Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 136 Survivors and delicious canned antbull

"Save us!"

"Save... us!"

The Chaos Monster's voice became more and more hoarse and terrifying. It climbed up and waved its tentacles, trying to attack again.

However, the tentacles all pierced into the air.

The monster was unwilling to give up and rushed directly towards Ron.

However, it was greeted by a golden iron fist.

"Damn Chaos Monster!"

Ron punched the Chaos Monster to the ground with a punch and stepped on it tightly.

He looked at the monster trying to struggle under his feet and felt sad.

The one who cried for help before was this Chaos Monster who was good at deceiving people.

There may be no living people in this airport.

Bang bang bang——

The golden bolt gun roared.

Ron emptied the magazine and ended the life of the Chaos Monster.

Afterwards, the mechanic who received the order came under the escort of the defense army and began to repair and debug the mechanical equipment in the communication hall.

After the debugging of the communication equipment was completed, Ron began to speak to the entire airport through the input device.

"Survivors of Star Tower Airport, I am your Governor Ron Grant.

If you are still alive, please protect yourself in a safe place and wait for our rescue.

Please note that if you see an alien with the Sky Eagle logo, please do not panic or attack, they will not hurt you.

If you are safe, you can try to send a distress signal so that the rescue team can find you faster..."

Ron thought for a while and added:

"Survivors, the suffering is over, please insist on living, we will take you home!"

After the broadcast, Ron led the guards to other important areas to continue looking for survivors.

This airport is a small city, and the various areas are stacked and intersected like a maze. It takes some time to find people in such a place.

I hope someone can survive.


Airport food storage warehouse.


Someone knocked gently on the steel door.

The man's voice was a little anxious:

"Open the door, I'm here to save you"

"Hurry up, the monster is coming soon!"

But no one responded to him at all.

After trying to call several times, he became impatient and his voice became hoarse and terrible.

"Open the door quickly!"

Bang bang bang——

The steel door shook violently.

It seemed that something was hammering hard outside.

The survivors in the storage warehouse covered their mouths and held their breath, fearing that they would alarm the chaos monster outside.

The chaos monster knocked violently for a while, but still couldn't shake the steel door.

After many unsuccessful attempts, it seemed to give up and walked away with heavy steps.

After a while, the survivors who didn't hear any sound finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, that damn monster is finally gone"

Bearded Sailer sighed and looked at Tess next to him:

"Do you think the people on the ground will come to rescue us?"

"Of course, they will come to rescue us!"

Tess has dark skin, wears oily maintenance work clothes, and has well-trained muscles.

As a senior maintenance technician at the airport, the circular saw, spray gun and other tools equipped on her mechanical arm can provide strong combat power.

So when the change happened, she saved a lot of people and became the leader of that group of people.

But she is now wrapped in bandages, as if she was seriously injured.

As soon as Tiss finished speaking, someone retorted:

"You said the same thing last time. We waited for a whole month and there was no one."

"Yes, the food is gone. We will all starve to death here."

"Several people were killed for your plan last time!"

The survivors complained.

There is no food available in the storage cabin.

Under continuous hunger, everyone no longer obeys Tiss's management.

Of course, those who can complain are still good.

More people are dying of hunger and lying on the ground without even talking.

Listening to everyone's complaints, Tiss became silent.

She didn't have much confidence that people on the ground would come to rescue.

But the message for help was indeed sent out.

Not long ago, she organized a death squad and took advantage of the gap between the Chaos Monsters leaving to touch the communication hall, planning to send a distress message to the ground.

Fortunately, the communication machine worked smoothly and contacted the people on the ground.

Unfortunately, they were attacked by monsters just after they contacted.

She only shouted one sentence to the people on the ground:

"Save us!"

Then the communication was forced to be interrupted.

Under the attack of the chaos monsters, their team was scattered, and only half of them escaped back in the end.

Now half a month has passed, and the survivors are really out of ammunition and food.

In fact, there is still a batch of food in the food storage warehouse.

Tess cast her eyes on the canned ant cattle piled deep in the storage warehouse.

Those were the food that was prepared to be transported to the defense army, but for some reason they were forgotten in this warehouse.

This batch of ant cattle canned food has expired for a long time and cannot be eaten at all.

As for why it cannot be eaten, you can see the warning on the canned box:

"Happy Ant Beef

- Killing Aliens has never been so delicious!"

Warning! ! !

*The ban on feeding ant beef to dogs is still in effect, and all such attempts will be punished for "attacking superior officers" (for example: immediate execution)

**Debone it, marinate it, check the meat for any remaining larvae, cook it for at least four days, puncture it with a bayonet to make sure there is no sign of activation, then marinate it again.

***Please note, some of the surprises in canned ant beef can be deadly. If you fire the weapon in this situation, you will not be awarded a medal posthumously for being killed by the alien.

****And, since antbulls prey on humans who are too slow or too stupid to escape, antbulls often have similar material compositions to humans.

*****Due to the influence of subspace time anomalies, this time may have an error of ten years.

Tisi sighed. Cooking ant beef was quite difficult and required fuel for cooking for a long time.

Once it is not cooked and there are parasites remaining, it is dangerous for people to eat it.

And their fuel for cooking has long since been exhausted.

Without fuel, consuming expired cans of ant-cow is undoubtedly a recipe for death.

Suddenly, Tisi saw someone secretly hiding a can of antbull in the corner and was about to open it.

"can not be opened!"

She immediately rushed over to stop him, but it was still a step too late.

"Go away, I want to eat meat!"

The man's eyes were red, and he was obviously hungry.

He roared and ripped open the can of antbull.

Seeing this, Tisi stopped, and the blade of the robot arm popped out to be on guard.

The man was also a little scared, but there was nothing strange about the ant-cow can.

He looked at the can and laughed, showing disdain:

"It's nothing, you're just lying to us."

Seeing this, everyone agreed and blamed Tisi.

They ran to the place where the antbull cans were stacked, ready to get those antbull cans.

"Don't take it, it's dangerous!

Are you all crazy? "

The bearded Seiler stopped in front of a pile of antbull cans and persuaded people:

"The boss has said that this meat is dangerous and cannot be eaten!"

Tisi had a deeper understanding of the dangers of the ant-cow cans, and her actions were even more decisive.

She grabbed one of the survivors, put the tip of the knife on the other person's neck, and looked at everyone with cold eyes:

"I will kill anyone who dares to rob me again!"

When the survivors saw this, they all stopped and looked at Tisi with some fear.

"You damn bitch, you just want to starve us to death and then eat all the food!"

A woman looked at Tiss with a hateful look, obviously she had been holding grudges for a long time.

Her words ignited the crowd.

The survivors were completely blinded by hunger and ignored Tisi, frantically grabbing the cans of antbull.

They can't wait to enjoy the delicious canned antbull!

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