Chapter 131 123. Gene Seed——! !

Barbarus, now.

Hades looked at the messy battle scene in front of him, took a deep breath, and raised the explosive bomb in his hand.

Beside him, Mortarion also raised his pistol and lantern with a sinister look on his face, and the Deathshrouds were on guard.

They were now walking on the long corridor heading to the Death Guard gene seed warehouse, but the once tidy corridor was now full of bullet marks and corroded marks.

"I really didn't think that anyone would dare to touch the gene seeds of the Death Guard."

Mortarion's whisper came from the channel.

Gene seeds will determine the next generation of the legion and affect the strength of the recruits to a certain extent.

Each gene seed extracted from the previous generation of Space Marines will bring with it the combat experience of this Space Marine, so that the next recruit who receives the organs cultivated from his gene seeds will know a huge amount of combat skills at the beginning of his enlistment. .

And gene seeds are not very stable. Each gene seed may have a "mutation", and the probability and direction of mutation are related to the legion in which it is located.

The gene seeds of some legions have a high probability of mutation, while those of other legions are relatively stable, such as the Fourteenth Legion and the Death Guard.

The directions of mutation are also diverse, some are good and some are bad.

For example, Rogal Dorn's gene-seed will make the Imperial Fists more tolerant of pain, but at the same time their salivary glands will degenerate slightly.

But besides mutations, there is another way to change the impact of gene seeds on the next generation.

That is--


For example, the Third Legion, the Emperor's Children, in the early history of the Legion, a large number of gene-seeds were infected with the Blight, which in turn led to a sharp decline in the Legion's numbers before the original body was recovered.

The importance of gene seeds is self-evident.

If someone deliberately tampered with the Death Guard's gene-seed and they hadn't come back to check and didn't notice it,

Disappointment and fear crept up Mortarion's spine.

Calastiphon. It seems there is something wrong. Why.

The original body was also fortunate to have discovered this problem in time. As long as these gene seeds were destroyed before they were mixed into the Death Guard, it would not cause much damage.

Mortarion glanced at Hades who was rushing ahead. How did he manage to detect these small threats every time?

The closer we get to the gene seed vault, the more obvious the traces of the struggle become. The remains of servitors and skitarii are scattered and lifeless under the walls.

Hold on to the explosive bomb and turn the last corner——

Hades gasped.

The body of a mechanical sage clung to the explosion-proof door, like a giant octopus. His blood-red robe was squeezed by the unfolded weapon until only a corner remained. It slowly rotated, and the muzzle of the machine gun was still emitting smoke. He was pointing pointedly at the visitor.

The entire corridor had been deformed by bullet fire, and bullet casings were piled on the ground as far as the eye could see.

The mechanical sage's face flashed red.

[Reinforcements? 】

A binary cipher text encrypting the Mechanicum's secret code was transmitted to Hades' mind.

However, the next moment, Mortarion's tall body also appeared from the corner. Seeing the original body and realizing that the friendly forces had arrived, the mechanical sage who did not need to defend immediately peeled off the blast door, revealing the sealed ground behind him, which was tightly sealed. explosion-proof door.

It was not until the Mechanical Sage fell to the ground that Hades realized that most of the Sage's basic structure had been corroded and could no longer maintain its basic structure.

After confirming that there were no threats around him, Hades quickly squatted down to give the sage the most basic first aid and deal with the unstable power supply.

After realizing that Hades had no intention of tampering with him, but simply taking care of the most basic structure, the sage allowed Hades to help him repair it, and a hoarse electric sound sounded.

"Lord of the Death Guard, I'm sorry Sage, I can't salute at this moment."

Mortarion looked at the scene in front of him and fell silent. After a long time, he slowly spoke.

"You did well, Sage."

"The Death Guard will thank you."

"Thank you, sir, now let me describe the previous battle for you."

"I am a biological sage druid. In the Mechanicus, I am responsible for the cultivation of gene seeds of the Death Guard and the docking of pharmacists. I am also responsible for part of the biological transformation of Barbarus."

"One Barbarus Standard Day ago, a Death Guard pharmacist who called himself Raton came to me and asked to inspect the next batch of gene seeds to be implanted into Death Guard recruits, as well as the culture system of other organs."

"He gave me the Death Guard's seal and secret message. Sage, I checked it many times and confirmed that it was a valid seal for recruiting recruits for the Death Guard, so I chose to take this pharmacist to the gene seed bank. "

Hades glanced at Mortarion, who decisively ignored him.

"Just in case, I added a seven-fold screening scan in the corridor in front of each gene seed bank. However, when we passed the third inspection, the data from the detector showed that the pharmacist was carrying Carrying potions that may contain psychic radiation."

Mortarion frowned.

"Sage, I originally thought these were some of the pharmacist's own medicines. Pharmacists do have the habit of preparing private medicines, but according to the "Gene Seed Preservation Regulations", radioactive medicines must be removed."

"So I asked him to keep the potion."

"But he rejected my request and immediately launched an attack."

"The pharmacist was manipulating some psychic skills to attack, which caused most of the cathars and servitors around me to be injured, and he successfully pressed to the last line of defense in front of the gene seed library."

"But I, the sage, finally defended it. The sage is sure that his two lungs were pierced in the end, and the pharmacist quickly escaped."

"Since all the servitors and cathars were killed before, in order to protect this place, I chose to defend here and wait for reinforcements to arrive."

"But the distress signal you sent was not received."

Hades slowly spoke while tightening a screw.

In fact, before Hades proposed to go to the gene seed library, Hades was surprised to find that all the relevant personnel in charge of this area had been cleverly transferred away. That Laton used Karas's power to recruit new Death Guard soldiers to send everyone away.

If the druid sage did not choose to continue defending, it is very likely that the pharmacist would kill a sneak attack.

But. Pharmacist Laton.

Where did he come from? Hades began to quickly recall his memories of the Death Guard.

Finally, his memory stopped at the afternoon when the think tank library was burned. He stood in the disinfection room. Outside the glass of the disinfection room, a group of pharmacists were supervising him to disinfect.

That man was there, at the back of those pharmacists.

He was staring at him with interest.

Thanks for subscribing, happy reading (_)

There will be another update tonight, I will code it

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