Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 29 The battle for the top spot

Thrark, a lonely star.

Since the third technological leap, the Slarks have completed the feat of exterminating other intelligent life on the same planet.

This world has given birth to more than one form of life, but the Slark people are obviously more powerful in terms of force.

A sufficient war was used as a ritual, and all honor and bravery became sacrifices.

The day the Slark aliens were unified, they saw God.

It was a majestic figure sitting high on the mountain of skulls. His side glance could cause all the psykers among the Slark aliens who were good at psychic spells to die suddenly.

Under His feet, countless terrifying demons squirmed like maggots. Those maggots fought in the sea of ​​blood and bones to please the Lord of the Skull.

This terrifying and majestic power directly conquered all the Slark aliens. They attributed all the myths and legends of this civilization to this subspace evil god who truly showed miracles.

Then, the unified Slark alien civilization began to split into four nations and began to engage in endless wars to please this god.

Velengkan was born during the height of the faith's fervor, and unfortunately, he was a psyker who could freeze liquids around him.

What good situation could a psyker have on a planet that worshiped Khorne?

Velengkan worked hard to develop psychic spells that strengthened his body, which made the other Slark aliens less aggressive in ostracizing him.

At the age of eleven, he enrolled in the War Academy of the First Dynasty of Slak and became a genius recognized by the entire First Dynasty.

His ambition is rewarded, he moves forward indomitably, and is invincible. He should have a script and rise all the way.

Until he met Subtropical, who was admitted in the same semester. Yes, that’s right, it was called Subtropical, and his name conflicted with his.

Subtropical is a fanatical believer of Khorne. His fearless character and innate madness and strength made Khorne pay attention to this guy who was worthy of being transformed into a big devil early on.

In the 30,000 battles throughout the seven-year school season, Velengkham was defeated a total of nine times, seven of which were defeated by Subtropical.

Velengkham, who had never defeated Subtropical once and was almost killed, became disheartened and stopped developing enhanced spells and graduated early.

After graduation, Velengkan started his own business and built a city. He was gifted and became a Slark scientist.

He thought his achievements were enough to outweigh the impact of the subtropics.

Until one day, Subtropical was chosen by the Blood God and became an unparalleled warrior chosen by the God.

The entire planet Slak fell into crazy worship of the subtropical zone, second only to the Blood God.

Countless Slark aliens come one after another, crazy to challenge the subtropical zone.

Subtropical never stayed long in any of the four Slark dynasties in order to please Khorne.

Whichever dynasty is the weakest, he will join that one. After helping that dynasty become the number one overlord, he will immediately quit and join the weakest dynasty.

This situation continued until the arrival of the blue cans.

These cans, which come from unknown sources, have powers far beyond those of ordinary Slark aliens.

In the early stages of the war, the Slark aliens were defeated and defeated.

It's not that they don't have the upper hand, it's just that every time they gain a little bit of success, those blue cans start to act evil.

They began sending letters to the Slark aliens, instructing them to use the Astra Militarum's laser guns to write on the Slark alien armored vehicles.

This is a good sign!

The Blood God said that if you persuade Blue Can to surrender, there will be a big reward.

The Slark aliens excitedly decoded High Gothic.

When the deciphering was completed, which took three days, the Slack linguist in charge was so angry that he fainted.

The words on the armored tank are:

"You are cheating on your mother!"

In the subsequent siege, the Smurfs carried out a series of similar operations.

They even responded to the Slark aliens' second attempt to persuade them to surrender after observing their behavior.

He also expressed his intention to compose a hymn to the blood god worshiped by Slark's aliens.

The Slark aliens' worship of the Blood God prevented them from rejecting the Smurfs' request.

During a global live broadcast of Slark Alien, Captain Power Hammer held a pair of underwear that had been scrawled and altered due to brainstorming, and began to praise the so-called Blood God based on it.

As each Slark alien wore a translator developed by a previously enraged linguist, more Slark aliens became enraged.

Although the jumble of profanities could not be translated literally, they heard the exact profanity.

Like "Praise to the Goddess Slark."

Another example is "Your powerful spells make me very attracted to you".

Furthermore, "It is not easy for more than a hundred of us to put together a prayer book that completely matches your temperament."

and "If you are frail and sick, you must drink more hot water."

Finally, he added the sentence "May the truth of the empire bless you"!

What words? What is this word? The Slark aliens were furious.

Khorne was indeed a little dissatisfied with the blasphemy of these Smurfs, but he recognized their courage.

Every time these live warriors complete this kind of operation, they can go into battle and kill randomly, and then withdraw.

This stalemate lasted until Velengkan was whispered by the great demon of Tzeentch.

It's normal for Tzeentch and Slaanesh to cause trouble in Khorne's territory.

Skarbrand is right next to Khorne, and he can be tricked by Tzeentch into killing his own father.

Velengkan obtained an ability from the Great Demon of Tzeentch, and he combined this ability with certain particles to emit it into the air, making those arrogant cans begin to weaken.

He had made meritorious deeds, but he did not dare to publicize them.

Ever since his courage was broken by the subtropics, he has become a disgrace to the Slark aliens and refuses any challenge.

If a Slark alien discovers that he is using psionic magic to interfere with this war, it is foreseeable what his end will be.

Velengkan's state of "No one can beat me, I'm a waste" lasted until the group of cans brought the new cans to their own city.

At this time, he had learned that the subtropical zone that made him feel like a waste had been beaten to death by the cans.

Although he knew it was the subtropical zone where the cans were killed, and the cans must be stronger than the subtropics, Wei Lengkan just felt that the dark clouds above his head had dissipated.

The alien is about to die, but he also wants to regain his original intention. He wants to have a one-on-one showdown.

Slark aliens are also social animals, and it is normal to want to be recognized by others of their kind.

Before dying, Wei Lengkan wanted to save some face for himself.

But he had been shrinking from fighting for too long, and he had become too unfamiliar with fighting.

He wanted to pick someone who was not so powerful, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to figure out the opponent's details and would be embarrassed if he was instantly defeated by one move.

First, he ignored the manic can who hacked the subtropical zone to death, then he ignored the big bald head who looked wrong at first glance, and then ignored the other bald head next to the big bald head who obviously had evil intentions towards him.

Wei Lengkan still thought not to challenge the can, so he looked at the short men further back.

Those guys who are armed with laser weapons and even remove the magazine from the battery pack and throw them as grenades don't seem to be easy to mess with.

Finally, he saw a guy who had never moved a hand from beginning to end and who was obviously incapable of beating.

He had black hair and black eyes, and was lifeless. From time to time he took out a branch and waved it, as if hesitating which one was better to use as a weapon.

This guy, Velengkan, can hit eight of them!

At the same time, he raised his finger and pointed at Rasta, who was selecting home education tools for Loken.

Tzeentch and even Khorne entered the live broadcast room.

Their blessings fell on Velengkham at the same time!


Became the great demon chosen by the two gods!

Not only that, blessing is not achieved in one step, but in competition.

If Slark Alien has a career in anchoring, and Velengkan has talent in this area, he should be more responsible.

He should be saying something.

"Thank you Blood God for the three blessings, thank the Magic God for the four blessings, Blood God please give me some strength, look at your big brother Tzeentch...

Ah, Blood God, you are the father of Tzeentch, and you actually directly promoted me to a demon! "

It's a pity that Wei Lengkan doesn't know how to do it. At this moment, he was stunned.

He remembered one thing. It seemed that Subtropical became the God's Chosen Warrior because he defeated the most powerful life-blood beast on the planet Slak in the sea.

But that was also a blessing obtained after defeating him. He just issued a challenge.

Just when he was about to retreat, the Slark aliens around him began to fire!

"As expected of the city lord! I can tell who is the strongest in the opponent at a glance! I have received the supreme blessing from the great Blood God!"

Wei Lengkan was so angry that he slapped the flatterer to death with his backhand!

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