Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 159 151 Have you seen that death shroud?

Chapter 159 151. Did you see the death shroud?

The whistling airdrop pods tore through the dry air of the vast mining planet, the flames wrapped around the fine steel, the luster flashed across the sickle blade, and death descended with them.

In the small and violently shaking space, Hades sat silently in his seat, and the obituary lay quietly in his hands.

He will be the first batch of Death Guards to land, following the main airborne force of the Iron Warriors to land behind No. 03.

Due to the mutual incompatibility between Mortarion and Perturabo, Perturabo resolutely decided that the Iron Warriors would be the first wave of ground landing troops.

The Lord of Steel believed that the Pale King was provoking him, so he sent his fine steel as the vanguard.

Mortarion did not receive Perturabo's point at all, Mortarion just chose the wave of airdrop pods that he could land the fastest.

Due to the persuasion of other Death Guards, Mortarion gave up the plan to land as the first batch of Death Guards, and instead landed after the Death Guards landed and mastered the local terrain.

Hades still remembered that several Death Guards found him at that time, hoping that he would persuade Mortarion not to rush too fast.

At that time, in the Battle of Galaspar, the scene of the Primarch abandoning his army and rushing directly into the enemy was too shocking for the Death Guards.

For the Legion, the symbolic significance of the Primarch is greater than the combat capability of a single soldier, so Mortarion was decisively persuaded to come down.

After the airdrop of the Iron Warriors, the first wave of airdropped Death Guards was naturally handed over to Hades to lead.


After a short and violent shake, the air hissed into the cabin, the dazzling sunlight and the wind and sand tore in together, the blades were unsheathed, and the bullets were loaded.

Hades strode out of the airdrop chamber and commanded the first batch of Death Guards to join the battlefield in the channel.

[The first team of Death Guards all arrived at the target point. 】

Hades said to Dantioch, the commander of the Iron Warriors, as the first batch of reinforcements arrived.

Dantioch breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. As the first batch of personnel to land and open up the landing point, he was under a lot of pressure.

Perturabo only gave him enough personnel to occupy the landing point.

And as the Death Guard, who were obviously more numerous than the Iron Warriors, joined the battle line, they immediately relieved a lot of pressure for the Iron Warriors.

Flames spewed from the muzzles of the Death Guards.

Dantioch was a little surprised to realize that compared to his brothers who would shout war cries, these white and green warriors joined the battle line silently, side by side in the temporary trenches built by the Iron Warriors. Except for the sound of gunfire and dull footsteps, the Death Guards did not make any sound.

The occasional sound of electricity in the channel reminded the Iron Warriors that these Death Guards had opened a public communication channel.

But. No sound.

Only when necessary, there would be a short communication sentence transmitted within the Death Guard, which also reminded the Iron Warriors.

But Hades, the commander of the Death Guard, was not silent like most of the Death Guard. Clear High Gothic sounded in the channel, reporting the current situation of the Death Guard and intelligence about the enemy.

[Well done, brothers. ]

[Now we will take over the battlefield. ]

Hades' voice sounded.

[Okay. ]

Dantioch agreed straightforwardly.

Originally, the main force of this landing battle was the Death Guard, but under Perturabo's insistence, it became the Iron Warriors who landed in the first batch.

The performance of the Iron Warriors led by Dantioch in taking the airdrop point after the first landing was enough to prove their strength.

There was no need for them to continue to entangle. Compared with Perturabo who didn't care about the number of casualties, Dantioch hoped that every drop of blood flowing would be valuable.

What's more, Dantioch remembered the communication from a brother who had just returned from Mars when he was about to enter the drop chamber. In that short communication, the brother told him that he must make friends with Hades, the Death Shroud on the opposite side, and as long as they fight together, they don't have to worry about the running-in problem, because this Death Shroud has a good temper? Dantioch was surprised. According to the time when this brother returned from Mars, this Death Guard named Hades climbed to the top of the Death Guard in a very short time after returning from Mars? ! Such a person must be a warrior with extremely outstanding means, but outsiders evaluate him as having a good temper? Thinking of Hades's private communication to him before, and Hades's report afterwards, Dantioch became more curious about this rather sturdy Death Shroud. Hades' performance was also quite competent. He shared the latest battlefield intelligence in a timely manner, commanded the Death Guard to gradually replace the Iron Warriors, and the tactics he chose were also safe first. At present, the experience of cooperating with Hades can be ranked in the top three of "Dantioch's most wanted cooperation".

Hades's command is impersonal, no nonsense, extremely high information density, and the tactics he chooses are also in line with Dantioch's preferences.

In the cooperation with other legions, some commanders talk a lot, which Dantioch doesn't like.

What Dantioch doesn't know is that Hades will also praise the Iron Warriors a few more words in the subsequent report. If he knew this now, he would definitely put Hades at the top of the list of "Dantioch's most wanted cooperation".

The Death Guard began to slowly but firmly advance the front line, and the Iron Warriors who withdrew from the front began to build trenches.

Their current landing point is behind a hill behind the Necron Underworld forging group. The Iron Warriors relied on the terrain and a wave of air fire support before their landing to stop here.

The soldiers who landed here need to attack between these tall black stone buildings, find and try to destroy the shield system on the opposite side, and then call for a second wave of precision fire support.

Before they entered the complex, Perturabo calculated that the Iron Warriors' aerial forces could provide them with a bombardment of firepower, opening a gap for the Death Guard and Iron Warriors in the densely packed Necron infantry.

After this bombardment is over, Mortarion will land with a second wave of Death Guards and lead them to capture the target point.

But so far, the Iron Warriors' Stormbirds are still fighting with those sickle-shaped aircraft in the air, and their competing metal bodies are exposed from time to time in the yellow sand in the sky.

After the Iron Warriors briefly gained air superiority and covered the landing of the airdrop pod, the seat in the sky quickly changed hands.

Both sides are fiercely competing for air supremacy, and the side that successfully holds air supremacy for half a standard time can launch a large-scale fire bombing on the ground.

Therefore, the imperial troops on the ground must have trenches that can avoid bombing. Dantioch commanded some Iron Warriors to start digging trenches, while other Iron Warriors continued to fight.

The good news is that it won't be long before the Iron Warriors dominate the air again.

On another battlefield, the Iron Warriors and Grae's Skitarii are fighting hard. They will hold back the Necron's main force and armored forces. At the same time, the vanguard force will try to join the airborne troops and open up a path for the airborne troops. Evacuation route.

【Prepare for close combat! Get sick! 】

At present, most of the enemies faced by the airborne troops are still Necron infantry, and the best solution for dealing with Necron infantry is close combat.

Seeing that the number of Necrons coming to attack began to decrease, Hades decisively commanded some Death Guards to come out, rush out of the trenches under the fire cover of the remaining Death Guards, and meet the enemy in close combat.

Hades didn't waste any words. He rushed out first with his scythe. His body, which was originally taller than others, was extremely flexible at this moment. The finely crafted backpack behind him spurted bullets and plasma beams, allowing Hades to easily block attacks from a distance. .

The breath was long and steady, Hades turned the sickle and cut, metal collided, and the teeth-searing sounds came one after another. The obituary touched the body of the undead metal, and a burst of sparks flew up.

The Dark Domain is of no use to them.

Hades observed the Necron that he had cut off, but his mechanical body and stiff expression told him that this kind of creature had no soul.


Realizing this, Hades no longer wasted his brainpower on it. He observed the battlefield situation while harvesting the enemy.

However, the moment Hades first came into contact with the Necron——

Deep in the tomb, Gaseros, who was talking to himself at the moment, suddenly looked up.

"I said, of course I will defeat him in the end."

"Nas, you're wrong."

But Nass could no longer hear the king's words. The Necron ship he led was slowly floating in space at the moment.

The weak Star God fragment message was cut off.

Nas looked at the detector and thought silently.

And the last location where this information exists is——

Under the protection of a group of Iron Warriors and Death Guard ships, the Fourth Knight was preparing for the second airdrop.

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