Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 119 108 War preparation, about to break out

Chapter 119 108. War preparation, on the verge of breaking out


Preparations for the Garaspar attack were underway nervously, and Mortarion patiently but somewhat annoyed stood on the command podium above the large simulation room.

You need patience and time to sharpen a blade that can cut the throat of an entire galaxy.

This thought somewhat soothed Mortarion's angry mind.

But as soon as he thought of the tyrant's whip being whipped over other people's heads every moment, Mortarion couldn't help but feel unhappy again.

He had experienced that feeling, that unforgettable anger, that pain that flowed into his soul, that was eroding him all the time, teasing his weakness and ridicule.

No one can arbitrarily dominate others, and no one can vent their emotions into other people's lives wantonly.

Someone has to overthrow tyranny.

He chewed on these words, just as he had stood in the poison gas of Barbarus many years ago, looking at the lord's fortress in the distance.

If you didn't do it,

Then, that person will be him.

Under the hood of the Lord of Death, in the shadows, a pair of dark golden amber eyes stared at the audience.

The largest simulation room of Endurance is currently filled with chemical gases simulating the main star of Galaspa.

Thousands of Death Guards are conducting military exercises at the moment.

The bone-white shuttles silently between the poisonous gases, silently, methodically, but very quickly, without a word. The Death Guards changed their queues in tacit understanding and marched at extremely fast speeds.

Although in the original destiny, when the Death Guard was mentioned, everyone in the empire would think of their position as heavy infantry.

But in reality, the Death Guard earned their name because of their anvil-like battle line.

In infantry combat, they are also famous for their rapid marches.

Mortarion also valued time.

He looked at the formations forming multiple circles below, silently pondering the strategic analysis in his mind.

These circular formations will be the only barrier they can rely on in the unprotected wilderness.

If the war enters the third phase, then this is the last way the Death Guard can survive.

It doesn't matter.

Either the tyrant dies or they die.

Mortarion raised a hand in gesture.

The formation of Death Guards that had been constantly shuttling suddenly changed, the circle was locked, and groups of three suddenly pierced out of the circle.

The spikes alternated, pierced and retracted, tearing apart the enemies surrounding them with lightning speed, and then returned to the team protecting them.

Soon, the enemy's corpses were all over the ground, and they gained enough space to allow the Death Guard to breathe for a few seconds.

A few seconds are enough to decide life or death.

Mortarion smiled under the gas mask, obviously satisfied with the results of this exercise.

The first company commander Balazin on the side came over in time to report to him on the transformation of the fleet.

For months, plasma cutters gleamed on Endurance's bulkheads.

Technical sergeants and mechanical priests shuttled among various ships with their servitors, doing their best to complete the mission of the original body.

The tedious transformation tasks piled up together outline Mortarion's ambitions.

The transformation of the assault ship Fourth Knight went very smoothly. The arresting thrusters were modified to allow it to accelerate to the extreme in a short time. The main bow was thickened and the entire hull was reinforced to prevent the ship from being pushed to the extreme. Falling apart at speed.

The other ships had their side strings thickened one after another, and the artillery fire was concentrated on the side strings.

After Barazin finished his report, Vox also stepped forward and reported to Mortarion the mission he was responsible for.

Vox was the first Barbarian to hold a managerial position, a good lad from the south, and Mortarion smiled and encouraged him to continue.

"The Terminus, leading the other ships, has completed 63% of the asteroid collection mission. Among them, 32% of the asteroids have been completely processed and reached the detonation standard."

good very good.

This was a slower step in Mortarion's plan, and he was pleased to see Vox speeding up the task to a satisfactory pace.

Mortarion looked at Vox, waiting patiently for the boy to finish his report.

He looked at his pale skin, a unique symbol of Barbarus descent.

This is a symbol of the poisonous atmosphere they live in.

Mortarion listened to Vox's report, his thoughts far away.

Not to mention Hades, Karas was also a good candidate for management.

Unfortunately, after that incident, Mortarion had to deal with him coldly.

But after that, Karas had no contact with psychic powers, much to Mortarion's satisfaction.

Let's take advantage of this battle to bring Karas back to be a Death Shroud.

Hopefully Karas survives this battle.

No, Karas would survive, he was the cleverest of them all.

Mortarion just frowned without any trace. No, he would not scare Vox who was reporting.

There is no news about Hades returning to the team.

Mortarion also today scorned the warp's unstable communications and connections.

Planet Sigma 373.

Hades stood on the city wall, staring at the scenery in front of him in a daze. Countless buildings lined up in rows and rows lined up on both sides of the street. As far as the eye could see, a black corner of the tall wall built as a religion was exposed. .

"Sir, there is no need to lament, the rise and fall of civilizations are determined."

Yade stood beside Hades and was responsible for Hades's security mission.

Although many people would liken the Skitarii, who are highly mechanized and have sage control codes implanted in their brains, to high-level servitors, in fact, the Skitarii have their own personalities.

Because of their faith, or simply to live, they chose to become Skitarii.

After hearing Yad's conversation, Jin, who was collecting data next to him, made several small electric sounds, as if to say that Hades was definitely not thinking about this.

"Ah, no."

"Thank you for your words."

Hades blinked slowly, thanking the Skitarii for their sense of responsibility for protecting his psychological safety, but in reality he was judging the offensive and defensive possibilities of the city's streets.

The streets extend in all directions, but are relatively narrow, as if to facilitate pilgrimage, each of them leads directly to the central square of the city.

If you stand in the square in the middle, then if you stand in any building in the city, as long as the range is sufficient, you can attack to the middle.

It is difficult to defend, and at the same time, some of the modified armed slaves brought by Kirkland Sage are difficult to enter.

In fact, most of the armed slave laborers are still slowly being transported here in the forest.

Hades sighed silently.

If you want to stay in the square for investigation in the future, you must take some defensive measures.

Hades looked at the map returned by the drone, and based on his own judgment, he marked several buildings or locations in the city that he felt were strange.

These buildings are either significantly different in structure from other buildings, or they are located at control points that control the entire street.

Let some of the Skitarii go to carefully explore these places first, while Hades followed Sage Kirkland and led another part of the Skitarii to the central square.

By the way, strengthen the defense of the central square, Hades thought.

First reinforce the buildings around the central square, and then clear away the buildings further away to form an open space isolation zone for easy defense.

Instead of studying the black stone obelisk, Hades, whose right eye was twitching wildly, was still thinking about how to deal with the sudden enemy.

Why did he not believe that this was an ordinary exploration?

Hades thought as he continued in his footsteps.

In fact, except for Hades, the closer he got to the Black Stone Obelisk, the more Sage Kirkland devoted himself to the idea of ​​checking the obelisk, completely leaving the task of defense to Hades.

Hades shrugged and accepted the task naturally.

Who told him that he was a little unfounded?


In this hidden corner of the city, like a corner of an abandoned gathering place for hippies, a corner where crazy colorful graffiti and full of funny and joyful art pictures, a tiny ray of fluorescence disappeared.

In the forest, Kirkland Sage and other miscellaneous, modified heavy machinery teams were slowly shuttled along the road opened by the Skitarii.

Beside this team, countless agricultural vehicles are still carrying out their daily tasks of harvesting fruits and applying fertilizer in an orderly manner.

Under the fallen leaves, a hand covered in slime stretched out from the ground.

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading (ω`)

By the way, it's the end of the month. Should I go through the process or ask directly for monthly tickets?



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It’s a good apocryphal seedling, and the writing is superb! Moreover, it is the gender-changed eldest sister Angron, the gentle and tough primarch who leads the Twelfth Legion into the Great Crusade. Those who like war dogs are in luck!

The descriptions in this book tend to be epic with group portraits and drama-oriented. If you like it, don’t miss it! (/≧▽≦)/

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