Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 112 101 As long as you don’t die after learning

Chapter 112 101. As long as you learn not to die


The existence named "Hades" has completely driven the technical sergeant base on Mars crazy!

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah!"


Hades directly strangled Manning's neck, who was already in the duel cage for the third time, and used his arms to strangle!

Manning rolled his eyes and scratched Hades, trying to break free.

But unfortunately, Hades pressed down like a meat mountain, not giving the wolf a chance to escape.

When the wolf finally gave up struggling and kicking him, Hades slowly breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed his hand.

The completely exhausted wolf Manning was completely motionless this time.

Hades stood up panting and glanced at the audience.

Under the stage, the technical sergeants with unclear faces were sitting or standing, but the same thing was that most of them had traces of injuries.

Everyone present had an indescribable and wonderful expression on their faces.

"Are there any more?"

Hades wiped his sweat, he was so hungry. At least there was a pharmacist Leo to give him an injection when he was on Death Guard.

There was silence in the audience, no one answered.

So Hades went down in a daze and went straight to the cafeteria without thinking about it.

However, what he didn't know was that after he left, the technical sergeants whispered to each other.

The new Ultramarines looked at the wild wolf who had just rushed up and was beaten up, and spoke cautiously,

"Is Hades senior so strong?"

Several new Ultramarines looked at each other and tacitly took Hades out of the "good man who is easy to talk to" column.

The Ultramarines Servius spoke slowly,

"Maybe. He didn't want to be so high-profile before."

This Death Guard had always been a kind image before, that is, a good-tempered technical sergeant.

But. Which technical sergeant can make the Primarch come to visit? !

Moreover, Servius had always classified Hades as a "capable fighter" before, but his performance just now was no longer "capable"!

He defeated the Wolf Manning three times, plus three Iron Warriors, one Imperial Fist, four War Hounds, and one Luna Wolf.

Oh, and there are two Ultramarines.

Servius felt that his back was still aching from being thrown from behind. The scene where Hades just used the size difference to forcibly disarm him and pressed him to the ground was still vivid in his mind.

To be honest, it doesn't feel good to be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Especially when the opponent is still very heavy.

Servius would never admit that he had secretly calculated Hades' energy consumption and deliberately picked the opponent when he had no strength.

But it was obvious that everyone had misjudged Hades.

That guy. That guy was definitely hiding in the previous duel cage.

Such a terrible power gap, and Hades's skill in using weight to save energy in the last few games.

Not to mention the amazing endurance!

If Hades' skills and fighting power can still be called "first-class" in everyone's eyes, then his amazing endurance is definitely unmatched!

He beat fourteen people in a row!

What's more, others were holding weapons, while Hades was still bare-handed.

In the first five, everyone was still fighting Hades with the mentality of "you kid was playing dumb before".

But when Hades disarmed the sixth person with his bare hands, things changed subtly.

When Hades knocked down the tenth person, they already knew why the Primarch of the Death Guard went to Hades.

Even if Hades didn't come to Mars, he could have become the champion of the legion!

Except for those sergeants who were still wailing about their legion's Primarch in their hearts, some people have already started thinking.

The Luna Wolves were the first to recall that Hades' previous learning progress seemed to be the fastest among them.

Fast learning speed, superb fighting skills, extraordinary endurance, and a special relationship with the Primarch of his own legion -

Such a person, actually didn't show his ability? !

To be honest, in each legion, one of these items alone can make one famous.


The Luna Wolves silently watched Hades's back as he left. Except for the still unconscious Wild Wolf, other technical sergeants also watched Hades leave.

Who on earth is this?

Everyone present has decided to list Hades as a famous Death Guard contact they know of.

But some people are still sighing about their own legion's primarch.

It has to be said that people are angry when compared to others.

Except for a few legions, everyone is a marginal figure in the legion. Now a very powerful Death Guard technical sergeant suddenly appears.

Some people have decided to build good relationships, although Hades' relationship with the technical sergeants was not bad before.

But some people have to suffer for a while.

The saddest? Of course, the saddest are the Iron Warriors and War Dogs.

Hades skillfully opened the concentrated nutrient solution and poured the nutrient solution with a very pungent taste directly into his mouth.

"Come again?"

He muttered, and the bitter liquid entered his stomach.

The Iron Hand opposite Hades panted and shook his hand, and Hades blinked and let him leave the duel cage.

He threw the bag away again, and the robot servant picked up the nutrition bag again.

This medicine was originally meant to be diluted and drunk, or injected, but Hades developed a new way to drink it--that is, drink it directly.

Hades didn't have the time and energy to dilute the concentrated nutrient solution with water, please, he was super busy now.

Since his last meeting with Mortarion and Malcador, Hades realized that he could waste no more time.

No, no more paddling!

He must rush back to the legion before the Battle of Galaspa and plan the next step.

time does not wait.

This is also the direct reason why he is so crazy now.

Hades began to take the technical sergeant courses day and night. Although he was in a state of enlightenment when learning anything now, he still couldn't stand the endless tedious knowledge.

When Hades is tired of studying, he will drag anyone to the duel cage.

The good news is that everyone was very enthusiastic and eager to go to the duel cage to beat him, but without exception, they were all beaten by Hades in the end.

Some ultramarines also proposed that Hades use specific weapons to fight and use Hades as sparring, and Hades readily agreed.

Of course, Hades used the sword as a stick that time.

Seeing that the Ultramarines had started, the technical sergeants from other legions were no longer polite and came up with other duel rules.

Hades agreed one by one.

But except for sparring time, they rarely see Hades. Hades is usually swimming in the sea of ​​learning desperately, directly using nutrient solution instead of eating.

It is in sharp contrast to the previous image of fishing if you can fish, paddling if you can paddle, and gossiping if you can gossip.

For this reason, other technical sergeants also complained privately, but in the end they unified their thoughts——

"If our own master comes to them in person, they will definitely be crazier than Hades now!"

In addition to studying and fighting, Hades also took the time to visit the Kirkland Sage several times.

Sage Kirkland's laboratory is simply shocking.

Countless alien technologies were piled up in different categories, some human bodies were twisted in the incubator, and weird fluorescence flashed in the dark space.

Sage Kirkland stood in the center of the room, welcoming Hades' arrival.

The sage no longer lost his previous gaffe, his scarlet robe hung down, hiding in the darkness.

"Welcome, Lord Hades."

Hades felt speechless for a while. Who wanted to catch him as a paper before?

He selectively ignored the nutrient tanks soaking the human body and chose to follow the sage to see the alien technology.

Hmm. Most of them are the technologies of some small races. Hades took a cursory glance and didn't feel that there was anything worth paying attention to.

It's just heresy, or it's just the product of petty ambition.

There is no value worth digging into.

But when they got to the end of their shopping, some small odds and ends that were obviously accessories caught Hades' attention.

After obtaining the consent of the Kirkland Sage, Hades picked up the black trinkets and pondered.

No, these accessories were just rough imitations, but with this material, Hades felt like he remembered something.

Those feelings were fleeting.

Hades carefully lifted up the trinket, which was a black necklace carved into an image of holding the sun with bare hands, with some scriptures engraved on it.

This. This is not what it originally looked like.

The race that produced it would not have carved it like this.

Hades thought for no reason.

"Where did you get this?"

Hades looked at Sage Kirkland,

"Another sage who studies engines, I made a deal with him and asked him to keep these ornaments that he planned to destroy."

"What, Lord Hades, do you mean?"

Sage Kirkland exchanged these from another sage. The sage detected that these small ornaments had a weak anti-psychic energy field, so he exchanged these ornaments back.

But later it seems that this is probably the inherent characteristic of black stone, and the rough workmanship has no trace of technology at all.

"Can you find the specific origin of this accessory?"

The light in front of Sage Kirkland's eyes brightened,

"This may be difficult, but I can do it, sage."

However, in fact, after that, Hades waited for several years before hearing news from Sage Kirkland.

Hades next looked at Sage Kirkland's other inventions.

Among them, the portable psychic detector made Hades shine. At the same time, Sage Kirkland is also developing a detector to identify untouchable people, although this instrument is not very reliable at present.

Sage Kirkland's technology that attempts to clone the untouchable Hades is automatically skipped.

Not feasible.

Knowledge whispered in Hades's ear.

Although the sage was still trying hard to draw a jar of Hades' blood, Hades sighed and finally agreed.

Maybe it can be done?

But Hades still prefers inorganic technology.

After briefly browsing the Kirkland Sage's technology collection, Hades told the Sage that he wanted to mass-produce the portable psychic detector, and he planned to equip it with the Death Guard.

By the way, I took away a copy of the Sage's untouchable detector.

After Hades successfully transformed the detector, he was almost knocked over by Sage Kirkland when he took it back, but that's another story.

Finally, Hades looked at the hesitating Sage Kirkland and realized that there was no way to escape from this matter -

"Master Hades, can you use the Anti-Psychic Domain on me again?"

"Stop using weapons to conduct transmission. My wetware and hardware can withstand it."

"grown ups?"

Hades reached out his hand resignedly.


The Primarch's return from Terra caused some ripples in the otherwise stagnant Legion.

But these ripples quickly disappeared in the silent atmosphere of the Death Guard.

Standing on the strategic analysis podium, Mortarion looked at the legion's drill report with satisfaction.

The breathing mask hissed.

The Death Guard marched silently on the training ground, the sounds of gunshots and scythes slashing through the air could be heard one after another.

Every time a casualty occurred, his comrades would tacitly fill in for the vacancy.

Yes, there is no appointment or dismissal of positions in the Death Guard. When the previous one dies in battle, the candidate selected in advance will immediately take over his position to avoid unnecessary impact.

Mortarion also felt gratified by his preference for heavy infantry training.

The Death Guard's think tank, the Undertaker, is also being established. Although no new psykers have joined, the behavior of the think tank and the special psychic powers have been adjusted.

The Undertaker is more defensive than offensive, and mainly provides support for the main army against psykers.

Mortarion, the death guard's political commissar and gravekeeper, paid little attention.

He is not very optimistic about this new and strange military branch.

The tombkeepers were mostly veterans, their identities obfuscated and disguised, and they were dispersed into various companies.

Mortarion thought for a while and let Barasin and the others experiment on their own.

Although he specifically reminded Vox to follow them.

Mortarion is the commander of the Legion, but that does not mean that he has to interfere with any details of the Legion.

Appropriate delegation of authority is his indulgence to them.

But let's leave it to Hades. After all, he was the one who proposed the establishment of the Gravekeeper.

Mortarion picked up the next piece of information and thought silently.

The clarion call for the Empire to order the Death Guard to join the Great Crusade is about to sound.

In the distant star field, Galasper is spinning silently, the huge nest points directly to the sky, and hundreds of millions of slaves are passing away in groans.


[Not feasible. ]

The biosage stood beside a corrosive river, arguing with his colleagues.

[You cannot purify directly, this will directly destroy the entire ecosystem! ]

[As long as all the native organisms are removed, and then the soil and atmosphere of this planet are re-cultivated, and it becomes an agricultural planet, that's it! ]

[This is the home planet of a master primarch. Are you seeking death? ! ]

[Then how else do you want to change? ]

[All the ecology here has completely adapted to this environment! ]

Incredible, totally incredible ecology.

Although they had seen many worlds corroded by poison, there had never been a planet as outrageous as Barbarus.

Plants that are completely impossible to grow, animals that completely violate the law of evolution.

How do those pus-filled goshawks fly, and how do plants rooted in toxins bear less toxic fruits?

The biological sage's logical calculation system is boiling.

Here’s a joke:

Extreme star field.

Tzeentch was laughing, but unfortunately Guilliman's psychic energy was either zero or negative, so he heard nothing.

Mars Volume, over!

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