Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire

Chapter 28 Blood Ax Style Duel

Is there something about the Orc Arena that makes the Dark Eldar unhappy? Generally speaking, most xenos arenas are full of pain and suffering. Specifically, it's like beating the Butcher. The nails are almost the same?

But for the orcs, there is no better amusement park in the world than the Arena. When One-Eye smells the unique smell of blood moistening the metal and penetrating into the thick metal walls, the smell of waste and rotten orc meat comes out , they are extremely cruel.

In the preparation room of the arena, Du Yan drank Dongye Fu Fungus Beer and enjoyed the massage from the fart, but he also knew very well that he could not kill the damn boss Gao Fu with frontal force.

Fortunately, there are no taboos in the orc arena. Everything I can imagine can be brought in. Although shooting boys are not as popular as chopping boys, the orcs don't care. They just want to see the blood flowing on the ground. .

The one-eye was worn on his shoulder armor, but due to flexibility, he did not choose the fully enclosed armor that most bosses liked, and made it into his own skin with ceramic steel and various hard enough materials.

Although the defense of that kind of thing is good, it still makes the sneaking make an unpleasant clicking sound.

He prepared the big gun, held the dagger, and walked towards the elevator with one eye. The mechanical sound was clicking, the gears were turning, and after slowly ascending, the light shone on his face through the cage-like elevator equipment, which was hot and humid. The wind of the forest was resisted by the large amphitheater, with countless messy bunkers, scattered weapons, and the boy's body stuck there.

One Eye doesn't know why they asked to put the wheels in the arena as a cover. Wouldn't it be better to use them to make trucks?

But he liked it very much, he was so ruthless about that style, the blood of the orcs was rolling and burning, and countless boys filled the seats in a circle around the arena, shouting like chirping maggots.

A smart guy, dressed like a shrimp with a leg gun inside to shoot his own kid, what is his name? Political commissar boy, right?

He was standing on the high platform in the middle of the arena. The big and beautiful wood that had been there before had been chopped down. It was a good decoration, a shelter, and a good place to hide oneself. Now it was left to a man. Just standing in front of him is "Bandeer Peacock Lingke boy".

Does he think he looks good like that?

But as his unique, noisy, psychic energy echoed through the greenskins, in that tattered arena of mud, bunkers, and corpses, One Eye quickly realized that the Gough clan was at war. In what a professional way.

That clever boy is like a born host, a big man. "Welcome, welcome, those of us who don't care about life and death, our arena audience mortality rate is 5-12%! For every 100 greenskins, 7 will die from watching!"

"I have to admire our bravery and lack of brains to watch two bosses fight. Now, let me do the math..."

"The mortality rate is 30 percent!"

The whole audience burst into violent cheers. Apparently every orc felt that they would not deny the 1/30%, but would instead see the people around them being affected and dying.

One Eye dares to judge that if there is an arena in Xiami, or if there is an arena in Xiami, the 30% chance of audience death is enough for them to leave there.

And he had already seen the bastard in the cage on the wrong side, wiping his big pliers. One Eye thought about it. He begged to chop off the pliers and take them as trophies.

Iron Teeth also noticed the bloody ax bastard on the other side and showed him a smile that was uglier than crying.

Lingke boy continued to show off in the middle of the arena. "Now, their defender...is their, waaaaghboss, Iron Teeth Gough!"


"Waaaaagh!" The boys were as happy as little animals in heat. They knew that when Iron Teeth came, the arena would definitely be exciting!

Lingke boy continued to introduce. "Challenger! Their new boss, the extremely powerful one-eyed blood axe!"


"Waaaagh!" Those who yelled that time were all the boys with blue faces. They were all Death Skull boys in the past. Now...the Death Skull boys were controlled by the blood axe.

After finishing his words, the Lingke boy protected himself with the four-sided armored boy's shield, and then huddled on the high platform, never wanting to look at it again.


After his declaration, the huge iron gate of the cage was slowly opened, and the two ferocious, cunning, or cunning and ferocious beasts were tit for tat.

Majestic and arrogant, they feel that they are destined to unite the greenskins and cause a huge waaagh, but what is the reality? There is a battle to judge.

The iron-toothed metal dongba made a clicking sound, the huge body dragged the pliers forward, and the one-eye smashed a smoke bomb just after leaving the door.

There were boos at the moment, and there was no doubt that the boys were disappointed and Iron Teeth looked around as red smoke filled the arena.

"That's it? Stupid guy? The useless blood ax is no better than Gao Fu, then why are all your clan dead, haha!"

Is One Eye angry? He was so angry! But he still huddled behind the iron barrel, and only crossed the bunker when Boss Goff turned sideways and looked away. He was calm, smart, quiet, and deadly.

Iron Teeth quickly realized this, and he began to wave his huge pliers unreasonably. The powerful force smashed the iron blocks, concrete, and the orc bunkers that I could imagine, and flew out of the arena.

Some fell into the audience, smashing many boys' heads with blood. There was a fart who wanted to make money by selling things. He held up the forest mushrooms he picked and wanted to sell them to the orc boy, but they were smashed into a ball of mushroom mud. His goods It was also plundered by the orcs nearby.

"Waagh! My kid can hide and hide? Me! Compared to! Me! Fierce! waaaaaagh!"

The iron teeth smashed away the bunkers again and again without showing any signs of fatigue. The flying objects turned into raindrops composed of metal and stone and fell on the auditorium. The boys turned into mushroom mud and stuck to the ground of the arena.

It was so crazy, they were cheering and thought that performance was really good!

When Iron Teeth cleared most of the bunkers in the arena, he was panting and exhausted, but there was only a circle of wheels left there. There was no doubt that he was hiding inside, haha.

"I caught it!"

He swung the power tongs and grabbed the bunker. The huge force instantly clamped the damn wheel into a crooked thing. There was no doubt that the iron teeth were there. He thought he had won, but he found that no mushrooms had ever flowed out of the bunker. juice…

"What?" He wanted to speak, but suddenly a gust of green wind blew over his cheek. One Eye came from behind him, took away the Catachan blade from his waist, and then slit his thick throat, blood continued to flow out, and then Soon the orc's powerful muscles and body healed, leaving an ugly mark.

Iron Teeth's voice was very unpleasant at the moment, and his originally rough throat was now hoarse.

"Kah...gulu...blood ax bastard! Where am I?" He grunted due to blood stasis in his throat.

One-Eye wiped the blade of the knife. "I'm behind me, big guy, the best cover is me, big enough guy!"

There is no doubt that such cunning once again raised the atmosphere of the arena to the highest level. The orcs shouted happily again and again, like ocean waves...

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