Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 74: Being lusted after

In the subspace at this moment.

The two-headed roast duck has been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward, but he suffers from depression.

Now it is under the careful care of Tzeentch, the Lord of Change.

Nurgle once volunteered himself, strongly requesting that he be allowed to heal the greatest demon of Tzeentch who was poisoned by lust for light.

Tzeentch refused without even thinking. The two were mortal enemies. Although Nurgle was curious about the power of Lust and would do his best to save Carlos, there was no telling how the roast duck would turn out if he really gave it to him.

Xin Liezhi's beloved bird is as beautiful as his son, which makes his pet burst into tears of gratitude.

So Carlos gave Him a little message.

One of its heads managed to lift up.

"The box was not sent to the Emperor."

The other head was still lying down, looking miserable.

"Now the box is back in [Unspeakable] hands."

Who can’t be described? Do you need to say who it is?

Tzeentch's expression immediately became strange.

Logically speaking, He should be laughing wildly.

However, he was really afraid. He was afraid that the guy would think it was him and would run into the subspace and beat him up.

Even though he was afraid, He still had to say a mantra.

"One...everything is as planned."

Then, He uploaded all the photos of Slaanesh that he had not finished uploading last time into that box.

Tzeentch's idea was simple.

If you cause trouble, you will be beaten up by Guang Lu.

But if you don't do anything all the time, isn't it the same as being completely dead? Then what fun is there in life? Life is simply worse than death.

Big deal...

At worst, He was holding back his laughter.

Elsa House, space station.

Rasta felt that there must be a sense of ceremony to open the express, so he finally took it back from the spaceship to the space station and opened it again.

But when he was taking it apart, he always felt that this thing looked familiar.

As Trazin's multiple packages were removed layer by layer, He fell silent.

"You guys get out!"

He drove away Elsa and Osiris.

He didn't believe that this thing was really a scourge! He insisted on taking it apart and taking a look! How could He, with his majestic bright desires, Chaos deception, and the end of the Chaos gods, fall twice on a ridiculous trap?

When the last layer of Trazin's seal was erased, in front of Rasta was a purple box, but decorated with some pink lace.

Yes, not only Xin Liezhi noticed the two goals through Carlos, but Salish, who had been paying attention to this box, also felt it.

The little evil god still didn't believe that this thing was really the box he sent out.

His hands trembled as he opened the lid.

The three rolls of toilet paper are fresh in my mind.

It's just that the Slaanesh ethos on the two rolls of toilet paper was like a scourge that harmed the Emperor. Obviously, the Emperor still wanted to lose face.

Rasta looked at something other than the toilet paper.

"Sales Photo Album Volume 2" - Masterpiece Edition of the Lord of Change!

In addition to the original six volumes, there are nine more volumes in it. Compared with the previous six volumes, these nine volumes have more elements of uniforms.

OK OK! Tzeentch raised by Slaanesh, you are still playing with me for serial updates, right?

Believe it or not, I will go into subspace now and split it into sixty-nine parts for you two? !

When Guang Yu was about to become furious, he saw a card in the corner of the box.

"Specially customized for the great Supreme Chaos, a gift to be conveyed to the Emperor" - Yours sincerely: Xin Liezhi!


Rasta narrowed her cute little eyes.

The Emperor's Dream, the Emperor's Throne.

The Lord of Humanity outside the Lord is talking on the phone with Malcador inside the Lord.

"The current situation of the empire is very good. Although the frequency of material providers in various legions has begun to decrease, the power from Chaos is also weakening.

I don't know whether that one has reached some kind of tacit understanding with the four main gods of chaos, but I hope you can be more careful, my lord. "

Malcador's voice was old and serious.

"The current situation is still expected. His appearance makes the gods retreat, which is very reasonable.

If the power of chaos is still strong, it will be an unusual phenomenon. "

The Emperor was not as unfounded as Malcador.

"I want to know what he did in Chaos to make those four things fear him so much and make you wary of him."

Malcador knew about the massacre of Lust in Chaos, but he knew very well that there was something extra. The Emperor knew that it was even more terrifying than the Sixth Evil God turning the entire Chaos into a mass grave for the gods. This is the reason why the Emperor is really wary of each other.

"Makado, knowing those things will do you no good. Although you used the illusion of old age to cover up your true appearance, your curiosity is still revealed."

Out of the desire to protect Malcador, the Emperor did not reveal the more horrific scene that happened before Lust's massacre.

"Okay, I won't ask, how are you going with the Internet Channel?" Macado, the logistics manager, was really worried about this matter and his hair turned gray.

"Do you still remember the illegitimate son of the Emperor from the Nehrak dynasty?"

The Emperor used a sarcastic line to describe Trazyn's position.

"Tarrazin the Endless, you made a deal with him? What did you pay?"

The human empire was not very clear about the wealth of the Nehrak dynasty. Malcador only knew that when the other party met the emperor for the first time, he brought a huge number of world engines to guard against this fifth evil god.

At that time, Trazyn was very pompous. With such a force, it was not a bad idea to fight the remaining Eldar to the death, although the chances of winning were not high.

Since Trazyn was willing to help, the matter of the Webway should be a sure thing.

With the richness of the Nehrak Dynasty's treasury, it was really easy to make a barely usable copycat version of the Webway. It just took a little time.

"I didn't hand over any guards, didn't sacrifice anyone's life and freedom, and didn't do anything against my will that the dragon slayer you know shouldn't have done.

I just gave Trazyn the prank that Light Desire gave me, just to make use of the waste."

The emperor was in a very happy mood. When he thought about using that thing to exchange for the Webway, this bloody business was more enjoyable than eating alone at the beginning.

"My little guy is growing up very fast. He is almost at the level of a master, learning the courses that an assassin and a pretender should learn. By the way, how is Horus on your side?" Malcador first said that he had brought up Alpharius very well, and then asked about the progress of the Emperor's education. "How should I put it..." The Emperor's expression was extremely tangled. He couldn't say that he didn't bring up Alpharius well, and even Horus ran off to fool around with the Light Desire. "What's wrong? What's wrong with Horus?" Malcador became a little nervous. He knew that the Primarchs had genetic defects. The Emperor was about to answer, but the machine spirit of the Emperor's Dream reported to him that the entire Emperor's Dream suddenly weighed 4.44 kilograms. The Emperor was stunned, and then opened the drawer used to store the world-destroying weapons. He said a double entendre. "It's the Light Desire!"

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