Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 287 Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills

Ferrus's college entrance examination results were not ideal.

So he chose to become a junior college student.

When he arrived at the gate of Xieyue Sanxing Cave, he knew that he had come to the right place.

"This is your student loan contract. The interest rate is 44 cents per day. Do you have any objections? If not, sign it quickly!"

The black-robed disciple, or the Taoist boy of Bodhi Patriarch, the admissions director of Sanxingdong Technical College, told Ferrus this.

Ferrus was completely confused.

Good guy, the interest rate on the first day is 44 times the loan, and the interest rate on the second day is 44 to the power of double...

Well, well, within a month, Ferrus will become the first loser in the galaxy and even the universe, because he can't pay it back at all!

"Then how do they pay the tuition?"

Ferrus pointed to other students.

"Oh, this is simple..."

The black-robed disciple seemed to have anticipated this question.

Ferrus waited for the next step, and this wait lasted for a day.

Finally, the ruthless iron-handed Xingtian asked angrily: "Tell me! Isn't it simple?"

"I won't tell you!"

The black-robed disciple ran away after saying this, and threw a student ID to Ferrus.

"This is a test of patience, right? Who came up with this?"

Ferus, who was so wicked, was hungry for a day and went straight to the peach forest in the back mountain.

Ferus, who was feasting, seemed to have returned to the days of Huaguo Mountain. For some reason, he missed the Water Curtain Cave a little.

Just when he was feeling a little sad, a tissue was handed to him.

Ferus, who was more than four meters tall, looked at the small tissue and said politely.

"No need, I didn't cry."

"I don't know if you shed tears or not, take a closer look at what this is?"

The dean, who was a part-time forest ranger, raised the tissue in his hand a little higher again.

Ferus looked down and took a closer look, and his face turned black.

"The fine for stealing from the college's pillar industry, the Peach Garden? Wait, how many digits is this? What do you mean this piece of paper can't hold it?"

The Primarch was furious. How could he be blackmailed twice after only one day here? What kind of place is this?

Ferrus lowered his head and was about to question the little guy, when he saw the director of the admissions office who had cheated him in the morning and finally gave him free admission trotting over from outside the forest.

"Ancestor, the Heavenly Court sent a notice, requiring us to rectify as soon as possible, otherwise we will stop the school!"

The black-robed disciple read the script that would trick Ferrus into going to the Emperor's Fantasy to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, and was quite devoted to it.

Bodhi Patriarch Rast couldn't help but sigh when he heard the sound.

This made Ferrus quite puzzled.

Bodhi Patriarch tore off the ticket in his hand, and suddenly seemed to age four seconds, the same time it took Him to tear off the paper.

Ferrus was a curious Primarch.

"What is Heaven? You won't fine me?"

"Heaven is commanded by the Jade Emperor and governs the three realms. The Heavenly Palace, the Mortal World, and the Chaos Underworld are all under their jurisdiction.

My Three-Star Cave of the Slanting Moon is also in it. Child, you can eat it. Anyway, even if you sell these peaches, it's not enough to pay the tax."

Lassite was slandering the emperor behind his back again.

No! It's the truth!

Ferus, who has a very strong associative ability, quickly made up a fact in his mind.

In fact, Three-Star Cave of the Slanting Moon is a conscientious college, and the dean and the director of the admissions office are also very warm and friendly.

The entire college relies on the peach plantation on the back mountain to support a college of students.

But the shameless Heaven imposed heavy taxes on Three-Star Cave of the Slanting Moon, which made the dean breathless.

Forced to do so, the dean and the director had to see if the new students could afford the tax, but the dean and the director, who felt guilty, did not do it after all and let the new students go.

Thinking of this, Ferrus sighed at the kindness of Bodhi Patriarch and the black-robed disciples, and asked how the Heavenly Court collected taxes.

"How much tax do I have to pay?"

Ferrus decided that he would help wherever he could.

"Emperor... ahem, the Heavenly Court requires that 90% of the world's harvest must be handed over to the Heavenly Court! This is the heavenly rule set by the Jade Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Heavenly Court!"

"!!!" Ferrus was stunned!

But he felt like he had fallen into a trap, so he tried to refute.

"That's still 10%..."

"It's 90% of your highest harvest record. If this year is not as good as the most abundant year, and you give it all to the Heavenly Court, you will be..."

Rast was so sad that he burst into tears and washed his face with tears.

"Isn't this a rebellion against him?!"

Ferrus was so angry that he was going to kill the Heavenly Court, make a scene in the Heavenly Palace, and seize the throne of the Jade Emperor!

"It's easier said than done. There are 100,000 cans in the Heavenly Palace..."


"Sorry to let it slip... There are 10 trillion Heavenly Soldiers and 100,000 Heavenly Generals in the Heavenly Palace, suppressing nearly 1 million planets in the Three Realms and being invincible.

No grass grows wherever they pass, especially those sons of the Jade Emperor, the ones called Jinwu, each of them is simply not a human being..."

When Rast was about to talk about Guangyu shooting the 21 Great Jinwu Primarchs with a water gun, the black-robed disciple coughed and stopped him from continuing to talk nonsense to the end of his evil deeds.

Feruston felt a lot of pressure without realizing that he was also being scolded.

"Is there no way to stop the tyranny of the Jade Emperor?!"


This is what Rast was waiting for.

The gods of mankind appeared in the world to change the hellish status quo of the empire, and he was not completely deceiving Ferrus now.

"I'm waiting for a genius, a genius who is unique among billions! I will teach him what I have learned all my life. If he succeeds in his studies, he will surely make a big splash in the Heavenly Palace, seize the Jade Emperor's bird position, and regain his throne. Open up a bright three realms!”

Rasta, the Patriarch of Bodhi, has already drawn a pie for Ferus.

Ferus reached his heart and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Please ask the ancestor to teach me the supreme supernatural power. When I succeed in learning, I will make sure that this world will no longer encounter such oppression!"

Guang Yu sighed: "You can teach children, but after all, this is an important industry of the college. Teaching here may cause the college's income to drop next year. So, I will take you to a separate place."

Ferus' blood is surging, and next, he will learn his true skills!

The childish period of buckling iron men, hanging giant beasts, chasing aliens, and eating ribs is over!

Ferus was even taken by the black-robed disciples to bathe and burn incense, which was full of ritual.

When Ferus changed into a simple orange martial arts uniform and came to Xianyue Sanxing Cave, he asked about Patriarch Bodhi in confusion.

"What does the word on my chest mean?"

Rasta looked at Ferus, who cosplayed as Kakarot Sun Wukong and came to apprentice with the Warhammer version of Bodhi Patriarch, and gave a perfunctory explanation.

"Because what you are going to learn next is related to a black tiger, so I left a tiger character on your chest. I will teach you the secret knowledge of the Tiger Immortal. I just hope you will not let it down!"

Hearing this, Ferus nodded solemnly.

The Evil Lord began to function normally.

"This is the Black Tiger Immortal's Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, also known as the Seventy-two Dragon Slaying Skills. The names of these moves are:

Crows fly! Tornado destroys parking lot! Chicken on the tree! Ducks ascend! The black tiger strands the lamb! Elephant kicks! Tiger paw eats pudding! Black tiger flies over vulture! Angry-clawed foxes fly in a swarm! Gazelle Leap! Rats walk in ditches! A hippopotamus comes out of a rhinoceros! Giraffes rob homes! The phoenix gnaws on the wolf's claws..."

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