Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 87 The Emperor’s Pain

"The Emperor should give you a new mission."

Rasta knows how to eat alone.

The Astartes do not have vacations. All vacations are actually rest time during the voyage of the battleship.

In fact, this rest time is often spent on training and maintaining one's weapons.

If you spend three days fishing and two days drying the nets, the machine spirit will be unhappy and the consequences will be serious.

"We are preparing to slowly march towards the Tianlong Star Region, sweeping away all alien civilizations and fallen worlds along the way. The Moon Wolves are highly motivated."

Horus threw out the Emperor's strategic plan.

"I know, the old guy is starting to build momentum for you."

Twenty-six-year-old Wu Xidisi said this about Yigubigu.

"Making a big splash?"

Light Desire was too lazy to care about Horus's disrespect for the Emperor. The two belonged to the same legion, and she, Horus, was even just a little reserve member of the Garden Baby.

"In the original timeline, the Emperor was included in the Primarchs, and half of them would betray the Empire for various reasons.

And without knowing it, he wanted to select a son he could trust to take charge of all the empire's legions for him and lead the Great Crusade for him.

In that timeline, many Primarchs have returned, but after much thought, he still chose you from among the many Primarchs.

Horus, your loyalty is unquestionable in any timeline. It is because of this that the Emperor has given you the special status of Imperial Warmaster.

Unfortunately, you were the first to die in the original timeline. The demons stole your body and used your consciousness and memory to launch a rebellion that almost destroyed the empire.

The current regent, Imperial Prime Minister Malcador, also expressed his dissatisfaction with the Emperor on the spot when he saw the great rebellion.

On the other hand, it means it’s my turn to sit down! While taking the emperor's position, the emperor dared to be angry but dared not speak out. He had no choice but to push Malcador..."

Rasta kept going on and on, and the topic started to change.

Horus quickly stopped him from continuing with three "stops".

The Emperor had said that Malcador could be absolutely trusted and that the regent would die for the Emperor in an instant.

Back then, Malcador appeared in the story of the emperor's dragon-slaying hero as second only to the princess. The relationship between the two was too messy.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. In the original timeline, the Emperor would have more than forty years before he would completely build momentum for you, that is, go to the Broken World in the Sky Sector.

But now, because of my various transformations on you, he has made sure that you will not be corrupted by those four old guys under the care of the most powerful Chaos God.

He is ready to build a record for you starting now.

Of course, there are also reasons why I delayed the birth of the Primarchs. "

Guangyu sold the emperor directly.

"What kind of momentum are you talking about?"

"You know orcs, they are those fungus-like beings.

The Broken World is a huge fungus field, or the Emperor's leeks. He has already arranged the fate of this leek field.

These leeks have developed to an extreme point, and their destructive power is quite astonishing.

To be honest, without the Emperor leading the team, it would be difficult to conquer that place with just the strength of you and the Luna Wolf.

The Emperor will find an opportunity to drag you and the Luna Wolves to attack the broken world.

Then, in a grand, heroic and difficult war, as a Terran actor, he was choked by an orc warlord who looked powerful, but in fact could kill the emperor with a fart.

He is an official member of my garden baby army. Do the official members understand, how many people in the entire real galaxy can beat him?

Even if it exists, it is either with residual health or harsh conditions in this world, oh, there is me now.

His rescue by you will be recorded on video, and the Emperor needs to ensure that this record is disseminated.

He doesn't care if his image is tarnished, because it will help the world understand that he is not a god.

And you, Horus, will be lifted up by your father's shoulders, step on his shame, and achieve one of the most dazzling achievements in your life. "

Raste's description was so vivid that it almost moved Horus to tears.

"It seems you don't care about him either..."

"I don't care, let me tell you, I have a very thick copy of "The Complete Collection of the Emperor's Glorious History", and if you pick any thing in it, you can beat this so-called shame.

This little thing has no psychological burden on him. He has lived for tens of thousands of years. Although he is a depressed old man, he has never encountered anything.

I remember that in order to satisfy his special hobby, he had people drag him on a chariot and a rope for more than ten kilometers..."

Rasta tried to tell Horus about the highlights of her good father.

"No, no, no, I don't want to hear it at all."

Horus didn't want her old father's glorious image to collapse in her heart. She believed that the Emperor was willing to be humiliated for her sake.

Tsk tsk tsk, it’s indeed hereditary!

Raste looked at the Emperor's dutiful daughter, then at Horus' dutiful daughter.

Loken remained silent. She sneaked closer to the Wolf Goddess, her nose twitching and sniffing her mother's fragrance.

The Yigubigu family is really in chaos!

"The Emperor is indeed pitiful. The sorrow of the Eternal is that he can never keep the things in his hands.

He may have broken down at some point or even multiple times in the past.

Lovers, friends, family, he never wanted anything to save him.

By the time he was a hundred years old, he was already suffering from this pain.

In his three hundred years he will hate his own immortality.

As he approached the millennium, he learned how to protect himself, and he would let his feelings gradually fade away.

In the vicissitudes of the world, he can only stand there like a majestic mountain, enduring the scorching sun, wind, frost, ice and snow.

The everlasting pain of loss continued until Malcador appeared, and another immortal stood by his side.

The Emperor began to see shadows of the past in the people around him.

He desperately wanted to keep those shadows.

Gradually, he no longer loves specific people, but loves the human race that carries the memories of his life.

During the decline of the Golden Age, he thought he could sit back and watch everything happen until he could no longer suppress the pain in his heart.

He couldn't lose anymore and he started the Unification War.

He has always had a part of humanity, but he chose to ignore it and avoid it.

Therefore, Horus, your father the Emperor forced himself to become a cold-blooded and ruthless Master of Mankind.

He may be respectable, but I don't like him like this, I really don't. "

Rasta dissected a certain side of the Emperor and put it in front of Horus, letting her see the bloody side of the guy who claimed to be not a god.

Horus had never imagined that the Emperor could suffer such pain.

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