Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 115 104 Preliminary exploration

Chapter 115 104. Preliminary exploration

Planet Sigma 373, now.

Outside the shuttle, the towering trees stood quietly in place. The dim sunlight of this galaxy shone down, and the lush leaves cast patches of shadow in the forest.

The bright red figure of the Skitarii shuttled through the green forest, and the arc rifle was gradually submerged in the green sea as the Skitarii walked.

Inside the shuttle, the electric sound representing pleasure crackled.

"Ah! Praise be to Om Messiah!"

Hades watched with helplessness as Sage Kirkland walked around, his robes and black stone pendants swaying as the sage walked, electricity hissing, and words similar to mechanical prayers poured out of Sage Kirkland's speaker. out.

Jin, who called Hades over, shrank his head and timidly hid behind Hades to prevent Sage Kirkland from noticing him.

King, of course, didn't take kindly to a crazy former owner.

When Kirkland Sage finally finished saying strange words such as "Ohm Messiah, help me" and "God of All Machines, I will give you a kowtow", the Sage finally calmed down, and the cooling system increased the power and began to operate, and Kirkland looked at Hades again.

"It's unbelievable. According to the preliminary survey of the drone swarm, opposite the forest, in the center of the largest human city on the planet, there once existed a quite strong anti-psionic field."

Hades quickly grasped the key words,

"Wait, ever?"

The indicator light on the sage's face lit up, and then he further explained to Hades,

"Yes, we do not observe anti-psionic fields now."

"There is a high probability that the humans who once lived here destroyed the device."

The sage muttered dissatisfiedly, and the electronic sound became more and more harsh.

But this is enough. Before this, Kirkland Sage had never truly found a device that could stably generate a strong counter-psionic field.

Compared to the excited Mechanical Sage, Hades was lost in thought.

The black stone obelisk built in the center of the human city is strange no matter what you think.

"Sage, can you let me see the images transmitted by the drone?"


Hades instantly received the data packet from Kirkland Sage. After entering the key, Hades began to check the screen.

Houses resembling medieval architecture appear in the picture, the streets are dusty, and some buildings have collapsed due to time.

There is a huge square in the center of the city. The floor is paved with black stones and outlined with bright green lines, but it is dimmed by dust at the moment.

In the middle, the black obelisk a few people wide stood indifferently, overlooking all living beings.

However, the original straight lines of the obelisk were destroyed, and some pits broke the smooth flow, revealing the layout inside.

Other arc-shaped dark black walls surround the obelisk, and are engraved with prayers and complicated patterns.

Directly in front of the square is a one-person high podium similar to a bulletin board.

No. Something is wrong.

Hades frowned unconsciously.

Even though the style and building materials are similar, they don't go together.

What exactly is going on?

Hades was thinking about the middlemost obelisk. The picture from the drone was still too blurry, which prevented Hades from sinking his thoughts further.

"I have to go see the scene."

Hades finally said.

In the dense but silent forest, a group of people is moving.

Hades was in the middle of the team, wearing mk3 modified power armor, low-key bone white and moss green intertwined. On the thick shoulder armor, one side was a six-spurred skull representing the Fourteenth Legion, and the other side was a symbol of the Martian Mechanicus. gear ring skull.

Hades modified the mk3 power armor to make its defensive performance even better. Although the price was heavier armor, for Hades, this weight is still a piece of cake.

Technical Sergeant's most iconic power backpack is behind him. A skull protrudes from Hades' left shoulder armor, with red and black cables intertwined. This is an omniscient scanner.

The slender spray gun is folded on the right side of the backpack, and the service arm is folded quietly on Hades' back. Inside, there are a phlogiston welding torch, a plasma cutter, and a deflagration blasting gun.

Hades was holding a bolter and following behind a Skitarii vanguard.

The branches were cut down and broken by the Skitarii, and the grass was crushed. They were walking on the forest path previously opened by the Skitarii.

"We're almost at the first marker, my lord."

The Skitarii in front of Hades said,


Hades responded hastily, grabbed Jin who was lagging behind him, and continued to move forward.

"I hate this muddy ground."

Kim complained, making his gears miserable.

Hades smiled. He looked up and as far as he could see, a towering bell tower protruded between the trees, and artificially carved vines were wrapped around the outer wall of the bell tower.

They walked for a while.

The trees gradually became sparse, the sunlight became abundant, and off-white buildings appeared in front of us. In the open space was a large-scale village, where several skitarii were stationed and continued exploration.

"Lord Hades, after our preliminary judgment, this should be a village for agricultural production and education."

The Skitarii captain in front of him was dutifully telling Hades about the results of their previous explorations.

"Currently, Team 785 of the Skitarii has not found anything related to the black stone device you are interested in here."

"The previous sages have obtained some agricultural machinery technology here. Apart from this, there is probably no other useful technology here." Hades blinked. He had never seen agriculture and education integrated. This made him a little interested. The exploration team was just about to take a break here, so Hades took the opportunity to stroll around. Jin went to dry the moisture in his cables, and Sage Kirkland was not in the team this time. The cautious sage would never leave before he sorted out all his life-saving devices. The Crusaders were always in Hades' sight, so Hades strolled around quite at ease. Low white bungalows formed the main body of this village, and most of these houses were used for accommodation and living. It looked like an ordinary large rural village. However, when Hades walked to the other end of the village, things changed. There was a rustling sound. Hades raised his gun and leaned forward--some small mobile machines were busy shuttling between the bungalows, and most of them were fruits and other things? Those strange-looking carts carrying food emerged from the forest and left tirelessly in another direction.

The Crusaders sent earlier turned a blind eye to this and continued their search.

"What is this?"

Hades looked at the small convoy carrying food in front of him and was very confused.

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