Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 333: The Vanguard Hive is getting anxious, and the green-skinned engineering team has arrive

Outer defense line.

The ground covered with spores was full of Tyranid corpses.

The guards of the Zerg Tyrant were dying one after another, but the reinforcements of the Tyranid Zerg were still not arriving.

The defense zones that cut the battlefield blocked the Zerg's reinforcements.

Even if some Zerg rushed out of the defense zone, they would still be surrounded by the Redemption Titans, Imperial Knights, and super-heavy poison blade tanks.

Boom, boom, boom——

Three Redemption Titans led many Imperial Knights and poison blade tanks to this side.

The Zerg Tyrant was extremely panicked and tried to break through in several directions, but found that there were extremely powerful human warriors in each direction.

The synaptic creature commander desperately sent out a rescue signal and rushed around in a hurry.

Trying to find a trace of life.

In the air.

The hot air was steaming, and the steel wings of the red flames flapped gently, chasing the traces of the Zerg Tyrant on the ground.

Let it always expose its attack range.

Two powerful warriors stood on the back of this molten iron beast, and their sights were locked on the huge alien on the ground.

"Do you feel a little hot?"

Ron suddenly asked.

He gently wiped the barely detectable sweat on his forehead, and found that the temperature control system inside the armor had been damaged in the battle not long ago.

I was careless.

But the problem is that the facilities on the Red Flame are not perfect enough, and the high temperature it emits affects the driving experience too much.

I have to upgrade it well later.

Let the technical priests put the entire temperature control system and dragon saddle on the back of this guy, or just make a cockpit?

Dante shook his head slightly.

Even without the armor's adjustment system, he can withstand such heat.

He stared at the Tyranid alien leader on the ground, and sighed:

"I didn't expect that after just a few days, the alien bugs fell into a state of defeat..."

Before the arrival of the Savior, the war band leader deeply realized the power and terror of the Zerg, causing heavy losses to the Sons of Sanguinius.

He couldn't imagine it.

If the savior had not come, what a tragic fate would the sons of Sanguinius have faced.

However, now.

The arrogant alien leader who brought disaster to the star of Higanbana is trembling!

"Savior, please let me personally end the life of this alien and avenge the fallen warriors!"

Dante picked up the Axe of Immortality, and his fighting spirit surged.

"Don't worry, we have to obey the command of the command center..."

Ron quickly grabbed this guy, lest he jump down and fight the Zerg Tyrant in excitement.

The alien insect is likely to hide deadly means.

If this old warband leader is beaten again, who knows if he can be rescued, what if Sanguinius really wants him to retire?

That won't do.

What's more.

Why fight alone when you can surround the enemy with the army and beat him up?

Now the army has formed a siege on the Zerg Tyrant, and more heavy vehicle troops are coming.

A larger encirclement was formed.

This would not only stop and kill more Zergs coming back for support, but also consume the strength of the Zerg Tyrant.

Make it exhausted.

Ron looked at the encirclement on the ground:

In the air, there were Red Flame, Dante and himself, as well as dozens of Thunderhawk gunboats,

Three Titans, dozens of Imperial Knights, an array of super-heavy poison blade tanks, three hundred Destroyer Centurion armors, eight hundred Blood Angels, and Sons of Man warriors.

And long-range artillery support.

If nothing unexpected happened, the Tyranid synaptic creature commander would not be able to escape.

Such a heavy encirclement and formation.

Even if the top Chaos Warriors, Great Demons or other alien races in the galaxy went in, they would have a tingling scalp.

Then kneel down and beg for mercy, and ask if they can reconcile?

But now in the encirclement is the Tyranid alien leader, who obviously doesn't know how to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Just relying on the instinct of the creature, he is seeking a chance to escape.


The Zerg Tyrant looked at the human army in front of him and couldn't help but retreat.

The synaptic commander creature immediately avoided the dark green bloated armored warrior's position and broke through to other places.

Because when facing that person, it felt like facing a natural enemy.


Before it ran a few steps, several super heavy tanks hit it back.

After that.

The Zerg Tyrant changed direction, but was bombarded by the Titan again.

Fleeing in a hurry.

After a few rounds, it found that there were only a few guard swarms around it.

Without the guard swarm to stop the bullets and artillery fire of humans, it would be in a more dangerous situation.

Even if the Zerg Tyrant has a powerful psychic shield and deadly claws, it can't resist the impact of heavy troops alone!

After several rounds of consumption.

The Zerg Tyrant seized the opportunity again and drilled into the ground to try to escape, but as soon as it drilled in, another ground-shaking missile attacked.

It didn't run far before it was shaken out along with the soil and rocks by the shock wave.

Before it could recover from the dizziness, it felt a sharp pain, as if something was cut off?

The Zerg Tyrant looked up and saw the dark green bloated warrior leading several armored warriors standing in front of him.

The look he gave him was like the look the Zerg gave him as biomass!

When did the Zerg under the Great Devourer become food? !

This made the synaptic creature commander more frustrated and fearful: "The executor of the hive will must not be humiliated to become the food of primitive apes!!"

At this moment.

Da Tong was excitedly grabbing a large pincer: "Good stuff, everyone, hold it down for me!"

But the next second.

The swarm tyrant resisted violently, knocked him out, and then turned and fled!

It would rather face those terrible human machines!

Da Tong fell to the ground and spit out a small mouthful of blood, then suddenly climbed up and chased after the delicious food: "Savior, what are you doing, go and chase it!"

That guy was the most delicious insect he had ever seen.

What a waste if it was destroyed by artillery fire!


Under the eyes of the crowd, Da Tong led hundreds of veterans of the Son of Man, chasing the swarm tyrant everywhere.

Carry out rescue meat cutting.

These guys would even risk getting injured just to cut a little meat from the swarm tyrant.

The barrel even took out a fleshy round egg from the cavity of the Zerg Tyrant.

Although these attacks were not enough to cause much damage to the Zerg Tyrant.

But they were extremely insulting.

It completely broke through the defense and lost its will to fight, fearing that these guys would surround itself like the Zerg.

Then, it would completely devour itself!


Ron looked at this scene and could not help but mourn for the Zerg Tyrant.

It is true that one thing can defeat another.

These veterans who have fought against the Tyranid Zerg for a thousand years are considered the most elite among the Space Marines.

Even in the major war groups, there are rarely such a large number of veterans who have fought for a thousand years and are still intact.

Most of them have gone to the Dreadnoughts.

What's more.

They also have rich experience in dealing with Zerg.

Seeing that the time is ripe.

The command center quickly issued an order for rapid annihilation to prevent the Zerg Tyrant from making a more violent counterattack in desperation.


The Zerg Tyrant was brutally beaten for more than ten minutes.

The attackers included a Primarch, two Chapter Masters, many Space Marine veterans, and an Emperor-class Redemption Titan.


With a shrill scream, the Zerg Tyrant died with fear and grief.

With the death of the synaptic creature commander, a psychic scream spread throughout the battlefield, causing the Zerg to fall into complete panic and disorder.

A large number of Zerg lost their command and fled everywhere in accordance with their biological instincts.

This also created more attack opportunities for the war zone, annihilating most of the Tyranid swarms in one fell swoop.


The Redemption Titan pierced the huge Zerg Tyrant and inserted it onto the defensive wall as a trophy of this war.


The cheers of victory boiled on the battlefield.

The Savior Armed Forces and the Imperial reinforcements defeated the Tyranid Zerg tide with an unstoppable and powerful offensive!

Dante smiled as he looked at the Tyranid corpse hanging in the air.

This victory at least proves that the Tyranids are not invincible, and humans have the possibility of defeating them head-on.

More importantly.

Barr has more hope of resisting the Leviathan Hive Fleet.

"Savior, is there something wrong?"

Dante turned his head and saw the gloomy face of the Savior, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"I just received the news..."

Ron sighed and said, "The Leviathan Hive Fleet has increased its speed and will probably arrive in the airspace near the Bianhua Star in ten days, which means we have to speed up the plan!"

He sent an order to the command center: "The plan has changed, start the blast now, by the way, the victory celebration of this battle will be postponed, and evacuate immediately, as quickly as possible!"


The remaining people on the Bianhua Star have all been settled in the transport fleet.

According to the original plan.

The command center intends to let the soldiers rest for an hour and prepare some good things to celebrate.

Then gradually recover the important equipment and evacuate the Bianhua Star.


Except for the core equipment, there was no time to recycle the rest.

In fact, at the beginning of the operation, the Military Affairs Department had made relevant plans, so it was not so distressing.

Just take this opportunity to replace new equipment.


With the order from the command center, the entire Heros Star Port quickly took action.

All personnel began to evacuate one after another.

On the watchtower.

Ron looked at the huge capillary spire that stretched into the clouds in the distance and kept wriggling.

That was the pipeline that provided biomass for the pioneer hive.

After defeating the synaptic biological command, the swarms in those places also lost their constraints and were easier to attack.

If I guessed correctly.

The pioneer hive is rushing to breed new synaptic biological commands and swarms, preparing for a new round of attacks.

Then continue to feast on the other shore flower star.

What a pity.

His evacuation plan was completed, and he was already planning to overturn the table and smash the pot, and not continue to entangle with it.

But before that, he had to give the other party a big gift.

Boom boom --

The sound of explosions came from afar. Under the bombardment of a large number of hot melt bombs, the huge capillary spire was melted and fell heavily on the ground.

It was not just this capillary spire.

At the same time.

Explosions were heard in other areas of the planet's surface, and a large number of capillary spire were destroyed.

The Pioneer Hive can no longer grab the biomass of the Bianhua Star.

Ron used a telescope to look at the area in space.

In the field of vision.

As the capillary spires were destroyed, the ugly tentacles of the Pioneer Hive danced wildly, as if shrieking.

It was angry.


The Pioneer Hive took new actions. Its thick tentacles entangled the biological warships next to it, pulled it over and swallowed it.

"It seems that the Pioneer Hive... is anxious!"

Ron sneered.


After losing the biomass transportation pipeline, the Pioneer Hive chose a faster but costly way to replenish biomass.

To quickly breed new swarms to retaliate against the defenders on this planet.

But this is exactly what he wants to see.

The more swarms and resources the Pioneer Hive invests in the Bianhua Star, the happier he will be.


The Pioneer Hive devoured dozens or hundreds of biological warships, and then dropped more Tyrannospore sacs on the Bianhua Star.

Those dense spore sacs almost covered the sky.

Ron looked at the terrible scene in the atmosphere, but he didn't worry at all.

Because he was about to run away from here.

He turned around and patted Dante's shoulder, and walked back: "Let's go, we should find those metal bones!"

From now on.

The transport fleet will be fully loaded with all personnel and evacuate the Bianhua Star!

In space.

Voladi's Savior Third Fleet launched another attack on the Vanguard Hive to attract its attention.

To cover the evacuation of the transport fleet.

Compared with the last time.

The Savior Third Fleet seemed more at ease when dealing with the Hive Fleet.

On the ground.

Boom boom boom——

The huge Tyranid synaptic creature commander stepped out of the spore sac, and its size and momentum were even more amazing.

It is more powerful than the Zerg Tyrant!

The synaptic creature commander stared coldly at the human machine in the distance, screaming to gather the Zerg on this planet.

This time.

The Tyranids had more large siege units and changed their offensive strategy. They did not disperse at all, but formed four main forces.

At the same time, they launched an attack on the Heros Starport.

Several Redemption Titans blocked the first Tyranids to arrive, buying the last time for retreat.

After several rounds of attacks.

The pilots in the cockpit collectively entered the teleportation room.

Leaving through teleportation.

For the Savior Territory, excellent pilots are more precious than Redemption Titans.

When the surging swarms pounced on the unmanned Redemption Titan, its ammunition depot exploded, causing a violent explosion.

Killing a large number of swarms.


Accompanied by a strong smoke storm.

One after another, transport ships rose and left from the back of the planet.


The huge synaptic biological commander looked at the transport ships that were leaving and roared even more angrily towards the sky!

The Vanguard Hive in space received information from the surface and learned of the departure of the transport fleet.

Attempted to pursue.


Its biological warships were temporarily unable to break through the defense array built by the human fleet.

They could only watch the transport fleet go away.

After the cover mission was over.

The Voladi Savior Third Fleet withdrew from the battlefield at the cost of several large warships.

The Vanguard Hive originally planned to pursue.

But soon it seemed to have sensed something and ordered several biological warships to approach the planet and cast many tentacles on the surface.

And he led more biological warships away from the Bianhua Star.

The surface of the planet.

Everything was silent, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing.

It was like the end of the world.

The Tyranid swarm seemed to have sensed the danger and desperately drilled into those thick hollow tentacles.

They wanted to escape from the planet and return to the biological warships.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Several cyclone torpedoes and super-heavy earth-shaking bombs placed in the Heros Star Port had been thrown into the center of the earth.

A slight muffled sound was heard.


With the Heros Star Port as the center, the entire planet began to shake violently.

The earth cracked open with huge scars, volcanoes erupted in large areas, magma gushed out of the ground, and the magma and volcanic ash turned the entire planet black and brown.

More potential energy gathered.


The Higanbana Star completely collapsed.

The unimaginable shock wave and flames engulfed all the Tyranid swarms on the surface, and even the biological warships responsible for evacuating the swarms were engulfed.


The spreading shock wave pushed the escaping Vanguard Hive Fleet further away.


Such a heavy blow caused the Vanguard Hive to let out a silent wail...


The distant airspace.

The bridge of the Dream.

Ron stood in front of the observation dome, watching the Higanbana Star turn into a fireball:

"Although I was mentally prepared, it was still so unpleasant to watch a planet fall..."

Dante thought about it and comforted the savior, considering that the savior had just returned to the empire, "Savior, based on my meager experience of a thousand years, you will get used to it."

He added:

"What's more, you will have to destroy the entire Hades Galaxy soon."

Such comfort made Ron even more unhappy:

"I will adapt. If possible, try to prevent all this damn thing from happening..."

"Excuse me, if the Empire's army was like yours, this might not have happened."

Dante sighed.

Hearing this.

Ron curled his lips: "This is even harder than getting the Emperor to stand up from that damn seat and dance."

The Savior's armed forces are supported by more than three prosperous star regions, which is almost an investment of unlimited resources.

It also has the Little Sun, the Webway, and the technology of the Golden Age of Humanity, the Eldar, and the Orcs.

The Empire has countless armies.

If those armies can be based on this standard, how rich and prosperous would the Empire be?

That would be the real steel frenzy.

If that were the case, the Galaxy would have belonged to the Empire long ago, and the Hive Mind would have been scared back to its nest.

Then pray that the Empire would not come to find him.

Dante didn't dare to say anything after hearing the Savior's words.

There are some things that the Primarch can say, but if he dares to say something, it would be naked blasphemy.

When the atmosphere is awkward.

Ron received new intelligence in his communication. The Vanguard Hive seemed unwilling to give up and chased after the Dream.

This was exactly what he wanted.

Now the Dream was heading to Perdita.

It was a barren planet with a severe cold climate.

More importantly, it was the location of the tomb of the Mevret Necrons Dynasty.

It was just right to lead the Vanguard Hive there, forcing the Necrons to cooperate with humans to fight against the Leviathan Hive Fleet.

The Necrons were once the race that ruled the galaxy.

At their most prosperous time, they even dared to go to war with the Ancient Saints.

Although they were once pressed to the ground by the Ancient Saints, they still defeated the Ancient Saints with the help of the power of the Star God.


The Necrons used unimaginable powerful weapons to backstab the Star God and blasted it into pieces.

This war, called the "War in Heaven", started by the Necrons.

It left the galaxy riddled with holes, and they themselves fell into decline.

What's more troublesome is.

The Eldar took this opportunity to get rid of the Ancient Saints and rise.

In order to avoid the rising Eldar Empire, the Necrons built a tomb world and fell into a deep sleep.

Prepare to wake up after tens of millions of years and rise from the coffin.

Let time defeat the opponent.

The Necrons were obviously successful, and the Eldar Empire fell into decline for a long time.

But during this period, more races rose.

The galaxy also became more chaotic and became a mess.

Now, the Necrons who have woken up one after another are facing such a fucked-up galaxy.

Their desire to regain control of the galaxy may become a distant prospect.

But Ron is not concerned about this.

He doesn't care whether the Necrons want to regain control of the galaxy, but pays more attention to the technology in the tomb world.

The Necrons are a civilization of collective mechanical ascension, and their technology is extremely powerful.

Especially in the use of Black Stone technology, it can be said that it is second only to the Ancient Saints.

Such good technology is left in the hands of the Necrons.

What a pity.

There is a tomb world on the current Perdita star that retains a large amount of Necron technology, and the owner of the tomb is still sleeping.

If he didn't go and grab some, he would be guilty of his own crime.

Of course.

Ron still had to cooperate with the Necrons there, and couldn't do it openly.

He had to do it secretly and keep out of the way.


He arranged a special engineering team to go to Perdita to dig graves...




Space fluctuations.


A red, tattered ship stumbled out...

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