Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 344: Man-eating Shark: This life is unbearable!

After Ron issued the order to add more supplies, he continued to listen to Taco's report.

At present.

The Redemption Fleet has collectively headed to Baal, with about a thousand large warships and more affiliated battle groups;

Nearly 60,000 Space Marines from Thunder Guards, War Angels, Void Angels, Children of Man, and Alien Hunters have also arrived.

The Storm Group Army has dispatched a large number of armored forces, including 300 Redemption Titans, more than 2,000 Imperial Knights, and a large number of heavy vehicles and artillery.

Not only that.

The Tau Empire will also send more than 100 large warships and many combat uniform teams, while the Greenskin Steelfang Tribe will drive combat satellites and multiple warships to the expedition, basically all of them are dispatched.


The Savior Territory has sent not only the army, but also more transport fleets and engineering teams to cooperate in evacuating the population and building fortifications.

There is no way.

If ordinary people are not evacuated, once the war starts, they are very likely to become Tyranid's biomass supply.

All the population must be evacuated.

Fortunately, there are not many planets involved this time, only three planets in the Bal galaxy and six or seven small colony planets in the surrounding galaxies.

The transport fleet and engineering forces are estimated to be able to move these places almost completely.


Taco said confidently: "The evacuation and transportation project has been going on for a while, and it is guaranteed that all the work can be completed before Tyran arrives!"


The porthole armor on the left slowly rose, and the warm light of the star poured into the cabin.

Ron got up and walked to the porthole, looking out through the reinforced glass. Not far away was a planet with light yellow and slightly green interweaving.

This is the closest colony planet to Bal, with forests and rivers on the surface, rich in biomass.

It is very likely to become a must-pass place for the Tyranid hive, and it is also an important area for evacuation work.

At this moment.

He can see the dense black spots on the planet's orbit, almost covering the entire planet's airspace, surrounding it tightly.

Those are huge transport ships one after another.

The yellowish smoke is the dust caused by the construction. There are at least dozens of engineering Titans and countless large engineering equipment working.

There are tens of millions of engineers operating the machines alone!

Ron nodded and praised the evacuation work of the Taco Organization: "Good, remember to move it cleanly and leave nothing for the bugs!"

Because there is plenty of time.

This evacuation work is not only to transport the population, but also to transport the plants, animals and rivers on the surface that contain a lot of biomass. Even the river water and land are pumped out and moved away.

Let the Tyranids lose any supplies!

That is to say, the savior's territory is still relatively small and cannot develop a larger-scale transport fleet. Otherwise, these mechanized transport engineering teams are much more efficient than the Tyranids.

In extreme cases.

Send people to keep an eye on the Tyranids nest. If they lock on to a target, the engineering team will use the webway to transport all the valuables in advance.

Then leave a bare earth ball equipped with cyclone torpedoes.

It won't starve to death!

Of course.

If the Savior's armed forces could defeat the bugs, there would be no need to go to such extremes.

This transportation work was indeed a helpless move.

If the Savior's territory did not interfere and carried out the evacuation work, the Blood Angels would not be able to evacuate the population of these planets.

According to the original situation.

In order to deal with the terrifying Tyranid hive, Dante followed the example of a radical inquisitor and issued an extermination order for the star systems along the way.

Create an isolation zone in the universe to weaken and isolate the Tyranids.

When the people of the colonies looked at the angel fleet arriving above the planet with hope, expecting to be rescued.

What fell from their heads was an extermination order without any explanation, and they died in the hands of the angels who protected them.

There was nothing they could do about it.

The Tyranids were coming.

The fate of the destruction of these colonies was already doomed. Even if there was no extermination order, they would die at the mouth of the bugs and become the nutrients for the Tyranids to replenish their troops.

Not just the people of those colonies.

The fate of the descendants of Sanguinius was equally tragic. Many of their warriors voluntarily accepted death missions with no chance of survival.

In order to slow down the pace of Tyranids.

This is the cruel galaxy that humans have to face. Whether it is Chaos heresy or aliens, it can bring a lot of despair and painful sacrifices to people.

For all this.

The soldiers of the Empire have become accustomed to it.

But the arrival of the Savior has slightly changed all this, making the war less cruel.

Humanity has more hope.

The Savior armed forces adhere to the sustainable development war concept of "the enemy is mine, armed encirclement and crushing".

Not only did they give the enemies of mankind a head-on blow, but they also became richer and richer.

For example, the battle of the Hades Galaxy.

Not only did they hit Tyranids hard and preserve the population, creatures, wealth and other living resources of the Hades Galaxy, but they also dug the tombs of the Necrons and obtained a lot of precious technology.

The technology of the Savior's territory has further developed.

Even for this battle of Baal, the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior have made detailed plans. The Savior Territory must not only assist Baal in repelling Tyranids, but also consider post-war recovery and reconstruction.

Let the Baal system prosper and develop as much as possible after the war, and greatly improve the living environment and standards of the people of Baal.

The work of transporting resources from these planets in front of us is not meaningless.

Those are all good things, relatively rare resources. In the future, these vegetation, organisms, clean water and fertile soil will be used for the reconstruction of Baal.

Baal may not be able to digest the evacuated population from these colonial planets.

That would only allow them to live a better life in the Savior's Territory, at least much better than they would in the colony.

After Ron looked at it for a while, he turned to look at Taco: "I won't look at the other evacuation work and go directly to Barr. That guy Dante must be waiting impatiently."

"Yes, Lord Savior."

Taco immediately sent an order to set sail to the captain, and then reported a new situation:

"The Space Marine-related equipment and vehicles in the Webway arsenal have been counted. There are approximately 20,000 sets of armor and supporting equipment, nearly 1,000 vehicles of various types, and the latest delivery of 2,500 sets of Centurion armor. .

These are already being loaded and are expected to arrive in Bar sooner than we will. "

In order to allow the Space Marines to quickly replenish their equipment, the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Logistics jointly built an weapons warehouse in the webway.

The rapid delivery of relevant equipment and resources through network logistics allows space warriors to fight without worries and complete their missions.

In addition to the arsenal of the Space Marines, the arsenal of the Storm Army is also under construction, but due to the large area, it may take another year to a year and a half to complete.

After all, there are too many things to consider when building a warehouse on the Internet.

Many factors will affect the storage status of equipment, vehicles, and ammunition.

Good thing.

These problems will be perfectly solved after the sacred tower is established.

What is being built now are all the latest models of sacred towers, high energy consumption types, only one of them is large and arrogant.

Ron believed that the God Emperor would be very happy and love these creations to death.

Those sacred towers will frantically extract the energy of the golden sun and create more sacred light to bless the relevant areas.

Under the illumination of the sacred light, the equipment in the arsenal will not only not be corroded, but will also be protected, making it even more powerful!


After the equipment and vehicles produced in the forging world of the Savior's Territory come off the psionic automated production line, not only the machine soul has to be trained by the Mechanical Goddess program.

They will also be sent to a special venue to be bathed in divine light under the golden sun and the savior’s hymns.

Only after the equipment and vehicles have been exposed to the sun for 13 days can they be anointed with holy oil and be officially packaged and shipped out of the factory to various institutions.

It can be said.

The equipment and vehicles in the Savior’s Territory have the potential to become holy relics, which is a guarantee of quality in the galaxy!

"The logistics department is very fast..."

Ron nodded, very satisfied with the logistics speed of the logistics department.

This way.

After he arrives in Baal, he will be able to distribute equipment more quickly to the Blood Angels and the war groups who come to help.

Give them more time to adjust to their new equipment.

While talking.

The armor on the porthole slowly fell down, sealing the cabin, which meant that the Dream was about to enter subspace.

See this.

After finishing the report, Taco bowed and silently retreated. He knew that the savior was ready to rest.

Ron stretched and followed the back passage into the miniature garden.

There is an environment that is no less than that of a garden planet and lighting that is no different from the real sun.

He didn't like the feeling of traveling in subspace, so he took this time to have a good sleep under the shade of a tree.

in the airspace.

A rotating subspace channel filled with dark purple arcs appeared.

The Dream sailed towards the passage at a low speed and disappeared in this airspace in an instant...


nearby airspace.

The old cruiser leapt out of the warp with a creaking sound.

This is a Tyrant-class cruiser produced during the exile period. It is about three kilometers long and has a white ferocious shark mark on the hull.

That represents the name of the ship, the White Hulk, which is one of the Shark Space Marine Chapter's most prized possessions.

The Sharks are a nomadic, ship-based Space Marine Chapter loyal to the Imperium.

Known for being brutal and ferocious.

But more famous was their poverty.

The Sharks were not loyal to any one Primarch, nor did they accept the command of the Holy High Lord of Terra, but were loyal only to the Emperor himself.

This also makes it difficult for the Chapter to receive any resource subsidies from the empire, which is even worse than the Son of Man Chapter.

When these two suffering brothers meet, they may hold each other's hands and cry.

Due to various reasons, the man-eating shark has been in a state of exile for thousands of years, often operating in foreign lands, that is, areas outside the empire's territory, to eliminate any enemies of the empire it encounters.

In addition to destroying enemies.

Their more important purpose is to find resources to "subsidize their families."

For example, through the "grey tax", that is, by searching for technological relics in the outer areas and exchanging the equipment and ammunition needed by the Mechanicum for the war group.

However, they are often subject to price reductions from gold engine oil guys, but there is nothing they can do about it.

After all, that is the most important source of equipment, and only oil guys will collect those messy things.

Of course, enemies are also one of the resources.

After killing the enemy, you can take off the equipment.

The new blood and the servants of the Sharknado are supplemented by "red tax", that is, picking a planet to capture the men, to supplement the relevant population resources.

However, due to the high intensity of combat and the scarce and unstable source of resources, they often fall into the situation of resource shortage.

They have truly achieved a bolter passed down from generation to generation, and each one is a pure "holy relic".

After centuries of maintenance, some bolters can even replace all parts. As for whether the bolter with all parts replaced is still the original bolter.

It is a philosophical question.

Anyway, the warriors of the Sharknado will swear that it is, it is definitely the original holy relic!

It is enough to make people cry that a Space Marine Chapter and the Emperor's Angel can get to this point.

In the cabin of the battle barge.

The warriors of the Sharknado come and go.

When they pass through the passage, they are extremely careful to avoid collisions, so as not to scratch and damage the armor that is pieced together and painted with gray paint to pretend to be a complete set.

Although these warriors are extremely brave when fighting the enemy, they will try their best to maintain their precious equipment outside of fighting.

The commander of the regiment, Tiberus, is wearing ancient Terminator armor, with pale skin and black eyes looking at the holy relics on the table with great concentration.

Those are the ancient relic gloves named "Hunger" and "Thirst Quenching". The power blade with barbs on the gloves is combined with the inside of the vicious serrated knife to form a very deadly destructive structure.

Its style and manufacturing method are quite rare, even the Mechanicus is amazed.

This is also his most important weapon, almost impossible to copy, and he regards it as his life.

Tiberus carefully used oilcloth to stick a little holy oil, and then carefully wiped the power blade of the gloves and any area to fully maintain it.

Taking good care of your own equipment is a compulsory course for all the warriors of the Man-eating Shark, and it is also one of the greatest pleasures in their daily life.

His movements are extremely gentle.

No one can imagine that this is a notorious existence.

Tiberus once single-handedly attacked the Tyranid warship and dismembered all the bugs inside.

It is said that his eyes have no soul, only deep black.

Some people say that he is a bloody killing machine, so fast that it is hard to see with the naked eye. Wherever he passes, only torn corpses will be left.

What is more terrifying is.

In the brutal battle, he showed extremely precise and deadly intentions, as if every slaughter had been calculated in advance, rather than the product of anger.

In fact.

Tiberus's fighting style is mainly worried about the damage to his precious equipment.

As long as he is fast enough and accurate enough to kill the enemy as quickly as possible, the loss of equipment can be minimized.

When Tiberus completed the maintenance procedure and carefully covered the holy relic with oilcloth.

The think tank director Ti Kahulanji came in at the right time.

He actually waited for a while.

But it was impolite to disturb a man-eating shark who was maintaining equipment, so he did not come in.

The think tank director came here this time to report on the financial situation and gains of the war group.

The loss of the warband during this period was huge. The battles in the Outer Domain had seriously consumed their equipment. If this continued, the warband would have to fight bare-chested.

Of course.

The Shark also wrote to the Empire many times to request resources.

But usually, the correspondence between the Shark and the Empire was as follows:

Shark: Request Holy Terra to provide material and manpower support!

The Empire: Financial constraints prevent us from providing support. Please tighten your belt.

Shark: Please give me your belt...

The Empire: I suggest you rob it yourself, thank you!

There is no other way. The equipment of the Space Marines is too expensive. The Ministry of the Interior of Holy Terra and the High Lords are unwilling to pay for such a warband.

In order to solve the financial problems of the warband.

Tiberus even sent the captain of the third company and the director of the think tank to contact the rebellious Space Marine pirate warband, the Ash Claw, to make some gray small deals.

"My lord, the harvest from the last Outer Domain exploration was very rich..."

The director of the think tank began his financial report as usual.

Hearing this,

Tiberus's legendary soulless black eyes lit up.

According to the report.

The items obtained from this Outland exploration are:

A void computing cable, 70% usable; a precious ship fragment from the Third Dawn Exploration Expedition, and the more valuable Red Amulet.

Through these.

The items they obtained include:

A company's number of bolters, a lot of ammunition, and two Land Raiders, their shells shining with silver.

More importantly, they got 6 Terminator armors!

Although the original number was 12, this result was satisfactory enough, and those oil guys did not lower the price even more.

The think tank director spent almost a whole day to complete the transfer of equipment, carefully checking each piece of equipment, especially the six Terminator armors, to ensure that they were intact.

Tiberus listened with a smile on his face.

Soon, he heard better news. The captain of the third company accepted the challenge of the Ash Claw when he went to trade with the Ash Claw.

The captain won three consecutive victories in the duel and won back a group of children!

This is great news.


The think tank director talked about the mission to support Baal again. Those bugs are not easy to deal with.

Tiberus gritted his teeth and said:

"Dante must give me some supplies. In addition to the regular equipment, at least 12... no 24 pieces of Terminator armor, the brand new ones!"

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