Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 139 Emperor: I have a dream

Chapter 139 Emperor: I have a dream...

Ron's psychic consciousness explored the location of the dazzling light.

In the chaotic void of the subspace, there is a magnificent and high-dimensional creation, which looks extremely hazy and illusory.

With the current energy level of the little sun, it is impossible to touch such a high-dimensional existence.

Ron mobilized all his consciousness and wanted to see it all clearly.

But he just couldn't see it clearly, and couldn't even produce any impression, like some kind of strong illusion.

The lines seemed to be starting and ending by themselves, and the hard-cut edges formed a mutually collapsed angle, isolating the void.

This made him dizzy and couldn't keep the appearance of that thing in his mind at all.

Suddenly, Ron could feel a violent psychic vibration.

It was emitted by the old man of the God Emperor.

The huge sun conveyed an excited emotion.


Ron's consciousness took a breath of cold air.

What kind of treasure is this? It made the old man of the God Emperor a little excited.

Then, a surge of energy was injected into the little sun.

That was the help given to him by the God Emperor. He himself could no longer move too much.

And the characteristics of the little sun were more adapted to the subspace, suitable for contacting this creature.

With the help of the God Emperor, Ron finally saw the appearance of the creature.

It was an inverted rhombus tetrahedron surrounded by ancient black stone, almost the same size as the airport, flashing with the brilliance of energy.

The illusory and mysterious brilliance gathered in the open frame of the tetrahedron, which was a color that no one could describe.

The moment he saw the tetrahedron, information was transmitted to the little sun.

And Ron finally knew what it was.


The little sun shrank violently and took a breath of cold air.

This time it was developed, and it had to spiral off on the spot!

No wonder the God Emperor reacted so strongly, because the creature in front of him was the black stone gate of the webway.

That was the ultimate treasure, which was once the focus of competition among the major forces in the galaxy.

The Webway is a high-dimensional channel created by the ancient race, the Old Saints, using their extraordinary technology and psychic power in the warp that was once as calm as a lake.

This miraculous project runs through every corner of the galaxy.

It has unparalleled superior characteristics, and can stably avoid the warp storm and reach any place in the galaxy in an instant.

Now the Old Saints have passed countless years, and the Webway has become fragmented.

However, the size of the Webway is so huge that even if only a small part is obtained, it can enable the civilization that obtains it to have a navigation ability that exceeds that of other races.

There are even other more wonderful effects.

These precious Webways also attracted the attention of the God-Emperor with powerful psychic power.

In order to study and utilize the Webway located on Holy Terra, the God-Emperor did not hesitate to abandon his original body and the newly established empire, wanting to win a bright future for mankind.

He retreated to the laboratory under the palace and conducted top-secret experiments.

The God-Emperor built the Golden Throne, which can connect the Webway by inputting powerful psychic power, providing the human empire with high-speed and convenient superluminal transportation.

Once this channel is connected, humans will usher in rapid development and prosperity.

However, at the critical moment of the experiment, Horus, the son of the Primarch, betrayed, and the flames of war burned in the galaxy.

Horus led the war group to attack the palace, wanting to kill the God Emperor.

The entrance to the webway on Holy Terra was damaged by the stupid behavior of Magnus who came to report the news.

Endless demons wanted to pour into reality from the breach.

In a critical situation, the God Emperor was forced to sit on the Golden Throne and suppress the gap in the webway with his own huge psychic power to prevent Holy Terra from becoming the second Eye of Terror.

Although Horus's rebellion was quelled, humans lost the God Emperor and the webway at the same time, and lost the possibility of further development.

For thousands of years, the human empire has been declining and in danger.

This made the God Emperor, who was in the warp and turned into the sun, feel extremely sad and regretful.

Now, Ron has found another entrance to the webway, and this entrance looks more complete.

How can the God Emperor not be excited and relieved?

Unfortunately, He has lost his body and can't do more.

Let that bastard take care of the next thing.

He will complete the unfinished business on his behalf.

At this moment, Ron was also very excited.

With the webway, he no longer had to be trapped in the dark side of the empire.

Located on the edge of the Milky Way, Ers can also use the webway to expand its influence to more distant areas while developing.

And there will no longer be a problem of resource scarcity. The fleet of Ers can use the webway to go everywhere to find resources or trade.

As for security issues, Ron was not too worried.

After all, he also had a backstage, with the support of the Emperor, and could withstand a lot of pressure.

At that time, the entrance where the webway connects with reality can be set near the sun, and the Emperor's huge psychic energy can be used to cover it up, so that safety can be guaranteed.

And it can also use the Emperor's huge psychic energy as the energy source of the webway.

Speaking of fleecing the Emperor, He won't be angry, right?

Ron was a little worried, but he quickly put his doubts behind him. At most, he could use his own little sun to provide energy.

Fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

He can't use this thing for the time being, and he can't afford it.

Ron sighed:

"It's still too poor..."

He could feel that the power of hope needed to bring back the Black Stone Gate of the Webway from the void was measured in billions.

Besides, he hasn't even built a fleet yet, let alone the Internet.

Let’s continue fishing for the boat first!

Ron left a psychic beacon in the void around the Blackstone Gate and left.

After that, he poured down another five million points of Hope Power and continued to explore the subspace, hoping to find a battleship.

However, his luck seemed to have run out.

What I found next were things of little value.

Good guy, it’s sunk to the bottom, right?

It seems that he is already in a dark state and it is not appropriate to continue exploring today.

Due to some metaphysical considerations, Ron decided to end the subspace exploration.

Moreover, the continuous exploration is also a huge burden on his spiritual consciousness.

Let’s collect the net and go back to take stock of the harvest, and we’ll continue to fish for boats tomorrow!

Ron's consciousness left the little sun and returned to his body.

He opened his eyes and looked at the starry sky outside the porthole window.

Suddenly, a gap opened in the void there, and various solid substances were continuously thrown out.

Those were his gains.

Ron immediately contacted the person in charge of the airport:

“Salvage those things back and don’t miss a single thing.

By the way, you inform the logistics department to prepare more pure grain materials.

Extra meal for everyone at the airport tonight! "

You still have to treat everyone kindly.

After all, the kinder you are, the luckier you will be.

Ron comforted himself that he would continue to be lucky tomorrow!

After giving the instructions, he lay back on the chair.

Alas, a bit empty...

After Ron's order was issued, the entire airport was boiling.

Salvage workers drove small tugboats to salvage the gifts from heaven that were thrown out of subspace.

After those items were salvaged, they were immediately stored in a sealed warehouse and cleaned and purified to varying degrees.

After that, they are stored in different warehouses, waiting for repair or use.

After completing the process, Ron received a preliminary report on the list of items salvaged this time:


The light spear array was initially identified as a relic of the Dark Ages.

The main gun of a large ship is too old and may be from the golden age.

Various types of ship-borne weapons are of various ages and need further confirmation.


Nine STC fragments need to be deciphered by the sage.


Five pieces of power armor remains.


Twenty-five pieces, the exact value cannot be estimated.


Unknown yellow curved fruit.

Several ancient living objects.

Living Orcs...


Ron suddenly became excited.

He was so busy that he packed up everything he found.

Unexpectedly, the green skin was brought out.

If you don't do one well, I'm afraid there will be a bunch of green skins!

Fortunately, he saw the follow-up report.

The green skin has been thoroughly cremated at high temperature, and all objects in contact with it have been disinfected by high temperature.

Ron commented at the end of the report: "Continue to clean and disinfect again!"

It's better to be cautious.

He didn't want to be eating hot pot and singing when he suddenly heard a "WAAAGH!" sound and was hit on the head with a green stick.

After processing the report, Ron went straight to Kaul's temporary machine shop at the airport.

He wanted to know what technology was stored in those STCs.

Hopefully something good to quickly increase productivity.

After arriving at the machinery workshop, Ron saw several broken large mechanical devices composed of bright white ceramics, silver pipes and chrome cavities.

That is the STC fragment.

At this moment, Kaur was looking at an STC fragment, smiling excitedly.

nice one?

Ron quickly asked:

"What technology is preserved here?"

Kaul said seriously:

"Great technology to create some kind of ultra-realistic humanoid silicone blasphemy"

? ? ?

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