Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 299 Bilak: With some strength, the Lord of Darkness starts to get serious!

Ron's psychic power contended with the incoming evil energy, and then dissipated under the impact.

When the two forces dispersed, both the Savior and the Lord of Darkness saw each other's figures.

The moment Ron saw Beelak, he felt a strong sense of oppression. The guy was stronger than Vashtor in terms of momentum.

He is worthy of being a veteran Chaos powerhouse!

Fortunately, this Lord of Darkness came to the real universe and was suppressed by some laws, and his strength was weakened a lot.

Otherwise it will be even more terrifying.

This is one of the reasons why the Four Gods of Chaos almost never come to the real universe.

Perhaps they possess the power to destroy heaven and earth in subspace.

But when they come to the real universe, not only do they have to pay a huge price to tear apart the curtain, but their physical strength will be greatly weakened.

It's equivalent to showing the health bar.

If you see the health bar, it means you can kill.

In this case, they may not be killed by humans using human sea tactics or powerful weapons.

If it weren't for these restrictions, perhaps humanity would have been doomed long ago.


Ron stared at the Lord of Darkness with some confusion:

"Didn't the intelligence say that the guy was black? Why does he feel a little red?"

On the throne.

Bilak has long since regained his majesty as the Demon Prince, and his aura is extremely terrifying.

But actually, he was a little panicked inside.

After all, he had just broken through the defense and his angry look was seen by the other party.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The Lord of Darkness clenched the armrest with his hands, his devil's hooves almost touched the ground, and he tried his best to suppress his emotions.

I really didn't expect that the Demon Eater could be so insidious and cunning.

Not only did he quietly destroy the main fleet he sent, but he also appeared when he was furious.

Is this a joke to see him face to face? !

At this moment, he felt unspeakable humiliation.

At the same time, I was a little nervous.

What should I do if the Demon Eater makes some sarcastic remarks to ridicule me?

He didn't even have a reason to refute!

Should he just let the Demon Eater humiliate him? !

For most warriors, honor and dignity are extremely important.

Whether it is the Empire or Chaos, those warriors will be decorated in various ways, including but not limited to imposing titles, relics, badges, holy texts, blood and heads, number of enemies killed, powerful enemies killed, etc.

To show your glory and dignity.

In addition to being tough-talking, it is common for them to talk trash to each other before a fight and to suppress each other's momentum.

There will even be life-and-death duels to compete for these honors and dignity.

If they lose once, they can remember it for tens of thousands of years, and they will always pursue revenge to restore their dignity.

For example, the feud between the chief demon of Khorne, Kabanha, and the Blood Angels.

In short, under the influence of the negative energy of the subspace.

Those existences that have been around in the subspace for a long time are tough-talking, arrogant, petty, murderous, cunning, cold-blooded, crazy, chaotic, competing for favor, schizophrenic, planning, etc.

At least two or three.

One is more insane than the other.

Somewhat arrogant.

After being greatly humiliated, they may even fall into despair.

For example, a pony who was beaten violently by his biological father, died in society, and didn't know where to hide.

"The Lord of Darkness..."

The Demon Eater's hoarse and gloomy voice sounded.

Hear the words.

Bilak's breathing suddenly became heavy, and his demonic eyes fiercely waited for the enemy to speak.

He was prepared to suffer more humiliation, but that was not the end. He would have to pay it back a thousand times in the future.

Until death!

"I admit, you are a terrible opponent..."

Ron looked at Billak with a cautious look on his face: "With just a little trick, my army's true strength was revealed!"

in his perspective.

This dark lord is a bit cunning, and can also engage in deception and use smoke bombs to feint attacks.

This exposes the strength of our fleet.

Most of the Chaos Demons he encountered in the past were arrogant, chaotic, madmen who could only hack and slash without thinking.

I've met a lot of crazy people, so when I unexpectedly met a normal guy, I felt a little uncomfortable.

He also realized that there were not only madmen in this world, but also more terrible strategists with plans.

You have to be more careful in the future.

To avoid being tricked.

No matter how hard Ron thought about it, he would never have imagined that the Lord of Darkness really sent his main fleet to attack, but was mistakenly treated as a wild monster by Volady's fleet on the way.

"But the real war has just begun..."

The energy around Ron surged, and his momentum was overwhelming: "Lord of Darkness, you cannot avoid the fate of failure in the end!"

Of course, what he said was just regular trash talk and a little smoke bomb at the same time.

It's best if you can confuse the enemy a little bit.

Fortunately, he was careful enough not to expose the entire army and hid a little bit of his strength.

The current Charaton War Zone still retains some of the influence of the subspace storm. The airspace in many areas is in confusion, like a fog of war.

In this case, hide your strength, let the enemy show you the secret, and deliver a fatal blow at the critical moment.

is the best way.

To avoid being targeted.

War is often like this.

Especially when there are distractions.

Everyone's eyes were darkened. They didn't know where the other party's main force was, so they could only test each other.

At the same time, be alert to enemy raids.

This further demonstrates the importance of intelligence.

But it is so difficult to get intelligence about the Chaos Realm. Ordinary detection equipment and reconnaissance troops are useless.

Ron has decided to build a more complete reconnaissance force after returning.

It is best to disperse a large number of demons and other traitors and infiltrate them into the major Chaos forces.

When the war starts, it will be a full-map perspective!

? ? ?

After hearing the praise and threats from the Devourer, Bilak breathed a sigh of relief, but fell into deeper confusion.

It seems that the other party did not know that the main fleet he sent out was destroyed.

Could it be that the fleet was not destroyed by the Devourer army, but other forces were secretly spying on him and attacking him?

After all, Bilak has made many enemies.


The destruction of the fleet was not his tactical mistake.

But there were other unexpected factors.

Is it not a sin of war?

After thinking about it, the Lord of Darkness felt a little relieved.

Although the hidden enemy made him feel more threatened.

Fortunately, the Demon Eater was not as scary as he imagined, which was unexpected good news.

After thinking it through.

Bilak straightened his back.

The Lord of Darkness regained his absolute confidence in front of the Demon Eater and sneered arrogantly.

After a moment of silence.

The blue demon pupils glowed slightly, as if there was an abyss with no bottom.

The whole space was filled with evil energy, and there was a suffocating sense of oppression.

The demon voice of the Lord of Darkness echoed:

"Little guy, you are just an insignificant challenger in my long life..."

After speaking.

On the throne, the terrifying and huge demon figure slowly dissipated.

Ron stared at the figure disappearing in a daze, and couldn't help but take a breath:

"Hiss~ He is so good at pretending..."

The great savior still needs to learn a lot.


Deep in Charadon.


On the throne, the Dark Lord looked solemn, not as relaxed as before.

According to detection.

The number of the Devourer's fleet was astonishing.

There were about 100 large warships alone, not to mention those affiliated battle groups!

Such a large number of warships was almost the same as the Chaos United Fleet he organized.

It seemed that the Devourer was indeed quite powerful.

He was an opponent worthy of careful treatment.


Bilak sneered.

He had to be serious about such an opponent.

Although the number of warships that the Devourer currently had was already astonishing enough.

Even the combined fleets of some important areas of the empire did not have so many warships.

But he had reason to doubt.

Those were not the real number of the opponent's fleet.

The Dark Lord never fought an unprepared battle. He might have underestimated the strength of the Devourer before.

But now, he would go all out.

In fact, ambush and crush with a powerful army was his strength!

Bilak quietly pondered the situation and considered the worst plan.

To think boldly, the Devourer may have hidden at least half of his strength.

This conclusion may be absurd, but it may not be impossible.

Only by predicting the worst and most unlikely situations can we eliminate those unexpected results and fully grasp the elements of victory!

He wants to set a huge trap, a carnival, to bury the Devourer and his army.

After all, the Dark Lord is also chosen by the Four Gods, and was once one of the chosen gods of Tzeentch.

Weaving nets and setting traps are no problem

"Perhaps, I need to pay more to usher in this victory..."

Bilak sighed.

This war is his first major battle in the galaxy after years of silence.

Failure is not allowed!

The Dark Lord has decided to seek support from many Chaos forces to completely kill the Devourer.

I believe that there are many Chaos beings who are interested in this matter.

I hope to see the death of the Devourer...


The thick fog spreads.

A huge figure wearing heavy and hideous armor appears, and the scarlet eyes make people feel extremely oppressive.

This is the pressure of the Chaos Warmaster, the Great Plunderer.

In terms of strength.

Abaddon, the Great Plunderer who occupies the Eye of Terror, is much stronger than the Dark Lord.

"Bilak, what do you want?"

There was a hint of indifference in Abaddon's voice.

It can be seen that he is somewhat dissatisfied with this former nominal ally and personally selected champion.

The Dark Lord is too arrogant to be controlled by him.

What's more, the Chaos joint army sent by Abaddon and the Death Guard was repelled by the Regent's First Fleet not long ago.

Bilak took the opportunity to occupy that area.

This act of picking up the pieces obviously shows that he does not take the Great Plunderer seriously.

Bilak looked at Abaddon:

"There is a piece of news that may interest you, about the Demon Eater."

"Tell me..."

Obviously, the Great Plunderer was interested, and he also looked for the Demon Eater, but unfortunately he escaped.

Bilak was full of confidence:

"The Demon Eater has stepped into the trap I carefully woven, like a butterfly entangled in spider silk, and is about to face the fate of destruction.

However, this is not enough.

What I need is not only victory, but absolute control, so that the Demon Eater has no possibility of escape.

Your army, that army of Chaos, will be an indispensable part of my plan. Perhaps we can join forces to bury him completely in despair.

To ensure victory in this game without any suspense! "

Abaddon stared at Be'lak.

This request surprised him. He didn't expect that this arrogant guy would actually ask him to borrow troops?

It seems that the Demon Eater is indeed difficult to deal with.

But based on what he knew about Bilak, this guy would never do this if he was not sure of winning.

Therefore, Abaddon was moved.

The previous setback in the Charaton area made him unwilling to accept it.

If the Nova Demon Eater on the Empire side can be destroyed, it may be able to make up for the previous losses.

In fact, after Abaddon obtained traces of the Demon Eater, he somewhat wanted to send his own troops to kill him.

It's a pity that all his energy now is invested in the warning star.

The Marauder's massive army must not only guard the Eye of Terror, but also defend the Vigil Star region against Imperial forces and the damned xenos.

The alert sector is like a delicious piece of cake, attracting too many other ethnic groups to wander around and fight.

Including green-skinned orcs, necrons, and the foul-smelling Dark Eldar and Genestealers.

There are also Tau people who don’t know whether to live or die.

There is so much war going on in the Vigil region that the Predator has no time to spare.

After hesitation.

The Great Despoiler Abaddon decided to dedicate an elite fleet to Charadon to support Be'lak.

Join the war to destroy the Demon Eater.

Of course, it's not without its rewards.

After Vashtor's death, Belak plundered a lot of the opponent's technological heritage.

In exchange, Abaddon received a piece of Blackstone technology he needed from Be'rak.

Following the issuance of the Great Reaver's order, a group of Chaos elites detached themselves from the alert sector and headed for the Charaton area.

Abaddon looked at the retreating fleet.

He had no worries about the outcome of this war.

This elite force may suffer some losses against the Regent's Indomitable Fleet, but it will not be able to deal with the rest of the empire's fleets.

More than enough.

Just a simple and short war.

He believed that this elite fleet would soon be able to return to the Warning Star area to fight.

The elite Chaos fleet that received the order to go to Charaton was very excited.

They've had enough of fighting the tough, terrifying iron shell of space, with its weird technology that makes them miserable.

The imperial army is still easy to bully.

This elite fleet of predators with nearly a hundred large battleships is looking forward to a grand killing spree!

On the throne.

Belak was very satisfied with the promise from the Great Reaver.

Now, the number of large fleets he can control is a full two hundred, which is twice the number of large battleships exposed by Demon Eater!

Even if we predict the worst case scenario, we will still be successful.

But this is not enough.

You must have an absolute advantage!

Belak then contacted other Chaos forces and asked them for support.

At the same time, they are recruiting more Chaos Pirates.

Almost all the Chaos pirates that were infesting Charadon and its surrounding areas were collected.

Beelak is confident that he can find more support and crush the enemy with a greater advantage.

There are too many traitors in the galaxy, and they will not miss this opportunity to severely damage the imperial power.

not to mention.

His truly great plan has just begun...


The star of Tsikamelo.

After resting for a while, Ron was under the reluctant gaze of the young queen.

Go to space.

The Freedom Blade Knights of the Raven family also followed.

They want to follow the Savior's army and destroy the Chaos heretics in order to save the Charadon region.

On the bridge of the Dream.

Ron looked at the densely packed battleships in the airspace and thought.

The weird Lord of Darkness fleet has not been found yet, but it is no longer important.

Nowadays, the real large forces of the savior are already in place.

As the scope of the reconnaissance ship's investigation becomes wider and wider, the commanders of the naval fleet have roughly figured out the situation in the surrounding area and assigned each war zone.

Starting today, the Savior Fleet will officially launch operations in the Charaton area!

After meeting the Lord of Darkness, Ron's strategy became more prudent and conservative.

He only used the exposed fleet strength to fight, while the rest of the fleet was ordered to hide and be ready to support or deliver a fatal blow at any time.

This means that only the Vanguard Fleet, the Third and Fourth Fleets, and about a hundred large warships, will carry out the task of recovering the Charadon area.

Fortunately, such a fleet is powerful enough to sweep across the areas that have been explored.

The three savior fleets will start from Cscamelo, gradually spread to regain the planets in the Charaton area, and slowly advance deeper.

Until the Dark Lord's lair is found.

half year later.

Elada, Thorav Strait.

Boom boom boom——

The war roared.

Above the shallow sea, a huge bridge has collapsed, and a Chaos Titan fell on the water, burning.

On the way to escape, the Chaos Titan was cornered by the enemy.


The three Redemption Titans fired several more waves of fierce artillery fire until they were completely destroyed, and then they turned around and left with heavy steps.

On the front line in front of the fort.

Several of the Freedom Blade Knights joined forces and drove the more flexible and powerful Redemption Mecha, easily destroying an Evil Crow Chaos Knight.

Because the advantage was so great, their bodies suffered almost no damage.

A few scratches at most.

When they looked around, they found that there were no more enemies. Some knight comrades had pushed the front several kilometers away.

The last Chaos Knights are being rounded up.

It is estimated that this war will be completely over before they can pass.

The Free Blade Knights looked at each other, feeling that everything that had happened recently was like a dream.

The war between the Empire and Chaos.

Every time it was not an arduous and desperate fight, accompanied by a lot of suffering and sacrifice.

When will the human empire go to war?

Is it that simple?

They have never fought such a rich battle!

Every battle these days.

No matter what happens, the savior's army will first drop a few Titans to explore the path and attack the enemy, and then use knight mechas several times the size of the enemy to cooperate with the Titans to crush the enemy.

Those ammunition and shells were fired as if they were free, and the saturated artillery fire washed the ground over and over again!

So much so that when they were fighting, they almost never let go of the trigger.

There are too many comrades and too few enemies.

Some Free Blade Knights may even fail to touch the enemy until the end of the battle because their charging speed is relatively slow.

As for logistical supplies, this is even more exaggerated.

The battle had just ended, and before the gun barrel had cooled down, a new supply ship had already arrived.

The ammunition bay, which had just been half filled, was filled again.

At this moment, the maintenance technicians on the supply ship are using engineering equipment to routinely check the condition of their knight machines and replenish the holy oil that lubricates the machinery.

Even the scratched areas were sprayed with new paint.

Energy drinks and compressed snacks were also left behind to give them a temporary boost of energy.

The knights of the Free Blade looked at each other, almost in tears.

So rich!

Dream number.

Sanctuary of the Savior.

Ron sat on the sofa and checked the battle reports from the front line.

Since this time.

The Savior Fleet, the Titans of the Storm Army, the Knight Mecha Force, and armed organizations such as the Angels of the Void and the War Angels Chapter.

At an almost devastating speed, dozens of civilized worlds in the Charadon region were recovered.

The results are gratifying.

But it was not without hidden dangers. They never encountered the main force of the Lord of Darkness.

Based on available information.

It can be found that the forces of the Lord of Darkness are shrinking and retreating rapidly, and they will not challenge them head-on.

If you guessed correctly.

That guy is brewing some conspiracy secretly.

This situation is quite worrying. Who knows whether those chaotic forces will pull off any shocking events.

Even directly destroying the Charaton region is not impossible.

Suddenly, Ron received the latest information.

After seeing it, he took a deep breath, full of worry: "Whatever you are afraid of will come..."

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