Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 231 Exploring the Webway


Suddenly, the Black Stone Gate vibrated abnormally, and all the mechanical platforms shook violently.

What happened?

Ron panicked. Now his psychic energy and part of his consciousness were connected to the Black Stone Gate through the throne.

If something went wrong, he would really have to sit on the toilet.

Ron looked at the mechanical screen to see what was going on outside.

On the screen, the rotating transmission channel in the center of the Black Stone Gate was vibrating, as if something inside was hitting out, trying to break through the barrier and rush out.

Ron's heart was immediately tightened, and he tried to check the Black Stone Gate and the transmission channel through psychic energy.

But he couldn't find any signs of them being attacked.

Let's ask professionals.

He immediately used the communication equipment to contact the outside: "Cower, what's the situation outside?"

However, there was no response.

Ron was a little numb.

What was going on? Should he stop supplying psychic energy and turn this thing off?

Just when he was about to cut off the energy, he received a reply.

Caul was calm, without any panic:

"Don't worry, Lord Savior. I just checked it urgently. There is nothing wrong with the gate. It's just a technical adjustment!"

Then he explained the cause of the abnormal situation. It was just that the pipeline in the energy diversion area was loose, which affected the operation of energy and caused slight fluctuations.

This fluctuation did not cause any casualties, but only damaged several engineering ships.

In addition, he found out the relevant responsible parties for the accident as soon as possible.

Caul told Ron that he had severely reprimanded the passive and lazy chicken fitter and fired him.

That guy should stay in the dirty sewer!

There is no way. The mechanical outer ring of the Black Stone Gate requires too many large mechanical structures.

That is a large mechanical creation with a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Those engineering machinery are difficult to adapt to complex pipelines and lines. Moreover, there is strong subspace radiation inside the pipeline, and it is difficult for workers to work inside for a long time.

So, only those heavy-duty chickens with a considerable degree of intelligence are suitable for this job.

They can work inside the pipeline for a long time and clean up some attached pollutants and associated alien organisms.

It can also save costs, and is an excellent and durable laborer.

Ron was a little dazed when he heard what Kaul said.

What the hell, Ji Ze was passive and lazy, and was fired?

That's nonsense, everyone knows that Ji Ze is a model citizen in the galaxy, working hard, not afraid of sacrifice, and extremely loyal.

Even those heavily armed Ji Ze aliens are the same.

He has reason to suspect that there is something wrong with the mechanical design of that area, and Kaul is blaming it!

However, since this guy said that there is no problem with the Black Stone Gate, there should be no big problem.

Although Kaul occasionally has some convulsions, he has never let him down when dealing with some important matters.

Of course, this matter cannot be left alone.

Now that the territory is on the right track, the various institutions and departments are also running well. Those institutions and departments cooperate and restrict each other, and there is a complete governance system.

The construction management department of the Ministry of the Interior has issued decrees related to construction safety.

As the main person in charge of the Black Stone Gate project, Kaul signed the construction safety agreement.

This accident was not a small one. He had to hold a safety meeting to review the accident and propose improvement measures to prevent similar things from happening again.

After understanding the whole story, Ron ignored it.

He logged into the software of "Zhongsi College Cloud Classroom" and began to learn about the subspace and the network.

Those knowledge were sorted out by Xiao Ling from the information given by the Emperor.

The teaching committee of Zhongsi College made it into a public course for students to learn.

On the mechanical screen, a savior propaganda video of more than ten seconds was playing.

It mainly praised the greatness of the savior and the beautiful world he created.

As far as Ron knew, there were about thousands of versions of the savior propaganda video, some of which were moving, some were passionate, and some were pure teachings.

Never repeat, and not too boring.

Any online content in the territory, including offline screens, must play these propaganda videos regularly, so that the people can appreciate the style of the savior anytime and anywhere and be familiar with his great contributions.

"The people in the publicity department are really good. They can praise me from thousands of angles..." Ron couldn't help but sigh as he watched the savior propaganda video on the screen. Of course, this is also part of loyalty education and must be strictly implemented. Moreover, he insisted on seeking truth from facts, and the content of the video was not false. They were all real things that happened. It was just beautified moderately. Soon, the propaganda video ended and the formal course began to play. "Children, welcome to the Little Sun Classroom..." An anthropomorphic animation image of the Little Sun appeared and began to explain knowledge as a teacher. That's right, it was the Little Sun. Ron was very concerned about education. When the teaching committee of Zhongsi College determined the relevant virtual teacher image, he asked for his opinion. He simply asked the teaching committee to use the image of the Little Sun as a virtual teacher. After a brief introduction, the Little Sun teacher began to teach with various animations. Ron watched attentively and with relish.

He really felt that this course was good, easy to understand, and entertaining.

You can also learn a lot of knowledge.

But he didn't notice that there was a small logo in the lower left corner of the screen, indicating that this course was a beginner's course.

To put it simply, it is a course for students under the age of ten.

For the great savior, the elementary courses are just right, and the more advanced courses are too brain-burning.

There is no way, the students in Zhongsi Academy are selected from hundreds of billions of humans on nearly ten planets.

Most are geniuses among geniuses.

Even if they are the descendants of nobles, officials or heroes, the admission requirements are only partially lowered, and their basic qualities are far higher than ordinary people.

After those special students enter the academy, they have to work harder than others to graduate.

Ron worked hard to separate his identity from his divine essence.

Although the body has been strengthened several times, the overall intelligence is still in the state of an ordinary person. Being able to learn these basic courses is considered to be beyond ordinary people.

This kind of wisdom is enough. In his opinion, the intelligence of many original bodies and demons is not even as good as ordinary people.

He has not been contaminated by Chaos, and his intelligence is slightly higher than that of ordinary people, which is already a considerable advantage.

Moreover, Ron has always followed the principle of leaving professional matters to professionals and using collective wisdom to win.

Those blessed geniuses will help him get everything done.

While the Savior strives to swim in the ocean of knowledge, people beyond the throne are dealing with the accident.

"The damned Inquisition, I'm so annoyed!"

After handling the incident, Kaul walked weakly into the conference room, preparing to accept questioning from the Blackstone Gate Construction Safety Committee and make a review at the same time.

He failed to take the blame, and the real cause of the accident has been found out by the court.

There was something wrong with the mechanical design, and abnormal conditions were not discovered in time during operation, resulting in energy overload.

For Kaul, covering his head and fucking hard is the end of it. When he gets inspired, he adds it. It is normal for the machine to have some minor problems or even explode during the construction process.

As long as you don't die, keep on wandering.

But for major projects, everything must be cautious and cautious, focusing on stability.

Fortunately, the governance system created by Ron has enough restraint and error correction functions to restrain geniuses like Kaul who like to let themselves go at certain special times.

With an air of admitting his mistake and humbly correcting it, Kaur reported the cause of the accident to the safety committee headed by Deville and Moss, and then made a review.

At the same time, it promised to make rectifications to prevent accidents from happening.

After leaving the conference room, Kaul cursed.

He hopes that the Forge World proposal will be passed quickly so that he can own an entire planet.

That’s when you’ll be able to become completely wild.

What Kaul didn't know was that even if the proposal was passed, the Inquisition would move in to supervise the work.

But fortunately, he does have more freedom than he does now.

Returning to the machine shop at the Blackstone Gate, Kaul sent a message to the technical priests, asking them to provide safety education to relevant personnel in accordance with the requirements of the safety committee.

In Area B of the Blackstone Gate Outer Ring Pipeline, a safety education meeting is ongoing in this area.

The workers lined up neatly, listened carefully, and learned relevant accident prevention and response measures.

After all, their lives are at stake.

In the back row of the team, hundreds of heavily armed chicken thieves wearing red safety helmets sat in a row, listening quietly and carefully.

These heavily equipped chicken thieves are responsible for operations in dangerous areas and need to pay more attention to safety, but there is a hint of confusion in their huge eyes.

These heavily armored thieves don't quite understand why people do what they do.

But they can understand the relevant knowledge and instructions, even more carefully than the workers, and they can execute them meticulously.

Because the chicken thief has Terra Zerg genes.

The Tyranids are a race that is very good at learning. They can quickly absorb the knowledge of other races and then copy it in the form of creatures to complete their own evolution.

Safety education in this area is carried out in an orderly manner. It not only talks about precautions, but also demonstrates specific practical operations on site.

At this moment, safety education meetings in other areas are also in progress.

Some important areas have also been hung with red banners:

"Safe construction is everyone's responsibility", "Safety responsibilities are heavy, strengthen measures to ensure safety", "Keep the bottom line of safety for the savior" and so on.

Such precautions are necessary.

After all, the construction of the Blackstone Gate is related to the safety of the savior and the future of the territory.

It also affects the lives and safety of nearly 100,000 related personnel on those mechanical platforms and hundreds of thousands of heavily armed chicken thieves.

While the safety education meeting was going on, Caul led the sages to inspect and study the transmission channel to confirm the stability of the channel.

After confirming that it is safe, they can set sail.

Three days later.

"Finally finished watching it!"

In the throne, Ron stretched.

He worked without sleep and quickly completed basic courses related to subspace and the Webway, and roughly understood what the Webway was.

The Webway is one of the greatest miraculous works in the entire galaxy left by the ancient beings of the Old Ones.

A physical engineering network connecting the warp and the physical world.

It is both inside and outside the Warp, connecting all known physical worlds.

Simply put, the Webway is a physical structure located in the Warp that connects all known areas of the galaxy.

Some of those passages are very narrow and can only accommodate one person, while others are very wide and can allow a titan dozens of meters high to pass through.

Some passages are even large enough to allow large warships to pass through.

At the intersection of those large passages, there are ancient cities located among them.

Those cities had been abandoned and reduced to ruins in disrepair.

According to Ron's understanding, the Webway is a large transportation hub with countless portals connecting all parts of the galaxy.

After people enter, they can go through those portals and go to any known area.

This is so cool.

If you can control it smoothly, you will be invincible!

As long as you defend your home base, you can deploy your troops anywhere in the galaxy, and you can also trade and collect resources with everyone.

Not to mention the interior of the star sector, which is only a distance of two hundred light years away. When the time comes, he will wander around the star sector just like visiting his own community.

More uses can be developed in the future.


Ron received the message, and Call and others were ready to request to explore the Webway.


After seeing the message, he sighed.

It was so boring here. He wanted to take a look inside the webway, but he was trapped in the throne and couldn't go anywhere.

The exploration and research of the research ship will take a while, and after the exploration is completed, it will take even longer to send the engineering team into the network tunnel for construction.

Who knows when he will be able to get out.

One year, two years, or longer?

Ron suddenly thought of something and sent a message to Moss. He had a way to enter the webway and was ready to try it.

On the apron outside the throne, a research ship about half a kilometer long was parked.

"Quick, quick, get on the boat, you idiots!" Kaul urged the sages with low hands to board the boat.

Duke led three hundred Void Angels to follow.

They are the last group of personnel. More technical priests, engineering personnel and large equipment have already boarded the ship and are waiting in the cabin.

Then the hatch closed.

However, the research ship has yet to take off.

"Where's the captain? Why hasn't the captain sailed the ship yet? Everyone is waiting!"

Kaul rushed to urge the captain, but learned that the other party had just received an emergency notification and a group of people were about to board the ship.

They'll have to wait a little longer.

Kaul was a little dissatisfied: "Who is it? With such a big posture, so many of us are waiting for him..."

The captain said slowly: "Master Carter and the adults of the Thunder Guard, that is the order of the savior."

Coulton suddenly lost his temper: "Oh, then I'll wait a little longer..."

He didn't dare to provoke Carter, the God of Killer. After all, that guy was too cruel, and he was also cruel to himself.

It's better to stay away from the ruthless people.

The sound of the assault ship breaking through the air was heard, and Carter led the Thunder Guards to board the ship carrying a sealed long metal box.

"Everyone is here, hurry up!"

After Kaul stared at Carter and others boarding the boat, he shouted again. He wished he could get on and sail the boat himself.

Soon, the research ship took off and slowly sailed towards the transmission channel in the center of the Black Stone Gate.

Inside the Blackstone Throne.

Ron watched the research ship enter the transmission channel through the screen.

The moment the research ship touched the passage, he felt the throne's spiritual energy extraction suddenly strengthened, his body jerked, and the pain increased several times.


It's okay, I can handle it! "Ron gritted his teeth and insisted.

At the same time, he could see that the space around the research ship was distorted, and the ship disappeared in that area instantly.

The Blackstone Gate is operating smoothly and the research ship has entered the Webway!

Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

He lowered the back of the chair, took out the eye mask and put it on, then lay down on the throne in a comfortable position: "It's none of my business now, go to sleep!"

Soon, he fell into a deep sleep.



The research ship slowly sailed out of the transmission channel.

In a cabin inside the ship, Carter and other Thunder Guards guarded the long metal box standing upright.

As if waiting for something.


The door of the long metal box opened, revealing the device inside. It was a glass petri dish with a clone soaked in the liquid.

Yes, that's Ron's clone.

The solution slowly went down, and Ron's clone opened its eyes and walked out barefoot.

"Bah, bah, bah, it's still fun to be outside!"

Ron's voice appeared, and he spat out a few mouthfuls of solution, feeling very lucky.

I didn't expect that he could really control other cloned bodies on the throne, otherwise he would really be trapped there.

"Lord Savior!"

Carter and other Thunder guards saluted Ron.

"Okay, why are there so many people standing here? Let's go out first."

Ron asked Carter and others to go out, then found a robe from the locker and put it on.

He walked out of the cabin happily: "I can finally see what the Webway looks like..."

However, before he could reach the porthole, the research ship shook violently.


Ron was startled.

That's the small macro cannon on the research ship. Is it under attack?

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