Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 270 Guilliman: Why doesn't my father help me?

Regret, shame, unspeakable shame.

Thinking of that golden figure and the disgusting appearance of the Demon Eater, Magnus couldn't help but tremble.

In the world of Warhammer, this level of extreme humiliation is a given, let alone the vain and arrogant Crimson King.

It is difficult for any soldier with dignity to accept.

After all, they can kill each other to death for who is strong and who is weak, let alone the ultimate society at the level of the entire galaxy.

There is still a record that will be taken out and humiliated repeatedly.

Unless you are a slave of Slaanesh and like to play shameful paly.

Some people are still alive, but they are already dead.

Magnus knelt there, losing all will to fight and no desire to resist.

He just stared blankly as Guilliman walked up to him.

The Crimson King no longer planned to do anything else. He lost most of his soul power and became extremely weak.

They are no match for the original brothers in front of them.

Under such a severe blow, he didn't even have the desire to escape.

Golden flames flashed.


The Emperor's sword pierces the heart.

"It hurts, but it's much more comfortable than my father's attack..." In an instant, this thought flashed through Magnus' mind.

He clearly felt that his life was being swallowed up by the golden flames flowing from the Emperor's Sword.

On the eve of death, he only felt relaxed, finally not having to face all this...

Guilliman brought the Emperor's Sword forward, driving it deeper into the ground.

At this moment, the sword in his hand became extremely heavy.

After all, ending the life of a brother Primarch with your own hands is not an easy thing to do.


Guilliman had a serious look on his face, and when he was leaving, he couldn't help but say some words.

However, this scene had a different feeling in the eyes of Magnus, who was suffering from severe PTSD.

His one eye suddenly widened.

In the eyes of the Crimson King, Guilliman's image became clearer and sharper, with the contempt on his face and the vague sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

It's like a victor ruthlessly mocking the defeated dog.

He believed that the other party wanted to humiliate him to the extreme before ending his life.

There were even mean guys videotaping it!

No! ! !

Damn it, Robert, at the last moment of his life, did he still want to use his dirty tongue to tarnish my remaining dignity?

I couldn't even imagine what terrible words that guy would say.

I absolutely cannot end up amidst Robert's acrimonious ridicule!

In this way, his death will become an eternal laughing stock in the galaxy and will be constantly mentioned.

Ouch! ! !

Magnus resisted desperately, and all the power of Chaos was released, triggering a violent explosion out of control.

The violent impact of the shock wave sent the two original bodies flying in opposite directions.

The smoke cleared.

Guilliman got up and saw the fallen primarch lying at the gate of the Webway. His heart suddenly twitched:

"No, Magnus is running away!"


The rock bed is depressed and cracked.

The original body of the Ultramarines suddenly jumped up, drew a trajectory in mid-air, and used all his strength to swing the Emperor's Sword towards the Crimson King.

At the entrance of the webway, Magnus climbed up and picked up the Wandering Blade Staff on the ground with difficulty.


He stood up straight, regained his arrogant posture, and looked decisively at the Emperor's Sword, which was attacking again.

Even if the Webway was close at hand, he had no desire to escape.

So what if he escaped back, not only would he be ridiculed, he wouldn't even know how to face his own heirs.

Seeing those people, he would recall how ugly he was when his father beat him up and cried like a bastard.

This has been an eternal pain in his heart.

The runes of the wizard's ritual light up, and the space at the Webway becomes chaotic.


Along with the ceremony, the Crimson King pierced the Wandering Blade Staff into his body, and his life passed away.

The space was instantly distorted.

It was as if a pair of big hands stretched out from the turbulent subspace and pulled him in.

Magnus chooses to use voodoo rituals to self-exile!

Looking at the looks cast by everyone, a thought flashed through his mind: Shame, this universe... can't stay here any longer!


The moment the Emperor's Sword slashed down, the red demonic body disappeared and entered the endless lost dimension.

Magnus, who was completely socially dead, chose to run away and hide in a lost dimension that no one could find...

Wizard Star.

The wizards and warriors of the Thousand Sons Legion were surprised to find that they could no longer feel the presence of the original body at all.

For a time, the entire legion fell into chaos and grief.

at the same time.

The Chaos Gods, the Great Demons and the Fallen Primarchs who were watching the excitement could not find any trace of Magnus.

It's a pity that some of them exist.

They also thought of waiting for Magnus to come back dejected, and then come to taunt him.

When the fallen primarchs saw the miserable state of their fallen brother, they laughed at him and couldn't help but be deeply afraid of their old father.

Fortunately, it was not me who bumped into His hand.

Fortunately, the cursed one, the false emperor, is bound to the Golden Throne, so you just have to be careful.

He can't do anything to Himself.


Time here is always in a state of chaos.

I don’t know how long it took.

Somewhere in a turbulent area.

A bundle of consciousness from the chief demon of Tzeentch, Carlos the Fateweaver, came here. He followed the weak causal line and found a dark physical area.

He came to see Magnus.

He found this causal line together with dozens of Tzeentch demons. He can be sure that the other party is hiding here.

Carlos calmed down his consciousness and became serious.

Now the footage of the Crimson King being brutally beaten by the Cursed has spread throughout the subspace.

He also watched it many times. The scene was very funny and impressive.

But he couldn't show any sarcasm or smile in front of Magnus, even if he thought about it in his mind.

Otherwise, you will be discovered by the other party immediately.

The plan to invite the Crimson King back will face failure.

After all, the current Tzeentch camp cannot afford to lose such an important figure.

But thinking is so magical. The harder you try not to think about something, the more profound the impression of that thing will be.

For example, people cannot get rid of the white bear in their thoughts. The more they tell themselves "Don't think about the white bear," the clearer the image of the white bear becomes.

Carlos tried hard to forget the episode about Magnus, and the episode became clearer and played in his mind.

His consciousness shook slightly, and a smile overflowed.

Fortunately, he controlled it in time.

He is the ever-changing Demon King, who can perfectly control consciousness and create lies. No matter what happens, he will never laugh!

Carlos tried his best to erase that episode from his mind and regain his composure.

After confirming that his consciousness was completely stable, he slowly entered the dark physical area.

Then, Carlos saw the Crimson King squatting in the corner, covered with some kind of fur.

"It's embarrassing..."

At this moment, Magnus was talking to himself, squatting in this deserted corner, occasionally sobbing slightly.

The huge trauma caused him to fall into isolation. Every time he thought of that scene, he felt regretful and ashamed.

Seeing this scene, the erased fragments from Carlos' mind resurfaced.

He tried to maintain restraint and said in a calm voice: "Magnus, you should cheer up. The Lord of Changes needs your existence. Don't you want revenge?"

However, when he saw the funny way Magnus turned around -


Carlos' consciousness was slightly shaken, and he couldn't help but smile in his mind.

Even if it's just a second.

But in Magnus's perception, such behavior meant that the other party burst into laughter.

At the same time, certain fragments of Carlos's thoughts became clearer and amplified in this world of consciousness.

This is equivalent to Magnus's face, showing the devil being beaten by the opponent, the kind of wonderful scenes that are played on a loop.


Even if the All-Changing Demon Lord immediately restrains his thoughts, all this is irreversible.


Magnus growled.

As soon as he had the slightest idea of ​​returning, he immediately broke through the defense again amid the ridicule and looping scenes of ghosts and animals.


Carlos' consciousness was expelled.

When he reacted, this dark solid area had disappeared into the turbulence of space.

Now Magnus completely disappeared, and even he could not be found.

Tzeentch Realm.

Inside the secret temple.

"Another unexpected trajectory of destiny..."

Carlos's consciousness returned from the turbulent area, and he let out a long sigh.

The attempt to recover Magnus failed and they lost the fallen Primarch.

Currently, the realm of Tzeentch is facing an unprecedented dilemma.

Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, still sequesters himself in the crystal chamber and does not communicate with any outside existence.

Don't know what they are planning.

What is even more troublesome is that those brutal Khorne demons have been invading the realm of Tzeentch in recent days.

Daemon casualties of Tzeentch are mounting.

Now, they have lost another major help in the form of the fallen Primarch Magnus the Red.

The situation is getting worse.

As the most important being in the realm of Tzeentch, Carlos is under more pressure.

Feeling anxious.

Carlos took a deep breath, then grabbed the crystal shuttle, cast his gaze on the thread of fate, and watched everything oscillate and fluctuate.

He is ready to weave a new conspiracy.

However, looking at the thread of fate that had turned into a mess, the Fateweaver fell into silence.

"too messy……"

Carlos felt deeply powerless. Since the appearance of the Demon Eater, all destiny paths have been messed up.

There is simply no way to weave a suitable paragraph.

Even if it is forcibly woven, it is just a cocoon, and the probability of failure is extremely high.

Because of the existence of Demon Eater.

The probability of failure of Tzeentch's servants' plan has increased from 50% to about 90%.

Chaos is more chaotic, but the chance of trapping oneself is also higher.

This resulted in serious attrition of Tzeentch's servants.

"It seems that we have to deal with the Demon Eater quickly..."

"Yes, it must be done!"

Carlos's two heads, one large and one small, like black crows with eyeballs, asked and answered questions.

The Chief Demon is ready to take some risks and piece together a conspiracy to corrupt or destroy the Demon Eater.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly, carefully picking out the fragments and threads of destiny, and weaving a conspiracy about the Demon Eater.

Only halfway through weaving, Fateweaver saw his own ending: the cursed person strangled his neck.


Carlos was startled by the chirping of birds, and immediately disrupted the plot and re-woven it in another direction.

Then, he saw another ending: the Demon Eater turned into a terrible sun, scorching the realm of Tzeentch.

quack! ! !

Carlos was shocked, and once again disrupted the conspiracy affecting fate.

After several attempts, Fateweaver slammed the crystal shuttle and gave up the idea of ​​weaving a conspiracy for it.

Damn the Demon Eater!

The fate of this existence is difficult to control, so let’s leave it to the Lord of Change...



The ruins of the Pyramid of Tizka.

Guilliman held the Emperor's Sword. He looked in the direction where the Red King disappeared, feeling a little worried.

Unexpectedly, Magnus was allowed to run away.

Fortunately, the conspiracy of the fallen original body has been completely destroyed, and there is no way to cause trouble in a short time.

After calming down, the original body suddenly thought of the scene that happened not long ago, that familiar golden figure.

"Father, did you take action?"

Guilliman murmured.

He somewhat believed that his father had transformed into another existence under the influence of faith.

A living god that people worship.

It's the same as those existences in subspace that claim to be gods.

Guilliman felt sad about what happened to his father. The once ambitious Emperor of Mankind had become the existence he hated the most.

After all, the Primarch of the Ultramarines has been worshiped by people over the years and can appreciate the awe-inspiring power of faith.

He knew very well that once he let down his guard, he might be completely overwhelmed by the power of faith and shape into a completely different existence.

At the same time, he was deeply worried and vigilant about his father's changes.

Then, Guilliman thought of another person, a young and vague figure - the Demon Eater.

He quickly deduced where things were going.

The Demon Eater was attacked by Magnus, but his father rescued him and taught Magnus a lesson.

But when I was attacked before, why didn't my father save me?

Could it be that in my father's heart, I, his own son, am not as good as that Demon Eater?

Thinking of this, this resolute original body couldn't help but feel a little sour in his heart.

However, this emotion was quickly suppressed.

Guilliman became increasingly curious and wanted to find the Demon Eater, but fortunately he had already remembered that figure deeply.

Once that being appears within his field of vision, he can recognize it at a glance!


The roar of artillery fire brought the Primarch back from his thoughts.

In space, the battle between the fleets came to an end.

On the ground, the chaotic forces of the Thousand Sons Legion were defeated and fled in all directions.

"Courage and Glory!"

Guilliman raised the Emperor's Sword high, and he led the warriors of the Empire in a final encirclement and suppression of the remaining Thousand Sons Legion.

No one can be let go!

Holy Terra.

A small frigate slowly approached.

Ron was sitting by the window, playing the mechanical game console leisurely, very comfortable.

After the crisis was resolved, he had the Dream jump to the vicinity of Holy Terra.

Then transfer to the Govindi family-style frigate and enter the airspace of Holy Terra.

Now Shahim and the others are still following the imperial fleet to kill the remaining enemies, and it is estimated that it will take some time before they can return.

He could arrive at Holy Terra just in time.

Take a walk around and prepare in advance.

When the air traffic control signal from Holy Terra sounded clearly, Ron put down the game console and looked at the scenery outside through the porthole.

In front of him is a huge building that extends straight out of the atmosphere, with countless shipyards connected to space elevators.

There is no doubt that this is the largest airport in the galaxy - Lions Gate Airport.

It is both a transportation hub and a tight defensive front.

There are a large number of guard towers scattered around, and a large number of Imperial soldiers are stationed inside.

Looking down, Ron saw countless ships shuttling between Lions Gate Airport, blocking out the sky.

The carrying capacity of this airport is so terrifying that it can accommodate ships traveling from all over the galaxy.

The large shipyard can even accommodate the 267-kilometer-long Glorious Queen-class battleship.

He seriously doubted that if an enemy invaded the airport, a formation of Titans could be pulled out here.

Soon, the frigates merged into the flow of ships and lined up to sail to the docking area.


Not far away, a battle broke out on a certain line.

But the battle ends just as quickly as it begins.

Dozens of beams destroyed the ships judged as heretics. The torn hulls fell downwards and were smashed to pieces by more defense arrays.

Looking at the disappeared shipwrecks, Ron was a little nervous: "Good guy, not even the scum is left!"

Holy Terra is the center of the empire and the headquarters of the Inquisition.

Those guys don't care whether they are wronged or not, and they don't care about any review. Once the ship is judged as a heretic.

It got cold on the spot.

Ron noticed again that an unlucky pilgrim ship had been affected, with a big hole in its hull.

Hundreds of unlucky people were sucked out by the powerful airflow.

These ragtag pilgrims who had been sailing for hundreds of years had not even had a second look at the great Holy Terra before they were falling screaming downwards.

"Emperor, save us..."

On their deathbed, some pilgrims tried to pray, but their fate was already sealed.

In the blink of an eye, those pilgrims fell into the clouds and disappeared.

Looking at all this, Ron frowned.

This is Holy Terra, a sacred place that countless people of the empire yearn for.


Inside the cabin, the crew members watched this scene in silence.

The crew members were just thankful that they came from the Holy Land of Ers and were blessed by the Lord Savior.

However, at this moment, the Lord Savior was also a little nervous.

This time it was their turn to verify.

If there was any mistake in the data, they would probably become space junk.

Ron waited quietly.

Fortunately, the frigate had the token of the Govindi family. After showing it, it passed several simple verifications and obtained the right to pass.

Soon, the frigate docked at the dock.

"Huh~ Passed smoothly..."

Ron finally breathed a sigh of relief until he stepped on the solid ground of the dock.

If there were no accidents, they should be able to pass safely on Holy Terra.

Ron looked at the dock and smelled a strong sour smell.

Dirty, messy, poor, and no order at all.

This was the first reaction.

Soon, he realized that the people coming and going in front of him were mostly ragged pilgrims.

The administrative department would not spend much time serving these people.


Suddenly, there was a commotion among the crowd, and everyone was talking.

Ron followed the pilgrims' line of sight and saw a familiar ship...

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