Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 14 13. South (Signed! Wuhu!)

Barbarus, Southern Swamp.


Hades was holding the scythe and lying down near the farmland sleeping in a strange posture. In the simple little camp he had just set up, the flames were extinguished and there was a slight smoke.

It's daytime in Barbarus, and the nearby farmers are out farming with their farm tools. The farmers are talking and laughing, but they all silently stay away from Hades' position in a tacit understanding.

Those were the strange wanderers who almost went south together with the Death Guard.

At first, the villagers were quite disgusted with this mysterious man who wandered around the village from time to time. He looked extremely malicious, and just looking at it from a distance was annoying.

But when the villagers applied to the local Death Guards to expel the mysterious man, they received unanimous silence from these people.

"That man is not a bad person. His name is Hades."

Even so, the villagers cautiously avoided the man.

But then they realized the silent truth behind the Death Guard's words.

When the screams at night gradually faded away, the villagers who went to farm with their carriages early the next morning saw an incredible scene——

Broken limbs were randomly scattered all over the ground, and blood was flowing all over the ground. The wheat seedlings were trampled to pieces, and the expressions of disbelief were condensed on the alien's broken head.

A pungent smell came from the wheat field.

Next to this wheat field that looked like a drawing from hell, a man was holding a sickle, half-cupping his chin, and snoring.

The silver-white blade was still stained with sticky red blood, and the hooded man's body seemed to be soaked in blood. Soaked in this thick plasma, several scratches were clearly visible on his limbs. visible.

He is the god of death!

The villagers who were frightened and even trembling wildly looked at all this in shock, and the man seemed to be disturbed - he woke up from his sleep in surprise.

"Ah, I'm sorry for destroying your wheat fields, haha, uh. I'm really sorry. I originally wanted to lure them out, but it didn't work."

The man laughed awkwardly, as if trying to lighten the mood.

Obviously, his move failed.

"I will help you plant to make up for it! Really! I'm so sorry!"

This world must be false. He actually saw the God of Death apologizing. This was what the villager with the carriage thought before he fainted.


After that, the villagers called this mysterious man "the dead soul" with respect and fear.

Of course they did not dare to accept the apology and compensation from Hades.

Not only that, they would also regularly send some extra grain to this strange revenant. Whenever the revenant went out, the villagers would set up a dead tree next to the small triangular nest he built the day before. Another bag of grain is tied to it.

The revenant spent most of the day sleeping to replenish his energy for the night battle. But sometimes, he would hold the huge sickle in his arms, sit on the ridge of the field and silently watch the villagers cultivate.

Some children will stand curiously and look at this strange man from a distance. If their parents are busy farming and do not pay attention to their children, those brave children will sneak over.

The dead soul seems to be very happy for the children to play with him. He will take out a handful of roasted wheat, sit there and wave his hands, calling the children over.

--but no child ever succeeded in reaching him.

Without exception, those brave children will feel dizzy and unable to breathe when they get close to the dead soul. They run away crying, leaving the dead soul sitting alone.

The man twisted his head in embarrassment, then silently put away his fried wheat, and continued to sit at the head of the field watching the children cry away, while their parents looked at the dead souls in fear from a distance.

Every time the crying children ran back, they were inevitably beaten by their anxious and frightened parents, who then hugged them tightly and stroked their backs over and over again to comfort them.

In the distance are the silent souls of the dead, but here is the smell of human fireworks.



The Death Guard who first arrived in the south complained a lot about Hades.

Why should I have to work so hard to build a defensive village and have my limelight stolen by that person who wanders alone at night killing enemies?

He spent one night harvesting three groups of wandering monsters and defending three small villages close to each other, while the Death Guard reinforced all the nearby medium and large human strongholds.

Some good people suggested that the Death Guard should also take the initiative to attack at night. After all, instead of the north, the monsters in the south were more vulnerable.

With a strange glint in his eyes, Karastifon approved the proposal of a group of war-minded and good-for-nothing individuals.

However, this team of five people was attacked on the first night. Although they successfully repelled the slave-catching team, three people were seriously injured.


In the summary of the meeting after this, Karastifon walked around the sand table leisurely,

"You have also seen that Hades does have the ability to survive in the wild."

"Although I know that everyone here is disgusted with him, after all, we are all members of the Death Guard, and our goal is to repel the alien lords who enslave the people."

"The Death Guard never seeks fame in vain. The meaning of our existence is to liberate mankind."

"And, Hades——"

Karastifon stopped, paused, and looked at the Death Guard captains who were sitting in a circle in the room, listening silently.

"He can relieve us of the pressure from the lord. After all, another goal of our southward march is to unite other human villages, so that we can devote more time and energy."

"Talk to those village chiefs who are unwilling to cooperate with us."

Typhon was thinking in his mind that some villages in the south would be given some technology as a reward after surrendering to the aliens, and some of them were anti-poison technology and weapon technology.

However, as time passed, those Death Guards who once had complaints also fell silent.

Hades took the initiative to find the Death Guard leader Typhon to talk. He was going to a nearby mountain to kill the lord.

"Are you crazy?! Do you really think you can kill a lord alone? Do you really regard that fluke as your own strength? You are not Mortarion! Hades! Don't be stupid!!!"

Typhon shouted at Hades at the other end of the room in disbelief. For some reason, Hades insisted that the distance between them should be outside a range.

"I'm not crazy. I'm sure I can do this. I've fully anticipated it." Hades's black pupils hidden under the hood stared at Typhon. Typhon's heart trembled. He took a deep breath and continued to speak, "Hades Hades, Hades, I... I know I always disliked you before. Yes, I disliked you, but after all, we three escaped together." "We are Death Guards, comrades-in-arms. Although we have had friction with each other, we are still friends after all, aren't we?" Typhon looked back at Hades. Hades didn't speak. He just nodded slightly, and the hood covered his eyes again. "So, listen to my advice, don't go, okay, don't go." "You are not Mortarion. No one can do this on Barbarus except him." Hades stood up, and the things on his body jingled with his movements. He bowed slightly to Typhon. "Thank you for your kindness, Typhon. I'm glad we're still friends."

"But I've made up my mind to leave."


After that, Typhon saw countless chopped-off alien heads.

Damn, that monster.

Shit! I signed! I'm a newbie! I'm a newbie! Shit! I signed! ! ! Shit! ! !

Shit! ! ! Brothers and sisters, please ...

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