felt a little tired.

To avoid tidal reactions, the Emperor's Dream was kept far enough away from Yumonstan.

But the Emperor himself came to Yumonstan to personally supervise the battle.

"This is their skull, my lord, they are not human!"

Constantine, Lord of the Custodes, brought a Yumenstan skull to the Emperor.

"Then kill them all."

The Emperor sat on a large throne, behind him were a large number of Custodes and surrounded by Sisters of Silence.

Further away, there are IG guards such as Lucifer's Black Guard composed of mortals.

There are also Astartes, and the Emperor will dismantle a portion of the Astartes from each legion and place them beside himself to serve as ground warfare forces.

The natives of Yumonstan were very similar to humans, but unfortunately they were not. They were so cruel and vicious that the emperor did not even have to consider whether to ask Light Desire if he wanted to let these aliens go.

The surrounding mountains and forests showed a dark color, the ground was covered with ice and snow, and in front of the emperor was a blood-red river.

It was dyed by certain minerals washed down from the river. It was not that the Emperor was stupid enough to throw corpses into the river to pollute the water.

"This is very much like a place in Ancient Terra. I lived in seclusion there for a while. It was very quiet there."

The Emperor spoke to himself as the Ash Door suddenly opened beside him.

Not surprisingly, the sixth evil god Rasta stepped out.

But to open one's mouth is to refute.

"You farted, Macado screamed so loudly!"

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