Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 146 138 Cry to them for poverty!

Chapter 146 138. Cry to them!

Dense streams of data flew across the screen, and Hades was staring at them intently.

The report on the ore in the Graai world has been handed in, and the reply from the Mechanical Sage is to wait a moment.

Hades was not in a hurry. After all, he was very busy with the construction of the Light Star Ring, so he looked at the sages with a smile and watched the sages hurriedly packing their various experimental equipment, and they were in danger of running away. a feeling of.

It can be seen that these sages are about to collapse under the wonderful experimental environment of Barbarus.

Hades blinked and refocused on the screen as the information flowed through.

Star rings with white noise selected on screen.

According to Hades' initial negotiation with the sages, the Barbarus ring will host 95% of the current population of the planet.

The manufacturing industry on the star ring will develop and refine again, and it will not be limited to previous manufacturing products.

Hades decided to allocate part of the legion's living supplies to the Barbarus Star Ring. Although this is not a lot for an industrial planet with full firepower, it is relatively thin for the Barbarus Star Ring. The population is completely sufficient.

Regarding the positioning of the Barbarians, rather than the tough peasant warriors that Mortarion wanted, Hades hoped that the Barbarians could be given some education.

Under the management model of most planets, a small group of society's elite nobles can receive education.

However, there is no class at all in Barbarus now, so there is no such thing as education being monopolized by class.

But Barbarus has no such thing as education!

In the tradition of Barbarus, books and education have always been the patent of the alien lords. The only education available to humans is that some craftsmen can learn some basic necessary skills from the previous generation.

To a certain extent, Mortarion was really the most educated among the rebels at the time, because this guy was raised by an alien adoptive father and had read a lot of books.

But what he was looking at... well... probably 80% of it was numerology.

Therefore, what the Death Guard Corps lacks most is educated people.

The first is the recruitment planets of the Death Guard. The Fourteenth Legion will not only have two recruitment planets, Barbarus and Galaspa. In the future, with the increase of recruitment planets, the demand for administrative personnel will also surge.

In fact, regarding the current administrative management of Barbarus and Galaspa, the Death Guard has mobilized all personnel with administrative capabilities to manage, but it cannot meet the current large personnel gap.

Mainly in Garaspa, Mortarion hanged all the administrative staff in Garaspa, and the gap was suddenly too big.

Barbarus was okay at first, because it had always been a small village with two large strongholds, which were also managed by the Death Guard.

But when the cities on the star ring rise, all kinds of administrative management must also keep up.

We can't turn Barbarus Star Ring into a city like the Undernest.

Secondly, in addition to the need for educated personnel for administrative staff, the military quality of selected personnel for the relevant legions also needs to be further improved.

In Macragge, run by the primarch Guilliman who loved farming, a military school was set up, and the selection of ultramarines was directly from these schools.

Hades felt that it was necessary to learn from this. The setting up of the military school could at least ensure a stable reserve force.

But if he wants to engage in education, it cannot be achieved just by thinking about it.

First of all, Hades had to find a way to recruit a group of educated people elsewhere, and secondly, he had to get some learning materials and so on.

Hades looked at the Barbarus people, who had basically zero education, and the Garaspa people, who had zero education, and fell into a life of deep doubt.

After careful consideration, Hades decisively approached Mortarion.

"We need to apply to the Empire for a group of educated officials for the logistics construction of the Death Guard."

Mortarion looked at Hades with a ghostly expression on his face,


"Why should the Empire intervene?"

Hades choked.

Because Barbarus and Galaspar couldn't find anyone who matched them.

If you hire someone from a nearby galaxy, you will most likely be cheated.

Those educated nobles and elites who have taken good care of themselves at home would have nothing to do to come to a place like Barbarus.

So. Then go find Malcador and the Emperor to cry poverty!

Hades looked at Mortarion seriously. The legion commander was obviously still approving Garaspa's documents just now.

"Because we need to go to the front lines and fight the war, not behind the scenes approving documents."


Mortarion put down the document in his hand, pulled out a piece of paper, and began drafting a letter to the Emperor.

Mortarion couldn't stand it for a long time. Although he couldn't understand that Hades had been busy recruiting people and building education recently, but since it was Hades who proposed it, then go to the empire to ask for something. There is a high probability that it is not a loss-making transaction.

Besides, Mortarion had been unhappy for a long time since the last time his brothers came to see him for the first time.

The emperor had promised him that he would meet a "confidant" brother.

Mortarion originally thought that he could really meet a human like him.

They are all capable, ambitious, and have similar interests. Perhaps Mortarion has always had some unrealistic illusions about those brothers who, like himself, are completely incompatible with mortals, just like when he joined Same as empire.

But obviously, apart from being much larger than mortals, Mortarion didn't see any similarities between his "biological" brothers and himself. It was even more difficult for him to imagine someone who was much stronger than himself, and who was always flooding with sympathy. The "new brother" in my heart, what can we have in common?

The Emperor had clearly lied to him again.

A dishonest liar.

Mortarion cursed secretly in his mind.

Hades looked at the letter he wrote to Malcador with satisfaction, the encrypted words densely clinging to the paper.

Although Hades didn't understand the unified standards for official letters from the empire (there's a high probability that such a thing doesn't exist at all), he still felt that he wrote this letter well!

At the beginning of the letter, he briefly expressed condolences to Machado, and then began a long greeting.

Hades actually wanted to ask Malcador face to face why he had promised to be a good untouchable person, but all the things he sent over were crooked melons and cracked dates, but after all, he could not face Malcador directly, so Hades used his own strength. The conversational skills he used to surf the Internet for many years in his previous life express his tactful dissatisfaction with this group of untouchables.

Malcador must be able to see through his little tricks at a glance. Hades mainly just wanted to make him sick and had no other intention.

Then there is a lot of incomprehensible nonsense, expressing the difficulty of the Death Guard's current situation, the sadness of Barbarus who will die in the next second, and the greatness of Mortarion's Legion Commander who wants to kill psykers every day. consciousness.

Finally, at the end of the new chapter, Hades tactfully mentioned that the Legion has been in difficulty recently and needs supplies and talents. The Death Guard really needs educated officials who can teach others.

Just in case, Haddish went out of his way to highlight what the minimum definition of these “educated talents” is.

By the way, he also urged the Black Ship in this letter. If the Sisters of Silence don't come again, Hades will stuff little Herrera into the Death Guard's establishment.

Final signature.

Hades, you write well!

But he still had a conscience, so Hades thoughtfully added at the top of the letter

"If time is urgent, you can just watch the last paragraph" is a thoughtful slogan.

Hades silently sealed the letter and handed it to the messenger.

I hope that when Malcador reads this letter and sees the Death Guard, this group of crooked and untouchable people, his remaining conscience will feel a little painful.

But Malcador obviously had no conscience. Many days later, Hades looked at this group of crooked "educated talents" and once again fell into deep thought.

Malcador also gave Hades an additional secret pattern of his. Looking at the shimmering secret pattern, Hades felt that Malcador was mocking him.

On the other hand, Mortarion's confident, almost scolding letter was sent to the Emperor, which caused the Death Guard to usher in a new wave of transport ships from Mars. Many ships were lost in the Battle of Galaspar. It was quickly replenished, and a lot of supplies were obtained.

The world is so different.

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading (_)

to be continued→

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