Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 279 I’ll electrocute you to death

Liting is in the far north.

Magnus swung the hammer with a look of sorrow on his face.

The original body developed very quickly, and even though he was less than a year old, he was not really like a baby.

When Loken hit him with a branch, he was really hard.

The deed of sale clearly stated: Magnus failed to live up to the gift of birth given by the quartermaster, so his foundation is very weak and must be beaten severely.

Chief network administrator Loken, with the best intentions for Magnus, wished he could whip himself with four lightning whips every second!

If this continues, Magnus, the captain of the Horse Kingdom, will be beaten to protect the country.

The strengthening of Magnus by the god's spine was not too obvious, not even as much as other primarchs.

This prevented the magical pony from seeing the usefulness of the beating.

While he was reinforcing the ghost house, Magnus noticed that the big-breasted emperor and the scar-faced overseer next to him had abandoned their work and stood up to greet them in the other direction.

Magnus finally found a chance to rest.

He felt that everything was just like a dream now. It was fine. Why was he abducted and brought here?

To strengthen the Haunted Haunted House, he, Magnus, must help, because the rituals of the Haunted Haunted House correspond to the devastating blow to the Empire caused by the Horus Heresy.

What really hit the empire the hardest was the nine kicks that Magnus threw into the sewer.

Letting Magnus help build the Haunted Soul House is a necessary complement to Horus' struggle for fate.



Horus and Loken were excited every time they saw Lust.

Throughout the galaxy, the Wolf Goddess and her primarch Loken encountered only cruelty and war, blood and corpses.

But here in Rasta...

Well, there are both good and bad things. Of course, if He is not immoral, then He is really good.

"Eat, let's take a rest."

When Rasta said this, he stretched out his hand, and the ground was suddenly shrouded in dim light. When the light dissipated, there was already a steaming cauldron on the ground.

"Dumplings? What kind of fillings are they for?"

Loken is no stranger to this stuff.

"Pork and vegetables, soup dumplings."

Rasta said as she struck the hand of the Wolf Goddess.

Horus was not afraid of being burned. She didn't care about the bowls and chopsticks. She was ready to reach out and grab them directly.

When Loken heard this, he was a little worried: "You did it?!"

Although Raste's cooking skills are not as amazing as Luojia's and Hain's, they are not very tasty.

When Rasta made dumplings for the first time, the canned people were very happy to eat them. After all, they tasted much better than normal food.

As a result, Rasta immediately changed into a dumpling, and the cans were stunned - are these the same kind of food? !

"How could it be that I did it? Fulgrim did it."

Raste's words stunned Horus, who had stolen a handful of dumplings and stuffed them into his mouth, eating them deliciously.

"No ingredients!" Rasta explained.

Team Rocket's dinner and chat made the red-skinned Pokémon Magnus next to him anxious.

He seemed to hear his brother's name.

etc! Did they know their other Primarch brother? !

Thinking of this, Magnus came over with a smile on his face.

"Fulgrim and I are brothers. Can you let me go..."

"Fulgrim stole my things and hasn't paid them back yet! I'm so poor that I have no shoes to wear!"

Horus refused to accept this trick and directly rejected the Wonder Pony.

Magnus was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Loken and Guang Lu, who was unrecognizable after returning to his original appearance.

Rasta and Loken nodded, confirming this statement.

Magnus can bend and stretch.

"Actually, his and I have different skin colors. I have always suspected that he was adopted..."

When they were clearing the relationship, Magnus saw Rasta holding a pen towards him.

Prospero's mutants are all skilled people.

In this cruel galaxy and oppressively ruled empire, in order to survive, mutants must try their best to learn all the survival skills they can learn to increase their use value.

They are eager to possess even a trivial specialty, firstly to win recognition from the outside world, and secondly to find the meaning of their existence.

There are quite a few mutants who make simple voice recorders.

So Magnus recognized what Rasta was holding.

"What are you doing?"

"You go on, I'll record more and send it to Fulgrim."

Rasta urged him to try another method of death.

Magnus suddenly understood.

His eyes widened.

This kind of operation that seems to awaken his psychological shadow, even though it is only a few times, can help him recognize that the person in front of him is the evil thing pretending to be the emperor and making him spin around!

He first took a few steps back and looked around, fearing that a god's machine would appear out of nowhere and knock him into the ice sea.

"Come here, sit down, and eat."

Raste grabbed it casually, and Magnus was taken in uncontrollably, sitting around the cauldron.

Loken handed him a bowl and chopsticks.

When Magnus got to this point, he was still tough: "My father will not let you go!"

He firmly believed that the power of the Emperor, the Lord of Mankind, was unmatched by this copycat version of the Emperor.

"Hmph, if you scream twice more, I'll capture your father and build a house too!"

Rasta threatened.

As soon as these words came out, Loken and Horus were a little nervous.

Light Desire explained to Horus: "Don't you always want him to taste the strengthening of the god's spine?"

He said to Loken again: "You have to pump harder then, otherwise I'm afraid he won't feel it!"

"Who are you?"

Magnus was shocked. He had heard all kinds of rumors about the Emperor when he was still under the Himalayas.

Some "alien" would be burned to death for even mentioning the Emperor, but this guy in front of him actually dared to use the Emperor as a slave!

"Do you want to say that line again?" Loken raised his head.

"No, I'm eating. I feel a little nauseous after talking."

Rasta also felt that it was not appropriate to introduce himself as Team Rocket at this time.

Horus pointed at Magnus with his chopsticks.

"Remember this! We are Team Rocket that travels across the galaxy, and our main occupation is to torture the original body!

You are not the first Primarch we have captured, and of course you will not be the last!

I tell you! Don't do it! Some of them are the original body! You are working slowly! We'll sell it to you and get another one!

My godfather is so shameless! You can use any evil tricks! "

Her last sincere words seemed to be mixed with strong personal emotions.

"You said it well, don't say it again next time."

Rasta was not satisfied with the hint from the Wolf Goddess.

He said: "Next time, I will let you go to the place where Fulgrim always goes to you!"

Magnus, still angry, took out the hammer.

"You are committing fraud! This hammer is useless! That contract should be invalid."

Loken took Mjolnir, and the dust on it immediately peeled off, revealing the appearance that Magnus had seen before.

Loken picked up the hammer and waved it far away.

In the atmosphere in the far north of Liting, thunder and lightning began to wander, and then converged into thunder dragons and fell, illuminating the polar day even brighter.

It was so bright that everything except the thunder and lightning seemed dark.

Horus also curiously took the hammer from Loken's hand.

Thor's hammer exploded with brilliance, and the power of thunder poured into Horus' body. The hand of the Wolf Goddess that was not holding the hammer pointed at Magnus.


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