Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 328: The second wave of the Vanguard Hive's attack, issuing a galaxy extermination orde

Flower stars on the other side.

Viewed from space, the once prosperous planet has turned pale yellow.

The atmosphere is filled with microscopic spores, and more large Tyranid sporangia are loaded with biological weapons.

Falling towards the surface.

Infected by the Tyranid Hive, the planet is dying.

in airspace.

Something strange happened in the Pioneer Nest.

Many Tyranid Kraken, Void Walkers, and Razor Daemon creatures rushed forward, spitting out predatory tentacles, biological torpedoes, plasma cannons, and acid.

Covering almost all the space in front.

They are trying to prey on the Redemption Fleet that threatens the Harbinger Hive.

Boom boom boom——

Cannon fire roared in the void, and light shone.

The Third Redemption Fleet responded with macro cannons, light spear arrays, and torpedoes, building a dense fire net.

to intercept these deadly attacks.

In a very short period of time, the space war between the Redemption Fleet and the Vanguard Hive fell into a tense situation.

Redemption Third Fleet, inside the bridge of the command ship.

"The macro artillery array of battle group No. 4 on the left wing concentrated fire to stop that razor demon!"

Volady looked at the virtual sandbox and commanded in an orderly manner to defend against the attack of the Vanguard Hive.

His eyes were fixed on the light spot in the sand table that represented the Tyranid Razor Demon.

It was an attack-type Tyranid biological ship that broke out of the artillery fire net. Once it was allowed to rush into our front line.

Its tough rams and claws can ignore void shields and tear apart any ship with ease.

Cause huge damage.

Good thing.

He responded promptly enough.


The concentrated fire of the macrocannon array tore apart the huge Tyranid Razor Demon.

See this.

Volradi breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the commander was not as comfortable as he thought, and there was a slight sweat on his forehead.

Due to his outstanding performance in the Tau Empire war, Voladi led his third fleet to rush to the new battlefield after a short vacation.

He was arranged by the Ministry of Military Affairs to the airspace combat zone of the Flower Star on the other side.

This is a heavy responsibility.

Because the great savior is on the other side of the flower star and cannot tolerate any failure!

The attack logic of the Tyranid Hive Fleet is different from any fleet encountered before.

Volradi felt the pressure for the first time in the war.

That is the terrible pressure that can only be felt in extreme simulation training, and there is even a faint feeling of powerlessness.

Many experiences have failed.

no way.

There is not much data about the Tyranid Hive Fleet in the Territory War Database, and the attack methods of different Hive Fleets are also different and varied.

It can only be experienced in actual war.

Although the war with the Hive Fleet is difficult, Voladi believes that he can survive it and achieve more growth.

This is also the war that he has been looking forward to for a long time, the war that allows him to go all out!

The war in front of us is not the most terrifying thing.

The commander was more afraid of another thing.

After this war.

The territory will be able to obtain more comprehensive data on the Tyranid Hive Fleet, and use the data to design more accurate and terrifying high-pressure extreme simulation training.

Volady just thought about what he would face in the future extreme training, the hive fleet that would cover the sky and fill the galaxy and even the star region.

The body couldn't help but tremble.

He will face hellish wars experienced over and over again.

Such training is mandatory, and all commanders must participate, and it is included in the promotion assessment.

If the performance is not up to standard, you will be demoted or even lose the position of commander.

Became a disgrace among commanders.


Volady relieved the pressure. Fortunately, he had personally fought against the Tyranid Hive Fleet.

It can also be considered an advantage.

The space war continues, and the Tyranid Hive Fleet's offensive becomes visibly stronger.

Look beyond the dome.

The shadow of Tyranids is getting closer and closer, and various Tyranid biological ships and space biological weapons are intertwined.


In an instant, the pressure of command suddenly increased.

Several cruisers on the front wing of the fleet were entangled by the predatory tentacles of the Tyranids, and the strong pressure forced the hulls to collapse.

Turn into sparks in space.

Volady's eyes were red and sweat was dripping.

His hands were constantly moving the virtual sandbox at extremely fast speeds to understand the situation on the battlefield and make adjustments immediately.

Strive to maintain the integrity of the defensive front.


Volady felt his vision blurred and his thinking a little sluggish.

He immediately roared:

"Pharmacist, give me another neuro-enhancement potion!"

The pharmacist responded immediately and injected the commander with a neuro-enhancing potion.

This is the third one, and the human body's endurance is about to reach a critical point.

Good thing.

Volradi maintained the situation.

But it was just to maintain the situation. He had no confidence that he could win this battle.

The best result he could achieve was to redeem the collective destruction of the Third Fleet.

Inflicted heavy damage on the Vanguard Hive and even perished together.

But such a fighting method would cause huge losses to the territory and was not worth it.

Because there are currently at least five vanguard hive fleets attacking the outer planets of the Hades system, and they are just the thick tentacles stretched out by Leviathan.

Play this way.

The entire Redemption Fleet will lose combat effectiveness before the main force of Hive Leviathan arrives.


Volady's mission is not to destroy the Vanguard Hive, but to temporarily block it and provide cover for the arrival of support troops.

In the airspace behind the Redemption Fleet.

The huge logistics fleet successively dropped corresponding supplies to the flower star on the other side, and at the same time sent more medium-sized transport spacecraft two to three kilometers long to the surface.

They are responsible for sending a large number of warriors and large vehicles to the surface, and then transporting away the remaining population of the planet.

at the same time.

The same scene is also happening in the Lysios and other war zones.

Within the atmosphere of the flower star on the other side.

The transport fleet was loaded with personnel and supplies and headed for the Helos star port. After entering the atmosphere, they were no longer worried about the attack of the biological ship.

If these space biological ships dare to enter the atmosphere, gravity alone will cause them to be harmed.


Such a large-scale mobilization still alarmed the Tyranid air forces inside the planet.

Spore-adhesive mines were deployed on the fleet's route.

A high-risk minefield was formed.

The flying titan, the giant chitinous dragon, led the sky witches and poisonous fog bugs to attack the transport fleet.


These Tyranid air troops.

It collided head-on with tens of thousands of heavy assault fighters and dozens of Thunderhawk gunboats.

A fierce air battle broke out.

Under the dense escort firepower net and the firelight of the explosion, a large number of chitinous flying creatures turned into meat paste and landed on the ground.

Makes the skies of the war zone.

Corrosive acid rain mixed with flesh and steel debris began to fall.

at the same time.

A group of heavy bombers cleared the way ahead, clearing the spore mines.

These convoys worked well together.

Before the new Tyranid air force arrived, they sent the transport fleet to the coverage of the Hyros starport air defense array.

When the transport fleet arrived at the Helos star port successfully.

Volradi, who was in the space war zone, received the news immediately.

After paying the price of destroying several large battleships, he led the Third Fleet to temporarily withdraw from the war zone.

As expected by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

With a small gap in strength, the Pioneer Hive did not choose to pursue, but stayed where it was and continued to drop more sporangia on the planet's surface.

At the same time, biomass is continuously harvested.


Volady hopes that the Vanguard Hive can catch up so that he can achieve better results.


The Vanguard Hive was smarter than imagined. It followed the established strategy and wanted to get ahead of the main force of the Leviathan Hive.

Occupy this planet and turn it into a logistics base.

After Volradi withdrew to a safe area, he stopped and built a defensive line, waiting for the opportunity to attack again.

And all of this depends on the battle situation on the surface of the Flower Star on the other side.

Hopefully it can withstand the coming wave of horrific bugs.

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be in vain...


Helos Starport.

Temporary Savior Command Center.

A war meeting hosted by the Savior came to an end.

The Blood Angels Chapter, the Astra Militarum ordinary troops, the Cadian Strike Force, the Ogryn troops, and the Beyond Flower Star Defense Force were all assigned to their respective theaters.

Their commanders will each lead their own troops to the war zone planned by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Cooperate with the savior's armed forces to resist the insect swarm.

After the meeting.

The commanders filed out, and only Dante, the leader of the Blood Angels Chapter, was left behind.

The old warrior was in excellent condition, regaining the fair skin and refined appearance characteristic of the Son of Sanguinius.

Just a hint of gray in the hair.

There is no doubt about it.

His blood thirst symptoms were suppressed and his body, mind and soul were effectively restored.

Almost back to the top.

To this.

Dante had a brief moment of joy.

That was the redemption that the Blood Angels had dreamed of for centuries. He no longer had to accept the curse, humiliation and pain.

But after he calmed down, those joys disappeared.

At this moment, Dante looked at the savior in front of him, his eyes a little complicated.

After repelling the psychic insect swarm, his body and soul were completely exhausted, and he could only hold on with one breath.

The veteran warrior heard that Karan had successfully retrieved a blood sample and that the Savior had a way to cure blood thirst.

The breath left him, and he fell into death.

It was a complete relief and relief.

Dante felt that he had fought countless worlds and suffered for countless centuries with a heavy responsibility on his back.

It's time to end.

Since I am so old and exhausted, it is time to hand over this responsibility to the young warriors in the battle group.

He believes it.

Those young warriors will select a suitable Chapter Master to lead the sons of Sanguinius into a new era.

Just like my younger self.


Dante refused to take in the blood sent by his blood guards and closed his eyes with peace of mind.

Welcome that ease.

After he fell into death, the vision of Sanguinius appeared again, as it had so many times before.

As holy as ever.

Same as before.

"Great Lord, I have completed my mission. Please take me away and give me eternal rest..."

Dante once again begged the great Sanguinius, the benevolent Gene-Father, to take away his soul.

His mission is over and he really wants to sleep.

The soul returns to the throne.

To the old warrior's surprise, in the holy light, the great Sanguinius nodded.

agreed to his request.

Sanguinius reached out to Dante in mid-air, trying to lead him away.

Give him peace.


Just when Dante was ecstatic, he knelt down to thank the great Sanguinius for his kindness, and stretched out his hand to leave with the archangel.

A gentle golden light appeared.

Along with the light, the white figure of the archangel disappeared.

The next second.

That golden figure pulled him back to the cold reality.

He is alive again!

The Savior granted him the mysterious essence of life, restored his body, and suppressed his blood thirst.

Such changes certainly excited him.

But it also represents.

The end of his destiny is far away, and he has no way to retire and rest in peace!

Dante sensed his physical condition, and not only his injuries healed, but also the hidden wounds accumulated over centuries.

The spirit and soul are even more abundant, and the whole person is full of vitality.

in this state.

He can live for at least two hundred centuries!

It seems.

He would have to bear the burden of being the son of Sanguinius for a long, long time.

Just thinking about this.

The chapter leader fell into a deep depression and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Ahem... Sir Dante, are you feeling unwell?"

Ron looked at Dante confused.

The chapter leader first looked at him with a strange look, as if looking at Zhou Bapi, and then sighed deeply.

He looked very exhausted.

"Is it because the previous treatment was not adequate and there are still any residual injuries?"

Ron thought to himself.

He activated the spiritual energy of life, and a gentle light emitted from his hands:

"If you feel uncomfortable, I can treat you again to ensure that your body recovers better."

It's not his style to do things halfway.

Since the previous treatment was not enough.

Then increase your efforts, invest more life energy, and spend some money to restore this chapter leader to a better state!

In the subsequent war with the Leviathan Hive Fleet, there were still many areas where the other party was needed.

Seeing that familiar light, Dante subconsciously took a step back.

He quickly raised his hand to refuse: "No need, my injury has been completely healed..."

If another treatment adds more lifespan, then the date will be when he can rest in peace.

It has to be postponed again!

"You have done enough for the Sons of Sanguinius, no more work should be done to you..."

Dante smiled gratefully.

These words were also very sincere, he was just complaining a little in his heart.


This savior gave himself and the Sons of Sanguinius salvation and was their eternal benefactor.

"All right……"

Ron glanced at the Chapter Leader doubtfully, then dispersed the life energy in his hands and stopped paying attention to this issue.

It's also good to save some life energy.

"Your Excellency Dante..."

He walked to the star map of the Hades galaxy, pointed at the symbol representing Leviathan, and got to the point: "You should be able to sense the strength gap between us and Leviathan, right?"

Dante looked at the star map and gave his opinion: "At present, it is difficult for us to resist the alien insect swarm. We may need to wait for more support..."

Ron shook his head:

"The Empire has no ability to send any more support. The army from the Savior Territory is the last support, and these are simply unable to resist Leviathan's main force of the Hive."

This is even if I intervene.

Without his support, the Hades galaxy and Baal behind it would face an even more tragic fate.

Countless lives were lost and the Blood Angels were severely damaged.

The group was almost wiped out.

Hear the words.

Dante fell into a deep state of worry.

He looked at the savior, expecting this being to give him a solution to the problem.

"The situation is certainly difficult, but we are not without hope of victory, we just need to pay some price..."

Ron continued.

Then he clicked on the star map and showed the chapter leader a huge mechanical platform - the Grand Prism - near the star space.

He told his plan.

After resisting this wave of offensive from the Vanguard Hive, all personnel were evacuated.

Will destroy outer planets.


Go find the Necron and activate the Grand Prism to attack the Leviathan Hive Fleet in space.

Ron's words.

Dante fell into a brief silence, knowing what it meant.

That represents the fate of the Hades galaxy's destruction.

But he made no objection.

Instead, it acquiesced.

After all, that's the only way now.

The war against aliens is so cruel, and a slight hesitation will lead to more and more terrible disasters.


The plan proposed by the savior is already particularly... kind.

At least.

He is willing to save as many people as possible.

Unlike some crazy high-ranking people...

Ron looked at Dante:

"If that's the case, then this matter is settled!"

The words between two people can decide whether a galaxy will be destroyed or not.

Although this is cruel, it is also a last resort.

Compassion does not command troops.

In this world, being soft-hearted is not a good thing, it will only kill more people.

Of course.

He thinks the same.

If you have enough ability, try to give people more mercy.

The Hades Galaxy is finished, but more imperial citizens here can survive and migrate to the Chaladon area.

After discussing with Dante, Ron officially confirmed the extermination order for the Hades Galaxy.

As the primarch savior, he can issue such an extermination order.

Not only him, Dante also has this qualification.

In an emergency.

Many high-level officials in the empire have the right to decide the fate of a galaxy and hundreds of billions of people.

Of course, they have to have a reasonable reason afterwards.

Be able to deal with the investigation of the Inquisition.

For most high-level officials in the empire, the Inquisition is a terrifying existence, and no one wants to provoke those guys.

They will not issue an extermination order unless they have to.

But this does not include Ron.

Perhaps he, as the governor of the planet before, would be afraid of the Inquisition and be terrified by it.

But now he is the Primarch Savior.

One day, Ron went to the headquarters of the Holy Terra Tribunal and said to the representative of the Supreme Tribunal:

"I am a heretic, please investigate me!"

The Tribunal did not dare to investigate.

If he was not crazy, who would dare to investigate a Primarch, the son of the Emperor? Is this a rebellion?

And after the investigation.

It is hard to say who will become a heretic.

What's more terrifying is.

What if this is true, what if the Savior Primarch is really a heretic?

How to deal with this?

With Ron's military force, army and influence in various forces in the Empire.

He can completely support a new empire, and the original Ers will become the new Holy Terra, winning over many forces.

The State Religion and the Mechanicus are likely to stand on his side.

At that time, who will be the orthodox of the Empire.

It's hard to say.

As long as Ron doesn't bombard Holy Terra, what he does outside.

The Tribunal dare not say a word.

Even if some judges with a sense of justice spoke up, they would be dragged out for trial as heretics.

So as not to affect the harmony and friendship between the Empire and the Primarch Savior.


Ron issued the extermination order for the Hades Galaxy without any burden.


In order not to affect the evacuation of personnel from the Hades Galaxy by the Savior's territory.

He still issued the extermination order in the name of the Empire.

Let the Empire take the blame.

Taking the blame can save more people, and the Empire can be regarded as a great merit.

In fact.

Before the extermination order for the Hades Galaxy was issued, the transport fleet of the Savior's territory evacuated personnel from the planet behind on the grounds of the extermination order.

After Dante left.

Ron sat down again to continue handling affairs.

As soon as he sat down, he received the evacuation work report from the planet behind.

According to the report.

The evacuation work was not very smooth at the beginning.

Many people did not believe it, and the resistance was quite serious.

But after the transport fleet broadcast the living conditions of the citizens of the Savior Territory and the related recruitment promises to the relevant planets in the name of the Primarch Savior.

Those people couldn't wait to get on board.

They couldn't be stopped!

They were afraid that they would miss such a good opportunity.

After all, they were given local household registration in the Savior Territory and jobs with food and accommodation.

Not only that, but there were also rewards and holidays.

The food was terrible.

In fact.

This was just the most common recruitment standard in the Savior Territory. Any lower would violate the law of the Holy Book of Redemption.


Most of the lower-class citizens of the empire were extremely tired.

The rewards they received were just some corpse starch and local currency with purchasing power equal to nothing.

They would never taste real food products in their eight lifetimes.

The opportunities provided by the Savior Territory were enough to drive them crazy!

In this way.

The evacuation of personnel from the rear planets was very smooth, and several batches had been transported away one after another.

As for those nobles.

They had received the news of the attack of the Tyranids long ago, and were more anxious to board the ship than ordinary people.

They wanted to take refuge in the territory of the Primarch Savior.

After all, the shadow of Tyranids has now covered the galaxy, and ordinary ships can hardly sail through the subspace, and they can't even run away.

For these high-level nobles.

The Savior's territory has another set of standards, and it charges them a very high boarding fee.

Even so.

Those nobles still cried and paid the boarding fee, and they were worried that the Savior's staff would not accept it.

They were afraid that they would walk slowly and be swallowed by the Tyranids.

After reading the report on the evacuation work, Ron was very satisfied with the progress, which was a little ahead of the estimated time.

In this way.

The pressure on the front-line planetary war zones such as the Red Spider Star will be much less.

According to the current situation.

The front-line planetary war zones can retreat after another half a month.

After that.

Ron flipped through another document.

That was the document form of the Savior's territory's support materials, vehicles, and the status of each unit on the Bianhua Star.

This was the focus of the work.

In order to deal with the insect tide.

He temporarily incorporated all the imperial units on the Bianhua Star.

He wanted to take some of the units away.

For example, those Ogryns...

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