Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 272 Magic Pony

After stepping out of the Ashes Gate, in front of Rasta was Angron, who had completely absorbed the knowledge of Tzeentch's preparation for the Great Demon.

Although the Primarchs are born with knowledge, they are not all-rounders. Most Primarchs can fight, but not all Primarchs are born with knowledge of agriculture.

This is true even for Guilliman, whose dream is actually to grow wheat on his home planet to support his parents in their old age.

The various knowledge Angron has absorbed will be given to his people when he hatches it using Nusria as a dragon egg, and when it hatches, the entire planet will be further blessed. Thus becoming a more vibrant world.

"Father, I..."

Angron's excitement was unmistakable.

In the future, he will have some influence over time.

Whether it is the original timeline or the future of this timeline, Angron's real wish is actually just to be able to work in a world with fertile soil where men farm and women weave, so that he and his brothers and sisters can live the best life possible.

And the knowledge he has gained now can help him do this.

"ok, ok, I got it."

Rasta watched him babbling for a long time and couldn't figure out what he wanted to express, so he could only stop the other person's excitement.

"Where shall we go next?"

Angron, knowing that this was not the end, asked curiously.

"Comorragh is an extremely huge super-dimensional city. There is a war there. But before we go there, we have to find your other brother."

Rasta was somewhat annoyed by Magnus.

Er'ao seems to be in a rebellious stage towards Azay.

Magnus is in a period of eternal rebellion in his heart, and even a period of rebellion in which the inside and outside become one at the end.

"The brother you are talking about is..."

Thanks to Rasta's blessing, Angron had begun to regain control of his memories of his time under the Himalayas, and he thought of his primarch brothers.

"You twenty-one brothers, each of you has a different position. One of the most powerful ones is Magnus.

He and your other brother named Luo Jia seem to have opposite personalities.

Luo Jia said: I don’t believe in myself, I must find a big backer for myself.

Magnus, on the other hand, would only shout: I was right! I am right! I am right!

I was even curious if the emperor had any ulterior motives and said, "Ah, yes, yes, yes"! "

Raste became angry at the thought of this.

He kept Magnus in the training cabin well, and also added dim light for protection.

The protection of the Pale Light itself was the foundation of a powerful Primarch.

But Magnus lacked both of these and had to climb out of the training cabin to see the outside world. He developed a thirst for knowledge.

Then he scratched the training cabin there, and finally escaped from the protection of the dim light.

After leaving the training cabin, he didn't feel that his behavior was stupid. He confirmed one thing by successfully leaving the training cabin, that is, he was right!

He didn't care, he succeeded, he was the winner or the loser, he was right! He even felt that he had thoroughly studied the dim light!

Tzeentch had to wonder if Magnus was the Daemon Prince ordered by Khorne, after all, he was so brave.

"Poor Magnus..."

Angron was already observing a moment of silence for the magical ponies in advance.

As for the reason for the silence, it was certainly not because Magnus left the prenatal education class early, nor was it because Magnus missed something.

But he was actually targeted by the King of Chaos.

"The next time you sigh, just say it silently in your heart."

Raste reminded Angron.

"Oh well."

Angron responded obediently, and then walked into the newly opened Ashes Door with Rasta.

Leaving the Gate of Ashes again, Raste and Angron had appeared in a strange starry sky.

Many of the star systems in the Milky Way are actually binary star systems, where two stars are entangled with each other.

This is the star system in front of Angron and Rasta.

After observing the coordinates of the star system for a while, he looked at his father uncertainly.

"I moved Prospero from his place."

Rasta explained.

He said: "Prospero is the place of influence of Tzeentch, and the starry sky coordinates and subspace corresponding positions of the entire planet are consistent with certain hints of Tzeentch.

Magnus was hopelessly stubborn, so I simply moved Prospero to another sector. "

Magnus was cursed by the Warp from birth, and both his genetic descendants and the people around him will always be limited to only about a thousand.

It is said to be one thousand, but in fact many times it is nine hundred and ninety-nine. This is no longer a hint.

As for occasionally reaching a thousand, it's because it would be too boring if there was no change at nine hundred and ninety-nine.

The Thousand Sons are called Thousand Sons for this reason.

Prospero was originally an uninhabited planet. After the empire discovered it, as usual, it sent exiles to open up wasteland.

But I don't know which department of the empire had an answer in mind. They exiled some mutants, some psykers, and those who were both psykers and mutants and couldn't stay in the empire.

Prospero is undoubtedly the abandoned land of empire, the world of freaks.

Prospero has always been in the arms of the Empire, so the Primarch has always been technically within the Empire.

But on another level, Prospero was abandoned by the empire, because here are all the people the empire does not want.

This is a metaphor for why Magnus later betrayed his fate.

The planet Prospero is located on a small anchored warp rift.

The so-called anchoring subspace cracks are directly tied to the subspace exit of the planet.

Prospero A planet where most of the population is composed of psykers, is bound to the warp, what is the difference between this and a buffet?

Tzeentch has always seen this in his eyes, and he deliberately restrained the warp demons to prevent them from entering Prospero to feast - this was in order to use the cooperation contract between the demons and the Thousand Sons to lower Magnus and The Thousand Sons Legion is wary of subspace.

Then, Tzeentch drove a large number of subspace creatures called Devouring Bees into Prospero, wildly devouring the living people here.

These subspace creatures will lay eggs in the brains of soulful beings, and those who are infected will die horribly.

The psykers and mutants originally exiled by the empire have worked tirelessly to build Prospero into a reasonably civilized world.

But once the Soul Devouring Bee arrives...

In the original timeline, the entire world fell into decay and despair, just like the end of the world. There was only one last city left in Prospero, and it was this city that welcomed Magnus who fell out of the subspace storm.

As for the only current timeline, Raste had already solved this problem when transporting Prospero.

He gives spiritual power to anyone in Prospero's world who is worthy of saving, the spiritual power of lust!

Now, the Devouring Bee has become the material of psychic spells for Prospero's psyker.

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