Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 322 Dig out the Necrons!

A few days later.



Space fluctuations.

The Dream jumped out of the subspace channel and slowly moved forward.

Inside the bridge.

Ron looked at the pale yellow planet surrounded by two green satellites, and knew that he had arrived at the home of the Blood Angels-Baal.

The Baal system is very small.

It consists only of the main star Baal and two satellites, located in the Baal star system in the Extreme Star Region.

The main star Baal is an extremely dry desert world with frequent sandstorms.

It is full of various mutants, mutants and wild creatures.

In comparison.

Prime and Secandus are more suitable for human habitation, but they are not too good.

Because in the official rating of the Empire, all the planets in the Baal system are classified as wild worlds.


The Blood Angels still chose the desert world Baal as their main star.

Ron flipped through the information of the Blood Angels.

He expressed a certain understanding of the Blood Angels' choice.

Like the Danus star, a more difficult environment can often create powerful warriors.

The human tribes in Baal live a nomadic life and have always faced various deadly threats, but this has also honed their bodies and wills.

Make them more adaptable to the cruel environment.

Since the time of Sanguinius, the Blood Angels have been recruiting candidates from the tribes known as the "blood clan".

Every generation, young people from all the "blood clan" tribes in the Baal galaxy will participate in the Blood Angels' organization-the Great Competition.

All contestants need to walk through a desert full of mutants and radiation to reach a cliff called the Land of Heaven.

Then use the Angel Wings-a glider made of leather and vines to jump off the towering cliff.

If they don't die, they will have to fight against huge fire scorpions and blood-sucking monsters in the canyon.

Fight a way out.

When the contestants come out of the canyon stepping on the bones of countless companions.

They can participate in the final challenge.

They will enter a gladiatorial arena for the final decisive battle.

Only the contestants with the strongest martial arts can survive.

In the end, about 50 people will be able to stand out and board the legendary "Sky Car".

It is actually the Thunderhawk gunship.

The remaining survivors who survived and failed to meet the requirements either stayed behind to guard and challenge themselves, or walked back to the tribe.

All at their own expense.

The 50 winners will be taken to the Blood Angel Monastery in the center of the desert of Baal Prime.

Officially become candidates.

Most of these candidates have the marks of hard survival in the past. Long-term malnutrition and hunger have led to rickets, short stature, and poor development.


The radiation during the Great Competition has caused many people to have large and small red spots all over their bodies, suffering from radiation sickness and early symptoms of cancer.

"I take back my previous understanding..."

Ron was a little numb when he saw this. Compared with Danus Star, Baal is still too extreme.

In this comparison, he seems too kind.

Sure enough.

Such a selection process is still not very scientific.

The reason why those candidate new bloods can make up for the previous defects is all due to the strong adaptability of the Blood Angel gene seed.

According to the data.

All candidates must keep vigil in the cathedral of the monastery before the transformation ceremony officially begins.

No rest is allowed.

Once they fall asleep, no matter how outstanding they are, they will be taken away.

As for the fate of those who were taken away, there is no record of this.

Candidates who survive the transformation ceremony will receive the scarlet holy cup handed over by the Holy Blood Priest, which contains some kind of blood-like liquid.

After they drink it, they will fall into a deep sleep, and their hearts will almost stop.

The blood slaves will push these sleeping candidates into the operating room and implant the gene seeds.

If they can survive the rejection reaction, they will be sealed in a tall golden coffin and take in a mixture of nutrients and the blood of Sanguinius through their veins.

Further transformation.

In this process, many people with weak constitutions who cannot adapt to the pressure of reshaping will die.

However, those who survive will become true Holy Blood Angels.

Such changes are earth-shaking.

Those short and hunchbacked candidates will gain tall bodies, sharp eyes like predators, smooth skin, handsome faces and hidden sharp teeth after becoming Holy Blood Angels.

They are graceful and beautiful like sculptures carefully crafted by masters.

"As expected of the descendants of Saint Guinius, they are still good-looking. It is no wonder that the candidates are so desperate for the opportunity to completely change their life constitution..."

Ron sighed slightly.

Unfortunately, all the gifts given by fate are secretly marked with a price.

After becoming a Blood Angel, the candidates will acquire a symptom called "blood thirst".

They are eager to drink human blood.

Moreover, this need for blood is not physiological, but a desire at the level of psychic or soul.

This is a kind of fate.

When the Blood Angels do not drink blood for a long time, they will become weak or even old, and their spirits will be extremely exhausted.

In order to maintain their condition.

The Blood Angels will carry and drink bottles of human blood mixed with wine.

They call it "Karash".

The blood is usually voluntarily donated by the blood servants.

But in some extreme cases, the Blood Angels will lose control, and even if they have large amounts of bottled human blood on hand, they will attack and kill allies to obtain the blood.

Later, the Blood Angels met an even sadder fate.

After Sanguinius was brutally murdered by Horus, the Blood Angels suffered from a mental illness called the Black Rage.

When the battle is at its fiercest, black rage often breaks out.

This makes them extremely aggressive, difficult to distinguish between friends and foes, and they may even attack their own battle brothers.

This caused great trauma to the Blood Angels and great harm to the Human Empire.

Ron came here to see Dante, the leader of the Blood Angels, just to see if he could solve the blood thirst and black rage suffered by the Blood Angels.

This is good for everyone.

The feeling of being suddenly stabbed in the waist by a teammate during a battle is not pleasant.

Not only that.

If the Tyranid swarm can be successfully eliminated.

He will also send the territory's environmental engineering team to see if they can collaborate with Baal on some projects and use the technology of the golden age to transform the environment of the Baal galaxy.

Improve the living environment of those tribes and at least allow the candidates to have better physical fitness to face the great competition.

Reduce unnecessary casualties.

not to mention.

Those candidates who participate in the transformation with better physiques may be able to make the transformed Blood Angels more powerful.


These changes need to be fully evaluated by the relevant scientific research teams and must be approved by the Blood Angels.

After the Dream stopped in far-Earth orbit, it sent relevant messages to the Blood Angels.

Just when Ron was about to step onto the landing ship and head to the Blood Angel Monastery to meet Dante.

The message returned from the monastery completely disrupted his plan.

Dante is not in Baal.

He has led the Blood Angels to the Hades system to defend against the threat of the Tyranids.

? ? ?

Ron was a little confused when he got the news.

That means that the Tyranids have entered the Hades galaxy and are about to launch an attack!

How could it be so fast?

This is more than half a year earlier than expected by the Ministry of Military Affairs.


More data and news are coming.

Only then did he understand the cause of the matter, which was caused by the confusion of time zones in various regions.

Different temporal flow rates caused this change.

Although Ron notified Holy Terra in advance, it only bought a little more time for the high lords to hold meetings.


Tyranid swarms have begun to attack the outer defenses of the Hades system.

Fortunately, under Ron's influence, the Empire's supporting troops have arrived, and the Blood Angels are also on their way.

The situation isn't too bad.

At present, the empire has mobilized all the troops that can be reached.


A naval fleet led by Admiral Jatus, with hundreds of large battleships and battle groups.

General Mellon led 30 million Astra Militarum troops drawn from various places, including the Cadian Lightning Army and the Vostonian Firstborn Armored Regiment.

They will set up defenses in the Hades system.

These are among the most elite regiments of the Empire.

Due to the urgency of wars everywhere, the Tyranid swarm arrived suddenly, and it was already all the troops the empire could mobilize and arrive.

However, these troops are still not enough.

The main forces in this war will most likely be the Savior Armed Forces and the Blood Angels.

The Sons of Man led by Big Barrel happen to be in the Hades galaxy.

They have taken over the sent battleships, obtained weapons and equipment, and have sent out reconnaissance ships to conduct a preliminary investigation of the scale of the Tyranid swarm.

The territory has also found the exit of the webway in the Hades galaxy, and is organizing troops to go to the Hades galaxy through the webway.

Taking advantage of the navigation advantages of the Webway, there should be no chance of missing a fighter jet.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.


Ron fell into deep worry after seeing the latest information sent back from the barrel.

Inside the bridge.

Ron and the officials from the Ministry of Military Affairs looked at the overwhelming image of the Leviathan Hive Fleet projected in mid-air.

I was deeply shocked by it.

There was even a hint of fear.

The Tyranid swarm... was so huge that it was huge enough to overwhelm the galaxy!

According to calculations by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

If we were to meet the impact head-on, even if we included the Empire's reinforcements, Blood Angels, and the Savior's armed forces that could be mobilized.

It is also difficult to resist.

This is the Tyranid Swarm.

They don't hide anything, they just follow the predetermined route and devour everything along the way.

Even if you have no idea, you can know in advance that the insect swarm is coming, and you will be suppressed by the sheer number.

There is no way to resist.

Ron frowned as he looked at the projection of the Tyranid swarm.

Such a huge scale cannot be resisted by the fleet. I am afraid that more powerful planet-level or even galaxy-level celestial weapons will be needed.

to be able to cope with it.

The trouble is.

The technology of the territory is not enough.

The only planet-level weapons currently under construction are the green-skinned combat satellites, and they are not yet completely completed.

I'm afraid it won't be able to keep up with the war in the Hades galaxy.

"It seems that our war plan needs to be changed..."

Ron raised his hand and called up the star map of the Hades Galaxy. He needed to know more about the defense situation of the Hades Galaxy battlefield.

In addition to reinforcements from the Empire, Blood Angels, and Savior Realms.

As a shield galaxy with abundant resources and harsh environment, the Hades Galaxy has good defensive power.

The glacier asteroid belt on the periphery of the galaxy, known as the "Diamond Shield", is an insurmountable natural barrier.

After that, it is the Castle Lord Ring.

That is a larger mineral asteroid belt. Many asteroids have formed a honeycomb-like hollow structure after years of mining.

The Star Army will set up minefields, light spear space stations and macro cannon turrets here.

That will be the second killing position against the Tyranid swarm.

If the Tyranid swarm breaks through these barriers, there will be several planets to meet the impact.

Lysios and Bianhua are the first planets to meet the impact.

They are also important areas for the Empire to deploy defenses.

There are about 10,000 battle sisters and more than 300 million nomads in the nomadic world of Lysios. They will resist the Tyranid swarm with the Empire's reinforcements.

The star Higanbana is defended by the Cadia Blitzkrieg, part of the Vostroyan Firstborn Armored Regiment, and the local governor.

These two planets will be responsible for blocking the vanguard of the Tyranids before more reinforcements arrive.

After that...

There is nothing.

Ron looked at these, his eyes darkened.

So if this wave is not prevented, the Tyranids will be able to directly push the Hades Galaxy?

No matter how you look at it, the Hades Galaxy is finished.

He finally knew.

Why did the Hades Galaxy collapse in the plot he was familiar with.

The gap is too big, there is no way to fight.

Ron closed his eyes and knew what tricks the Empire would use next.

That is the extermination order.

Since it can't be stopped.

Then build a strong wall and clear the countryside, and destroy all the biomass that can enhance the strength of the Tyranids.

Using the extermination order to destroy the planet can not only hit the surface swarm.

It can also prevent the Tyranids from replenishing new resources, restricting their development and gradually weakening.

In this way,

The Empire would have time to gradually bring in support teams one after another, slowly wearing down the Tyranid swarm until the swarm was so hungry that it could not hold on.

Completely retreat.


In order to resist the Tyranid swarm, the Empire even destroyed two hundred planets in a row and won.

This is a typical Imperial victory.

Anyway, the enemy has been defeated, and there is no way to count how many people died.

As long as those people did not die at the hands of the Tyranid swarm.

That is a profit.

But it is also a helpless move.

You can't just watch the Tyranid swarm gradually grow to a point where you can't deal with it, leading to the extinction of mankind, right?

Ron sighed.

Fortunately, the existence of him, the savior, has brought some variables to this war.


With the current strength of the Savior Armed Forces, it is not enough to beat the entire Leviathan Hive Fleet and save the Hades Galaxy.

After all, the Tyranid Zerg is the strongest race known, and Leviathan is the largest hive fleet in the history of the galaxy, with an absolute advantage in numbers.

He was reluctant to throw all his troops into the war at once.

If they fought head-on.

It was hard to say how many soldiers would survive the battle.

No matter how they fought, they would lose.

The probability was that they would go bankrupt and rebuild their army.


He got a piece of news in advance.

A good thing that could turn the situation around outside of traditional combat.

Ron suddenly enlarged the star map, and an eight-sided lens device platform came into view.

This huge mechanical platform, about the size of an asteroid, was called the Grand Prism.

All along, the human residents of the Hades Galaxy have been enjoying the convenience brought by this mysterious mechanical platform, which can bring a steady stream of abundant electricity.

Little did they know.

This huge prism is the core component of the star power generation system left by the once glorious Necromancer Dynasty.


The Grand Prism is also a galaxy-level celestial weapon that can absorb a large amount of heat energy from the three star systems of the Hades Galaxy, and then gather it to release a destructive high-temperature energy beam.

If this high-temperature energy beam is used to attack the gaseous planets in the Hades Galaxy, the huge energy it explodes will sweep across the entire Hades Galaxy.

Ron felt a little numb looking at the Grand Prism, but he was also drooling.

Such a powerful weapon is what he wants!

If he hadn't interfered.

In the middle and late stages of this war, the Necrons in the Hades Galaxy would wake up under the threat of the Tyranids and cooperate with the Blood Angels to activate this galaxy-level celestial weapon.

Destroy the Hades Galaxy along with most of the Tyranids.

Then, the Blood Angels retreated to Baal to meet the aftermath of the Hive.

But that was already the middle and late stages of the war, and I don't know how many people died, and not many people could be evacuated.

Most of the people in the Hades Galaxy were destroyed along with the Tyranids.

However, Ron wanted to save these people.

The Hades Galaxy was destroyed, but as long as those people could survive.

There is still hope.

He also has the confidence to give these people who have lost their homes.

A better life.

Even if he took a step back and followed the savior, he would not go hungry for nine meals in three days.

Ron immediately changed the battle plan.

In addition to blocking the vanguard of the Tyranid Hive Fleet, the territory will invest more forces in rescue.

The entire logistics system and civilian merchant ships will be deployed to evacuate humans from the Hades Galaxy as much as possible.

To prevent them from dying helplessly.

This is unfortunate. The Chaladon region is facing a population shortage problem, and it is just right to take away the population of the Hades Galaxy to supplement it.

This kills two birds with one stone, not only can the lives of the people of the Hades Galaxy be saved.

He can also make a profit.

The Savior never fights a losing battle!

After the population is evacuated.

Ron will activate the Grand Prism in advance, so that the Tyranid swarm will not have time to eat and devour the biomass on the planet, but will enjoy a galaxy-level firecracker first!

After the battle plan was determined.

He quickly issued the Savior's Decree.

The entire territory was quickly organized, and a large number of rescue fleets gathered in the Blackstone Gate airspace, and entered the webway to the Hades Galaxy one after another.

Now, the vanguard of the Tyranid hive has arrived.

Ron issued a new order.

Let the barrels, war angels, void angels, battle sisters, and Storm Army troops that are already in the Hades Galaxy go first to resist the planets that are about to be hit.

The rescue fleet will also give priority to evacuating humans on those planets.

After all this is done.

Ron also let the Dream set off again and head to the Hades Galaxy.

He still has to find Dante.

In order to avoid unpredictable accidents affecting the war situation.

Ron is ready to dig out the sleeping Necrons with Dante in advance.

Let those metal ribs help you resist the Leviathan Hive Fleet! ——

Outskirts of the Hades Galaxy.

"Diamond Shield" Glacial Asteroid Belt.

Countless celestial bodies in the asteroid belt are wrapped in ice. Under the weak light of the stars, they flash like diamonds, like a diamond chain hanging between the stars.

However, such a beautiful scenery is deadly.

The glacial asteroid belt is extremely cold, even warships cannot set foot, and all machinery and life will be completely frozen.

Although the Diamond Shield once kept many invaders out of the Hades Galaxy, it also killed more invaders.

Became part of the Ice Asteroid Belt.

But the Imperial Command was not stupid enough to believe that these natural barriers could completely block the Tyranids with extremely strong adaptability and evolution.

Therefore, the Imperial Command ordered Admiral Jatus to lead the fleet to guard the area between the Diamond Shield and the Castle Lord Ring.

To hunt down the Tyranid biological warships that had escaped from the Ice Asteroid Belt by chance.

In the void in front of the Diamond Shield.

A dead silence was broken by a sudden movement.

At the edge of the stars, a terrible shadow quietly spread.

That was the vanguard of the Leviathan Hive Fleet - a large number of alien biological warships.

These terrible biological warships, extending their twisted tentacles forward, rushed towards the Hades Galaxy like a tide.

The scale of the swarm was so large that it was enough to cover the stars behind it, turning the originally bright starry sky into a dark curtain.

The starlight was devoured, leaving only the terrifying outline of the swarm.

The entire Hades Galaxy could feel this invisible sense of oppression, as if the stars were trembling for the impending disaster...

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