Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 346 The miserable weeping man and the righteous savior!

"Sorry, please wait a moment..."

Fulli was afraid of making mistakes, so she quickly looked down at the cargo data on the data board.

If some equipment was missing, it would be a big trouble.

She was calculating something in a low voice:

"The equipment for a single Space Marine includes two sets of conventional power armor, one set of special environment combat armor, one set of Terminator armor...

Power weapon set, bolter set..."

Very quickly.

Fulli breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and smiled: "It's 20,000 sets, please sign for it!"

Ah? ? ?

Karaen was numb and smiled stiffly: "Is this how one set of equipment for our Savior is calculated?"

Fulli felt strange:

"Yes, isn't this the standard rule for Space Marines?"

The Space Marines in the Savior's territory all have two sets of conventional power armor that they wear in rotation, one set of special combat armor that can be adjusted to add accessories and adapt to high-pressure environments, and one set of Terminator armor.

That is, four sets of standard power armor.

It is said that the new type of special armor is still under development and will be equipped in due time.

At the same time, it is equipped with customized, different types of power weapon sets, bolt weapon sets and several heavy weapons.

These are regularly repaired and replaced, the machine soul is tuned, and bathed in the holy light.

Keep the equipment in perfect condition.

Unlike some old equipment, the machine soul is too irritable and easy to get out of control. During the battle, you have to distract yourself to maintain it to avoid problems such as jamming, misalignment and even freezing.

This is also the reason why the Blood Angels think that the weapons given by the Savior feel super good.

It is equivalent to that they have been driving old cars that may explode and fall apart at any time for a long time, and suddenly they drive a brand new supercar. Wouldn’t it feel like taking off?

Hearing Fuli’s question, Karaen almost vomited blood.

He looked at the armor that he had worn for nearly a hundred years and had been repaired countless times, and he roared in his heart:

"Emperor, what kind of luxury standard is that?

The standard is that I haven't changed this set of armor for a hundred years, and that set of Terminator armor is more than three hundred years old, and it's just an ordinary model, not a high-end product made by a casting master at all!"

Unless it is a legendary equipment made by a casting master, using special materials or endowed with some kind of energy, it can withstand the test of time.

Even the performance will be further enhanced.

The performance of other equipment will age and deteriorate with the passage of time.

What's more.

Those equipment are not like the equipment produced by the Savior, which can be bathed in the holy light and improve the ability to withstand corrosion.

"Sir Karaen?"

Fulli reminded politely, pushed the data board forward, and motioned the other party to sign.

Karaen came back to his senses awkwardly.

He took the data board and signed his name, then swallowed a mouthful of blood and forced a more reluctant smile: "You are right, this is the standard for Space Marines."

It must be this standard.

You can't say that you are a poor guy in front of the logistics staff, right?

Karaen suddenly thought of the possibility that he had imagined before and now seemed to be realized.

His voice trembled slightly, hoping to get an accurate answer: "Ms. Fuli, are these equipment and supplies for our Blood Angels?"

These equipment and supplies are enough to make the entire Blood Angels rich and save hundreds of years of struggle.

Karaen looked at Fuli with expectation, but saw that she shook her head, which made his eyes dark.

The dream was shattered in an instant, and his heart... died!


The other party's next words made his heart rise from the abyss to heaven again.

"I was just about to tell you that about one-third of these equipment was given to the Blood Angels by the Savior, as well as three hundred Centurion Armor."

Fulli flipped through the data on the data board and looked up and said, "I have sent you the specific list. The remaining equipment should be distributed by a special person in charge."

"Praise the Savior. I didn't expect the Savior to favor us so much!"

Karan was deeply moved.

After all, with these equipment and supplies, the Blood Angels can reduce a lot of casualties in the next battle.

Fulli put away the data board and ended the communication with a smile: "Sir Karaen, the handover mission is completed. I wish you a happy life!"

Karan looked at Fuli's back as she walked away, and sighed:

"The subordinates of the Savior give people a good feeling, much better than those officials of the Empire..."

He flipped through the list sent by Ms. Fuli and used the communication to tell Lord Dante this exciting good news.


Karaen turned around and scolded the Blood Angels who were looking at the equipment:

"What are you doing standing here like an idiot? Hurry up and move the equipment to the warehouse!"

It was too blasphemous to pile these sacred equipment on the ground, especially the Centurion Armor.

What if they were covered with too much dust and the Machine Soul was unhappy?

Looking at the equipment piled up in the square, the captain suddenly had a happy worry.

It seems that their warehouse can't hold so many equipment and supplies?

In fact.

The equipment and supplies of these Space Marines were only a small part of the supplies transported by the Savior Transport Fleet.

There was simply not enough space to load and unload more large equipment and vehicles.

The workers responsible for loading and unloading had to contact the engineering team to temporarily build a larger square in the desert.


The roaring footsteps attracted Karaen's attention. It was a huge sacred machine - the Redemption Engineering Titan.

No matter how many times.

These behemoths can give people a deep shock.

Karaen looked up and couldn't help but sigh:

"In the entire galaxy, I'm afraid only our savior can use these sacred machines like this?"

This captain of the first company has unknowingly called himself a subordinate of the savior.

In the desert construction area, the huge shovel of the Redemption Engineering Titan flattened the towering sand dunes, using high pressure and high temperature to shape the sand and turn it into a solid ground.

In this way, the engineering team built one large square after another.

In the distant area, more engineering Titans and machines are active.


The evacuation of mortals in the Baal Galaxy has been completed, and a large number of large engineering machinery have landed on various planets for construction.

Those engineering machinery will quickly transform this galaxy, build fortifications and arm it.

Turn the planets of the entire galaxy into an unbreakable fortress!


Karaen saw the familiar and gorgeous warship in the low-Earth orbit.

There is no doubt that she is the vehicle of the savior!

The captain of the first company was full of excitement and ran to the area of ​​the main fortress of the monastery. He was going to meet the savior...


The main strategic room of the Blood Angels is located on the top of the main fortress of the Sky Guard.

More than a dozen people present were shrouded in a tense silence. The think tanks and executive officers of the Blood Angels turned their eyes to Dante on the main seat.

Dante looked at the central holographic tactical instrument and remained silent.

In fact.

He was in a daze.

"My Lord, are you going to say a few words?" Mephiston asked.

The Leviathan Hive Fleet is approaching, and the war is imminent.

According to usual practice.

Dante, the commander of the chapter, should preside over the Red Blood Operation Meeting, formulate combat strategies and inspire the morale of the soldiers.


Dante came back to his senses and met everyone's gaze: "Didn't I just formulate a strategy? The descendants of Sanguinius will listen to the Lord Savior in everything.

Isn't this the best strategy?"

Everyone looked at each other, they couldn't refute it at all, it really seemed to be the best strategy.

Mephiston was silent for a long time, and finally said:

"The Lord is wise..."

Dante nodded and fell into a daze again.

Anyway, the Lord Savior will be here soon, so he can just be a mecha servant.

He is the sharp axe in the Lord Savior's hand, and he will chop wherever the Lord Savior tells him to chop.

The door of the main strategy room opened.

A tall figure wearing a dark gold robe and extraordinary demeanor walked in, followed by several commander-like figures.

Seeing this, everyone stood up from their seats and saluted solemnly:

"Lord Savior."

Ron nodded, raised his hand and pressed it gently: "Everyone, sit down."

Dante seemed to have seen a savior.

He breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward to welcome Ron to the main seat: "Savior, please take a seat!"

It is better to give the great Savior the important mission of commanding a large-scale battle.

After the Savior sat down, Dante sat in the lower position on the left, looking like he was concentrating on following orders.

"Let me say a few words..."

Ron gently raised his hand and projected the star map of the Baal Galaxy. The outer area of ​​the star map showed the abominable appearance of the Leviathan Hive Fleet.

It was terrifying.

"Everyone knows that the Tyranids are about to arrive.

According to the latest research of our biological sage, the hive mind is not just a simple beast. It can think, feel, hate and desire, and it has rich emotions.


The hive mind of Leviathan stared at Baal through its countless eyes.

It knows that our warriors have long resisted many Tyranid swarms, not only burning its feeding grounds, crushing its fleet, and hindering the expansion of the swarm in the galaxy.

So, Leviathan launched a revenge, from the Vitria galaxy, the Hades galaxy, and finally arrived at the Baal galaxy..."

He looked at the people in the main strategic room, his expression Solemn:

"This is a deliberate act, well thought out, and contains malicious intent.

That means we have no way to retreat. The Tyranid Hive will arrive at Baal in a month. We must completely defeat the Hive Will here, otherwise it will chase us to the end of the galaxy.


We are not without resistance. Many reinforcements and equipment have arrived at Baal.

In the name of the Savior and the Primarch of Hope, I assure you that under my leadership, Baal will not be destroyed, and the Leviathan Hive Will will end here!"

The Savior's promise dispelled people's fear and excited the think tanks and executives.

They all expressed their supreme respect for the Savior and vowed to obey his orders without reservation and sacrifice everything.

Ron calmed down the boiling atmosphere in the main strategy room, raised his hand and signaled Taco and two assistants from the military department to come forward:

"My deputy Taco and the military department will be the commander-in-chief of this battle, commanding the battle in the name of the savior. He will communicate with you about the following related matters..."

He will not stay in the command room. Commanding a large-scale battle is an extremely brain-intensive job. It is better to leave it to more professional people.

This way, he can live a few more years.

After all, a being as powerful as Guilliman would be exhausted from long-term command duties. Not only did his hairline move, but his face also had many wrinkles, and his body was gradually aging.

Ron thought.

It seems that Guilliman is still on his way to the subspace. I wonder if he can make it there?

If you can get there in time.

That would be an extremely powerful boost, making this battle easier.


Ron added a few more words.

He told the Blood Angels that he had also found xenos allies, including a certain greenskin tribe and the Tau Empire fleet.

They will participate in this battle together and resist Leviathan in the outer star field.

To this.

The Blood Angels didn't have any objections. It was nothing new for humans to ally with aliens to fight.

not to mention.

In the battle of the Hades Galaxy, it was the Savior who enlisted the cooperation of the Necrons to turn the tide of the war.


Some people are still surprised.

They could not imagine how the Savior could convince those chaotic, barbaric, and brainless greenskins.

Ultimately it can only be attributed to the power of the Primarch.

After Ron briefly told these things, he ended the mission.

The next work will be taken care of by commanders such as Taco.

They had to stay in the main strategy room to formulate a specific combat strategy and command framework, including the Savior Armed Forces, the Blood Angels and their sub-groups, and all supporting forces.

Coordinate and command operations.

Ron stood up and left the main strategy room.

He also had to go around and meet the Space Marines of various war groups to boost people's morale.

That is one of the main tasks of the Savior.

Dante followed the savior, looking like he was learning secretly. This is what a leader should do!

He thought about how diligently he had taken care of all his responsibilities.

I feel a little tearful when I have to formulate strategies and command, but also go to the front line to fight.

It’s so bitter.

He is still the savior, and he can achieve better results by doing so.

"Emperor, I must learn from the Savior!"

Dante sighed in his heart: "It would be great if the Blood Angels could have commanders who could take over the overall situation on their behalf..."

He thought of the Zhongsi Academy established by the Savior, where most of the outstanding commanders graduated.

The chapter leader secretly made a decision.

After the Battle of Baal is over, ask for a quota from the Savior and send some people there to study and fully absorb the advanced experience of the Savior!

Scarlet Blood Temple.

Karan moved forward with the crowd, heading to the temple to meet that great being.

Hundreds of noble heroes of the empire crowded on the path in front of the temple. The exhaust fumes of power armor, the smell of engine oil and the aroma of incense flowing from the brazier blended together.

It makes the surrounding blend into a sacred mechanical smell.

The Sons of Sanguinius wore armor ranging from black to red, white to gold, and these various paint colors could not hide their common blood.

In addition to these sons of Sanguinius, there were many warriors from other bloodlines in the crowd who came to support them.

Karan saw the conspicuous yellow armor not far away and couldn't help but sigh.

That bloodline had just experienced a brutal battle, and there were less than three hundred people left.

I heard they were returning from the battlefield.

The whole regiment was crowded into a small barge, and all the armor on their bodies was not complete. The armor parts of many soldiers were urgently ripped off from the bodies of their dead brothers.

It's hard to imagine what happened to them.

But even so.

These warriors still rushed back to the Baal home planet to participate in the war against the Tyranids. Although the enemy was powerful, they were determined to die without regrets!


Karan called the other person, wanting to talk to the melancholy warrior and tell him some good news.

But this time.

The bronze door slammed open, and the sacred hymns of the Savior flowed out.

See this.

He had no choice but to regain his bearings and follow the crowd into the hall.

Within the hall.

The indifferent red sunlight shines in through the armored glass windows, and the scenery on the distant horizon is unobstructed, with towering rocks and deserts falling straight down in the Well of Angels.

The red sunlight fell and turned into sacred gold somewhere.

Everyone looked up.

A living miracle sat on a throne of pure gold, with white birds flying in the sky, surrounded by hundreds of mortal children draped in white robes and singing hymns.

It was a huge warrior wearing black gold armor.

There is a golden laurel crown on his head, his expression is gentle yet majestic, and on both sides of his body are several legendary weapons held by attendants.

Everyone knows it.

The miracle in front of us is Ron Grant, the primarch of hope and savior of the empire, the man who saved countless lives from the dark side of the empire.

In an instant,

The sound of armor clashing sounded at the same time. The soldiers clenched their fists and pressed their chests, lowering their heads to pay high respect to this existence.

Ron looked at these imperial warriors who paid tribute from the adamantine throne.


He felt the respect these elite warriors of the Empire had for the Primarch and the Emperor's own son.

In fact, the savior's sudden return to the empire was not prestige enough.

So the soldiers just paid their respects.

What if the Primarch of the Ultramarines and the Regent Guilliman arrived.

All the warriors, including Dante, will kneel down and offer their full loyalty.

That prestige alone is an unrivaled force.

There are too many warbands within the empire, with at least a million space warriors.

That is a huge force in itself, which means that wherever the regent goes, he can summon a huge army on the spot.

All the warriors offer their loyalty.

This is also the reason why Ron shows up as much as possible, he has to accumulate more prestige.

Prepare to recover more dark areas in the future.

As long as the prestige is enough and there are powerful weapons, the savior's rule will be invincible.

In the hall.

The hymn stopped at some point, causing the scene to fall into silence.

"Angels of the Emperor, the threat of the Tyranids has brought you here."

Ron looked at everyone and finally spoke:

"What is coming will test you. You look up but cannot find the stars in the sky. The Tyranids have obscured their light.

You will be amazed at how many abominations they can send and wonder if they are endless. Your psykers and think tanks will tell you how terrible the blinding and painful shadows in the warp are.

You will see all this and think that we are powerless to win..."

He slowly stood up from the adamantine throne, and his figure became taller in the light:

"But I tell you in the name of the Primarch of Hope that we will win. We will kill the swarm with swords, bombs, fierce artillery fire and steel frenzy..."

Ron gave an impassioned speech, which inspired the soldiers to shout the name of the savior.


He walked down the steps step by step, walked towards the crowd, and passed by every soldier.

I want to remember the face of every soldier in my heart.

Wherever the Savior's eyes swept, the warriors all stood up straight, looking more solemn.


His eyes paused at a certain point.

"Isn't this too miserable?"

Ron saw a warband leader wearing yellow armor, his armor was covered with scars and blood stains that could not be removed, and patches could even be seen on some parts.

But after he saw the emblem on the warband leader, he understood instantly.

That was the Weepers.

The most loyal and unlucky weepers in the empire.

The history of the Weepers is a tragic history, as if it was plagued by bad luck. Every battle was extremely unlucky, either encountering an irresistible enemy, or being ambushed and surrounded, or accidentally affected by friendly forces.

This also led to the shortage of equipment and personnel for the Weepers. Every time they recovered and went into battle, they quickly went bankrupt again in the battle.

The equipment was gone before they were even warm in their hands.

It is simply the poorest and most unlucky warband in the Empire, even worse than the Sharks.

Moreover, the Sharks accidentally pitted the Weepers in the Badab War, resulting in a not very harmonious relationship between the two sides.

Roan walked up to the Weepers warband leader:


Malakin's melancholy face showed a flattered expression: "Savior, do you know me?"

"Of course!"

Roan said sincerely: "The loyalty and bravery of the Weepers warriors are known to everyone, and your legends and sacrifices will not be forgotten. You will get the treatment you deserve..."

"For those who are cherished, we die with honor!"

The praise of the Primarch of Hope made the Weepers warband leader's eyes shed tears.

They, the Weepers, have always been ignored and unrecognized, and are considered to have no achievements, and rarely receive supplies from the Empire.

They have been wronged for too long!

This scene also moved the soldiers present.

Ron patted Malakin on the shoulder and looked at the captains:

"In order to cope with this war, I have prepared a lot of equipment and vehicles including Terminator armor and Centurion armor. If you need to replenish your equipment, just follow me..."

"The righteousness of the Savior!"

The captains were excited when they heard this.

They had more respect and goodwill for the Savior.

For the Space Marines, armor and weapons are like their lives.

Good equipment can not only help them achieve more results, but also save more lives.

More importantly.

They have been fighting for many years and are indeed not very rich.


Ron led Malakin and the captains to the warehouse area. He decided to distribute all the Space Marine equipment and vehicles in stock in public.

This will not only boost morale, but also shock people.

Of course.

The Lamenters are a bit miserable and need to be taken care of!


When Ron led everyone to distribute equipment, the airspace near Baal.

The White Mouth struggled to jump out of the warp channel. The dilapidated warp engine delayed them for too long in the channel.


Before the old ship could continue to move, thick smoke was visible from somewhere on the hull.

Apparently there was something wrong with the ship's engine.

It's anchored...

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