Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 349 Leviathan: Oh no, this biomass is shit! (Thanks to the leader who is destined to be a bi

Chapter 349 Leviathan: No, this biomass is flying! (Thank you to the leader who is destined to be a big boss~)

Battle barge ramp access.

Malakin covered the faceplate of the Redemption II Terminator armor, put on all weapons, and was equipped with master-level equipment all over his body.

Walking out with heavy steps.

"You unlucky man, get down here!"

As soon as he stepped onto the ground at the port, a black figure roared and rushed towards him.

That's Tiberos.

This warrior who was given the name "Scarlet Blood Road" was known for his brutality and cruelty. The power claws on his hands flashed scarlet, like a blood-devouring beast.

Few can face his onslaught.

In an instant, Malakin felt the brutal aura of Tiberos.

Although there is not much difference in strength between the two, previous duels have ended in their own defeat.

He had waited too long for this moment.

How many times in the middle of the night have I dreamed of beating the bed and getting up, regretting the previous failure and analyzing the opponent's moves.

Especially after getting this equipment, I have been thinking about ways to deal with that guy.

I didn't expect that the other party actually came to visit me. It was a surprise.

Now, it's the barbarian who should lie down!

"You're here?"

The leader of the Lamenters Chapter smiled slightly without any trace of panic.

It was as if it had been practiced many times.

He gently raised the spear of victory, and the deflection field on the armor buzzed to weaken the incoming attack.

Dang dang dang a few times.

Malakin blocked all Tiberos' claw attacks, and then suddenly punched.


The piston of the power fist roared, hitting the opponent's breastplate with great force and knocking him away.

But this is not over yet.

He immediately took out his gravity gun and fired a few more gravity waves.

Tiberos fell hard to the ground and rolled several times before stabbing his power claws into the ground to stabilize his body.

But before he could raise his head, he was pressed to the ground by the gravity wave that followed.

In just one face-to-face meeting, the gap in equipment kinetic energy caused the chapter leader to suffer a big loss.


The cheers of the man-eating shark warriors suddenly froze in the air, and their smiles became stiff.

Their chapter leader was defeated easily in the first confrontation, and the opponent didn't even move a step!

"Barbarian, you are useless in front of me..."

Malakin walked towards Tiberos, each step heavy and powerful, and his smile became brighter.

It was so satisfying to finally defeat this savage guy!

"Damn it, Malakin!"

Tiberos felt strangely ashamed.

He was beaten down in such a humiliating way in front of everyone.

The chapter leader tried hard to remove the suppression of the gravity wave, stood up suddenly, raised his head, spat out a mouthful of blood, and showed a bloodthirsty gaze.

Wait until you see the opponent's equipment clearly.

His bloodthirsty eyes instantly became clear, and he couldn't help but reveal a sense of envy.

in sight.

Malakin's complete set of master-level equipment, spray-painted and dotted with fine gold from top to bottom, stung his eyes.

Including armor, there are six pieces of master-level equipment!

"You...are you great if you are well equipped?"

Tiberos' tone became less confident, as if a whole lemon had been stuffed into his heart.

“Praise be to the Savior, it is great to be well equipped.”

Malakin ignited the disintegration force field of the Spear of Victory and waved it gently: "Do you still want to continue?"


"Boys, go beat up those little unfortunates!"

Tiberos gritted his teeth, and the scarlet ancient power claw gloves flashed with arcs of electricity. After suffering a loss, it would not be so easy for the opponent to defeat him again!

He comforted himself silently in his heart:

Aren't they just a few pieces of master-level equipment? My pair of "hunger" and "thirst quencher" are even rarer and are unique ancient weapons!

"Beat them!"

The shark warriors screamed and rushed towards the battle barge, wanting to fight passionately with the unfortunate Wailers inside the ship.


The sudden heavy footsteps interrupted their momentum, and everyone stopped in a daze.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground in the port shook slightly.

Centurion armor one after another got off the ship and stood behind Malakin, the destructive heavy weapons exuding a deadly cold light.

These behemoths completely shocked everyone.


With the roar of neat footsteps, row after row of Lamenter warriors wearing Terminator armor walked down and formed a formation around the Chapter Master.

The man-eating shark warrior looked up at the five-meter-high Centurion armor, and then looked at the Terminator armor.

They were all numb, as if they were being held captive.

How can we fight now? Maybe we can reconcile with the Weeper's brother?

"Fifteen Centurions, all Terminator armors?!"

Tiberos swallowed, and his whole figure seemed to be wearing a mask of pain: "Brother Malakim, how come you are so rich!"

The man-eating shark and the weeper fight each other, but they are not life-and-death enemies, and they occasionally cooperate.

They are both poor people, and they can barely be regarded as brothers who depend on each other for life. Even the unlucky ones are rich, so what will the man-eating shark do?

All the muscles in his body were shaking.

Watching a brother who is more miserable than himself drive a Centurion is even more uncomfortable than killing him!


The guards around Malakin ignited the power field of the power claw, and the appearance of the equipment was so familiar.


Tiberos looked at the power claws and closed his eyes in pain.

It’s the same style!

The power claws on the hands of Malakin's personal guards are the same as his own "hunger" and "thirst quencher". The precious sacred objects that he wipes and protects every day are just the weapons of his personal guards!

His defenses were completely broken and he felt so small and helpless.

Damn it...

How come these brothers have become rich and yet they themselves have fallen behind?

"Feel sorry……"

Malakin's faint voice came: "If we don't fight, can you give way? We have to go back to rest."

After all, the Shark Chapter is here to support the homeworld of the Sons of Sanguinius, and the Weeper has regained its place, so there is no need to continue to pester them at this time.

If he is caught by the Savior again and used as a role model, he will be in trouble.

Moreover, they did not want to disappoint that great being in any way.

The Messiah was undoubtedly the savior of the Lamenters, completely breaking the curse of their fate.

Since the Lamenters were equipped with the weapons given by the Savior, the tragic fate of the warriors seems to have begun to reverse.

I no longer feel the inexplicable interference in the subspace.

Tiberos took a deep breath and waved his hand to signal the shark warriors to move out of the way.

no way.

No matter how hard they fight, they can't beat them, and they can no longer compete with others.

Those guys are all equipped with Terminator armor. If they really fight each other, their old armor will most likely be damaged.

He must not cry to death by then.

"Brother Malarkin!"

Tiberos licked his face and walked up to Malakin with a friendly expression: "How did you get these good things?"

He was really scared of poverty.

If there is really a way to get these equipment, let alone brother, call him stepfather!

After all, with good equipment, the boys' casualties can be greatly reduced when fighting against human enemies.

Malakin did not give this barbaric guy a good look, but still answered his question:

"That is a gift from the great savior. Unfortunately, you came a step too late and it is already over."

Say it

He ignored Tiberos and led the soldiers quickly towards the port hall.

"Why is it too late? Brother, could you please make it clear?"

Tiberos was a little anxious: "Hey, hey, brother..."

He wanted to squeeze to the other party's side to ask more questions, but was squeezed out by the guards.

"Damn it, you can't explain everything clearly. I hate these pranksters the most!"

Tiberos sulked.

This was the most frustrating day for him in recent years.

It was more aggrieved than the living creature ship that fell into the Tyranids. If an alien appeared in front of him, he would definitely cut the opponent to pieces!

"Master Captain..."

The director of the think tank came over with a sad look on his face: "I asked about the source of those equipment.

It was given to them, O Emperor, by the Primarch of Hope, the Savior, and for free. "

He told Tiberos that a few days ago the Savior had gifted all the Chapter's equipment, from armor and weapons to vehicles.

Everyone has a share!

What's even more tragic is that the man-eating shark arrived too late, and all the equipment had been distributed long ago!

"You...you mean that if we had come a step earlier, we would have been like those unlucky ones?"

Tiberos asked tentatively with his lips trembling.


The director of the think tank was also a little lost and regretful. Suddenly he became nervous: "Master, are you okay?!"

"Your Majesty, what did we miss?"

Hear the words.

Tiberos's vision went dark.

The whole heart seemed to fall into an incomparable abyss, but they missed such a precious gift!

"I really deserve to die..."

He half wanted to beat himself up and go to the Emperor's shrine to repent for a standard Terran year.

If I didn't feel sorry for the ship and asked the boys to drive slowly, maybe they could arrive in time and become rich like everyone else.

"Master, please cheer up."

The director of the think tank expressed concern.

If something goes wrong with this chapter leader, the entire burden of the chapter will fall on him.

How miserable is that?

The rest of the man-eating shark warriors also lowered their heads and remained silent.

This is equivalent to missing an opportunity to get 100 million yuan for nothing, and it is a sure thing. You just need to go to the place on time to collect the money.


But you are late, and you can only watch others take money for fun.

Who can withstand this kind of thing?

While Tiberos and others were grieving, they suddenly heard pious greetings coming from not far away. It seemed that someone was respectfully saluting the savior.

"Lord Savior?"

He reacted and quickly summoned the soldiers: "Boys, come with me quickly, let's go find the savior!"

Tiberos led the warriors of the man-eating shark and ran all the way to the port hall.

Port Hall.

It's spacious and grand, with bright lights.

The towering dome is decorated with sculptures of Sanguinius and various battle banners, highlighting the glory and power of the Blood Angels.

Not only that.

Now there's something extra here.

For example, a nearly eight-meter-high golden icon of the sun and the savior was erected in the center of the hall, and huge flags representing the savior’s different achievements were hung on the surrounding walls.

The flags sway gently in the breeze brought by the ventilation system.

Within the hall.

Many Space Marines came and went, many of them just returned from training.

Full of fatigue.

In addition.

There are also a large number of administrative personnel, engineering management personnel, technical priests, etc., who are rushing to various places through the port.

Running for the upcoming war.

Ron finished his inspection of the defense projects in various places and stepped into the hall under the protection of the Thunder Guards.

Wherever he went.

People saluted the great savior.

He kept a gentle smile and nodded slightly to respond to people's respect.

These days.

Ron gradually established prestige in the hearts of Space Marines by spending money, criticizing in meetings, and mastering assessments.

It is almost to the point that if they are asked to go east, they dare not go west, which can also facilitate subsequent effective command.

Due to the characteristics of the gene seed, these Space Marines have diverse personalities and emotions, and even have serious personality defects.

It can be said that.

They cannot be regarded as humans with normal emotions.

Moreover, each Space Marine regiment is a relatively independent group in the empire, with powerful weapons and the power to act freely.

If they don't obey you and don't follow your command, you can't do anything.

If you attack directly.

The casualties caused by both sides are unbearable.

At most, you can declare their disloyalty from the level of loyalty and exile them to the marginal area or the Eye of Terror.

Let them go on an expedition to atone for their sins and die on their own.

But that will also cause unnecessary casualties and is more likely to send troops to the Chaos forces.

In any case.

It is not easy to make these unruly warriors surrender.

Fortunately, he did it, and the effect is not bad.



There was a commotion in front, and a group of space warriors were coming here excitedly.

"Hiss~ Where are these guys from?"

Ron took a look and saw that the armor on the warriors was messy and inconsistent, and even the paint was a bit perfunctory.

It was like fleeing from famine.

Except for the extremely unlucky Weeper, it seems difficult to find a similar style of war group.

But after he saw the white shark on the other side's battle flag.

He understood it instantly.

It turned out to be the "poor and needy to rob their own belts" Sharks. These guys are not easy.

"Let them come over..."

Ron raised his hand and signaled the Thunder Guards who were blocking him to retreat.

Tiberus trotted over, knelt on one knee almost in a sliding posture, and bowed his head devoutly:

"Great Emperor's Son, Primarch of Hope, Demon Eater, Thirteenth Blesser, Lord Savior, I Tiberus, we, your loyal Sharks, come to serve with full blood and piety!"

After years of bargaining with the black-hearted oil man, he had already practiced his tongue.

Loyalty, must be loyal, indestructible loyalty!

The commander of the regiment has decided to hold on to the thigh of the big money owner, the savior, and bid farewell to poverty completely.

Moreover, it is a great fortune to have the opportunity to be loyal to a powerful and wealthy Primarch.

He was even afraid that the Primarch would refuse because of the bad composition of the Sharks.

At the same time

Hundreds of Sharknado warriors also knelt on one knee and offered their loyalty to the great savior.

Tiberus became more pious:

"The direction of our swords is the extension of your will; our battle cry is the echo of your glory.

Please allow us to devote all our strength and lives to fight for your lofty goals and sacrifice for your endless glory!"

He almost shouted "father".

His words made the hall fall into silence.

Some Space Marines who knew about the deeds of the Sharknado were stunned:

That guy is the cold and ruthless blood machine in the legend, leaving only a scarlet road of broken corpses wherever he passed - Tiberus?

Some upright Space Marines even felt that the loyal words of the Sharknado war captain were a little flattering.

But no matter what.

He has sworn allegiance, which is something that cannot be changed.

Ron didn't care about these, as long as he was loyal, not to mention that these guys were really fierce, especially the Sharknado war captain.

He gently helped the uneasy Tiberus up, smiling gently:

"You have worked hard."

The words from the heart of the Primarch of Hope made Tiberus express his true feelings, with tears flickering in his eyes: "Savior, we are suffering!"

Many centuries ago.

The White Sharks were sent to explore the Outer Realm to nip those possible threats in the bud.

It can be said that they suffered a lot.

But the fact is that they have long been forgotten by the Empire and abandoned in the long river of history.

No merits and honors are recognized.

When the White Sharks returned to the Empire from the Outer Realm again, no one accepted them. More often than not, they were treated as mercenaries and sent to the most dangerous battlefields.

And they did not get any supplies, and were deeply guarded and underwent rounds of inquisition.

"You will be treated fairly in the future..."

Ron stepped forward, and Tiberus followed him closely: "What's more, I think your activities in the Outer Realm are valuable."

He was telling the truth.

The strange technological fragments obtained by the Man-eating Shark in the outer world are of great benefit to human technological exploration.

After the Lord Savior showed interest in the technological fragments.

Tiberos immediately stated that he would dedicate all technological fragments to the great savior.

Over the course of many centuries of exploration into the Outlands, the Shark's warehouses contained a large number of unrecognizable or heretical fragments of technology.

To this.

Ron was quite satisfied.

Perhaps after the war, more resources and ships can be provided to the man-eating sharks, and members of the Mechanicus can be dispatched to accompany the ships.

Go to the outer lands to find more technological fragments to expand the technological level of the territory.

Tiberos followed the Savior all the way to a certain area.

After hesitating for a long time.

He finally suggested tactfully that the warriors of the Man-eating Shark might need some equipment supplies to cope with the upcoming battle.


The savior told him that all the supporting equipment and materials had been distributed.

This news made him feel heartbroken.

"Fortunately, it's not like we don't have extra equipment..."

Ron stopped in front of a black warehouse door in Tiberos and raised his hand to open the door.

Suddenly there was a dazzling golden light flashing.

This War Angel's spare weapons warehouse is filled with new types of equipment, ranging from armor to centurion armor.

Enough to arm the bloodthirsty sharks several times!

Tiberos looked at all this and felt that his legs were weakening: "Lord Savior, are these for us?"

"Yes, you can choose whatever you want..."

The savior patted the chapter leader's shoulder and motioned for him to follow the warehouse management staff in.

Tiberos walked in in a daze, and then there was a suppressed cry, the long-cherished wish of the man-eating shark for many centuries.

Finally got what I wanted.

They don't have to sacrifice soldiers due to lack of equipment, let alone take unnecessary risks for a few resources.

Ron listened to the chapter leader's suppressed sobs, then turned and left.

He knew it was the voice of loyalty...



Temporary messianic sanctuary.

Ron lowered his head and flipped through the documents sent from the main strategy room, checking the data of the participants in the war.


The Leviathan Hive Fleet has arrived in the outer star field, and it is very likely that it has organized multiple tentacle fleets.

Attack from all directions and extremely difficult to defend.

Compared with this wave of offensive, the last Pioneer Nest in Hades Galaxy was just an appetizer.

The Tyranid swarm released by those biological ships was enough to flood the Baal system several times. In this case, the one hundred thousand Space Marines alone were not enough.

not to mention.

What he wants is not a tragic victory, but to defeat Tyran with an advantage.

Otherwise, it will be like the empire's past Tyrannic wars, with heavy casualties and no chance of survival. Even if you win, you will lose.


There must be more war vehicles and mortal troops to fill the defensive lines.

In addition to the Stormtroopers' armored forces, Titan swarms, and Imperial Knights, the Empire also provided additional support to the Astra Militarum.

There are approximately hundreds of millions of these Astra Militarum troops, and they are coming to Baal along with multiple small troop transport fleets.

Ron sighed.

It is hoped that these Astra Militarum troops can arrive early and receive corresponding coordinated deployment, otherwise they will be hurriedly thrown into the battlefield with a flashlight like the Empire did.

Can only be used as low-level cannon fodder.

Barr outer airspace.

The body of a pale-haired veteran floated in the void, and he screamed silently.

Swish to the ground.

An ugly tentacle bounced up and rolled back the biomass.

The shadow of Tyran's death spreads from afar.

That is clearly Leviathan.

It has a curly carapace and a mouth full of twisting tentacles, or a slug-like body wrapped around a small star, just like some kind of predatory aquatic insect.

But its huge size is comparable to any asteroid.

The void shield crumbled in the flickering light.

Unfortunately, the Imperial Astra Militarum's troop transport was captured by Leviathan's tentacles. The hull began to collapse. The fire flowing outward burned the internal atmosphere, and more human bodies flew out screaming.


The hull was torn apart, and the biological ships devoured this delicious biomass wantonly.

A small fleet that the empire came to support was destroyed, and tens of millions of people were unfortunately buried in the mouth of the insect before they saw the battlefield.

Of course, this is also the norm in the war between the Empire and Tyranids.

After the Leviathan Hive Fleet devoured the biomass, it continued moving forward, hoping to replenish more biomass on the planet ahead.

But when it arrived, everything in front of it made the Hive Mind feel a little confused.


It was a bare earth ball.

It's as if someone has taken away the planet's abundant biomass in advance!

Leviathan was extremely angry with hunger and thirst, and roared silently.

Fortunately, it can detect a part of the biomass still left in the earth ball.


Leviathan dropped a large number of Tyranid sporangia, hoping to completely consume the remaining biomass.

It just didn't take long.

Some kind of mechanical creation hidden in the earth ball exploded, and a large amount of green smoke filled the entire planet's atmosphere.

Leviathan became increasingly angry and a little panicked.

It felt the disgusting smell, something dirty and foul-smelling, contaminating its own biomass!

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