Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 295 Too beastly

"Then Pebolatu is shouting about creampie, so he is going to use countless beastly tricks on Third Sister Liu..."

The Lord of Evil explained the battle between the two Primarchs with great emotion.

"Shut up!"

Both Ferus and Pebolatu couldn't stand it.

This is not the immortal ancestor who lives in seclusion in Xianyue Sanxing Cave or Wuzhuang Temple. He is obviously here to have fun with them.

Faced with the scoldings of the two original bodies, Rasta pursed his lips and looked unhappy.

The black-robed disciple also felt that his master was a bit too much.

"How long are they going to fight?"

"Originally, they had to fight for days and nights before they could decide the winner, but Pebolatu made himself weak in order to make his cousin his wife..."

Raste's words were always misleading.

Disciple in black robe: "..."

This disciple with different eyes began to have contradictory choices and doubts.

As a devout person, he should undoubtedly believe in the Lord. However, although the Lord’s words are correct, the people who view these words have different perspectives, so the words are different.

"They beat them and don't care."

Rasta glanced at Ferus who was forcing a man to be restrained, then turned and left.

Really, what's so exciting about two primarchs fighting?

The black-robed disciples followed Rasta obediently and left the abandoned duel field created by Ferus.


Dividing line---


The extradimensional city of Commorragh is one of the creations that best reflects the transcendent status of the ancient saints.

The Emperor is powerful enough, but two thousand years have passed since the establishment of the Human Empire, and he has not even figured out the anti-psionic materials.

I finally got an abandoned extra-dimensional city, which was still half scrapped, and wanted to use it to build the webway system of the human empire.

The ancient saint's webway is probably a very beautiful time travel network.

After the Eldar took over, they patched it up and turned it into a high-speed rail station.

The one that the Emperor made, to put it ugly, is like making a burr, and the result is that there are tools growing on the burr.

Tzeentch took the initiative to bid at the site, saying that he wanted to remove the burr. Once the burr was gone, the exit of the webway was made extremely comfortable, so comfortable that the Emperor was reluctant to get up.

Rasta and Angron were in a dimensional chamber in Commorragh.

The extra-dimensional city is too huge, and even the stars used to illuminate it are much larger than Terra's sun. When such a sun reaches double digits, it still cannot even illuminate Commorragh. The Dark Eldar have completely destroyed this place. It has to be like Coze's amusement park.

The decoration style of this dimensional secret room is completely in accordance with Rasta's favorite style.

Yes, this was what Osiris did originally. As the Holy Lord of the Ancient Saints and the hidden master of the Eldar Tribe, it was too easy for him to do this.

After Rasta walked around the dimensional chamber, he found something.

He threw this thing to Angron.

"What's this?"

Angron looked at the inconspicuous "pebble" in his hand and asked doubtfully.

"This is the highest authority stone in the super-dimensional city of Comoros. With it, you can do things you didn't expect."

Rasta said as he fell down and leaned on the rocking chair.

Angron looked around at the pebbles in his hand.

After his vital signs and subspace characteristics were entered, the cobblestone was triggered, and a mess of options popped up.

"Extinguish the sun, apply gravity, replace the air components..."

Angron was shocked.

It goes without saying how huge the super-dimensional city is. Even the stars need double digits to maintain the necessary heat for this city.

But such a huge Comoros can be controlled by a pebble.

"What's your level? Who taught you to read such simple things?"

Rasta stretched out his hand and recalled the pebbles.

He didn't enter anything and directly used the hidden permissions of Pebbles.

"This is what we call really useful."

Angron heard the sound and looked over.

Ridiculous options such as "hyperdimensional city, deformation", "activating backup hidden energy", "a fine of 250 per person" and so on popped up.

Angron had already guessed that this was the work of his brother Osiris.

His father, Rasta, was really a very immoral child, more naive than anyone else. Osiris, a filial son, prepared such a gift to cheer up his father.

Rasta looked at the pebbles in his hand, and suddenly his expression became gloomy.

Angron thought that he was thinking about Osiris.

Unexpectedly, Raste opened his mouth and said nothing.

"It's a pity that there is only one, otherwise I would add some condiments and throw it to you on the stir-fry plate."


Angron, who understood what Sui Diu was through the evil spirit filter, had no clue about his father's brain circuit.

"Ouch, it's coming! The fight is coming."

Rasta threw up the pebble and flicked it with his index finger, and the pebble immediately turned into countless pieces.

These fragments began to simulate the entire extra-dimensional map of Commorragh in front of Rasta.

This map can be zoomed in to see every detail, or zoomed out to see the entire Comoros from a macro perspective.

This super-dimensional map has a special effect, that is, everything in the map can have the same effect on the corresponding place in Comoros.

This function is very useless to Rasta. He can do this without a superdimensional map.

Angron came closer quietly and began to watch the battle.

On the map, "schools of fish" are constantly emerging in various giant star ports in Comoros.

That is the battleship of the Ark Eldar.

Even the Savage Eldar joined the battle, digging out old antiques they had hidden underground for many years.

Because the technology is from the Ancient Eldar Empire era, it is not far behind compared to the Dark Eldar who are also resting on their laurels.

One thing about the bean sprouts is that they don't like to use shields.

Because the Necrons don't care about martial ethics, the Six Gods were the first to release the Shield Breaker. No matter how high the shield is, it adds a bit of cold data flow emotion to those ribs.

Therefore, except for the super-giant starships like Arkworld, which are so huge that approaching the planet will cause tidal reactions and even cause ecological extinction, the other warships are just like the elusive little ones swimming in the water. Like fish.

The landing battle and the air raid came at the same time.

The extra-dimensional city of Comoros is the same as the hive city, with many layers.

There is an air battle on the upper level, and there are already wild bean sprouts and flower bean sprouts on the lower floors, which have been transferred to the fight by the Laughing God using the network channel authority.

Before the Clive Blades of a group of Dark Eldar who were just enjoying killing slaves had a chance to swing, they were cut into two pieces by the shuriken bullets in the shuriken launcher that were as thin as the atomic level.

This Eldar weapon works by placing an energy crystal inside the firearm as an ammunition magazine.

When fired, the firearm will chip away at a thin layer of atomic flakes and shoot them out.

Therefore, not to mention unlimited ammunition, a shuriken launcher can have more ammunition than the laser rifle that the Empire of Man can use to just bask in the sun.

The arrival of Flower Bean Sprouts is terrifying to the Dark Eldar.

After the decline of the Ancient Eldar Empire, the strongest combat units of the Eldar Tribe were basically under the command of the Laughing God.

As for the Dark Eldar, except for the Fallen Phoenix Lord and Succubus, they don't even dare to possess psychic units like Prophets.

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