Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 3 Lessons from Lust

“Material providers provide not only materials, but also hope!”

These are the exact words from an expeditionary regiment.

At that time, they jumped onto an alien battleship, only to discover that it was a trap, a trap specially designed to kill the Emperor's Angel Space Marines.

There is not a grain of food to be found on this battleship, and the air is extremely thin. Even if the Space Marines have a steel stomach that can digest ceramic and metal powder, they cannot survive in such an environment.

At that moment, a material provider walked out of the battleship's hostage bay, bringing food, medicine, and even new arms, eyes, and internal organs to the beleaguered legion.

This may sound horrifying, but reports from the Empire tend to be positive.

The Emperor's Angels henceforth viewed the Providers of Material as the Emperor's radiance, for the power of these creators out of thin air was so incredible.

And associating it with the Emperor is the only idea that is not heretical.

From the moment the Emperor began to recognize the status of material providers, these Glory began to be snatched up by the various Legions of the Great Crusade.

They longed to have a material provider in their legion, so that shortages of various supplies would not be so pressing.

In fact, the Empire has been recruiting material providers to join the war, and many have responded.

But there was also a rumor that made subsequent material providers reluctant to participate in the war again.

That is, no material provider has ever left a battlefield alive!

Therefore, the fact that Rasta concealed that he was a material provider and lied about having aunts and uncles from the agricultural world to deliver food to him on a monthly basis was appropriately reflected in the minds of the people in the official stable.

This is too reasonable. He has been hiding himself because of fear of war and death until he was reported as a heretic by a fool and had to stand up and prove his identity as a material provider.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the lower-level officials in the official stables fell on Fendo, but there was no sympathy at all.

Fendo's brain was also delayed at this time. His heart was bitten by these gazes, his heartbeat stopped, breathing became difficult, and his eyesight turned black.

He decided to beg for mercy because he was most afraid of death!

"Mr. Rasta, you don't have to come here in person, I can take care of everything for you!"

A tall man who suppressed all his anger and tried his best to smile came in from outside the official stable.

It had taken him less than a minute to get here from the church, it could have been faster, but he needed time to calm his breathing and heartbeat.

"Hain, I discovered it first..."

Bury has always been jealous of this tall, handsome and sunny colleague, which is why he always invades the other party's jurisdiction.

Even now, he has no intention of letting go. The reward for discovering a material provider with such creative abilities may be greater than discovering a heretic.

If he can persuade the other party to join a certain legion, then he will directly move to the upper level and become one of the gentlemen he cherishes.

Hain didn't give Bury a chance to finish his words, he punched Bury in the face.

This brutal blow was like the swing of a power hammer.

Hein, who is two meters tall, is not at the same level as Berry, a mortal.

"I'm still eating."

Rasta reminded Hain. Hain's punch was a real punch, and he might have to enjoy an unappetizing animation for lunch.

The head that was about to explode ended up flying out with the body, but it was obvious that he would not survive.

Hain was still carried away after all. Although many of his flaws had been repaired in the past twenty-six years, they still remained. His anger caused by the blasphemy prevented him from thinking of the best way to deal with it.

The officials from other jurisdictions who came with Burry watched their chief begin to die slowly, and were too frightened to say anything.

Hayne ordered them: "I have a personal letter from the Governor. Bury died innocently. His crime will be announced soon...

you! Take his place and you will be in charge there. The appointment will be made soon. "

Hain drove away these uninvited guests. They were still in a daze when they left. However, the autographed letter in Hain's hand was not fake. It was certified by the governor. Even if it was fake, who would dare?

They don't understand the situation at all, and why the officials at the bottom of the official stable who have suggestions from the Chief Minister's Council and the Governor don't dare to think too much about it.

They had covered the mouth of Findo who was about to scream when Hayne punched Bury to death, and now they dragged the idiot out.

The less they know, the better for themselves, they understand.

The reason why they were so polite to Rasta was because Hain would solemnly explain this issue to them every day and hinted at what would happen to them if something went wrong!

When Hain was the only one left in the official stable, he fell to his knees.

Rasta chewed slowly, and finally drank a glass of ice tea slowly.

"Doan wants you to move to the top of the tower."

Haine just called the Governor by his first name, as if the Governor was nothing special.

"Not going."

Rasta is quite resistant and willful about moving away from home.

Hain was immediately tormented. Letting the great Lord live in the lower level was even worse than killing him. He had endured this suffering for twenty-six years.

When he was wearing power armor, he had killed countless alien lords with his fists, but now they did not have enough power to hold up the Lord's banner.

The discarded MK1 power armor was buried with his past twenty-six years ago.

"Then what are your next plans..."

Hain longed for the oracle.

"I'll sit down for a while and eat something after dinner."

Nurgle grinned when he heard the evil god's whisper.

Different from the atmosphere in the official stable, outside the official stable, it was depressing and terrifying.

Of course, Hain did not come alone. When the news reached the secret church, none of the forty-four people could hold back their anger.

In the end, in order not to disturb the Lord, only a few people followed Hain.

"Leave him to me."

The woman with a chain on her ankle gave orders to the stable officials in a commanding tone.

Her face was hidden in the hood. She was wearing a dark golden robe. This black and gold robe had no sleeves. On her arms, there was a kiss of dawn, which was a pattern of the sun and clouds.

Doan Kujiate, Governor of Liting!

These lowest-level managers, who were regarded as pariahs rather than officials by the upper class, quickly knelt down without saying a word.

They never thought that their commander Hain's words would be confirmed so quickly.

As the top manager in charge of the life and death of tens of billions of people, Duoan is located at the apex of thousands of Liting hive cities. He is a big shot that those at the bottom will never see.

She can make laws for the entire planet at will - as long as they don't completely contradict the ideals of the Empire.

The person behind Duo An kicked Fendo, whose brain had stopped, to the ground.

Duo An looked at this man who sought death again and again with disappointment.

"You did not die to the Lord, but the Lord saved you more than once!"

Fendo hasn't understood the current situation yet, and his brain is not enough.

The lower-level officials kneeling next to them were numb at this heresy, but under the watchful eyes of the guards holding sharp blades beside the governor, they spoke.

"I don't know much, but seven years ago, when you were supposed to be executed, you... bribed me with food to let you live."

The low-level officials had no idea what words to use to address the mysterious Mr. Rasta.

He said this to Fendo. Fendo opened his eyes wide and wanted to say something, but his throat was choked.

"I don't have the patience to listen to your barking anymore!"

Doan's guards crushed the head. She was not one of the forty-four, but during her long-term relationship with the governor, she also learned the truth about twenty-six years ago.

The Lord who gave Li Ting a second life must not be blasphemed!

Fendo's death resulted in the officials kneeling down and shaking like chaff.

"Now, please allow me to introduce to you the great Lord, the great being who gives you, me and even the entire world a second life..."

The governor's female voice was full of enthusiasm and piety, singing in the ears of two low-level officials...

Under the covered bridge where the painter temporarily lived.

In a room formed by a linen cloth and a bridge, with almost no privacy at all, the painter held his head while painful memories kept emerging.

When He stops deceiving Himself, the world will gain its original truth.

"Twenty-six years ago...twenty-six years ago..."

The artist picked up the pen and started painting on the blank drawing board next to him.

At the same time, his memory began to be sorted out and sorted out slowly.

He was born in the upper class of an ordinary hive city. His father was a famous painter in several cities, and his mother was his assistant.

His family is glamorous, but this is an illusion.

As early as decades ago, this hive world named Akami was questioned by the empire and contaminated by heresy.

Terrorist heresies spread among the lowest levels of existence at that time, and disobedient words to overthrow the tyranny of the empire increased day by day.

The empire has mentioned Akami on the review list for the Extermination Order. According to imperial law, this review process will last for up to a hundred years!

A planetary world is extremely precious, and the Empire cannot destroy the entire world casually.

The continuation of this review ends when the heresy has been contaminated to the upper levels!

The governors at that time had become pawns of the evil god of subspace.

Subspace is a special realm where spirit and matter are mixed based on the real universe.

The emotions and desires of intelligent beings, in this special realm, took long years to create the gods of chaos.

Among them, the four most powerful Chaos Gods, or Chaos Evil Gods, are:

God of knowledge and wisdom, Tzeentch.

God of strength and courage, Khorne.

God of life and eternity, Nurgle.

God of art and beauty, Slaanesh.

Their real names are unknown, but there seems to be a strong contrast between the four main gods' responsibilities and their names known to the world.

And they are exactly what their name says.

Tzeentch, the lord of all changes, likes all conspiracies and calculations. He enjoys the fun brought to him by changes the most. Any plan that is interesting enough, even if it is aimed at him, can please him. He has the most powerful control over the subspace. Magic, that is, psychic energy.

Khorne, the Lord of Skulls, hates psychic energy and is the mortal enemy of the Lord of Changes. He disdains any roundabout calculations. He loves straight-forward bravery, strength, tyranny, and war, and uses absolute courage and strength to prove his own Value, this is the philosophy he pursues.

As long as you muster up the courage to swing your sword in front of him, you will gain his joy. You will surpass the countless demons in Khorne's territory, be favored by his eyes, and gain the power of Khorne.

Nurgle, the lord of plagues, diseases, viruses and bacteria, maggots and deformed flesh and blood, are all his masterpieces. He treats all life equally without distinction. Mortals who believe in him will get a different kind of ugly eternal life. Inexplicable plagues and diseases emerge from His huge stirred cauldron.

Finally, there is Slaanesh. In a literal sense, Slaanesh seems to be equivalent to lust. In fact, Slaanesh has a very wide range. He symbolizes desires that can never be satisfied. His insatiable desire is the best interpretation of his priesthood. .

The power of the Four Evil Gods of Chaos spreads from subspace to reality, causing endless suffering.

Disease, war, killing, trampling on lives, desecrating souls, this is what they and the demons under them have been doing.

The reason why the Empire has always adhered to the Imperial Truth and declared atheism is because ordinary people, just knowing this information, will fall into madness and even be contaminated by demons, and become the carrier of demons in the real universe!

Even though there are more secondary gods in the subspace, their influence is far less than the four gods of chaos.

The painter's tragedy stems from his father falling into the arms of Slaanesh.

The God of Art and Beauty noticed this talented middle-aged man, extended an olive branch to him, and encouraged him to indulge himself.

Drinking, gambling, indulging more desires, and never having a bottom line.

An upper-class family collapsed like this.

The painter grew up in domestic violence. When his father fell into the arms of Slaanesh, his mother joined the team to suppress heretics because of her firm belief in the Emperor, and eventually died in battle.

The hopeless suffocation enveloped the entire hive world, and the painter was just a microcosm of it.

As for what's different about him, then...

It must be his dream that was laughed at.

His upper-class peers scorned his dream of showing the lower-class untouchables the sky, the ocean, and the real earth. He was a disgrace to his father, a cowardly mama's boy.

He doesn't understand why there is so much malice in this world.

When his family was broken up, he was almost desperate and waited in his room for the extermination order to arrive.

The governors at that time had all fallen and sworn themselves to the evil god, whether it was Nurgle or Khorne.

Covered in pus, with worms and maggots writhing in his flesh, the governor was frantically slaughtering his people, roaring in search of a real opponent.

The entire hive world is more hellish than hell and worse than a cesspit.

The painter heard a voice then.

That was a new main god of subspace. He spoke softly and encouraged the painter.

He said that He had guided forty-four people to come from the distant stars to save the world.

Not long after, the painter waited for the forty-four people and the troops they brought.

A counter-rebellion not ordered by the Empire began.

The Iron Nest Mountains were shattered.

When His guidance came, the Warp went mad.

The four gods of chaos are extremely resistant to the birth of a new god whose priesthood is completely against them.

An endless stream of Chaos Daemons emerge from the gap between reality and the Warp.

The survivors huddled in a dim glow, where the void shield was.

But in such an intense battlefield, the void shield has long been ineffective. It is self-evident who the dim light belongs to.

The extermination order came at that moment, and the empire's cyclone torpedo turned into a curtain of death and fell from the sky.

After pressing the button on the huge battleship and observing the planet's surface, and confirming that the entire world's ecosystem had been completely exterminated, the battleship that initiated the extermination order also left.

The world is shattered, and little remains of the painters who wanted to convey the sky, sea, and earth to their subjects through painting.

Even the army brought by the forty-four people was wiped out.

They sat in the dim light, as if all their efforts were in vain and wasted in Edom.

At that moment, His voice sounded again.

"Do you want them to be resurrected?"

He doesn't care about humans, He's not the Emperor.

The Emperor loved the human race, not anyone who stood before him.

But He does not love the human race, this newly born subspace evil god, only loves those who successfully break into His sight and stand in front of Him.

When the painter admitted that he was greedy and indeed asked for a lot of things.

He fulfilled the painter's wish.

The painter wants everyone to be resurrected and the hive world to be restored to the way it was before the devil came.

So the collapsed steel mountains were rebuilt, the dust returned to the people, and even the bottom layer of the hive was erased.

The painter wanted the planet to be far away from its original coordinates so that it would not be discovered again by the daemons of the warp.

So He, who had spent a lot of money, moved the planet from its original location and placed it near an agricultural world.

The painter longs for the courage from Him, so that he can truly go to the lower level, convey the colorful beauty, and light up all the dead hearts as much as possible.

He fulfilled the painter's dream and modified the painter's memory to make him forget the pain.

Finally, the crack connecting the real universe and subspace began to slowly heal and was mended by light.

Then something took root from the patch of light, and finally grew and bore fruit.

After the fruit was cut open, they knelt down in front of it.

He who is an infant is in fruit, full of sorrow.

That was exactly twenty-six years ago, the day when Akami was changed to the Garden of Dawn.

When the painter breaks free from memory, his painting is complete.

It's still under the covered bridge, but the drawing board in front of me is the same as clearly in my memory.

This time, his painting was no longer distorted. It contained various expressions and emotions of the forty-four disciples.

Breakdown, joy, rebirth, relief, the list goes on.

However, under His encouragement, the painter lost this memory, went to the lower level under the steel dome, and began a twenty-six-year journey to pursue the light.


He came behind the painter and called out the painter's former name.


The painter, who could no longer say "Mr. Rasta", fell to his knees.

He burst into tears: "I'm not worthy! You are as humble as me! How could I make you pay such a big price..."

"No, Nusgreen, you got these because you really pleased me.

Any gift from subspace has a hidden price, and even I will not be an exception. "

Raste's hand was placed on the painter's head, and he was stroking his chosen one, his first great demon.

"I didn't pay..." Nusgreen never felt that he had paid anything, he just...

It’s just that I’ve been craving and asking for it.

"Nusgreen, you have to know that in this cruel world like a cesspit, there is no heavier price than carrying on with kindness and going on without regrets, no more! You really pleased me! "

Rasta impartially stated the transaction between Him and the believers, but there was no standard weight used to weigh the two.

"I want to know your name. Please allow me to pray to you until eternity!"

It was twenty-six years later that Nusgreen remembered that he should seek his name from Him.

"I am the collective emotion of all intelligent life's longing for light."

Rasta also plucked up the courage to truly admit his identity.

"I am the lust of light!"

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