Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 302 The Ultimate Humiliation from the Demon Eater

Under the gaze of demons and many chaotic beings, the Lord of Darkness enjoyed his own moment of glory.

He listened carefully.

The roar caused by the destruction of those battleships was so wonderful.

"Enjoy it to your heart's content..."

Billak was immersed in it and shouted: "Enjoy the fireworks feast prepared by the Lord of Darkness for you!"


After dormant for tens of thousands of years, the Milky Way once again witnessed the greatness of the Lord of Darkness, chosen by the four gods!

The destruction of that Demon Eater fleet was just the appetizer.

Next, he will open the cracks and guide the demons to surge out.

The Lord of Darkness will lead a group of demons to formally declare war on humanity, and then go straight to the heart of the empire to achieve a feat that will make the Chaos Warmaster crazy with jealousy!

At this moment, Bilak felt that his demonic life had reached its peak.

He is the king of the galaxy!

Even the Great Predator and Chaos Warmaster can only look up at the achievements he is about to obtain and crawl at his feet!

Billak suddenly opened his blue demon eyes and let out a roar that absorbed his heart. The evil energy surged like an angry wave, stirring the sky, causing thick black mist to roll and surge in the sky.

The Lord of Darkness stared at the demons as a conqueror and leader, showing his unquestionable authority: "However, this... is just the beginning!

You will fight under the great Lord of Darkness..."

But that's half the story.

The atmosphere at the scene became weird, and the excited cheers and roars of the demons disappeared almost instantly.

The scene fell into an awkward silence.

Affected by the atmosphere.

The Demonic Claws waved by the Lord of Darkness froze in mid-air, and he did not even speak so loudly: "Under the leadership of..."

what happened?

He seemed to be stuck and stopped his pre-war mobilization speech.

At this moment, the demons looked to the sky, as if they saw something amazing, and then turned their eyes back to Bilak.

The silence and sight of the demons made the Lord of Darkness feel uncomfortable and vaguely humiliated.

His eyes became cold and he stared at the demons: "Do you want to disobey the Lord of Darkness? Disobey the one chosen by the four gods!"

However, the Chaos Demons were not intimidated. Their looks at Be'lak turned playful and lost their original respect.

The Tzeentch demons even looked like they were eating melons. The sudden change in the situation made them extremely excited, and they almost couldn't eat the melon seeds.

There was a great demon of Tzeentch who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, so he laughed out loud:

"Lord of Darkness, your ship exploded!"

This sentence is so obvious in the silent scene.

? ? ?

Hearing this, Bealak was immediately stunned and quickly turned his head to look into space to check the situation.

The scene in front of him made him scream:

"What, no...impossible!"

in space.

Boom boom boom——

The Demon Eater's fleet was like a huge curtain that covered the sky, surrounding the Chaos fleet. The various colors of light from the naval guns completely lit up the dim starry sky.

"How could the Demon Eater have so many battleships?!"

The Lord of Darkness' pupils shrank sharply, his face full of disbelief, but no one could answer this question.

no doubt.

The situation in the space battlefield made him panic visibly.

Billak watched helplessly as he boasted to many chaotic beings about the Chaos Fleet and had high hopes for it.

Step by step into destruction.

One warship after another was destroyed in the fierce fire.

The gorgeous flames that bloomed in the destruction of those battleships were indeed a gorgeous feast in the universe.

But it was his Chaos battleship that exploded!

The explosion that once made him intoxicated has now become harsh and sharp.

The roar of each explosion was like a heavy hammer, hitting Bilak's heart.

Like taunts and ridicules coming from the depths of the universe, they echoed in his ears, ruthlessly exposing his failure and powerlessness.

It’s heartbreaking!

More importantly, due to his previous vigorous promotion and invitations.

Dozens of demons came to the side of the curtain to watch the battle, and there were even more beings paying attention to the war.

That meant that countless eyes, whether from allies or enemies, witnessed the Dark Lord's humiliating defeat.

In an instant, Bilak felt dizzy.

His voice was trembling, almost shouting: "No...I will not fail!"

The Lord of Darkness gradually regained consciousness, and then quickly contacted the Chaos Commander, trying to find a chance of survival.

Save the situation.

Even if you fail, you can't fail so miserably!

After the communication was connected, Bilak's words were full of anger: "Counterattack quickly, I order you to organize a counterattack immediately, no matter what method you use, do your best to destroy the Demon Eater's battleship!

I order you..."

However, the commander of the Grand Reaver fleet was even more furious.

He interrupted the Lord of Darkness roughly:

"Your stupidity has caused us to fall into a trap. The enemies are all elite fleets with more than three times the firepower. How can we fight back?!"

The disobedience of the Chaos Commander made Be'lak extremely angry: "Trash, a bunch of trash, if you still have the honor of being the army of Chaos, you should die heroically and die together with the Demon Eater's battleship!"

"Lord of Darkness, I *you*!"

The Chaos Commander suddenly pointed at Be'lak and became furious.

If it is a normal battle, even if they face three times the firepower, they still have room to operate and can kill some of the enemies.

Even if you lose, you can still retreat in time.

And this dark lord's stupid plan caused the entire fleet to be completely surrounded by the enemy.

They faced artillery fire from all directions and had no room to fight back!

It's time like this.

That guy still wanted to hide behind and talk, and tried to tell them to die to cover up his stupidity and failure! ?

The Chaos Commanders have realized that the situation is irreversible.

He and his elite Chaos Fleet will surely perish here.

He's going to die anyway.

Chaos Commander...completely crazy:

"Bilak, you are a devil, a trash, a scum!

Even the greenskins will laugh at your wisdom. Your barren brain is a stain on the universe. The Demon Eater will cut off your idiot's head and stuff it into your vagina!

Go to hell, you inferior product that is even more imbecile than a bug..."

This is the ultimate in bad breath.

More unbearable curses burst out from the Chaos Commander's mouth, echoing in front of the Dark Lord and the demons.

Roar! ! !

Being humiliated in front of so many chaotic beings.

Billak's anger completely exploded, and he fell into an extremely red temperature: "Shut up, shut up, your soul will suffer endless torture!"

Obviously, the Dark Lord was completely crushed by the Chaos Commander when it came to his bad mouth.

He has decided.

No matter what, this guy who dares to challenge himself must pay an extremely painful price and suffer endless suffering!

However, he didn't wait for him to take any further action.


The bridge where the Chaos Commander was located was devoured by the incoming plasma cannon, and his body was reduced to ashes in the blazing heat.

But before turning into ashes, he still managed to raise his middle finger to Be'lak.

The Chaos Commander's output plunged the throne area into deeper silence.

An atmosphere of extreme embarrassment spread.

Billak could clearly feel that the eyes of the demons looking at him had changed, with strong sarcasm and disdain.

His majesty has been lost!

To be more precise, the Lord of Darkness died in public.

Even if a group of demons descended, they would never accept him as their commander-in-chief again. If he didn't ridicule him on the spot, it would be a loss of face.

Belak stood there helplessly, at a loss.

At this moment, he wanted to escape.

But the next moment.

Another sound came out, echoing in the atmosphere.

"Ahem, hey hey hey..."

The Demon Eater's deep voice appeared.

The wideband hymn projector on board the Dream projected sound to the surface.

Billak suddenly looked to the sky.

in his field of vision.

Countless warships are approaching the planet like a group of steel behemoths, blocking the starlight and blocking the sky.

They are surrounded!

"Lord of Darkness, I'm sorry to inform you that your fleet is finished.

Thank you for bringing the fleet together so that my fleet can better destroy them..."

The Demon Eater paused, as if he thought of something: "By the way, you won't open the champagne at halftime, will you? Clown, hahahahahaha!"

There was laughter from many people over there.

Clown... clown... clown...

The Demon Eater's voice echoed repeatedly in the atmosphere, like a sharp blade, cutting through Beelak's self-esteem again and again.

Beyond the curtain.

Some of the Chaos Demons even held their stomachs, pointed at him and laughed unbridledly.

They have long been unhappy with this arrogant Lord of Darkness.


Beelak trembled, and he closed his eyes in pain. He felt unprecedented humiliation, and the pain reached his bones.

The whole person put on a mask of pain.

Yes, he turned into a complete clown.

After today.

It is estimated that the existence of half of the subspace and the galaxy will know about this.

Then laugh at yourself mercilessly.

This was the most difficult moment in his life, and he didn't even dare to face the sight of the demons.

Life is worse than death!

"Demon Eater..."

Belak almost gritted his teeth, his heart filled with hatred, and wanted to tear it apart at all costs.

However, he still held back and moved his body tremblingly, sitting back on the throne.

At the same time, he tried his best to control his emotions:

"The war has just begun and I haven't lost yet!"

A temporary failure means nothing.

Regarding this war, the Lord of Darkness still retains confidence.

The Demon Eater did possess a terrifying weapon that could subdue demons, but he also found a way to resist that weapon.

According to the information obtained, the Demon Eater's body is not very powerful. As long as he resists the weapon, there is a very high chance of killing him.

As long as he can kill the Demon Eater, he can regain the lost glory and regain the awe of the demons!

The Lord of Darkness regained his composure, reorganized the situation, and began to set up defenses.

Although it has lost its air power, there are still a large number of Chaos troops inside the planet, including dozens of Chaos Titans and nearly a thousand Chaos Knights!

He clearly knew that he and the Demon Eater would face a final showdown.

No matter what, as long as the curtain can be torn apart, he will be the final winner, not the Demon Eater's army.

Will be drowned by the endless demonic tide!

Dream number.

Sanctuary of the Savior, Arms Room.

Ron looked at the surveillance equipment, and there wasn't much movement on Korvax.

This made him a little surprised: "Hey~ can you bear it so much?"

He was originally afraid that the Lord of Darkness would run away, so he thought of taunting him to see if he could force him out.

If the other party can kill directly.

That would be best.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of Darkness did not leave and still maintained restraint.

That means that the opponent still has a backup plan and a chance to win against him.

In this way, the situation becomes even more dangerous.

But at this point, the enemy's lair is right in front of him, and Ron can't retreat no matter what.

We can only continue to advance until the contaminated planet is completely destroyed.

Korvax star space.

The savior's fleet group slowly advanced, like a pack of wolves, approaching the planet that had lost the protection of the Chaos fleet and most of the defense arrays.

For a planet that has lost its fleet and defense array, if it is approached by such a fleet, it will not be long before it is destroyed.

The next step is to simply burn the glass.

The power of the ship's giant cannon can easily destroy everything on the ground.

Just give an order.

This savior fleet can blow this planet and all the life on it to pieces.

However, under the command of the messianic spirit and naval commander Keyes.

The Savior Fleet maintained due caution and restraint.

The fleet did not engage in widespread bombing.

Instead, a large warship was dispatched and launched a tentative attack.

The battleship fired a spear ray.

The beams of light that condensed the destructive power failed to reach the surface, and before the attack reached the surface, they came into contact with the twisted curtain around the planet.

Then disappear completely.

The twisted veil diverted energy into the warp, or swallowed it up.

As expected.

There is indeed something wrong with this planet between subspace and the real universe.

Subsequently, the fleet gradually increased the level of attack, wanting to test the limits of the twisted curtain.

With more and more fierce artillery fire, the twisted curtain finally responded.

However, the situation became more dire.

Because under the attack of artillery fire, more subspace energy spilled out and even formed a storm, almost sucking the warships closer to the ground into the subspace vortex.

Fortunately, the fleet stopped the attack in time.

Navy Commander Keyes also broke out in a cold sweat: "Fortunately, the savior reminded me, otherwise it would have been dangerous..."

If it hadn't been for the timely reminder of the Savior and his always cautious way of acting, he would not have conducted the test like now, but directly fired a salvo of artillery fire from the entire fleet.

The violent subspace storm created was enough to swallow up the entire savior fleet!

By the time.

Not only will the fleet suffer heavy losses, but it will also lose the opportunity to prevent the demonic invasion.

"Lord Savior, our fleet may not be able to continue the attack."

In the armament room, Tucker looked up at the savior and reported the latest situation: "The fleet's fierce attack will not only stimulate the curtain and form a subspace storm, but also accelerate the tearing of the cracks.

Now, the crack is on the verge of tearing apart and may completely open at any time. "

"Then prepare for ground combat..."

Ron sighed: "Advance to the central fortress of Korvax as quickly as possible, and destroy the dark machine that created the rift before it opens!"

According to the latest intelligence, the cracks were not created out of thin air, but were created by the huge machine under the planet that used black stone technology.

For Blackstone technology, the territory also has certain research and application.

It's just that black stone is too difficult to obtain.

I managed to grind some out of the black stone gate, but they can only be used on some small core equipment.

To be honest, he was also a little greedy for the black stone on that machine.

If you take some back, you might be able to research some powerful weapons and equipment.

After receiving the order from the Savior, Taco immediately delivered the order to the ground troops.

Prepare it for battle.


The robotic arm installed the last armor component on Ron's body, and a dark and ferocious warrior more than five meters tall appeared.

After many years, he will visit the battlefield in person again.

Regarding the need to conduct ground airdrop operations and personally lead a team to raid the Lord of Darkness.

He didn't have many surprises.

Warhammer is old and traditional.

Ron walked down from the armor-conferring platform and moved his body. The tight armor showed great strength.

He is no longer what he used to be.

Look up.

There were various weapons on one wall of the weapons room, but Ron's eyes did not stay, but looked at the other wall.

There are bullets of sacred ashes embedded there one after another.

Next to it, there is a big guy about ten meters tall and with a projectile diameter of more than three meters. It is comparable to a small rocket in the previous life.

It was also a sacred ashes bomb named "Tsar".

It's a bottom-of-the-box item.

Ron looked at these sacred ashes bombs with a pity.

It's a pity that time is not enough. If he can survive for hundreds of thousands of years, he can create more ashes bombs.

Use it as a grenade when the time comes.

To alleviate the phobia of insufficient firepower inherited from his bloodline.

This war was not as easy as imagined.

If the crack opens, the coalition of chaos gods and dozens of demons will come out.

These sacred ashes bombs alone may not be able to withstand it.

Who knows if the Chaos Gods will continue to send reinforcements?

By the time.

The fleet and ground forces will be in a fatal crisis. His little wealth may have to be lost here, which will put the territory in an extremely weak situation.

What if the territory is found by the Chaos side again.

In the case of losing the ability to resist, except for the core planets, it is estimated that everything will be finished.

If they encounter the attack of powerful aliens.

That would be even more terrible. The sacred tower can only defend against Chaos and has no effect on aliens.

They may have to run away and wander.

So, no matter what, he must completely close the crack before the Chaos demons descend on the real universe!

"I hope everything goes well..."

Even with some powerful weapons, Ron was still a little nervous.

People will die if they are killed.

Fighting against such a powerful enemy as the Lord of Darkness, he also has some risks of falling.

That guy is indeed a little smart in tactics, but his individual combat power is undoubtedly powerful. Before in the subspace, he grabbed the demigod Vashtor and beat him wildly.

But Ron had to fight again.

He is already the strongest individual in the territory.

I am afraid that others cannot stand it.

Fortunately, this is the real universe, and the strength of the Dark Lord has been weakened to a certain extent.

With the addition of the Holy Urn Bullet, as long as there is no accident, he is still relatively confident.

Ron came to the weapon wall.

He gently took off the Holy Urn Bullet one by one, and then loaded it on his body.

At this moment.

Whether it is the Chaos Army or the Savior's Armed Forces, they are silently preparing.

A war is about to begin...

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