Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 96 The Crown Prince of the Empire

In order to protect the Sons of Phoenix, Nusgryn suppressed all the influence of Tzeentch in the painting.

After all, Tzeentch is not in the real universe.

And Slaanesh often breaks into his paintings, and he has already pre-processed his paintings.

In addition, Tzeentch came with "good intentions" and did not deliberately release his influence.

Therefore, none of Horus's licking dogs were contaminated by Tzeentch.

At this moment, these Astertas held their weapons tightly, guarding against enemies coming from nowhere.

The wild belt-fed bolter is ready to carry out a thorough physical attack on any enemy.

Unfortunately, they don't understand what they are facing, but fortunately, they don't have to face it.

Tzeentch came to the dining table in the painting and reached out to grab a piece of pizza.

Nusgryn's hand speed was very fast. Before the Lord of Change touched the pizza, he put a piece of oden tofu and a strand of konjac shreds on the bread.

Xin Liezhi didn't care about this, and he was ready to taste this novel taste.

The painter took out the pizza and handed it to the captain of the fourth company.

The fourth captain looked at the food that seemed to come from hell, and finally understood how terrible the newcomer was.

If it weren't for the enemy, he would have had a mental breakdown.

"This is against humanitarianism..."

Xin Liezhi knew that he was an uninvited guest, and it was normal that he was not well received. He put his hands together and began to introduce him to Nusgrin.

"My dear son of light and desire, the chief great demon and demon prince of Chaos Supreme, the Primarch of Li Ting who is destined to obtain the throne of God.

The little angel I am talking about, you should know that after all, your father is very responsible. When he gives you power, he will give you a lot of knowledge.

That is one of the Primarchs that the Emperor stole from us, and it is the most perfect and powerful one.

He is very good, and in some ways, he is no less than you, an excellent painter.

Strength, wisdom, beauty, eternal life, he is like you with wings.

In fact, if he didn't have wings, like you, the Emperor would love him even more.

In a sense, he is the crown prince of the human empire..."

"What does this have to do with you?"

Nusgrin was indifferent to the warp fraud.

He was ready to call his father at any time. After all, it was his first time facing Tzeentch and he had no experience.

"Think about it, Nusgrin, a person who was chosen by the Five Gods and valued by the Emperor, me, Slaanesh, the child with cerebral palsy, and the toad.

Why didn't your father care? He was clearly working hard to save all the Primarchs in the entire galaxy.

He could save all the Primarchs, but he didn't care about this most outstanding angel because he withdrew from the ranks of angels at the beginning.

He felt that you were enough, and he had you and his forty-four disciples.

But as powerful as he was, he didn't make a move on the next Lord of Mankind, and Khorne, who was defeated by him, started hunting that angel at this moment.

Could it be that Light Desire was not worthy?"

The Lord of Change didn't use any profound words, he just showed Light Desire's love for the painter.

Nusgrin could know from the information given by Tzeentch what the angel meant to the Five Gods, and that was what they were eager to get.

If they could get it, why couldn't his father?

"Or, my dear Nusgrin, are you afraid that he will take away your father's love for you?"

This is Xin Liezhi's blatant provocation.

"My father is not like you."

Nusgrin knows what the four Chaos Gods are.

For example, if Khorne gets the Primarch, then he will be tired of the old and love the new, and will no longer pay so much attention to his other great demons.

But Rasta is different. When he puts out a cake, he will confirm whether every child has a share. If not, he will take away all the cakes from the child who took more cakes, and then eat all the cakes in front of the children who didn't get cakes, mainly to show his bad behavior.

Of course, there is also the purpose of actively interacting with the child who feels that he has not received attention and love, so that the child can get special attention from the light desire at that moment.

"So, the great demon Skarbrand abandoned by Khorne is fighting for its main god.

Then, son of Light Desire, don't you have the idea of ​​taking the initiative to adopt a good child for your father?"

Tzeentch was about to say that Light Desire was so good to you, you didn't go, Khorne treated Skarbrand so badly, Skarbrand went, you are not as good as Skarbrand.

He added: "Good children should prepare surprises for their fathers."

"You persuaded me, but you should get out of here!"

Nusgrin was indeed tempted, but he still didn't look good to the blue-haired evil god.

"Looking forward to seeing you next time, cute little painter."

The paint occupied by the Lord of Change in the painting gradually faded, and he didn't want to stay too long to attract the attention of Light Desire, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

But before leaving, he left a star map on the painter's drawing paper.

"My new brother?"

Nusgrin bowed his head and pondered.

In fact, he recently sensed the existence of two suspected brothers from a distance.

The children of Light Desire will have a special induction between each other, which can transcend time and space.

What puzzled Nusgreen was that his perception should not be wrong, but why did he sometimes feel that those two were his brothers, and sometimes he felt that they were his sisters.

There are even times when this one is the sister and that one is the brother, and after a while the genders are reversed.

It really...makes the son of lust confused.

Nusgren was a polite Son of Lust, and before setting out, he felt the need to say goodbye to the Sons of the Phoenix.

"My dear... I... I have not let down your friendship... I..."

After sensing Nusgren's relaxation, most of the Astartes deactivated their combat status, with only a small number remaining alert.

It was also at this time that the Fourth Company Commander of the Sons of Phoenix closed his eyes and put the terrible pizza from hell into his mouth.

Then he expressed his respect to the son of the source of material provider to the painter in a tragic tone without regard for life and death.


Nusgreen looked at the descendant of Terran nobles who had eaten an entire heretical pizza, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He really didn't mean it, and he didn't mean to let the other party eat it. It was purely to disgust Tzeentch.

But now, Tzeentch is probably laughing wildly, because because of him, a pizza noble ate the [evil pizza].

This unexpected harvest really fascinated Him.

"My father is searching for all Primarchs across the galaxy, and I guess he has found your Gene Father.

Your genetic father is probably already receiving his special treatment. When your original body returns, you should be able to see a father without genetic defects!

He will bring you many surprises, and at that time, he will bring you the genetic repair methods that my father has prepared for you. "

Rasta did not start repairing the genetic defects of the Sons of the Phoenix, because there was a special connection between the Sons of the Phoenix and Fulgrim. The genetic defects of the Purple Phoenix must be repaired first, and then the Sons of the Phoenix could be treated to obtain the maximum benefit.

Otherwise, you will have to pay a huge price for your lust.

Although he is powerful, he has to fight against the entire chaos, and he will save everything he can.

The fourth company commander, who was worse off than dead, finally took a breath. He was already looking forward to that scene.

They just don’t know if Fulgrim will be their father or mother when he returns.

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